Fareed Zakaria’s The Post-American World AssignmentDue DatesRead pages 1 - 86 ?- By Wednesday, January 21st - Create 2 World View and 2 rhetorical entries that analyze the moves made by Zakaria. ?Read pages 87 - 175 - By Wednesday, January 28th - Create 2 World View and 2 rhetorical entries that analyze the moves made by Zakaria. ?Read pages 176- 259 - By Wednesday Feb 4th - Create 2 World View and 2 rhetorical entries that analyze the moves made by Zakaria. ?? DirectionsEach of these entries will count as 100 point homework grades. See examples for journal entries below. You can create your own method for your entries as long as you include the elements below. You do not have to write out the full text you are referencing, but you must include the page numbers. Reference the text in your discussion. ?This is a TEXT BASED DISCUSSION - if you did not read thoroughly, you will not be able to discuss what the text says. This text will also be the basis for the essay portion of the 3rd Quarter Exam.World Views Entries (2):Text related to World Views ExampleStart with the beginning of the text you are referencing... and end with where you want to end. - even if it is several paragraphs. ?Include page numbers.Summarize text & Add to the Conversation - Share your OpinionYou can use abbreviations - but it must be clear enough I can read it. DO NOT USE this entry - it is the example.“There have been three tectonic power shifts... It could be called ‘the rise of the rest’” (1-2). Summary - In past 500 yrs - 3 pwr shifts.1. Western world - 15th C - Accelerated 18th C w/ technology and industrial rev.Domination/colonization by western nations.2. Rise of USA - Unrivaled dominance in past 20 yrs.3. Modern era - Rise of the Rest.Reaction - Zakaria claims that we are living in “the third great power shift of the modern era.” I am unsure about the consequences of the rest of the world catching up... will America fall like Rome? Should we “do” something? If so, what? ?Zakaria’s tone does not reflect that Americans should feel threatened. ?He says “power shift” not defeat or downfall. The growth of other countries in the modern world is something America has promoted; otherwise, why do we provide so much foreign aid? ?Therefore, the emerging economies may actually relieve America while also creating a more prosperous world, which would be good for the entire planet. Rhetorical Entries (2)Rhetorical ChoicesFind interesting choices Zakaria makes.AnalyzeGet in the author’s head and analyze the purpose and effect. DO NOT USE this entry - it is the example. “Given these events,” you say to the sage, “how will the global economy fare over the next six years?”????This is not really a hypothetical (7).Zakaria begins the chapter with a hypothetical situation - a fortune-teller with a crystal ball. ?Zakaria asks readers to imagine approaching a fortune-teller to find out how the disastrous events beginning the 21st century will affect the world’s economy. Zakaria frames the question as if it is actual dialogue, which allows the reader to imagine the voice or even many voices asking this question after 9-11. The audience of mostly middle-class, educated Americans remembers worrying about the future and wanting these answers. ?Zakaria’s short, dry sentence that begins the next paragraph reminds the audience that they already know how it turns out because they lived through it. ?Using a hypothetical that isn’t really hypothetical is effective because it reassures the audience that the arguments and claims are valid, and they know them to be true through their own experiences (they already lived through it). ?This style also adds voice, which contributes to audience interest. ................

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