PDF Valentine's Day Words

[Pages:2]Making words from the letters in the words Valentine's Day.

How many words can you make using the letters in VALENTINE'S DAY? Words must have three letters or more.

Name ____________________________



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Write as many words as you can on the valentine.

Copyright ?2009 T. Smith Publishing. All rights reserved.

Graphic ? GraphicsFactory

Making words from the letters in Valentine's Day. Answer key

Answers will vary. V A L E N T I N E' S D A Y

Some examples are . . .

day lent lay ale tend tee steal yet sail steel site

line vine ten end tale saint teal tide vein nine save

lane tine nail lean tail sale deal vent dine yes neat

Copyright ?2009 T. Smith Publishing. All rights reserved.

Graphic ? GraphicsFactory


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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