

Police Shooting and Race

11th grade


In this project students were asked to pick a topic that could be relevant for survey. The topic is supposed to be based on a problem that is going on in the world now or was going on in the world. In order to create my survey, I had to choose a main question. Within that main question I had to create four to five questions that ill lead to the answer of the main question. The purpose of this project is to see if there is a correlation between police shooting and the race of the individual. In addition, this project helped the students learn how to use statistics, sampling proportion, and margin of error. In the other hand, surveying people on my topic is important because it give FHS students the opportunity to give their opinion if police shooting is based on the individual’s race.


During the past years there have been many people getting shot at or killed by a cop. Therefore, there are many debates whether the police choice on shooting at an individual is based on their race. The police Department had always provided publicity to the media on the race of individuals shot by police within hours of each shooting. But now that many more African Americans/blacks are victims, the Police Department has kept these files private. This is a social justice issue because police shooting is something that happens on an everyday basis. Just like frisk and stop, the opinions on police shooting and race are debating. “Ever since the Diallo shooting, the department has hidden from public view the race of shooting targets,” (Dunn, NYT) On June 22, 2012, court has decided that the police have to put in public the information of the role of race in police shootings. Many victims who have been shot at are happy of this decision made.


I was interested in surveying students on this topic because I believe that police shooting is based on race, which is more likely with African Americans or Blacks. Based on my research on the topic, I do believe that police have a preference when shooting at an individual. In my opinion, Police Officers seem to aim more at Blacks and Latinos rather than any other race.


My populations for this survey are the FHS students only. I used the method of random sampling. Random sampling is when random people are being surveyed, meaning that every person had an equal chance of being surveyed. However, some students were not honest when taking their surveys which create bias. Bias is the amount of possible errors in the survey. I don’t think there bias when students took the surveys because I just selected random students until I reached 100 surveys. However, when having a survey, there is always bias meaning that somewhere in my survey there was an error. If in the future I have to create a survey, I will make sure that the people I am surveying are in an empty room without getting distracted, so they’ll be honest.

Survey Result

Question 1: What is your race?

|What is your race? |

|Hispanic/Latino |54 |

|Black/African Americans |32 |

|White |6 |

|Other |8 |


The graph above shows the race of the FHS students who were surveyed

Sample Proportion for Question1:

[pic] = 0.5 [pic]

Margin of Error

[pic] = 0.1 [pic]

Confidence Interval

[pic] [pic]

Question 2: What is your opinion on the criminal justice system?

|What is your opinion on the criminal justice system? |

|Fair |22 |

|Partly Fair |44 |

|Poor |21 |

|Very Poor |13 |


In the graph above, it showshow fair the students of FHS, think the Crimincal Justice system is

[pic] = 0.5 [pic]

Margin of Error

[pic] = 0.1 [pic]

Confidence Interval

[pic] [pic]

Question 3: Do you know anyone who has been shot at by a police officer? If so, how many?

|Do you know anyone who has been shot at by a police officer? If so, how many? |

|0-2 |65 |

|3-5 |20 |

|6-8 |7 |

|9 or more |8 |


This bar graph shows how many people do the students of FHS know that have been shot at spcifically by a police officer

[pic] = 0.5 [pic]

Margin of Error

[pic] = 0.1 [pic]

Confidence Interval

[pic] [pic]

Question 4: Who do you think gets shot at more by a police officer?

|Who do you think gets shot at more by a police officer? |

|Hispanics/Latinos |20 |

|Blacks/African Americans |80 |

|Whites |0 |

|Others |0 |


This graph above shows a bias because out of the 4 choices, only two were used.

[pic] = 0.5 [pic]

Margin of Error

[pic] = 0.1 [pic]

Confidence Interval

[pic] [pic]


The most commonly used statistics is the average or finding where the middle of the data lies. They are the mean, median, mode and range. The mean is the sum of all numbers which is divided by the amount of numbers in the set. The median is the number in the middle when the set is ordered from least to greatest. However, when there’s an uneven amount of numbers you find they average between them by adding them together and dividing them by two. The mode is the number that appears most often in the set. However, if there are no repeated numbers then the mode can be none, not 0. Finally, the range is the difference between the largest number and the smallest.

Online Data


In this graph above, it shows different races and how many times they have been killed during the years 2006-2011. It was graphed between blacks, Hispanics, whites, Asians and others. The black section had the most deaths almost reaching 100. The Hispanics had the 2nd highest deaths. The whites had the 3rd highest, 4th were the other and finally in last place were the Asians. Since there was not a specific graph that showed police shooting by race, I chose homicides by race which was closer to the police shooting and race. This graph shows that during the year 2006, homicides were higher than in the year 2011. The article of this graph states that Oakland is one of the few states where police are being accused of shooting at individuals based on their race.


As I said before, in this assignment we were asked to chose a social justice issue that could be used in a survey. We had to come up with a main question regarding the topic and then survey our population to try and answer the question. Standard Deviation and Variance Deviation just mean how far away from normal. The standard deviation tells you how tightly the data is clustered around the mean. The variance is a measure of how far a set of numbers is spread out. S shows whether the data has a positive or negative slope. S squared, is the variance. R represents the correlation coefficient and R squares shows the strength of the line.

Work Cited

"Boxing102ac." Boxing102ac. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2013.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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