Dr. Sumner's Social Science Course Website


Teacher: Ms. Dix Date/Week of: October 3rd

Grade Level: 10th


|Contemporary Issues | |

|Goals: Big Idea/Concept |HOW will you teach the Content? (strategies, accommodations, |

| |groups, content variation, etc.) |

|Unit II: Islam vs. America |I will cater to all of the students learning abilities. Some of |

|Is America Islamophobic? |the students are visual learners, some auditory, some kinesthetic.|

| |Some work well individually, others work well in groups. All of |

| |these different learning strategies will be implemented within |

| |this unit. There will be various note-taking using power point |

| |(visual), lecture (auditory), and there will also be hands on |

| |learning (kinesthetic, visual) (as will be demonstrated through |

| |various projects and mini activities throughout the entire unit. |

| |Students tend to have an attention span of about 10 to 15 minutes.|

| |After that the students must do something with that information. |

| |My instructional strategies will accommodate that to the best of |

| |my ability by giving notes for about 10 minutes, then doing a |

| |short activity with that information, then a little more notes or |

| |teacher facilitation, then another activity using that information|

| |which was just introduced. Technology will be a huge factor |

| |within a majority of my strategies. |

| |Day 1: |

| |Do Now Activity |

| |Cornell Notes over Unit II Section 3 |

| |Have students read Time Magazine Article “Park 51” |

| |Begin Journal Article Review Questions |

| |Class discussion over the Mosque being built near Ground Zero |

| |“Project 51” |

| |Work on Islamophobia Argumentative Project |

| |Students will receive their engrade sheets and their graded work |

| |Independent Reading/Work |

| |Day 2: |

| |Do Now Activity |

| |Cornell Notes over Unit II Section 3 |

| |Students will receive study guide for Unit II Sections 1-3 Test |

| |Have students read Time Magazine Article “”Ground Zero/Park 51” |

| |Begin Islamophobia Project “Ground Zero Project 51” |

| |Independent Reading/Work |

| | |

| |Day 3: |

| |Do Now Activity |

| |In-Class assignment Unit II Review and Critical Thinking Questions|

| |(part 1) |

| |Islamophobia Project |

| |Independent Reading/Work |

|Grade Level Expectation/Objectives | |

|(WHAT are you going to teach?) | |

|Historians develop a research plan and identify appropriate resources |Teacher Reflections/Student Work Analysis |

|for investigating contemporary issues topics. |I will record a journal log describing what methods work and what |

|The study of history requires an examination of multiple perspectives |methods do not work. |

|and relies on examination of multiple parts of society. |I will informally assess students based on observations, class |

|Historians use primary and secondary sources in order to identify and |discussion, and participation. I will formally assess students |

|analyze patterns in history. |based on results of their homework assignments and other various |

|Historians distinguish between fact and opinion, and analyze sources |mini activities/short projects (hands-on activities). All of the |

|to recognize bias and points of view in any given source. |information can be pulled directly from the text and the classroom|

|Historians use maps, statistics, charts, diagrams, graphs, timelines, |notes, so the students should have no problem completing this |

|pictures, political cartoons, written resources, art, artifacts, and |assignment. I will also ask questions to check for clarification |

|other ways to interpret history. |of the material being presented during the lecture. I plan to use |

| |the results of the homework assignment/Q & A as a guide in |

|Alignment to Show-Me Standards for Social Studies: |measuring what needs to be taught again, and how much the students|

|Standard 2: Continuity and Change in World History |comprehend the text when required to read on their own. If the |

|Standard 5: Major Elements of Geography |students appear to be struggling with reading the text I may use |

|Standard 7: Tools of Social Science Inquiry |reading strategies such as choral reading or the read aloud |

| |method. |

|In this Chapter the students will learn about: |Student Analysis: |

|The birth of Islam and its basic beliefs and practices. |Do Now’s |

|Islamic society. |Review and Critical Thinking Questions |

|How stereotyping affects society. |Argumentative Paper/Power-point Project |

|The idea of perception and how it relates to stereotyping. |Time Magazine Journal Article Reviews |

|The major influences to stereotyping and perception. |Journal Article Review Questions |

|The power of discrimination. |Socratic Seminars |

|How Islam in integrating within the United States. |Islamophobia Project |

|The effects of 9/11 on the integration of Islam. | |

|The stereotypes that are in place for Muslims within the U.S. | |

|The core argument emerging in the anti-mosque protest | |

|Essential Questions(s)/DOK: | |

|Higher Order Questions scaffolded to reach the Big Idea | |

|What does the anti mosque uproar tell us about how the U.S. regards |Reteaching Strategies |

|Muslims? |I plan to use the results of the homework assignment as a guide in|

|What do some say about the religion of Islam? What are they saying |measuring what needs to be taught again, and how much the students|

|about these jihadi training camps? |comprehend the text when required to read on their own. Before I |

|How is Dr. Mansoor Mirza treated by his own patients when he |begin instruction for the new section I will review some of the |

|considered to open a mosque? |material we addressed the other day by writing three review |

|What does Rev. Wayne DeVrou feel is the political objective of Islam? |questions on the board just to refresh their memory about the |

|What is Park51? |lesson from the other day. If the majority of the students do |

|Why do some people oppose Park51? |well on the mini quizzes as well as the review questions, then the|

|What do people claim these local Muslims to be when you read the |format of instruction that I am using (15 minute note taking using|

|section titled “Islam Meets America”? |power-point) is working. However, if the students do not do well |

|What do they mean when they say “Islamophobia has become the accepted |on the mini quiz, then I must change the way that I present the |

|form of racism in America”? |material to the class. The important thing is for the students to|

|What does the Time Abt SRBI Poll show? |have a strong knowledge base of the material being introduced, and|

|Name some examples of how Americans has shown some acceptance of Islam|then having the students apply the material that was presented to |

|in their country. |them. Another important aspect of observing success within the |

|What is the core argument emerging from the anti-mosque protests? |classroom is if the students are retaining the information |

|What did a pastor from Florida plan to do on the anniversary of the |successfully, reflecting the hands-on activities, then more |

|9/11 attacks. Does he have a right to do this? |hands-on activities will be incorporated within the lesson. One |

|How do people tend to relate Islam to savagery and death cults when |thing is certain, the students love technology. The more |

|reading the section “Abandoned by friends”? |technology incorporated within the lesson plan activities, the |

|What doe Franklin Graham, son of Evangelical giant Billy Graham claim |more engaged the students are with the lesson or activity. This |

|Islam to be? |increases the students’ ability of retaining the information that |

|How do some use Saudi Arabia as an argument of equivalence? Is this a|is taught to them throughout the unit. If most of the students |

|strong argument? |have trouble retaining the information, then I will split the |

|How does President Obama feel about the construction of the Mosque? |students into small learning groups and retackle the learning |

|What are the arguments for and against the construction of the Mosques|objectives. If a small percentage of the students have difficulty|

|throughout America? |passing the learning goals, then I will get the help of a resource|

|What did leading Christian figures Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell |teacher. With the aid of the resource teacher I will re-teach the|

|state about Islam? |learning objectives to that group of students while continuing |

|What did former President George W. Bush due immediately after the |slowly with the rest of the class, who passed the learning goals, |

|9/11 attacks? However what blighted his credibility of backing Islam?|giving those students more challenging objectives for the next |

|What happened during Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign? |lesson that I am going to go into. |

|Has Obama visited a mosque in the U.S.? | |

|Why have attitudes toward Islam worsened? | |

|What are some leading politicians equating Islam to? | |

|Analyze the society of Islam. How does the society of Islam today | |

|influence the world? | |

|Describe current events affecting the U.S. What wars are occurring now| |

|in Islam and how are we (U.S) impacted by them? | |

|Evaluate the society of Islam and compare it to our society in the | |

|United States. Which society would you prefer? | |

|Assessment/Performance Task: | |

|How will students SHOW what they have learned? | |

|The students will demonstrate what they have learned by completing | |

|various homework assignments and activities that addresses what was | |

|discussed during class. (Homework: assigned questions from Unit II. | |

|Is America Islamaphobic? Argumentative Paper/Power-point Project; | |

|Journal Article Reviews | |

| | |

|After studying this chapter, students should be able to: | |

|Explain the effects of stereotyping and discrimination on Muslims in | |

|the U.S. | |

|Identify the core argument for anti-Mosque protests. | |

|Determine your position in the argument for the construction of Park | |

|51. | |

|Describe what some politicians are equating Islam to. | |

|Explain how some use Saudi Arabia as an argument of equivalence. | |

|Explain if this is a strong argument. | |

|Determine what the anti-mosque uproar tells us about how the U.S. | |

|regards Muslims. | |

|Vocabulary |Vocabulary Strategies | |

|Stereotyping |The students bell work will | |

|Politics |consist of using vocabulary | |

|Racism |that they are about to learn | |

|Stereotype |for that days lesson. This | |

|Perception |gives the students 2-3 minutes| |

|Racism |to read some of the material | |

|Anti-Semitism |that we are about to cover and| |

|Discrimination |identify for themselves what | |

|Self-fulfilling prophecy |these vocabulary words are | |

|vizier |before we discuss it that day.| |

|dowry, Ibn-Rushd |The students are more likely | |

|Allah, Ibn Sina |to pay attention to its | |

|Pilgrimage, Quran |meaning if they attach value | |

|House of Wisdom |to it. Identifying new | |

|shari’ah, Sultan |vocabulary words before the | |

|Shiites, Mosques |lesson begins will also | |

|Sunni, Muslims, |reinforce the information that| |

|Jihad, |is going to be presented to | |

|bazaar |the class. | |

|Park 51 | | |

|Equivalence | | |

|Jihadi training camps, Osama bin Laden, | | |

|al-Qaeda, 9/11 attacks | | |

|Technology/Manipulatives | |

|Major use of power-point displaying the key terms and identifications.| |

|The format of the power-point is in Cornell note format. There is | |

|also use of internet. The smart board is used for displaying the | |

|power-point during the students’ note-taking session. | |


Big Idea- The core concepts, principles, theories and processes that should serve as the focal point of curriculum, instruction and assessment.

Grade Level Expectations-The thought or belief of what a student should know at a particular grade level by the end of the school year. Missouri’s grade level expectations are aligned to the Show-Me Standards and The Frameworks from the Curriculum Development.

Objective-The desired concept/skill that is to be learned.

Evaluation-The way that you will assess what the student has learned.

Performance Task-An assessment exercise that has specific performance criteria (this type of assessment needs a rubric/scoring guide).

Essential Questions-A thought-provoking question designed to engage student interest and guide inquiry into the important ideas in a field of study.

DOK-Depth of Knowledge-The degree of knowledge (thinking) complexity elicited from students on an assessment.

Vocabulary-The words that are necessary for students to know in order to grasp a skill/concept.

Vocabulary Strategies-The research based method/strategy used to help students figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Technology-The tools or aids used to teach your lesson.

Differentiated Instruction-A process to approach teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class. To differentiate instruction is to recognize and acknowledge students with varying background knowledge, readiness, language, preferences in learning and interests.

Teacher Reflections-A conscious mental and purposive process relying on thinking/reasoning/examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings.

Student Work Analysis-The explicit process used to analyze student work against a set of standards and scoring guide.


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