Managing Employee Hours in ADP Workforce Now - Cornerstone OnDemand

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Managing Employee Hours in ADP Workforce Now


Manage Employee Hours How Can I Manage My Employee's Hours? ..................................................................................................2 Guidelines ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 Function Comparison ......................................................................................................................................3 FLSA and ACA Warnings and Alerts ............................................................................................................. 4 Viewing Schedule Details on Timecard Slide In .............................................................................................5 Viewing Notifications in the Message Center .................................................................................................6 Viewing Daily Notifications ? Daily Email ........................................................................................................7

FLSA Overtime Hours Tab Purpose ...........................................................................................................................................................8 FLSA Fields and Descriptions.........................................................................................................................9 Using FLSA Tab to View and Control Overtime Costs .................................................................................11 Total Hours Overtime Scenario.....................................................................................................................11 Coding Employees for FLSA Status .............................................................................................................12 Using the FLSA Filter ....................................................................................................................................13 How to Adjust Temporary Overtime Thresholds ...........................................................................................13

ACA Hours of Service Tab Purpose .........................................................................................................................................................14 ACA Fields and Descriptions ........................................................................................................................15 Using the ACA Tab to View and Control Hours of Service ...........................................................................16 Coding Employees for Worker Categories....................................................................................................17 Confirming Part Time Worker Categories .....................................................................................................18 How to Filter the ACA Hours of Service Page ..............................................................................................19 How to Adjust Temporary Thresholds...........................................................................................................19

Managing Company Settings Add a Worker Category.................................................................................................................................20 Modifying Settings for FLSA and ACA Thresholds .......................................................................................21

Manage Employee Hours in ADP Workforce Now

How Can I Manage My Employee's Hours?

The Manage Employee Hours page displays information directly related to compliance thresholds. It provides a centralized area for you and Time & Attendance supervisors to proactively view, track and manage employees who are approaching or exceeding hours thresholds that affect labor costs. Labor costs are estimated to be 40 to 60% of business expenses. In addition to the visual display on the Manage Employee Hours page, your Message Center will receive daily alerts and a daily email alert (optional), to notify you of employees approaching or exceeding a threshold so that you can modify employees' schedules as appropriate. Note: Using employee schedules ensures the most realistic projections for all thresholds.


The Manage Employee Hours page pertains strictly to federal regulations. State regulations further limiting employee hours are not reflected in this data. Review the help content to learn more about FLSA and ACA.

Copyright ? 2016?2017 ADP, LLC



Manage Employee Hours in ADP Workforce Now

Function Comparison



Alerts Determined By

FLSA Status of Nonexempt

Current Hours Shown

Hours Worked


For maximum benefit, use schedules to

Scheduled Hours project total hours in week.

Type of Employee Hours

Key Threshold Defaults

Nonexempt Note: FLSA Status classification in Employment Profile

FLSA Overtime Hours

34 per week approaching overtime threshold (yellow alert)

40 per workweek. Over 40 triggers overtime (red alert)


Show all employees (default)

Only show employees with FLSA alerts

Only show employees with projected total hours below 40 hours

Practitioners can filter by individual supervisor.


Worker Category confirmed as Part-time

Hours of Service Includes worked and non-worked hours for which an employee is paid.

For maximum benefit, use schedules to project total average hours in weekly or monthly reporting period.

Part-time Note: Assigned to a designated part-time Worker Category in Employment Profile

ACA Service Hours 24 per week or 120 per month

approaching ACA threshold (yellow alert) 30 per week or 130 per month maximum

service hours for part-time employees (red alert)

Show all employees (default) Only show employees with ACA alerts Only show employees with projected

total hours below 30 hours Practitioners can filter by individual


Hours for

Next Week This Week (default) Last Week Custom date range

Next Week This Week (default) Last Week Next Month This Month Last Month

Copyright ? 2016?2017 ADP, LLC



Manage Employee Hours in ADP Workforce Now

FLSA and ACA Warnings and Alerts

Red ? threshold exceeded or projected to exceed threshold. Visual Indicators

The Manage Employee Hours page uses visual indicators on both the FLSA Overtime tab and the ACA Hours of Service tab. Although each option creates warnings and alerts based on different criteria, the color coding will be the same. Projections are based on scheduled hours.

Red ? exceeded or projected to exceed threshold. Yellow ? approaching the threshold or projected to approach threshold Green ? no alerts

Warnings and alerts are based on employee's coding as outlined in this job aid.

Copyright ? 2016?2017 ADP, LLC



Manage Employee Hours in ADP Workforce Now

Viewing Schedule Details on Timecard Slide In

You can access an employee's Individual Timecard to view schedule and timecard punch details from either the FLSA Overtime Hours or the ACA Hours of Service tabs.

Starting Point: People > Time & Attendance > Manage Employee Hours

Step 1

Action Select the employee name.

Result: A slide in with the employee's timecard is displayed. Note: The Schedules tab will display by default.

2 View the schedule. Select the Timecard tab if desired. Note: To change the schedule, select People > Time & Attendance > Schedules


To return to the Manage Employee Hours page, click Back.

Copyright ? 2016?2017 ADP, LLC



Manage Employee Hours in ADP Workforce Now

Viewing Notifications in the Message Center

In addition to the visual indicators on the page, you and supervisors can receive Message Center and email notifications. This example looks at an FLSA Message Center notification for an employee approaching overtime.

Message Center notifications are turned on by default for you and your supervisors in Setup > Time & Attendance > Message Notifications. You can turn off or modify messages. Individual users can control what they received by accessing User Preferences > Content > Time & Attendance > Employee Hours Management.

Step 1

Action Click (Message Center).


Select Notifications.


Result: Notifications are displayed


Select (Action) and click Review.

Result: The specific information for that notification is displayed.


Review the information and make adjustments to the employee's schedule as appropriate.

To view remaining notifications repeat step 2 or click the Go To Message Center button.

Copyright ? 2016?2017 ADP, LLC



Manage Employee Hours in ADP Workforce Now

Viewing Notifications - Daily Email

You and your supervisors can receive daily email notification for FLSA Overtime and ACA Hours of Service threshold warnings. The emails will have a link to ADP Workforce Now so that you can log in and make adjustments as appropriate. Email notifications are turned on by default for you and your supervisors in Setup > Time & Attendance > Message Notifications. You can turn off or modify messages. Individual users can control what they received by accessing User Preferences > Content > Time & Attendance > Employee Hours Management. In this example, one employee is projected to exceed the overtime the threshold. He has already worked 36 hours and is scheduled to work an additional 8. The practitioner or supervisor could possibly reassign the 4 potential overtime hours to another employee thereby saving overtime costs.

Copyright ? 2016?2017 ADP, LLC



Manage Employee Hours in ADP Workforce Now

FLSA Overtime Hours Tab


You can now track Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime and employee hours for non-exempt employees who are approaching or have exceeded 40 worked hours in a week. This page provides a proactive view of employee worked hours and schedules to help meet your budget and to better track employee FLSA overtime hours that exceed company overtime tolerance or allowable overtime in a week. This will provide the opportunity to minimize unplanned overtime for the work week. Use the Filter and Adjust Threshold Settings options to easily identify employees with specific under/over hours conditions, or create "what if" scenarios. You can filter results by specific supervisors to ensure the supervisor is meeting scheduling expectations.

The Manage Employee Hours page is for display only. Exempt employees or employees who are not coded as FLSA non-exempt status will display, but not as an alert.

Employee schedules are essential to get the maximum benefit of this feature.


Scenario 1: The page displays an alert for an employee who has already worked 30 hours, but is scheduled for another 14 hours. Adjust the schedule accordingly.

Scenario 2: Additional help is required to complete an inventory. Filter the list to show employees with projected total hours below 40 and schedule assignments accordingly.

Scenario 3: Due to large orders, your company will allow up to 5 hours of overtime per person a week. Set a temporary threshold of 45 hours for maximum hours allowed this week. Several employees are showing above that maximum limit. Filter by individual supervisor to determine which supervisor is not observing the maximum tolerance level so that they can adjust their employees' schedules.

Copyright ? 2016?2017 ADP, LLC




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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