World War 1

World War 1

What made WW1 such an important war?

What was the immediate cause of WW1?

What were the agreements between all countries in Europe called?

What was the Schiefflen plan?

What was the overall cause of the war?



Great Britain and ____________ on one side, _____________ on the other with _________________ inbetween.

What countries under Britain’s control joined WW1?






What percentage of France’s total male population died in the war?

What was the main killer during and after the war?

Why was the War so deadly?



What two American inventions were the most deadly in WW1?



The ____________ officers went in front. I noticed one of them________________ carrying a walking stick. When we started firing we just had to ___________ and ____________. They went down in their _______________ you didn’t have to aim, we just __________into them.

How many British men died in the first day at the battle of the Somme?

What were the trenches like?



There’s nothing more horrible in war then being______________ it’s a form of _____________b the soldier cant see the end of. Suddenly he’s afraid of being ______________. The man stays put in his hole, ______________ waiting for, hoping for a miracle.

What was given to soldiers to help make the war more bareable?

What treaty ended WW1? Who did it blame for the war?



What did Lenin promise the people of Russia?

What was the outcome of the war for the US?

What was also an outcome of the war overall?

What was the lost generation?


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