

PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTESDate – October 17, 2019Chair Chuck Hawk called the Hearing to Order at 7 pm Board Roll Call: Chuck Hawk, Jerry Layne, Mike Schwab, and Don Glick answered the Roll CallMember Joe Musacchia had requested that he be excusedZoning Board of Appeals member Ray Heitger was also in attendance; The Chair noted that Ray is invited to add his comments to any discussion this evening.Village Administrator/Zoning Commissioner: Mike MillerAudience: NoneChair Hawk advised that tonight’s Meeting was advertised in the Independent on September 28, 2019 and that Minutes of the September 19, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting had been provided by the Secretary via a hard copy in this evening’s packet. Chair Hawk asked PC members to review and commentA Motion was made by Jerry Layne, Seconded by Glick to accept the September 19, 2019 Meeting Minutes. By a Voice Vote: Hawk, Layne, Schwab, and Glick voted to Approve the MotionBUSINESS: 1. Chair Hawk advised that tonight’s Meeting is a continuation of the September 19, 2019 meeting which concerned a Planning Commission review of the Village Zoning Code. The Chair asked VA Miller what topics he had for tonight’s Meeting.At the September 19th meeting VA Miller had provided copies of the current Village Zoning Code Chapter 153.215 Sign Regulations as well as a fifteen-page example of possible Zoning Code language modifications and examples of signs that the PC may want to consider exempting and/or prohibiting. At this meeting he asked the PC to consider the sections in the sign regulations example that addressed “Prohibited Signs”, “Signs Excluded from Regulation”, “Signs which do not Require a Permit” and “Permanent Signs”. Miller briefly reviewed each of these sections and asked PC members to comment. Jerry Layne suggested adding Safety signs or signals that should not be obstructed under (b) of Prohibiting Signs, political signs under Signs Excluded from Regulation, and emojis as a “Character” under Definitions. PC members talked about billboards, illuminated signs, changeable signs, and similar topics.Miller stated that for the next PC meeting he will provide a draft for the PC’s review and consideration that blends the examples discussed tonight into Village Zoning Code’s current Sign Regulations that may provide needed updates. 2.At the September 19th meeting VA Miller had provided examples of “Walls and Retaining Walls” language that the PC may want to consider adding to the Village Zoning Code. He advised that the Stark County Building Department no longer inspects or regulates retaining walls and that the Village may want to add language to the current Zoning Code to regulate the construction of Walls or Retaining Walls. He believes that the Village needs to expand their regulation of walls and retaining walls to protect the public and properties. Miller advised that he talked with an architect about the topic and that the architect suggested that the Village require a drawing with an engineer’s certification stamp for any future zoning permits for wall and retaining wall construction.Jerry Layne suggested that language be added stating that the minimum depth of the footing for any wall be set at the area frostline. Don Glick advised that the frostline is at 40” inches in our area. Layne also asked about types of block permitted for a retaining wall. Don Glick talked about the importance of the language in the example about the installation of guard rails in locations adjacent to sidewalks.Miller stated that for the next PC meeting he will provide a draft for the PC’s review and consideration that blends the examples discussed tonight into Village Zoning Code’s current Wall regulations that may provide needed updates. 3.At the September 19th meeting Schwab had provided a draft of additions to Section 153.002 – Definitions in the current Village Zoning Code that would provide updates to that section of the Code. He noted that the proposed new definitions are each shown in a rectangular text box interspersed throughout the alphabetically formatted draft. Tonight Schwab provided a separate sheet that listed the proposed additions in the draft in three categories – (1) six new definitions that were approved by Village Council in recent years for other sections of the zoning code, (2) two definitions that would replace or amend existing Definitions, and (3) thirty-three new definitions for adding topics that probably were not considered or did not exist when the Zoning Code was adopted in 1974. Schwab went over several of the proposed additions and asked the PC to review the proposed draft language for a the next PC meeting.4. Other topics offered for future consideration concerned the siting of storage sheds on single parcel, setbacks and the area of lots in B-1 and B-2 business districts, commercial vehicles on and in front of residential properties, and including language concerning lot splits or consolidations in the zoning code. VA Miller will provide drafts for addressing these topics at future meetings. Also mentioned was a potential Zoning Variance side yard setback request for the proposed addition to the Village Fire Building5.. Chair Hawk scheduled a Planning Commission Meeting for November 21, 2019 to continue the review of the Village Zoning Code.6.A Motion was made by Jerry Layne, Seconded by Don Glick to adjourn tonight’s Planning Commission Meeting at 8:05 pm By a Voice VOTE: Hawk, Layne, Schwab, and Glick voted to Approve the Motion___________________________________________________ ___________________________Secretary Mike SchwabDate ................

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