CRMA Course - Maine

CRMA Course

Unit 1 – CRMA Roles and Responsibilities


• Unit 1 Exam must consist of 25 questions.

• To select questions, highlight the question(s) you want on your exam, copy the question(s), and then paste the question into a new document to create “your” Unit 1 Exam.

• If a “Retake Exam” is needed, select different questions and/or change the order of the questions you select so that the Retake Exam does not have all the same questions or look the same as the original Unit Exam.

• Be sure to count your answers for the total number of points to equal 25 points.

• Remember: These exams are to be monitored and are not “open book” or “take home” exams.

Cut and paste your exam in a word document with the answer and print your key.

Next delete the answer and print another copy to be given to the student for the exam.

CRMA Course

Unit 1 – CRMA Roles and Responsibilities

Question Pool

Short Answer:

Directions: Answer each of the following in the space provided.

1. If you are concerned about the side effects of a medication, where might you look for information?

Answer: PDR, Drug Reference Book, Pharmacy, Leaflet

2. According to 7.1.7 of the Assisted Housing Regulations, orders for psychotropic medications shall be reordered every _____________ unless otherwise indicated by the duly authorized licensed practitioner.

Answer: 3 Months

3. Destruction of medications that are not schedule II controlled substances must be done by administrator or administrator’s designee and__________.

Answer: competent witness that is not a resident (they can name PSS, CRMA, laundry person, maintenance person)

4. Name four body fluids that may become infected:





Answer: Blood, Saliva, Feces, Urine, Vomit, Semen, Skin wound fluid

5. Name a person available to the CRMA for medication information_______________.

Answer: Nurse, Nurse Consultant, Pharmacist, Duly authorized licensed Practitioner (there may be other people resources)

6. Name a non-person resource available to the CRMA for medication information______________.

Answer: PDR, Drug Reference Book, Leaflet, internet

7. A resident has a draining leg wound and while you are applying the medication, the drainage spills onto your skin that was not covered by the glove, what immediate step must you do:_______________.

Answer: Wash your skin that was exposed.

8. What does PRN stand for:______________.

Answer: As Needed

9. Which type of refrigerated medication cannot be stored with food even in a separate container:___________________.

Answer: Vaccines must be in a separate refrigerator.

10. If a resident in a facility is subjected to emotional, verbal, physical, or sexual abuse or exploitation, the circumstances must be immediately reported to whom.

Answer: Department of Health and Human Services

11. What is the normal range for pulse readings? __________ beats/minute.

Answer: 60-100

12. The radial pulse is easily located on the ___________ side of the wrist.

Answer: Palm side on wrist below the thumb

13. Normal blood pressure is ________ over _________.

Answer: 120 over 80

14. The normal heart rate is __________ to __________.

Answer: 60 to 100

15. Normal oral temperature is ___________.

Answer: 98.6 degrees F.

16. Normal respirations are ____________ to _____________.

Answer: 12 to 20/min

17. What two things should you observe about a pulse?

Answer: how many beats, regular or not

18. How long do you take a pulse?

Answer: 60 full seconds

19. When you take a B/P, you inflate the cuff to ________________.

Answer: Pump the cuff up 30 mm/Hg. Above the last beat felt while inflating the cuff

20. Vital signs include?

Answer: Temp, Pulse, Respirations, Blood Pressure

21. What steps must be taken for a CRMA to administer insulin?

Answer: Received training per DHHS regulations by an RN

22. List the Four pieces of equipment required for taking Vital Signs:





Answer: Thermometer, Stethoscope, Sphygmomanometer, Watch with second hand

23. How long is a pulse taken for?

Answer: 60 Seconds

24. Name the three places to take a pulse:




Answer: Radial (wrist), Apical (right side of chest), Carotid (neck), and Brachial pulse (inner aspect of bend in arm), Pedal (foot)

25. How do you take a person’s respirations? Be sure to explain your answer.

Answer: After taking their pulse, continue to hold their wrist, so they do not change their respiratory rate purposely, counting one breath in and one breath as a respiration.

26. What two pressures do blood pressure measure:



Answer: Systolic, Diastolic

27. Because all body fluids are possible sources of bacteria, viruses and/or other microorganisms, preventing the spread of infections becomes a main concern. List one action to prevent the spread of infection________________.

Answer: Good hand washing, Good housekeeping, Practicing Infection Control (wearing gloves and other PPE (personal protective equipment)

True and False:

Directions: Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided for each of the following:

|T_____ |Medications marked “FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY” shall be kept separate from any medications to be taken internally. |

|T_____ |In order to administer medications in an Assisted Housing Program, state regulations require certification. |

|F ___ |Medications ordered for one resident can be given to another as long as it is the same medication. |

|T_____ |The Administrator will ensure the use of safe and acceptable methods for administering drugs. |

|F_____ |Residents may self-administer their medications if they are responsible and the doctor says it’s okay. |

|F_____ |A count of Schedule II Drugs shall be kept on a weekly basis if being used; and every 90 days when not in current use.|

|T_____ |Unlicensed personnel administering oral medications must successfully complete training in a current course approved |

| |by the State. |

|8. F ____ |Persons with MR never self administer their own medication. |

|F_____ |Your certification is restricted to the agency you are working with at the time of completion. |

|T_____ |Medication administration is not complete until it has been documented. |

|F_____ |Our rights are different depending on where we live in Maine. |

| F____ |A CRMA certificate is valid in all states. |

| | |

|F____ |It is the duty of the CRMA to problem-solve medication errors. |

| |A CRMA must obtain education in the form of an 8 hour recertification competency testing prior to or within 30 days of|

| |expiration of their certificate to maintain their certification. |

|T____ |The CRMA may administer bee sting kits and insulin if trained by a Registered Nurse. |

|T____ |It is the duty of the CRMA to utilize safe and acceptable procedure in the administration of medications and |

| |treatments. |

|F____ |A nurse consultant’s is not governed by any rules. |

|F____ |It is the duty of the CRMA to re-label medications. |

|F____ |A CRMA may take telephone orders for medications. |

|F____ |Schedule II medicines may be kept with all other medicine. |

|F____ |Antipsychotic-type psychotropic medications may be prescribed on a PRN basis only. |

|F____ |Verbal counseling is the only action taken for medication errors. |

|F_____ |Discontinued and expired medications shall be kept with the individual’s current meds until properly disposed of. |

|T_____ |Medications, which require refrigeration, shall be kept separate from food by placing them in a special tray, |

| |container or separate refrigerator. |


Directions: Write the correct answer in the space provided.

Match the following staff with their appropriate role.

|C |CRMA |Responsible for day to day care of residents |

|A |Care Staff |Registered Nurse |

|B |Nurse Consultant |Receive and Count Medications |

|D |Administrator |Oversees a Facility |

|E |Pharmacist |Can receive verbal Orders from Physicians |

Multiple Choice:

Directions: Circle the correct answer for each of the following.

1. Where is the inventory of Schedule II Controlled Substances recorded?

Choose the best answer.

a. A bound book

b. Loose-leaf notebook

c. Spiral notebook

d. Index cards

Answer: A

2. You expect your role as a CRMA to be:

a. Within what the state regulations allow.

b. Written in a policy book that you may look up.

c. You will need to ask questions to clarify how things are done at your facility.

d. All of the above.

Answer: D

3. Which one of the following is not important for a CRMA to remember?

a. Must understand the facility medication policy.

b. Must have knowledge of how to approach the resident.

c. Must administer the drugs according to the supervisor’s orders.

d. Must be able to administer medications in a manner that is safe, proper, and accurate.

Answer: C

4. How often are you required to renew your CRMA certificate?

a. 1 year

b. 2 years

c. 3 years

d. 4 years

Answer: B

5. Which of the following decisions are within the “Scope of Practice” for the CRMA?

a. D/C medications that the client does not want to take

b. Give medication to client because guardian wants it given

c. Assessing the client’s level of pain

d. Making the decision to notify the physician of possible side effects

Answer: D

6. When you open the locked refrigerator and find medications sitting beside dated and wrapped food, you should:

a. Call licensing

b. Put the medications in a locked container

c. Throw out the food

d. Close the door and leave it alone

Answer: B

7. The heart rate can be heard using a:

a. Cardiograph

b. Sphygmomanometer

c. Stethoscope

d. Ventilator

Answer: C


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