
Chapter 6

Reinforcers: How to Develop and Select Them

Study Questions

1. All of the following are primary reinforcers, except: (p.88-89)

a. A sweater when it is cold

b. A bottle of milk for a crying baby

c. Praise for a completed task

d. A sandwich for a hungry child

2. Give an example of a secondary reinforcer and explain the circumstances under which it may have been paired with a primary reinforce. (p.89)

3. Genevieve loves to text message. She keeps her cell phone near her at all times. However, her boyfriend has found her being on the phone annoying when she is with him and has repeatedly asked her to turn it off when they are together. . When she does turn off the phone, he smiles and says, “thank you so much,” and usually gives her a hug. After several days of this treatment, Genevieve now turns her phone off whenever she is out with her boyfriend. (p.88-89)

a. Is this an example of a primary or a secondary reinforcer?

b. Explain your answer.

4. Give an example of a situation in which a neutral stimulus is turned into a learned reinforcer.(p.90)

5. The ABC Club, an after school program, would like its members to participate in group sports activities for their own ‘health benefit.’ Most of the children prefer to play video games, read comic books, or just sit around talking together. (p.88-91)

Suggest a method for using reinforcement to encourage the children to participate in a sports activity and for making those activities reinforcing in their own right to these children, so in the future they will choose to do physical activities on their own.

6. A general reinforcer: (circle all that apply) (p.91)

a. Gains strength through a history of being paired with established reinforcers

b. Is aversive

c. Is learned

d. Is effective for a wide range of behaviors

7. “One fairly obvious way to narrow down the search for effective reinforcers is to ask people to select their own.” T or F? Explain your answer. (p. 92)

8. Give an example for each of the following four key categories of reinforcers: (p.91-92)

a. Social

b. Tangible

c. Activity

d. Edible

9. Reinforcers should be selected on the basis of what most people would enjoy. T or F? Explain your answer. (p.92)

10. Conduct a reinforcer survey on someone you know. List the areas you investigated and the results of the survey. (Optional: If ethically acceptable (the person gives informed consent), you then may use this information to help the individual to change one of his or her behaviors). (p.92-93)

11. List and illustrate four ways to objectively identify reinforcers. (p.93)

12. Before implementing a behavioral assessment it is unnecessary to have the permission of the client or their agent(s). T or F? Justify your choice. (p.96)

13. View the partial preference assessment below. Which edibles do you believe would be most reinforcing to this student? Explain your choices. (p.94-95)


14. “During a preference assessment, the time allowed for access to the reinforcers should resemble that allowed in natural environments.” Please explain. (p.95)

15. Define the term motivating operation (MO) and say how it affects the use of certain reinforcers. (p.96)

16. Explain the Response Deprivation Hypothesis (RDH) and why it is important to understand when setting up reinforcement conditions. When might the use of deprivation conditions not be appropriate? (p.97)

17. During lunch, Mirabel, a developmentally delayed teenager, often refuses to eat. However, Mirabel loves to listen to her IPOD. Set up an example in which you might capitalize on the Premack principle to help with this lunch issue. (p.97-98)

18. When selecting reinforcers, making a variety of different choices available is important. Why is this the case? (p.98-99)

19. Propose an idea for introducing novelty when providing reinforcement to someone you know well, and explain how you would use it to change a behavior. (p.99)

20. When those in the targeted person(s) natural environment deliver reinforcers ____________________is supported. (maintenance)


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