Notes on Matter - Deer Valley Unified School District

Notes on Matter

Matter – anything that has mass and takes up space

Mass – is the measure of how much material makes up the object

Weight – measure of the force of gravity on an object

Volume – amount of space an object takes up

Properties of Matter – Property is something about an object that can be observed such as its size, shape, color, smell, or sound

States of Matter – 3 forms solid, liquid, gas

Solid – person, ice, puppy, flowerpot

Liquid – water, juice, coffee

Gas – air, carbon dioxide

What makes up Matter?

Atoms – tiny particles or building blocks of matter, smallest unit of matter

• Composed of 3 primary particles

▪ Protons – carries positive charge

▪ Neutrons – carries neutral charge

▪ Electrons – carries negative charge and is smallest particle of atom

Nucleus – central part of an atom and contains nearly all the mass of the atom

▪ 2 kinds of particles are found in nucleus and they are protons and neutrons

▪ particles called electrons move around nucleus in paths called orbits

Molecules – 2 or more atoms lightly attached to one another and act as a unit

Does matter change?

Physical Change – changes in the size and shape of an object

Evaporation – when a liquid changes to a gas

Water Vapor – is water in its gas form

Condensation – Cooling air causes water vapor to change to a liquid

Chemical Change – a change that causes matter to become a new kind of matter

Mixtures and Solutions

Mixture – 2 or more substances are combined and each substance stays the same

Solution – mixture has some composition and appearance throughout

Element – a substance that cannot be separated into simple substances by chemical means

Compound – a combination of 2 or more elements which can be separated by chemical means but cannot be separated any other way

Mixture Examples

▪ breakfast cereal (grains, nuts, raisins)

▪ granite (quartz, hornblende, feldspar)

▪ Muddy water


▪ ocean water (salt, minerals in water)

▪ Tincture of Iodine (iodine in alcohol)

▪ Limestone

▪ Salt

▪ Conglomerate rock

Solute – gets dissolved (salt in water)

Solvent – does the dissolving

Filtration – separates sediment from water

Mixture – easily separated

Solution – evenly spreads molecules


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