Algebra I

Westinghouse High School Math Department

PreCalculus Syllabus 2012-2013

Ms. Jackson

Room Number: 277, 279

Phone number: 773-534-6400


Office Hours: MTWR until 4:30pm or by appointment.

Ms. Jackson’s Class Schedule:

|1st |2nd |

|Basic Operations and Applications |Number and Quantity |

|Probability Statistics and Data Analysis |Algebra |

|Numbers: Concepts and Properties |Functions |

|Expression, Equations and Inequalities |Modeling |

|Graphical Representation |Geometry |

|Measurement |Statistics & Probability |

|Functions | |

Materials Needed:

✓ Quad Pad Composition Book

✓ Graphing Calculator; TI-84 preferred

✓ Textbook

✓ Colored pen (not black or blue)

✓ Pencils

✓ Pencil sharpener

✓ 3 ring binder

✓ Dividers

Credits: Earning a D or above results in .5 credits per semester (1 credit for the entire year). Grades are weighted based on GWCP honors course grading scale.

Homework Assignments:

Assignments will be given daily from the textbook and/or from other sources. Assignments are essential to the study and mastery of this course. Assignments are viewed as a reinforcement of the concepts discussed in class daily and will be factored into the final grade. It is the student’s responsibility to record these assignments in their student planner. Students are responsible for having all assignments completed on time. All assignments will be reviewed the next day and answers will be given. Answers are FREE!! Emphasis is placed on how to arrive at the answer and learning is the student’s responsibility. Any questions on homework assignments should be asked during homework review time. Homework will be collected once a week on Mondays for the previous week’s homework assignments unless stated otherwise. Forming study groups to discuss the assignments are encourages, however don’t be a parasite! Plagiarism will only lead to failure.


Quizzes are given regularly on PreCalculus standards. If a student does not master a standard on a quiz, he/she has the opportunity to retake the standard individually. Quiz retakes will be administered to the whole class at the teacher’s discretion; however there will be opportunities for the student to retake an individual standard. A student MUST attend Math Homework Center and obtain a teacher’s signature in order to be allowed to retake any quiz. Each quiz standard is aligned to ACT College Readiness Standards and will be graded on a 5-point scale as follows.

5 – You have totally mastered the skill, meaning you have demonstrated a full understanding of the concepts involved, clearly shown all steps of your reasoning, used notation correctly, and made no algebraic errors.

4 – You have totally mastered the skill, but you might have made a small notational error, or a very small algebraic error.

3 – You have a firm grasp of the skill, meaning you have demonstrated a full or almost understanding of the concepts involved, but you didn’t show steps of your reasoning, didn’t use notation consistently, could have written clearer prose, and/or made a slight algebraic error.

2 – You have demonstrated some conceptual understanding of the skill. You possibly have some confused reasoning, did not completely answer the question, did not use consistent notation, wrote muddled prose, and/or made more than one algebraic errors.

1 – You have demonstrated a weak or no conceptual understanding. You possibly have confused reasoning, poor prose, and/or made one or more serious algebraic errors.

0 – You left the problem blank or have written something not related math.


Tests will be given over a two-day period with Day 1 being a calculator portion of Multiple Choice and Free Response questions and on Day 2 calculators will NOT be allowed. Tests are administered to demonstrate mastery and retention of concepts taught. Tests are generally given at the end of a unit and at the teacher’s discretion. There will also be a comprehensive final exam at the end of each semester. Students are also expected to show all work to receive full credit on test problems. If there is an exam scheduled on the day that you have a field trip, you should make arrangements ahead of time to take the exam. Make-up exams are only given if you have a legitimate absence. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements within one day after returning from an absence to make up a test. If arrangements are not made students will not be allowed to make up the exam and will receive a zero.


Class will provide informal discussion of topics, and you will benefit from the comments of your classmates, as well as gain confidence by providing your insights and interpretations of a topic. Don’t be absent! Students are expected to come to class regularly and on time. Students are expected to enter the class quietly, be seated and take out homework and proper materials for taking notes. Students who come late to class are extremely disruptive to the educational process; therefore, if students are unavoidably late, please enter the room quietly with a pass. TARDY STUDENTS MAY NOT ENTER WITHOUT A PASS!!!!! It is the students responsibility to get the assignments and notes missed when absent within one day of returning.

Late Work Policy – (from GWCP Student Handbook)

It is expected that Westinghouse High School students turn in all assignments on time, completed in their entirety and of the highest quality.  Assignments not completed by the due date are automatically late and will only be worth a maximum of fifty percent of its original value. The one exception is if you have an excused absence you may turn your work in at the beginning of the period on the day you return to school. Teachers will not accept late work after it has been graded and/or reviewed in class. If you miss a class for anything other than an excused absence (i.e. class cut), any work (including quizzes, exams and major projects) due that day will not be accepted. You will automatically receive a zero on those assignments.

Final Grade: Grading Scale:

Students will be graded on: [90, 100] [pic] A

Classwork and Homework Assignments 15% [80, 90) [pic] B

Quizzes 30% [70, 80) [pic] C

Tests 40% [60, 70) [pic] D

Semester and Final Exam 15% [0, 60) [pic] F

Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their grade. It is important to spend time studying for this class on a daily basis. Students should keep an organized binder and be aware of assignment and project due dates. ALL assignments, including quizzes and exams are to be kept neatly in the binder for the duration of the semester.

Classroom Policies and Procedures

Respect for one another and classroom decorum will be maintained at all times; our professional relationship is built on this principle. Students are expected to adhere to the Chicago Public Schools Uniform Discipline Code and Westinghouse High School Policy of conduct regarding academics, behavior and dress. The following policies will be consistently enforced to ensure that every student receives the instructional time and atmosphere that he/she deserves.

1. Respect all property. (School property, personal property, and other’s property)

2. Respect all ideas given in class and do not criticize anybody’s ideas or thoughts.

3. Come to class prepared to learn. (a sharpened pencil, colored pen, paper, calculator, notes, book)

4. Ask questions during class.

a. Do not wait until the end of class to correct an error. I make mistakes. If you catch one, correct me.

b. It takes the utmost courage to admit when you do not understand something. More than likely, if you don’t understand a concept, your classmates are having the same issue. On the same note, if you can explain a concept, I will allow time for you to do so during class.

c. Statements like “I don’t understand” do not help me answer your questions. Ask a questions like “How did you get from step one to step two?”

5. Cell phones and other electronic devises must be turned off or silenced during class. Phones may not be visible at any time and cannot be used as a calculator. Cell phones that are visible or heard will be confiscated and can only be retrieved by a parent or guardian.


|Unit |Major Topics |Assessments & |

|Name & | |Major Writing Assignments |

|Timeframe | | |

|Introduction to PreCalculus: |12 Basic Functions, Function |Writing Assignment: Describe a function in writing mathematically. Students will use |

|Functions |Notation, Properties of |appropriate mathematical symbols and notation to describe a function. |

| |Functions, Domain and Range, |Quizzes: |

| |Rates, Composition and |Properties of Functions, Domain and Range |

| |Combination of Functions, |Twelve Basic Functions, Combination/Composition of Functions |

| |Inverses of Functions, |Transformation of Functions |

| |Transformation of Functions, |Unit Exam: 2 Day Multiple Choice and Free Response Questions |

|Polynomial, Power and Rational |Modeling Linear, Quadratic, and |Writing Assignment: How can you prove that a mathematical model is a good fit? Given a set of |

|Functions |Power Functions, |data, choose a model and explain why other models do not fit the data. |

| |Transformations, End Behavior, |Quizzes: |

| |Zeros, Rational Graphs, |Modeling Functions |

| |Asymptotes, Solving Rational |Finding Zeros |

| |Equations |Graphing Rational Functions |

| | |Solving Rational Functions |

| | |Unit Exam: 2 Day Multiple Choice and Free Response Questions |

|Exponential, Logistic, and |Modeling with Exponential, |Project: Loans and Mortgages. Students will use current interest rates to explore simple and|

|Logarithmic Functions |Logistic, and Logarithmic |compound interest. |

| |Functions, Properties of Logs, |Quizzes: |

| |Applications to Financial |Exponential and Logarithmic Modeling |

| |Topics, The natural base e, |Properties of Logs |

| |Solving Exponential and |Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations |

| |Logarithmic Equations. |Unit Exam: 2 Day Multiple Choice and Free Response Questions |

|Trigonometric Functions |Converting between Radians and |Project: Harmonograph - Students will try to create a harmonograph. |

| |Degrees, Arc Length, Basic Right|Project: Chaldni Plate – How do the different frequencies change the silicon granules? How |

| |Triangle Trig, Unit Circle, |can those frequencies be modeled with sine waves? |

| |Graphing Sine and Cosine, |Quizzes: |

| |Composite Trig Functions, |Radians, Degrees, Arc Length |

| |Inverse Trig Functions |Unit Circle, Right Triangle Trigonometry |

| | |Graphing Sine and Cosine Translations |

| | |Unit Exam: 2 Day Multiple Choice and Free Response Questions |

|Trigonometric Identities |Pythagorean Identities, |Review of Solving Equations |

| |Cofunctions Identities, Even-Odd|Quizzes: |

| |Identities, Sum and Difference |Pythagorean, Cofunction, Even-Odd Identities |

| |Identities, Double- and |Sum and Difference Identities, Double and Half-Angle Identities |

| |Half-Angle Identities, Law of |Law of Sines and Cosines |

| |Sines, and Law of Cosines |Unit Exam: 2 Day Multiple Choice and Free Response Questions |

|Semester 1 Review and Exam |Units 1 – 5 |Multiple Choice Exam |

|Applications of Trigonometry |Vectors, Dot Product, Angle |Project: Airplanes, Boats, and Hovercrafts. Students will explore how these things work and |

| |Between Vectors, Vector |navigate in tricky situations. |

| |Projection, Three-Dimensional |Quizzes: |

| |Vectors, Parametric Equations, |Vectors |

| |Polar Coordinates, Polar Curves |Parametric Equations |

| | |Polar Equations |

| | |Unit Exam: 2 Day Multiple Choice and Free Response Questions |

|Systems and Matrices |Solutions to two- and |Writing Assignment: Linear Optimization |

| |multi-variable systems, |Quizzes: |

| |matrices, identity and inverse |Systems |

| |matrices, determinant of a |Operations with Matrices |

| |square matrix, linear |Inequalities |

| |programming and linear |Unit Exam: 2 Day Multiple Choice and Free Response Questions |

| |optimization. | |

|Conic Sections |Geometry of parabolas, ellipses,|Project: Orbits of celestial objects. Students will model motion using parametric equations, |

| |and hyperbolas, graphing conic |and determine the position of orbital planets. |

| |sections, translations and |Quizzes: |

| |rotations, polar equations, |Conic Sections |

| |three-dimensional conics. |Geometry Review |

| | |Geometry of Conics |

| | |Polar Coordinates |

| | |Unit Exam: 2 Day Multiple Choice and Free Response Questions |

|Discrete Mathematics |Combinatorics, Pascal’s |Project: How cool is Pascal’s Triangle? Students will discover the many patterns in this |

| |Triangle, Fractals, Probability,|simple triangle. They will take one pattern and write about how it works and if there is an |

| |Sequences, Series, Mathematical |algebraic or geometric model for the pattern. |

| |Induction, Statistics |Quizzes: |

| | |Probability |

| | |Statistics |

| | |Sequences and Series |

| | |Unit Exam: 2 Day Multiple Choice and Free Response Questions |

|Semester 2 Review and Exam |Units 6 – 9 |Multiple Choice Exam |


This form is considered the first homework assignment and will be collected. Please read and sign your names below.

I will not bring anything into the classroom that is against the Westinghouse High School Code of Conduct and I will act accordingly to the policies of the CPS Uniform Discipline Code.

I have read the syllabus and understand it. I will honor it.

__________________________________________ _____________

Students Signature Date

__________________________________________ _____________

Print Name of Student Period

By signing below I acknowledge that I have read this syllabus and understand what is expected of the teacher, student, and parent. I understand that it is the responsibility of the student to take an active part in his/her learning. I also understand that not reading and/or signing this document does not excuse a student from adhering to the contents of this document. This document is also subject to change with/or without notice.

________________________________________ ______________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Print Name of Parent/Guardian

Parent email: _____________________________________

Parent phone number: ______________________________

Emergency Contact: _________________________________

Is there a computer with Internet access available for your child to use for assignments on a daily basis?

Circle one: YES NO

*****Just as a reminder, the best way to get a hold of Ms. Jackson is through her email address at DO NOT send a “note” on grade book. There is no notification for these “notes” and it is not a good way to get in touch with me. Thanks!*******


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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