IntroductionWithin this report will be mainly focusing on Pixar and their works. Pixar is an interesting company that I want to work for is because of the character animation that they put within their feature films such as Brave, Wall-E and Toy Story but, the film I will be focusing on is Brave. Brave was released in 2012, which has 47 nominations and won an Oscar for ‘best animated feature’ in the Academy Awards in 2013 which was a year after the release of the film. Brave has influenced me is the exaggeration and realism that they put into the film, which creates the characters much more believable to watch for the audiences.What are Pixar’s goals?Pixar’s goals is to not only to create a great animated film but to be able to create films and the characters that can connect with the audience, to create emotion in every feature films that they create to be able to take on and become memorable. Pixar’s other goals is to be able to illuminate the importance of love to others and living a happy life, which has been stated by John Lasseter “We make the kinds of movies we like to watch. I love to laugh. I love to be amazed by how beautiful it is. But I also love to be moved to tears. There’s lots of heart in our films”. This quote I think that Pixar focuses more on the quality of their work and how they want to connect with the audience too, which I think is what unique about Pixar as a company is that they want to feel proud of what they have produced and make sure that the audience also love the film that they produce too.Statistic of top 3 Pixar films and Pixar as a companyThe top 3 highest box office films for Pixar is Finding Dory (2016) which made in worldwide $ 486,295,561 and then following from second place is Toy Story 3 (2010) which made $ 415,004,880 and then Inside Out with $356,461,711.From out of the three that has been discussed I really enjoyed Inside Out in terms of character animation and the art; I liked the exaggeration of ‘Anger’ emotions as a character and the mini flame that comes out the more angry he gets which of course, suits for his character which made a generic personality to more of a unique character.Figure 1 Anger from Inside OutPixar is well known as a computer animation film studio which was first acknowledged as Graphics Group LTD in 1979. The studio is well known for their computer generated feature films in 3D. In 2006, Walt Disney Company then brought Pixar and now currently owns the studio so they are now partnership with Disney. Most of Pixar’s feature film is intended for its family friendly audiences so it is aimed at all ages, their aims is to take their audiences into an adventure through different films and that Pixar always focus more on the character development and storytelling more than the technological and artistic aspects of the films which is what I think is the most important part when it comes to doing feature films as, the character needs to be well developed and has enough backstory and the story needs to be well defined before going to the technical aspects of the feature film.Jude Brownbill – Character AnimatorThe person that I will be case studying and inspired me is Jude Brownbill who is a character animator and now a Directing Animator in Pixar. During her time at Pixar she has worked on 6 different movies which are: ‘The Good Dinosaur’ (2015), ‘Riley’s First Date’ (short film) (2015), Inside Out (2015), Monsters University (2013), Brave (2012) and Cars 2. I will be mainly talk about Brave as the main film that I will be focusing on the case study. Jude was the main lead character animator for various characters such as Merida, Elinor and Maudie only in the movie Brave. Figure 2 Jude Brownbill - Brave Animation Reel 3 Jude Brownbill - Brave Animation Reel looking at both screen shots, I really liked with the shot of King Fergus where the acting of him looking ‘shocked’ gave it more of a powerful and exaggerative reaction shot which is where I want to aim with my own animation style for character animation. What I found about Jude and why she inspired me is how she kept on working towards to her goals she never stopped or took any massive gaps in between as from looking at her roles, she has stuck with being character animator since her first job in industry. By looking at her action plan on LinkedIn, she has been studying character animation since University in 2001 where she is very passionate about. Jude then started to work into smaller industry straight after her Masters course which I would want to do within the next step of my own career action plan because I would want to build up my work strong enough so I am ready to go into bigger industry such as Pixar. Her path is to work at Pixar in 5 years’ time because she is passionate about character animation and in 3D especially because most of her work is done in 3D and Pixar is the company that only focuses on 3D and their own arts. As shown on her from her work experiences is that she started working for a much smaller company working on small projects for clients, so that she gets used to the industry world. So from starting small to big is a good step to build up portfolio of character animations and improve her work to update the show-reel frequently to show changes from the previous work to the most recent. Jude then began to become a mentor with Animation Mentor teaching the Animation Basics in character animation for a year, which is a huge step from becoming a Lead Animator to becoming a Mentor which then shows that as her character she has developed enough skill as a character animator to be able to teach it to students animation and able to get her knowledge across from what she learnt.ConclusionI chose Pixar to be my 5 year plan goal is because they have several of different feature films that has caught my eye, story wise and character animating. They seem to have a creative atmosphere within the industry with concept arts, storyboards being stuck on workspaces which make the company place livelier to work in so it feels like you are working in a creative industry. They have also offer online school course for character for people who are animator in training, which is called Animation Mentor. Animation Mentor works closely with Pixar and many other companies in order to help young animators to get their fullest potential to improve themselves as an animator. This online school particular covers the basic to advanced character animations including locomotion which is creature animation which I think is good to learn as sometimes some feature films can require animals as the characters so learning both is essential to do. Animation Mentor is a paid online school with six different classes mainly focusing on character and creature animation. I think having an online school is good for people who want extra online lessons on a certain area that you want to cover; animation mentor will be one of the backup plans in building up my portfolio stronger so I have something to work on the side. Also, it is good for those who are living overseas to be able to still apply and pay for the course and learn through via Skype which, makes it easier for those who wants to keep building up portfolio and have opportunities to work with professional people from the company such as Pixar. Also, using Skype would be a easier access to able to communicate with your mentors. Having an online school is also good for those who are struggling to find an animation school locally and wants to improve work to update on show-reels. Pixar also offers paid internships which last for six months and 12 weeks which includes several of different amazing projects to work from. Pixar has various different amounts of roles to choose from so they do not only focus on just animation; they have roles for people who want to go into concept art, storyboarding, technical director or even marketing businesses so there is always a place for everyone to be in whatever role you choose from.Overall, Pixar will always look for young or mature talented people who are always passionate in what the candidate wants to get into because they always love looking at where the strengths and weakness is as they will know which areas they need to improve on and also they would rather have people who are very passionate about something than people who does not enjoy where they been placed. ................

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