


By: Margaret Makafui Tayviah


The world has always been diverse. There are diverse cultures, languages, religions, political parties and many more. This means that one cannot live in the world without encountering the ‘other’.[1] Therefore, there is the need to accept, respect and live with each other in good neighbourliness.

The objective

Examining various means through which people live and work with each other irrespective of diversities. I will use the cases of Africa and Ghana in particular. Eg. Marriage and family, Education, health, party politics, sporting activities, working organisations, social lives and National programs.

The concept of the other

The concept of the other is what bring about diversities because we are different. The Other is an individual who is perceived by a group as not belonging, as being different in some fundamental way. The group sees itself as the norm and that is how or why they are able to judge those who do not meet the norm. In other words, those who are different in any way are referred to as the Other. [2]

The concept of Diversity

The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing that our individual differences are important.[3] Diversity can be described along the following: race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political beliefs etc. Accepting, acknowledging and tolerating diversities ensures a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. This calls for understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the diversity contained within each individual.

The practice of diversity includes and involves:

• Understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the natural environment…Thus we depend on each other as humans. For example, as the world is faced with looking for a cure for COVID-19, it does not matter where the cure comes from whether Asia, Africa, Europe. What matters is that there is a cure or vaccine and it is helpful to end the pandemic.

The UN and its fight or quest for peace is another example. Currently, the situation of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in Nigeria is a concern to all humans although we may not be physically present in Nigeria, we are concern as humans.

• Practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences that are different from our own. If you are a Muslim and the other is a Christian, you have to respect the person’s religious beliefs and values.

• Recognizing that personal, cultural, institutionalized or discrimination of any form creates and sustains privileges for some while it creates and sustains disadvantages for others; For example some people are discriminated based on their race or physical abilities.

• Building alliances across differences so that we can live and work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination.

Case study: Ghana

The world is such that one cannot live without encountering the ‘other’ especially in this era of globalization. Therefore, there is the need to accept, respect and live with each other in good neighbourliness. Since one cannot live as an island in the world today, one has to accept and embrace the diversities of the world. In other words, one has to be open to cooperation with others as well as have constructive engagement with others irrespective of diversities.

In Africa and Ghana in particular our diversities can be seen in many aspects of life. With these diversities, we are able to live, work and cooperate with each other in peace and good neighbourliness.

❖ marriage and family, (different people come together to marry and they form blood and family ties)

❖ ethnicity (different ethnic groups but we live together as members of the same nation)

❖ Education (education is open to everyone…the teacher does not teach only a particular group of teacher, he or she teaches all…the student does not also only learn from a particular teacher or lecturer…Students write the same examinations and are marked by examiners)

❖ Health (diseases do not affect only a particular group of people…eg. HIV, COVID-19 etc…Health workers do not attend to only a particular group of people. They are there for everyone.

❖ party politics (people join political parties based on the ideologies and competence of a party. Members of a particular party can be from diverse backgrounds.

❖ Sporting activities and working organisations. Different people work together what matters is the qualification and achieving the company’s goals and objectives.

❖ social lives (funerals, weddings, naming ceremonies are attended and celebrated by all)

❖ National programs eg. National Prayer and Thanksgiving Day ( is observed by all religions in Ghana especially the three common religions ATR, Islam and Christianity.


The truth or fact is that we cannot do without one another though we have our differences. In view of this, people will have to inspite of their differences work together for justice, peace and holistic development of the human family and the environment. This is what the Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA), the organization I serve as Ghana Area advisor stands for and seeks to bring the attention of other organisations like Rotary International. Hence, Rotarians can grow together, work and live together in peace and good neighbourliness.

Thank you.


[1] The other here means a person of a different religion, culture, race or language.

[2] Sarukkai, Sundar. "The 'Other' in Anthropology and Philosophy." Economic and Political Weekly 32, no. 24 (1997): 1406-409. Accessed October 23, 2020. .



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