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Name______________________Metrics and Measurements Test Period_____________ Date________________ The derived quantity expressed by cm3 is ___. Length b, mass c. volume d. density____ A measurement 4.3X103 g could also be written as:4.3 pgb. 4.3 kgc. 4.3 mgd. 4.3 dge. 4.3 g____ The number 0.000030700 expressed in exponential notation is:3.07b. 3.0700X 105c. 3.07 X 10-5 d. 3.0700 X 10-5e. 3.70X10-4____ How many significant figures are in the number 10.050?2b. 5c. 3d. 1e. 4____ The number of cm3 in 43.0 mL is:4.30b. 0.0430c. 43.0d. none of these____ A student finds that the weight of an empty beaker is 12.018g. She places a solid in the beaker to give a combined mass of12.024 g. How many significant figures will the mass of the solid have? 1b. 2c. 3 d. 4e. 5____ Use the rules of significant figures, to calculate the following: 14.8903 - 2.14 = 13b. 12.8c. 12.75d. 12.750e. 12.7503____ How many significant figures in the number 0.0020?1b. 2 c. 3d. 4e. 5____ What is the result of the following multiplication expressed in scientific notation to the correct number of significant figures? (2.08 X 105) (7.0 X 10-5)1.46 X 101b. 1 X 101 c. 1.456 X 101 d. . 1.5 X 101 e. 1.4 X 10-1 ____ What is the sum of (3.45 X 104 ) + (45.2 X 103) using correct sig figs?7.97 X 105b. 7.97 X 104 c. 8 X 104 d. . 79.7 X 103 e. 1.4 X 10-1 ____ One millisecond is equal to how many seconds? 103 sb. 10-6 sc. 106 sd. 10-3 se. 1 s____ Express 1870000 in the correct form of scientific notation. 187 X 106 b. 1.87 X 106 c. 187 X 104 d. 5.49 X 10-8 e. 1.87 X 10-6 ____ How many significant figures in the number 560? 1b. 2c. 3d. 4____A graduated cylinder contains 20.0 mL of water. An irregularly shaped object is placed in the cylinder and the water level rises to the 32.4 mL mark. If the object has a mass of 47.828 g, what is its density? 3.857 g/mLb. 1.53 g/mL d. 3.9 g/mL d. 3.86 g/mL e. 1.526 g/mL____ Convert 692 m to decimeters.6.92 dmb. 69.2 dmc. 69200 dmd. 6920 dme. none of these____ Round 0.04183 to 3 significant figures.0.04b. 0.042c. 4.18 X 10-2 d. 4.18 X 102 e. 418____ How many millimeters are in 251 cm? 2.51 X 10-2 mmb. 2.51 X 103 mm c. 2.51 X 101 mmd. 2.51 X 102 mm____ The number 4.973 rounded to two significant figures is: 4.98b. 4.9c. 5.0 d. 5e. 4.8____ How many significant figures are in the number 1000.0? 1.b. 2c. 3d. 4 e. 5____ Convert 0.7891 L to centiliters 7.891 cLb. 789.1 cL c. 0.07891 cLd. 78.91 cLe. 0.007891 cL____ The number of milliliters in 0.0367 liter is:3.67 X 10-5 mLb. 36.7 mLc. 3.67 mLd. 367 mLe. 3670 mL____ Calculate the mass of a rectangular solid that has a density of 2.5320 g/cm3 which measures 2.50 cm by 1.80 cm by 3.00 cm. 0.188 gb. 34.2 gc. 34.18gd. 0.19 ge. 2.44 g____How close a measurement is to the correct value is known as:a. accuracy b. precisionc. significant figured. scientific notation ____ An expression that reveals the concentration of matter is ____. a. weightb. density c. volume d. mass____ An equation that represents the relationship between the mass of a material, its volume, and its density is ___. V = mDb. Vm = Dc. DV = m d. D+V = m____ A length measurement is 22.39 cm. The correct value is 25.40 cm. Calculate the %error. 88 %b. 0.881 %c. 0.1344 %d. 13 %e. 13.4% ____ 1.6523 - 0.078 = a. 1.6b. 1.5743c. 1.57d. 1.574e. 1.730 ____ A cube with a density of 5.235 kg/m3 measures 85.2 cm on each side what is the mass of this cube?3.238gb. 3.24 kgc. 3.24 X 106 gd. 16.2 kge. 118 kg How many milliliters of a solution of NaCl do you need to obtain 100 grams of NaCl? There are 39 g in one mole of NaCl. The solution has 1.5 moles of NaCl in one liter of solutionHow many hydrogen atoms are contained in 22.00 mL of gas? The standard volume of 1mole of gas is 22.4 L. (One mole = 6.022X 1023 atoms.) Convert 35.6 mi/hr to m/s. Honors Matter/ Mole Testa. homogeneous b. heterogeneousc. compoundd. element____ concrete____ water____ pure air____ iced tea from powered mix____ aluminum foilLABEL EACH OF THE FOLLOWING AS PHYSICAL (p) OR CHEMICAL (c) PROPERTY. ____ Melts at 56 degrees F. ____ rusts easily in water____ reacts with hydrochloric acid to form carbon dioxide____ in the liquid state at 50 degrees Celsius____ is green in colorLABEL EACH OF THE FOLLOWING AS PHYSICAL (P) OR CHEMICAL (C) CHANGES. ____ The composition of a material is changed during the process. ____ coloring eggs____ a change from liquid to the solid state____ changes involving the release of heat or light. ____ a copper precipitate is formed when mixing copper chloride with aluminum.Element (E) , Compound, (C) , Solution (S) , Heterogeneous Mixture (M)47____ Salt48____ Lemonade from mix49____ pure iron nail50____ salt and sugar mixed together51____ fresh squeezed orange juice52____ ammonia53____ pure air54____ a pure gold nugget55____ carbon dioxide56____ brassHow many atoms are there in each molecule? 57____ CO258____ H2SO459____Ca3(PO4)260____ (NH4)2(SO4)61____ NaCl62___ A mixture is: chemically combinedphysically combinedcombined in definite chemical proportionsa result of a chemical reaction63____ An example of a heterogeneous mixture is: concretewhipped cream watersugar64____ An example of a homogeneous mixture is: salt waterconcretedirta mixture of sugar and salt65____ An example of a pure substance is a(n):alloymixturesolutionelement66____ Which of the following represents a chemical change?Sugar dissolving in waterWater boiling to form steamIce melting to form a liquid waterSteel turning to rust in salt air. 67____ Which of the following is NOT a compound? a. H b. H2O c. H2SO4 d. CO2What is the Molar Mass of the Following?68. Mercury_______69. Copper _______70. H2O _________71. How Many Atoms in a Mole? _______________________72. How many Atoms in a mole of Water? _________________73. How many people in a mole of humans? _____________________74. If you had 30g of Iron, how many moles do you have?75. How many atoms are there in 50g of gold?76. How many atoms are there in 1 Liter of water?77. 5 lbs of mercury has how many atoms?78. 600 mg of copper has how many atoms in it? Multiple Choice79 Which of the following has no charge?A) Proton B) Alpha Particle C)NeutronD) Beta Particle80) Which type of radiation can pass through Lead?A) gammaB) BetaC)AlphaD) bothe beta and gamma81) what particles are in a cloud around the nucleus?A) protonsB)electronsC)NetronsD) both A and C82) If an atom had 15 protons, which is it?A) Phosphorus B) PotassiumC) OxygenD) Nitrogen83) Which of the following was not said in Dalton’s theory?A) atoms are indivisibleB) Atoms are neither created nor destroyedC) Atoms are composed of electron, neutrons protons. D) all were said84) In the Rutherford nuclear-atom model, which one is true?A. the heavy subatomic particles reside in the nucleusB. the principal subatomic particles all have essentially the same massC. the light subatomic particles reside in the nucleusD. mass is spread essentially uniformly throughout the atom85) The gold foil experiment performed inRutherford's lab __________.A. confirmed the plum-pudding model of the atomB . led to the discovery of the atomic nucleusC. was the basis for Thomson's model of the atomD. utilized the deflection of beta particles by gold foilE. proved the law of multiple proportions86) Which of the following have the relatively the same mass?A) netron and ProtonB)proton and electronC) Electron and neutron D) all three87) Which of the following is an isotope of Carbon?A) Carbon-12B)Carbon – 13C) Carbon – 14 D) All88) the Atomic Number is the # of ________________A) protonsB) electrons C) NeutronsD) Neutrons + Protons89) The Mass # is the # of _____________________A) protonsB) electrons C) NeutronsD) Neutrons + Protons90) An atom with a mass # of 34 neutrons and a mass of 82 is ____________A) AntimonyB) CadmiumC) Tin D) Selenium91) Which one of the following proposed the idea of electrons being placed according to energy levels?A) DaltonB) J.J. ThompsonC) E. RutherfordD) N. Bohr92) this person discovered the electronA) DaltonB) J.J. ThompsonC) E. RutherfordD) N. Bohr93) He said atoms are made of small positive nucleus which repels alpha particlesA) DaltonB) J.J. ThompsonC) E. RutherfordD) N. Bohr94) This person said the hydrogen atom was the smallest atom in the universeA) DaltonB) J.J. ThompsonC) E. RutherfordD) N. Bohr95) What are cathode rays made out of?A) protonsB) electrons C)neutronsD) both a and c96) Which of the following produces the most energy per gram of substanceA) CoalB) FissionC) Fusion D) Gasoline97)the mass required to sustain a chain reactions is called ______________A) critical mass B) initial massC) activation massD) Final mass98) When carbon-14 decays into Nitrogen-14, what kind a decay does it undergo?A) Alpha decayB) Beta Decay C) gamma radiation D) beta capture99) If carbon-14 has a half life of 5,730 years how much Carbon-14 would there be in 11,460 yearsA) 100%B) 50%C) 25%D) 12.5%100) If the atomic mass of and unknown element is 13 and there are only 2 elements of a mass of 12 and 14 respectfully. What is the percentage of each respectfully?A) 20%, 80%B) 80%, 20% C) 12 % , 14%D) 50%, 50%101) Why do electrons move from the negative end of the tube to the positive end?A) opposites attractB) Opposites repelC) Electrons bond to protons D)none102) Which of the following is sodium?205740048260003429004826000A) 44577008255003429000825500B) C) D) Name of ElementElement SymbolMass Number(a)AtomicNumber (Z)ProtonsNeutronsElectrons_________-11555Sodium24Gallium3137Y8939Copper2935Tc9843Lead-207110____ Which of the following is the correct symbolic representation of the lead-209 isotope? 20982Li b. 29182Pb c. 12782Li d. 20982Pbe. 20782Pb111____ How many neutrons does the nucleus of the Phosphorus – 32 isotope have? 15b. 16c. 17d. 32112____ Which element, isotope for ion listed below contains 16 protons, 17 neutrons and 19 electrons? 33Ar2- b. 33S2- c. 33Cld. 33S3-113____ Which of the following terms applies to the vertical columns found on the periodic table? Columnb. groupc. periodd. isotope114____ What name is commonly given to the elements in group 1 on the periodic table? Alkaline earth metalsb. transition metalsc. platinum metalsd. alkali metals115____ Which of the following predicts the correct trend in atomic size in terms of increasing atomic radius? Rb, F, C, Feb. F, C, Fe, Rbc. Fe, F, Rb, Cd. C, Rb, Fe, F116____ What is the trend in atomic size for a series of elements in increasing atomic number Na through Cl? Atomic size increases in this seriesb. atomic size decreases in this seriesc. atomic size increases at first then decreasesd. atomic size remains unchanged117____ How many electrons can be stored in a completely filled 4f sublevel? 10 b. 12c. 14d. 18118____ Which of the following is the correct electronic ground state configuration of rubidium? 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p65s21s22s22p63s23p64s24d104p65s11s22s22p63s23d103p64s24p65s11s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1119____ How many valence electrons does an ordinary chlorine atom contain? 7b. 6c. 17d. 5120____ The elements in Group 18 are almost entirely non-reactive with any other chemical elements. Which of the following statements best explains this observed behavior? Group 18 elements comply with the octet ruleGroup 18 elements are so rare that no one has ever studied their reactive properties in detailGroup 18 elements are all gases and gasses are generally non reactive. No explanation given here can explain why they do not react. 121____ Which of the following atoms or ions are not stable? O3-b. Sr2+c. P3-d. Ne122____ Which of the following atoms or ions are complete based on the octet rule?Mg2+b. Arc. Br-d. All of them123 ____ Which is the most reactive element below? a. Rbb. Gac. Kd. Sr124____ Which is the most reactive element below? a. Pb. Sc. Cld. Ar125 ____ Which element is the most electronegative? a. Sb. Src. Ald. Ge126____ Which element has the least ionization energy? a. Hgb. Bac. Id. Si127____ A cation is (bigger/ smaller) than its parent atom)a. bigger b. smaller 128____ An anion is (bigger/ smaller) than its parent atom)a. bigger b. smaller 129___ Which element has the greatest electronegativity? a. Fluorineb. Franciumc. Heliumd. HydrogenFill in the Blank 130 _______________ The subatomic particles that have a negative charge are ___. 131 _______________ The subatomic particles that do not have any charge are___.132 _______________ The number of protons in an atom is called the ___. 133 _______________ The most reactive metal is. ___134 _______________ The most reactive non-metal135 _______________ The ___ is the number of protons and neutrons located in the nucleus136 _______________ Protons are subatomic particles with a ___ charge. 137 _______________ As you go from top to bottom on the periodic table the size of the atom gets _. 138 _______________ As you go from left to right on the periodic table the ionization energy gets. __. 139_______________ As you go from top to bottom on the periodic table the electronegativity gets __140 _______________ As you go from left to right on the periodic table the size of the atom gets ___. 141 _______________ The energy required to remove an electron from its shell is called ___142 _______________ Any charged atom is called an ___143 _______________A negatively charge atom is a/an ___ 144 _______________A positively charged atom is a/an ___145 _______________ The ___ is the last column on the periodic table. 146 _______________ The ___ is the name given to elements that contain properties of metals and nonmetals.147. _______________Group that gives up 3 electrons._______________ Group that gains 2 electrons. 148. _______________ Elements in a group have similar number of _________.149. _______________ Elements in a period have similar number of _________. 150. _______________ The element with the greatest electro-negativity. 151. _______________ The modern periodic table is set up in order of increasing _______. 32 P 3-39 K +16 O 2-58 Ni 2+127 I -Mass NumberAtomic NumberCation(C) or anion (A)# of protons# of neutrons# of electronsWavelength, Frequency, EnergyC = λνE = hνC = 3.00 x 108 m/sh = 6.626 2 x 10-34 J-s (or J/Hz)152. What is the wavelength of a wave having a frequency of 3.76 x 1014 Hz? 153. What is the frequency of a 6.9 x 10-13 m wave? 154. What is the energy of a 5.0 x 10-7m wave? 155. What color does number 89 give off?V B G Y O RElementBohr DiagramGroup Number (PT)# of Valance ElectronsLewis Dot StructureCalciumCarbonElectron Configuration156. Al ______________________________________________________________Nobel Gas Configuration157. Al _______________________________________________________________ ................

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