Toolbox talk: stress Guidance for delivery.Question. What is stress? Explain that stress is when pressure becomes unmanageable. Ask the four questions below one at a time, giving staff the chance to think and answer. Answers are in bold italics. Highlight the fact that one in three of the population will be diagnosed with a mental health problem this year.1. How many people in Scotland will have a diagnosable mental health problem this year?A. 1 in 10B. 1 in 8C. 1 in 6D. 1 in 32. What is the biggest cause of absence from the workplace?A.Manual handling B. Slips, trips & falls.C. Falling from heightD. Stress3. In 2016/17 how many working days were lost to stress?A. 12.5 millionB.5 million C. 1 millionD. 750 thousand4. Which of these are a sign of stress?A. Eating and drinking more.B. AngerC. Not wanting to see people.D. All of theseTalking points for discussion with employees:Stress is good for you?Ignore stress and it will go away?Stress only affects weak people?Alcohol helps my stress?Talking points: Responses. Stress is good for you? False. Some pressure can be good, but stress is not. It can have an effect on all aspects of your life, not just the workplace.The stress might go away for a while, but the stressor might not. Be open and honest about what causes you stress.Stress can affect absolutely everybody.Studies show that alcohol and substance misuse actually increases stress levels.Key fact:“Too much stress can damage your immune system and heart; increase your chances of serious health problems; reduce life expectancy; and can damage your sex life”.Top tips:Identify, avoid, or change your stressors.Reacting can make things worse. Take a break, try to stay calm, seek advice, support or help.Admitting to yourself that you are under stress is the first step in controlling it.Talking to someone is the next step, and just as important.Support and advice:Speak to your line manager.Name:Base:Signature:Speak to a Mental Health Representative.Speak to your GP.Phone a helpline: Breathing space / Samaritans / CALM / National Debt helpline, etc.Speak to a friend, a family member or a colleague.Remember: It’s okay to not be okay.Trainers signature:_______________________________Location:______________________________________Date:_____________________Toolbox talk: StressObjectives: To encourage employees to open up and talk about stress in the workplace.To provide details of support for employees suffering from stress at work.Always ask if anyone has been affected by subject of toolbox talk. You may have to excuse them or direct to support. (See overleafPlease print on “short edge” for leaflet version. ................

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