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Video Questions for History Channel: History of the World in Two Hours

(88 minutes; we see about the first hour)

1. How large was our universe at the time of the “Big Bang”?

2. What type of atom is used to create all the other types of atoms?

3. Besides Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He), where were the other elements created?

4. What celestial object formed when Earth and a Mars-sized object collided?

5. What molecule holds the secret code of life?

6. Some organisms – algae, some bacteria, and plants consume the energy of the sun through photosynthesis.

What waste gas is produced by photosynthesis?

7. What is the name of the biological “Big Bang” that happened about 550 mya?

8. What layer of the Earth’s atmosphere is produced by oxygen?

9. What can reptile eggs prevent the loss of that amphibian eggs cannot?

10. Are extinctions unusual or are they recurring (happened more than once)?

11. Above what weight were creatures killed by the asteroid/comet that ended the rule of the dinosaurs?

12. What plant group drove our ancient ancestors from forest to flat land?

13. What is freed up when an organism stands on two feet and not four feet?

14. What two things are needed to produce sustained fire?

15. Why is it important for organisms to disperse (spread out)?

16. In caves, what gives us evidence of symbolic thought in our ancestors?

and a bit more video….

Which era, period, and if possible to state, epoch did each of the following appear?

humans mammals dinosaurs sharks insects


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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