
TEDBURN ST MARY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD on MONDAY 2nd November 2020 at 7.30 pm HELD REMOTELY USING ONLINE VIDEOPRESENT: Chair Cllr L Bellshaw & Cllrs P Moody, M Jones, J Herdman, J Moore, J Putt, L Taylor and Devon County Cllr J Brook (part) and J Clark (Clerk). Open Forum An opportunity for members of the public to make representations, answer questions and give evidence in respect of any item of business on the agenda, or any matter of interest to the parish; 7.35 pm – 8pm prior to start of the meeting and limited to 25 minutes in total. Subjects raised that are not on the agenda and that require a vote will be deferred to the next meeting. Nothing raised. Open Forum closed at 1935. Apologies and reasons for absence. Cllrs P Bromell remote access issues, Cllr M Rodda attending wedding ceremony. Approved. Cllr Authers Ward.Declaration of Interests. Cllr J Putt declared an interest in the planning application for Great Huish Farm |(item 6)To approve the minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 5th October 2020. APPROVED. Proposed Cllr J Moore and seconded Cllr P Moody. UNANIMOUS Correspondence. Following the last meeting, when Cllr Purser, warned us about scam companies contacting people regarding the Green Homes Grant scheme, the clerk was contacted by a parishioner that wished to say she had benefited from the scheme and although it is important to be aware of scams that if the approved companies are used the grant can be extremely beneficial. The clerk was also asked if the loss of the rural skip service will be permanent and will there be any offer of a replacement service of some kind? The Chair confirmed that rural skip service is cancelled for 2021 but that we do not know what the long-term future is and will update as soon as Teignbridge District Council (TDC) has made a decision. The Chair updated the meeting regarding a query about sewage capacity in the village. Cllr Bellshaw reported that South West Water assured the council that if further houses were built in the village then this should not put a strain on the sewage infrastructure. However, a parishioner is currently experiencing problems and Cllr Bellshaw raised this with South West Water who are going to respond at a later date.Planning - 20/01732/FUL - Floyte Cottage, Tedburn St Mary. Demolition of outbuilding and construction of a dwelling. The planning committee reported this is outside the development zone. It is currently an unused stable and the point was made that if everyone who has an outbuilding?could?convert?it?to a dwelling then countryside development would change the landscape and place extra pressure on infrastructure. No agricultural need is given in the application and it is felt the application is not sustainable.NOT SUPPORTED. Proposed Cllr Herdman and seconded Cllr P Moody, UNANIMOUS 20/01856/OUT - Land Adjacent to Chapel Cottage, Tedburn St Mary. Outline - residential development of up to two dwellings (approval sought for access). SUPPORTED. Proposed Cllr M Jones and seconded Cllr J Moore. Vote - for 4 and against 2.20/01925/FUL – Great Huish Farm, Tedburn St Mary. Conversion of agricultural building to a unit of holiday accommodation. The planning committee advised TDC planning team are concerned about access. There is an existing holiday let? that has been operating? for the past 9 years and there has not been any issue with accessing and leaving the site. The owners give clear instructions on how to exit safely. Recommendation was to support the application. SUPPORTED Proposed Cllr Herdman and seconded Cllr J ~Moore. Vote - for 4 and against 1.? One abstention due to declaration of interest20/01926/LBC – Great Huish Farm, Tedburn St Mary. Conversion of agricultural building to a unit of holiday accommodation. Proposed Cllr and seconded Cllr AS ABOVE20/00230/Full.? Application by SW Refrigeration at Devon View. Originally, this application was not supported by the parish council and The Chair reported that the application is still live. The Chair said that this application is inappropriate for the area and will bring additional heavy traffic onto both the Whitestone and Tedburn St Mary roads and recommended that the council put in another objection. A discussion ensued. With their knowledge of the local area, councillors believe the development is totally incompatible with the countryside.? Its current site on Marsh Barton is far more suitable.? Similar points were made in the original objection. The current site for this business houses many containers; the company buys and sells bulk tanks in addition to the service work it carries out on these large vessels and these would need to be transported and stored and delivered. The planned site is?close to Heath Cross, high on a hill on a country road accessed over a narrow stone bridge. This is eminently unsuitable for such a business.?There are many objections to the development showing on the application website page. The Parish Council wishes, once more, to register its objection; and for?emphasis points out that site is set in an area of outstanding natural beauty. It was agreed to send a letter of objection with the above comments. Clerk to action. Proposed Cllr Bellshaw and seconded Cllr P Moody. UNANIMOUSSBX/DCC/4101/2018 Application by Lower Hare Farm update. Cllr Moody for the planning committee reports. Decision on this application will be early in December. The District Planning Committee will be visiting the site on Wed. November the 4th. Stop Another Whitestone Landfill (STAWL) are continuing to oppose this application. There appears to be no construction management plan in place, no information of sources of the imported soil and the conclusion from the Land Quality Report published on the 19th October 2020 concluded that the quality of the land at the application site of Lower Hare Farm is limited by gradient and wetness to Subgrade 3b and grade 4 and would not constitute Best and Most Versatile Land (BVL). There is no prospect of the agricultural land being improved. The impact on the road system is huge with there being no obvious easy way to access the site. There has been a complete disregard for the small mammals, protected bats, ground nesting??birds and many other endangered species on this site leaving them ruthlessly exploited. The access track seems to be unconsented. The bridlepath will have lorries constantly going over it. Anyone wishing to make an objection can find the details as follows: Devon County Council, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter. Reference number DCC/4101/2018 objection should be submitted by 19. 11. 20. Whitestone Parish Council had tried without success to find out when the district planning team site visit was to take place. This information has now been received but was not forthcoming for quite some time and the delay seems obstructive.??In addition to the objections about?the inappropriate location of the site, there is the threat of? tiny particulates being released into the air from the site that will travel down the valley from the main areas to the surrounding villages. These particulates?are known to cause poor air quality resulting in respiratory conditions.??It was agreed to write another letter objecting to the application based on the above report. Clerk to action. Proposed Cllr Moody and seconded Cllr M Jones. UNANIMOUSPlanning Decisions 20/01472/HOU. 1 Orchard Terrace, Tedburn St Mary. Single story extension. GRANTED20/01507/TPO. Sunflower Cottage. Crown lift one beech and one oak where overhanging TPO E2/46/06. GRANTEDBudget planning 2020-2022. The clerk provided a draft document outlining options for the 2021-2022 parish council budget. Due to the development of public spaces and play areas during the past few years the council has an increasing responsibility for maintenance in the village. This increases the annual expenditure and this is significantly eroding the council reserves. It was agreed that a working committee look into this over the next few weeks to assess and advise the council regarding the appropriate precept request. As there has been little or no increase in the precept during the past decade Cllr Brook suggested that communicating the reasons for a significant increase should be explained and feedback sought from residents during the discussion process. As there is a deadline for the precept request the working party would need to address this with some urgency. Cllr This will be an agenda item for December. The chair stood the meeting down to allow Devon County Cllr Brook to make his report. A major report on climate change has been drafted about how to meet 2050 deadline on zero carbon emissions. This is a strategy document but it is already evident that it will require massive capital input from both Government and private investment. A ten-week consultation period will begin in December. The report is substantial but is broken into categories, such as agriculture and fisheries, so interested parties can focus on appropriate subjects to their area. Cllr Brook emphasised that this a report that affects everyone and its success will be largely influenced not by Government but by a willingness to endorse a major cultural change and a change in individual actions. How much are we prepared to change our lifestyles, including less cars, less consumption of meat and emphasis on plant-based diets? In Cllr Brook’s view the report is impressive and sets out a visionary approach for the future.The Enterprise Scrutiny Committee recently discussed a three-year local industrial strategy for a green agenda but with the emphasis of capitalising on the natural assets of the South West. The South West Peninsula has great opportunities for energy regeneration; including wave and wind. A major alteration to the grid at Bristol is required to enable the South West to feed into the National Grid.The Chair called for the meeting to resume.8. Website. Further to a discussion at the October meeting when it was agreed that the Parish Council meet the new accessibility requirements using its existing pages on the village website rather than have a dedicated website of its own. The Chair recently met with the clerk and the current website editor and a way forward was agreed. The editor will write and publish the council’s accessibility statement as required and then modify the website pages to meet the new requirements as closely as possible. He also agreed to review the website and upgrade where possible. It was agreed that an annual fee of ?200 be paid for this service. Proposed Cllr L Bellshaw and seconded Cllr J Herdman. UNANIMOUS9. Replacement dog bin in centre of village. The clerk reported at the last meeting that three quotes would be obtained to replace the rusted dog bin in the centre of the village. However, the bin had to be obtained from the existing supplier to make use of the current fixings and post upon which it stands. The other quotes required extra equipment and work which increased the cost considerably. The bin has now been replaced. Payment for approval below.10. Amended AGAR 2019/2020. Amended AGAR form for approval. Proposed Cllr J Moore and seconded Cllr L Bellshaw UNANMOUS11. Safety inspections at Millennium Orchard Play Area and any training requirements. Cllr Moore is going to do a risk assessment on the Millennium Orchard. There are weekly inspections and the clerk to ask Cllr Rodda for these so they can filed for future reference. Cllr Rodda has agreed, during a previous discussion with the clerk, to organise an annual inspection for RoSPA when a similar report is conducted on behalf of the Recreation Association. Clerk to liaise with Cllr Rodda.12. Proposed Cllr Bellshaw and seconded Cllr L Taylor UNANIMOUS12. Councillors’ Reports County, District Councillors’, Village Hall, Recreation, Cemetery, Footpaths and Bridleways, Police Liaison, Highways, Millennium Orchard, Emergency Planning, Clerk (all as available). District Council - Cllr Purser reports - The Turning Corners project, which supports early intervention and prevention in tackling youth crime and youth violence, has been successful in its bid for four years of funding. The funding amounts to almost ?1 million. The Government Kickstart placements on behalf of employers across Teignbridge currently number 82 with 14 directly taken on by Teignbridge. Electric vehicle charging points have been installed in Chudleigh library car park and Buckfastleigh Mardle Way car park. Further funding has been received from the Government in the sum of ?264,280 to assist with the potential loss of income. The Covid hardship fund is still available for people facing hardship to pay for basic necessities. Please see Teignbridge District Council website for details. Flu vaccinations - eligible people are encouraged to have them if they so wish. Newton Abbot market celebrates its 800 years birthday this month. Village Hall – nothing to report as the committee has not met.Recreation Association – Cllr Taylor reports. The Recreation Committee met via Zoom on 20th October. The Tennis Club is increasing in membership and investigating insurance that would cover non-members hiring the courts. Clear up – there are still two dumpy bags to be removed. This will be done. Quotes to repair the roof and replace fascias, etc. are still being followed up to find those that can be met within budget. Replacing fencing – this is still being looked into. Fire equipment for the Clubhouse will be replaced with new. Youth group – meetings are taking place regarding setting up a youth group, getting equipment and using the clubhouse and field (when suitable) for meetings. Cllr Putt is investigating prices for sorting subsidence at bottom of field, behind tennis courts. The next meeting is also the AGM on 17th November.Footpaths and Bridleways – nothing to report. Cllr Moody asked Cllr Putt to check that all relevant footpaths and bridleways in the parish are formally recorded and shown on the definitive maps. Cllr Putt to action.Police Liason/Community Speedwatch. Cllr Jones reports. - I am pleased to say that our Community Speedwatch Project is now operational. I have been confirmed as the Tedburn St Mary/Pathfinder Village Co-ordinator by the Devon and Cornwall Police Community Speedwatch Team. My role enables me to recruit new volunteers and guide them through the registration process and on-line theoretical training. Practical training in the use of the equipment will also be required before volunteers can participate. The Pathfinder Village Location along the C50 is unchanged the Tedburn Village location is, at the time of writing, awaiting Police assessment. A number of safety issues have to be taken into account before a suitable site can be allocated. I have volunteers going through the registration process but would welcome more. Anyone wishing to consider participating in this project and would like further details of what is involved please contact me via: margaretjones815@. Volunteers will receive ongoing support and we can develop a system for this as we go along. Emergency Planning: Cllr Moore reports – Thanks to Cllr Bellshaw and Cllr Authers Ward for completing Map 2. This has been a difficult task for councillors with so many homes having a name rather than a number. A further meeting with the Chair and the clerk is needed before more work can be done. Millennium Orchard and Play Area: The Clerk is arranging for a contractor to inspect the trees with a view to pruning and making safe Clerk’s report – the red telephone kiosk is now owned by the Tedburn St Mary Historical Society. The stanchions outside the shop to prevent cars mounting the payment are being installed at nil cost to the council. I am waiting to hear back from Devon County Council regarding possibility of funding for maintenance equipment. RoSPA training suitable for those involved in inspections of play areas, etc. are fully booked and none are planned in the short term due to Covid restrictions. The organisers will contact the clerk as soon as courses become available again. I am arranging for specialist to inspect the trees with a view to pruning and making safe. The Chair is also liaising with the Enhancement Group who have offered assistance. However, due to lockdown the contractors are waiting for instructions from Government about whether such work is allowed. The clerk will update when the contractors are in contact again. 13. Accounts for payment for approval. (Clerk’s note. Cheque no. 677 was spoiled so cheque stub numbers differ from those on agenda). Proposed Cllr J Moore and seconded Cllr M Jones UNANIMOUSDATESUPPLIERDESCRIPTIONAMOUNTVATTOTALChq no/s2.11.20.Mrs J Clark (2 cheques to enable telephone banking)Clerk’s salary, home allowance and telephone?400.00?247.50No?400.00?247.506756762.11.20.HMRCPAYE?77.60No?77.606782.11.20.Devon County Council Pension FundClerk’s pension?196.11No?196.116792.1120Lewyn DenleyVillage maintenance 16 hours plus materials?323.94No?323.946802.11.20.Graham Dicker – Mowing and strimming cemetery and Millennium Orchard?649.96No?649.466812.11.20.Society of Local Council ClerksAnnual membership subscription?140.00No?140.006822.11.20.Earth AnchorsDog waste bin?133.95?26.79?160.746832.11.20.Mrs J Clark ( to reimburse clerk as only available payment was online no cheque taken)Anti-viral software?49.99?10.00?59.99684Next meeting date Monday 7th December 2020 at 7.30 pm via Zoom – details of how to join the meeting using remote technology will be shown on the agenda; published at least 3 days prior to the meeting on the village website - ................

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