| | | |

|A |Samantha bought five shirts and just enough buttons to decorate her shirts. If B is | |K |The flute players in the band sit in the first 2 rows. The same number of flute players sit |

| |the number of buttons she plans to put on each shirt, how many buttons will she use? | | |in each row. If F is the total number of flute players in the band, how many sit in each row?|

| | | |

|B |Aaron has 6 more vacation days than Rachel. If v represents the number of vacation days| |L |Devon earned $2 more than Julie. If D is the amount in dollars that Julie earned, how much did|

| |Rachel has, how many vacation days does Aaron have? | | |Devon earn? |

| | | |

|C | | |M | |

| |Carter sold five fewer boxes of cookies than Brad. If B is the number of boxes Brad | | |Stephen spent $2 on a notebook. If D is the amount of money that he started with, how much |

| |sold, how many boxes of cookies did Carter sell? | | |does Stephen have left? |

| | | | |

|D |There are 2 fewer trumpet players in the band than flute players. If F is the number of| |N |Nathan has 6 times more vacation days than Matthew. If s represents the number of |

| |flute players in the band, how many trumpet players are there? | | |vacation days Matthew has, how many vacation days does Nathan have? |

| | | |

|E |There are 2 times as many flute players in the band as trombone players. If F is the | |O |Harry found five new bugs for his collection today. If B is the number of bugs he had |

| |number of trombone players in the band, how many flute players are there? | | |yesterday, how many does he have now? |

| | | |

|F | | |P | |

| |Destiny ate 3 fewer pretzels than Elena. If p represents the number of pretzels Elena | | |William’s age is 9 times Susan’s age. If Susan’s age is s, how old is William? |

| |ate, how many pretzels did Destiny eat? | | | |

| | | |

|G |Gabriel earns $2 each time he washes the family car. If D is the total amount of money | |Q |The math club makes $2 on each box of dominoes that it sells. If D is the number of boxes of |

| |that he earned last year by washing the car, how many times did he wash the car? | | |dominoes that the club sold, how much did it make in all? |

| | | | | |

|H |Cydney bought five of each kind of bagel a bakery had in stock. If B is the number of | |R |There are 2 more drummers in the band than flute players. If F is the number of flute players |

| |kinds of bagels the bakery had, how many bagels did Cydney buy? | | |in the band, how many drummers are there? |

| | | | | |

|I |Tamika collected 7 fewer seashells than Cynsere. If S is the number of seashells that | |S |Raemaad needs 7 seashells more to complete his collection. If S is the number of seashells he |

| |Cynsere collected, how many did Tamika collect? | | |has so far, how many will he have after he gets 7 more? |

| | | | | |

|J |Amesha collected 7 more seashells than Derryl. If S is the number of seashells that | |T |Kelly filled 7 boxes with seashells. If S is the number of seashells she put in each box, how |

| |Derryl collected, how many did Amesha collect? | | |many seashells did she use in all? |

| | | | | |


Copy and cut apart one sort for each group of 4 students.

Give each group a set of cards and 4 sheets of paper labeled addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.

Have students place the cards in one pile face down on one of the desks.

Each student gets one sheet of the labeled paper.

Each student picks a card one at a time:

• One student from the group picks a card and reads while the group listens.

• Together the group decides how to solve the problem, and then places the card on that sheet of paper.

• Another student picks the second card….

• …the same process is repeated until all the cards have been placed in one of the four categories

Checking the Answers:

Optional Step—Have the students record the letters of the problems for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division on and index card and give it to you so that you can check each group’s accuracy after the lesson.

Use the PowerPoint to check the answer and help students identify the open sentence that will solve the problem.

Next Steps

Consider assigning each student or pair of students a problem to demonstrate or explain. Students can use:

• Words * A picture they have drawn * Manipulatives * Any combination of these.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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