Questions based on?Chapters 6 and 7?of?Edward Glaeser’s,?Triumph of the CityResponses due?on?Thursday, May 16, 2019Answer all of the following questions in your own words. You are welcome to quote the Glaeser book (with proper page-number citation), but I am most interested in your own reworded summaries and comments. I expect your answers to be thorough and thoughtful, but not necessarily long. This is?not?a research assignment. The Glaeser book is the only resource you need to consult for this assignment, and you generally would not be well served by incorporating outside materials. You?don't have to agree with everything Glaeser says--and I would indeed enjoy reading about where and why you might think differently from him--but I do expect your responses to provide evidence of a thorough and thoughtful reading of his book.There is no set word or page target, and the questions vary in terms of their ideal response, but to give you a bit of an idea of the amount of writing I expect, each question is labeled as "longer" or "shorter". The shorter questions should be answerable in a single paragraph; the longer questions will take several paragraphs but not more than a page or two.Shorter questions: respond to all three questions, 10 points each.1. Ever since the?biblical Tower of Babel, what two primary purposes do tall buildings serve??What two American-led innovations in the Nineteenth Century allowed for modern buildings to become a lot taller??2.?How did the 1916 and 1961 zoning ordinances differently constrain?the height and shape of New York City's tall buildings?3. What were suburbs like before the age of the automobile? How did cars create a much more "sprawling" suburban form? ?Longer question: choose 1 of the following to respond to, 20 points.4.?Who were Jane Jacobs and Baron Georges-Eugene Haussmann, and what do their stories?represent about modern urban design and the consequences of urban redevelopment? Reflecting on their stories, and on the present?state of their respective cities (New York and Paris), what three guidelines does Glaeser propose for regulating urban development?5.?Glaeser uses Houston as an example?of both what is good, and what is bad, about suburban development in the American Sunbelt. What does Glaeser like about Houston, what does he not like, and why does he ultimately reject such "sprawl"?? ................

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