Dairy USA Wage Survey 2000

[pic] Dairy USA Wage Survey 2000

Please return your completed questionnaire by July 1, 2000 to:

If you have any questions call ( (209) 525-6800 or E-mail gebillikopf@ucdavis.edu

Mail: ( Gregory Encina Billikopf / University of California Ag Extension / 3800 Cornucopia Way # A / Modesto, CA 95358-9492. Or Fax to ( (209) 525-6840. Or fill out form on the Web at (check here around August for results, too) .

Important note: Please answer all questions for April 2000 and only for non-family dairy personnel, unless otherwise noted. Fill out page one only once. For page two, answer for a specific non-family employee: do not average among several employees. If you do wish to include additional employees (and that would be great if you so desire), please make copies of page two as needed. Thanks for your participation.

The data you provide will be kept confidential and only released in summary form.

1. How many non-family employees worked on the dairy? (put a fraction for part time employee, and remember, please answer all questions for non-family employees and for April 2000)

Milkers/Pushers _____ Cow Feeders _____ Calf Feeders _____ Herdsmen _____

Other outside labor _____ Management _____ Farming (dairy related) _____

Office _____ All around _____ Mechanic _____ Hospitalist ______ Total dairy employees _____

2. Of this TOTAL, how many employees were born outside the USA? _____ # born outside USA

3. Your herd size was: # milking cows _____ # dry cows _____ # heifers ______

4. On average, how many times per day were cows milked? ( 2x ( 2.5x ( 3x ( 4x

5. Time to complete one milking, including clean up? _______ hours (to the closest hour)

6. How many milkers / pushers were employed per shift? _______/shift (here OK to include family)

7. Do you pay a shift differential for night or difficult shifts? ( NO ( YES $_____/hr

8. How would you describe your milking system?

( Flat parlor ( Pit parlor ( Stall barn

9. Number of milking stalls? ________ stalls

10. Days on / days off schedule for milkers (if all weeks the same, leave second week blank)

Days on _____ / Days off ______ If second week different ( Days on _____ / Days off ______

11. Was your dairy labor unionized? ( No ( Yes ( Since when? ______ Year

12. State? ___________________________________, USA.

For the employee you have chosen … please tell us:

Please use a separate page 2 for each additional employee you wish to include. Do not average employees together. Report GROSS WAGES, before deductions, for all related questions.

13. Employee job title: (check one best or closest title)

( Milker/Pusher ( Cow Feeder ( Calf Feeder ( Herdsman

( Other outside labor ( Farm manager ( Farming (dairy related)

( Office staff ( All around ( Mechanic ( Hospitalist

maternity and hospital responsibilities

14. Employee's sex: ( Male ( Female

15. Years working under this job title for this dairy: _________ years.

16. Hours worked in April? ____ avg. hours/day ____ avg. hours/week ____ total hours April

17. Basic wages were paid on what basis? ( per hour ( per month ( per milking ( per cow

This amounted to $__________ (on the basis mentioned here in Q17)

18. Basic wages paid: (depending on your answer to Q17, this may be repetitive: please include overtime and/or shift differential, but not any incentive or bonus)

$_________ per hour $ __________ total for April

19. Amount paid for overtime worked in April $_________ for overtime

20. Could this employee earn an incentive? (potential to earn) ( No ( Yes

IF YES, Incentives amount earned in April? $___________ in incentives

Incentives earned on what basis? ___________________________ (Ex., heat detection, SCC)

21. Other bonus (e.g., end-of-year or profit sharing)? ( No ( Yes $_______/ for May 99 to Apr 00

22. Other benefits: (check all that apply)

□ Health insurance

□ Vision

□ Dental

□ Paid-vacation time _________ days per year

□ Milk or meat

□ Holidays _________ days per year

□ Share of calves born

□ Allow employee owned animals in herd

□ Paid sick leave benefit

□ Retirement or 401(k) type of program

□ Housing (or allowance)

□ Other _____________________________________

Thanks for your participation!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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