
Task 1Artistic Styles Used In Computer Games:PhotorealismPhotorealism is a style in which makers of games take photographs of things and places and then try to make it virtually as close as possible so that it looks exactly like the photograph of a real life place.For example the one on the left is real while the one on the right is from the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.Cel-shaded animation324802535242500Cel-shading is another style that is used in games to give a cartoon style effect of the graphics that makes the game simpler and makes it look hand-drawn. An example of Cel-shading is in the game XIII.375285026479500AbstractionAbstraction is the style that is used in some games in which the makers have made the thing slightly or partially different than the original picture or object. An example of abstraction in computer games is Counter Strike.Exaggeration e.g. Anime, MangaIt is a style that is usually used in things like anime and manga in which the artist or makers animate an object or person and make it bigger than it is in reality. An example of exaggeration animation in games is Resonance Of Fate.Manga is a type of comic created in Japan that started to become big in Japan in the 1950’s that is usually published in black and white but sometimes there are fully coloured manga. Manga artists usually works with only a few other people in a small workplace. Examples of manga are End Of Eternity The Secret Hours and Angel Beats! The 4-koma: Bokura no Sensen Kōshinkyoku.Anime are Japanese made animations that usually contain bright colours and characters that are heavily exaggerated. Anime date back to 1917 but the word ‘anime’ only came about between the 1970’s and the 1980’s and is a shortened form of the word animation. Examples of anime are Hellsing, Angel Beats! and Guilty Crown.2. Computer Game Graphics(a) Pixel ArtImages are created and edited at the pixel level. They are created by colouring in squares to create the image so if a person is far away from it the image looks like it is a good image but when the person goes up close to it the image looks all jagged and is just a lot of squares. An example of this is the old Pokémon games. (b) Concept Art e.g. character, weapon, vehicle, environmentThis is the process of creating a character or object that involves drawing a quick sketch of it and then getting others to say if something should be changed. Then it is shaded in and gets more detail done to it which then leads to the final design of the object or character which lets others visualise it. Here is the concept art for the original Gundam. (c) Texture ArtThe texture of a painting is usually the feel of it when it is touched. It can be the addition of materials to give the picture more of an effect off like the addition of metal or sand. (d) Background graphics e.g. walls, forests, clouds etc.These are graphics that the player usually doesn’t notice they exist but when they are removed the player notices that they are missing. They are created and made as realistic as possibly because players like to have them there as they add to the feel of the game. An example of background graphics being used to create a feel in a game is Fujimi Kaido from Forza.In-game interface e.g. heads up displayThis is used to inform the player of what is going on in the game while not making them get distracted from the game. It displays things like health, number of lives etc. This is an example of what a heads up display is like: 466725182372000250507517843500037426901270Mini-map00Mini-map71437518415000361950241300Ammo count00Ammo count2904490212090Health bar00Health barPrint media art e.g. game packaging, box cover, manual, label, poster267652547561500These need to give the customer an idea of what the game is about and also to try to convince the customer to buy it. An example of this is a poster for the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl.3.Pixel685800227838000It is short for picture element and is found in files like bitmap and raster graphics. It controls the image resolution. Pixels are measured in pixels per inch (ppi). Around 72 ppi is low resolution which would be used for images that are used on the web while around 300 ppi is high resolution which would be used for things like posters. The colour of each pixel is stored which means that the more pixels there is in an image the higher the file size is. Pixilation is when we zoom into the image so that we can see the pixels which make the image look like it is blocky.4. Types of Digital Graphics(a) Raster (Bitmap) images (bmp, gif ,tiff, jpg, psd)348615014224000These are made from pixels so they pixilate if zoomed into. Their file size is usually high. Examples where these are used is in Photoshop, Corel Draw, FireWorks.(b) Vector images (psd, wmf, fla, ai) These images usually have a small file size and don’t pixilate when zoomed into unlike raster images. Are used for CAD drawings (plans for buildings) and are made up of points drawn between. Programs that use vector imaging are flash and adobe illustrator.5. File Extensions e.g. bmp, png, gif, tiff, jpg, psdThere are usually 3 letters after the filename name and these let the computer know what type of file it is so this lets the computer decide which application to open the file with.434340016446500Bmp-Bit mapped-Raster GraphicsThis is an image file format that is sometimes also called DIB that is used in Microsoft Paint and has a large file size.4733925-2857500Png-Portable network graphicThese are bitmapped file formats that used lossless data compression and were made to replace GIF. They support palette based images colours, greyscale and RGB (A) (with or without alpha control) images. It was designed for transferring images across the internet. 3819525-26289000Gif-Graphics interchange formatIt supports up to 8 bits per pixel and the colours come from the 24-bit RGB colour space. It can also support animations but it has a limitation on colours so it isn’t suitable for photographs but can be used for images with solid areas of colour or graphics. They are compressed using lossless data compression to reduce file size. 400050011112500Tiff-Tagged image file formatIt is popular among Apple Macintosh owners, graphic artists and both amateur and professional photographers and is now under the control of Adobe Systems. It is supported by a lot of image customising applications, scanning, word processing and optical character recognition applications. It was bought by Adobe off Aldus and has not had a major update since 1992.412432543688000Jpg/Jpeg-Joint photographic expert group When you compress the image it loses information but the amount of compression can be adjusted so less information is lost when it is compressed. JPEG images usually have a 10:1 compression rate so that the quality of the image doesn’t go down as much. It is also the most common image format on the web and is used in most cameras.459105035369500Psd-Photoshop fileThese files support different layers on images but they usually have a large file size as a cost of this. They are usually used for image manipulation so that the image can be changed before it is made into the final file type. They are also usually made as JPEG or PNG files and it is owned by Adobe. 439801028575006. CompressionModern cameras take very highly detailed photos that have too big of a file size for the internet to handle so we have to make them smaller by compressing them. Lossy file compression is good for photos taken by cameras while lossless compression is better for if the image is going to be kept or archived as the quality will stay better.7. Image Capture394335027368500(a) ScannerScanners are hardware that scans documents or photos and converts them into JPEG images and be setup to either copy it in black and white or to scan it in colour. They usually come with software that lets you adjust the image like Photoshop etc. Some well-known scanner makers are Epson and Fujitsu.450532531369000(b) Digital CameraA camera uses pixels so the higher the mega pixels on it the higher the resolution and now the images are stored electronically on memory cards. Images can also now be deleted from the camera instead of film where you had to redo the whole film. They also have blink detection so you can retake the photo if someone blinks and also the settings can be adjusted to high or low settings. You can also edit the images on the camera and also most cameras use JPEG format. The quality of the image can be affected by many things like lighting and focus etc.468630028003500(c) Graphics TabletThese are devices that can be connected up to a computer so that the user can hand draw images and they appear on the computer instead of having to draw them using a mouse. They are also used for electronic signatures at banks. They use a stylus that is a pen that controls the tablet so the user can create exact copies of drawings onto a computer directly.8. Optimising(a) Target image outputIf the image is for the web it will be of a smaller file size as quality doesn’t matter as much but the file size needs to be small to speed up download times. If the image is for printing it can be of a high file size as only image quality will count.(b) Image ResolutionThe higher the PPI of the image the higher the file size will be so if it is for the web it should have a lower PPI while if it is for printing it should have a high PPI.(c) Image DimensionsMaking the image’s width and height smaller physically can also bring the file size of the image down as there is less space to try to download.(d) CompressionLossy compression makes it so some of the images information is lost while with lossless compression the image doesn’t loss information.(e) Image bit depth25863553459480Image bit depth, how many bits per pixels there are and also determines how many colours there is available.00Image bit depth, how many bits per pixels there are and also determines how many colours there is available.-8083552497455These are the image dimensions that can be made smaller to decrease the file size.00These are the image dimensions that can be made smaller to decrease the file size.3124200240220500 The number of bits per pixel can be brought down to decrease the file size at the cost of the amount of colours available. So the higher the bits per pixel the larger the file size gets.73342515240000-34753551803400The resolution of the image is how many pixels per inch there is.00The resolution of the image is how many pixels per inch there is.2699385857885001371600151765001438275561975001504950838835004762504762500030988001099820009. Storage of image assets(a) File sizeIf the image is going to be used for the web it should be smaller in file size while if it is for printing the file size can be big so the quality will be better. As many pen drives can hold several GBs of data they can be used to store high quality images or even many low quality images.(b) File-naming conventionsSome companies have ways of naming images so that they know which image is which and this is needed as many people could make similar images with similar names and this makes it so they can find which image is which. Some names of images include the topic of the image, the date it was taken or even its quality and who made or took it. An example of a file name would be: FM4_RX7_Right Side etc.(c) Asset Management (asset=image)317182522733000Meta-data=information about the imageThis is used to let the user organize their images and they usually use a database to keep track of the images being organized. The user can add meta-data about each image to help them find it again and usually contain search facilities that can search for things like the date or author.Task 2: Generate concept art ideas for computer game graphicsTask (a) Game IdeaMy game idea is called: Angel Beats Heaven’s DoorIt is about: A group of students who have died and thought that their lives were unfair so they wanted to rebel against god for giving them unfair lives and woke up in the afterlife. Otonashi died in a train accident and was never able to accomplish anything in life so he ended up in the afterlife where he joins the SSS and ends up finding his memories of when he was still alive as he has amnesia. It will be based on the anime and the manga of Angel Beats!The characters include: Otonashi Yuzuru, Yuri Nakamura, Angel (Kanade Tachibana), Hinata, Yui, Takamatsu, Noda, Shiina, Yusa, Fujimaki, TK, Matsushita, Oyama, Takeyama, Chaa, Naoi, Iwasawa, Hisako, Miyuki and Sekine.The characters are trying to: Rebel against god and to do what they were never able to in their lives.The images that will be made to show a concept of the game are:Image 1- The Game LogoImage 2- PPSh-41Image 3- Ammo CounterImage 4- Health BarImage 5- BackgroundImage 6- SSS LogoImage 7- Game CoverImage 8- MP5Image 9- M9 InoxImage 10- Main MenuTask (b) MoodboardMoodboard_V1.psdThe files will be named by what they are and what version they are e.g. Weapon_V1 or Logo_V2.Task (c)TaskDescription of taskTime required to complete taskDeadlines Deliverables1.Brainstorm what digital graphics to produce for my game in the future2 daysEarly OctoberProduce a document outlining the different images that must be created for my game2.Moodboard for the digital graphics1 dayEarly OctoberCreate a collage of images defining the genre and subject of the game3.Plan1 dayMid OctoberCreate a plan describing different tasks and the deadlines and the outcomes of each one4.Thumbnail sketches and concept drawings3 weeksMid NovemberHave all drawings and sketches done for my game idea5.Produce the digital graphics in PhotoshopGet review from another person4 weeksAll images created in Photoshop for digital use and reviewed by someone6.Write report on the legal and ethical considerations to be considered for the game2 daysExplain legal and ethical issues regarding digital graphics and games using examples and explaining how this will affect my work7.Evaluate the whole process from brainstorming the image productionEvaluate each step of the assignment, how well the assignment went, what I would do differently and get a review from someone else1 weekA document reviewing and evaluating my work, my opinions on different tasks, where I could have improved as well as a third party opinion in my work and some feedbackTask (d) Tables Image NameGame LogoDescriptionIt is the logo for the game and will be on the front cover and website of the game. It has a red heart monitor style heart beat in it and then the name of the game written around it.Client NeedsA logo for the game that will stand out and also will make people think of the anime at the same time so they will want the game of it.AudienceAge: 12-40English speakingMale and FemaleVisual StyleAnimeCompositionIt will need a few layers like a few for the text, another for the heartbeat and then another for the white inside of it.TypographyText=ANGEL BEATS! HEAVEN’S DOORFont=Gill Sans Ultra BoldSize=24.13ptColour=980801Intended OutputPrinted, In-Game and WebImage NamePPSh-41DescriptionIt is of a PPSh-41 with full front end and the drum mag as these are the ones used in the anime by Fujimaki.Client NeedsA gun which is used in the anime that will be easy to make in the game and be recognisable what it is easily by the player.AudienceAge: 12-40MaleVisual StyleAnimeCompositionIt will need only one layer as can use fill to add the colour.TypographyNoneIntended OutputIn-Game and WebImage NameAmmo CounterDescriptionIt is of a bullet which will get smaller every time a bullet is fired. It also has a number beside it to let the player know how many bullets they have left.Client NeedsA counter that will be easy to figure out and work by whilst not being too distractive form the gameplay at the same time.AudienceAge: 12-40Male Visual StyleAnimeCompositionIt will need one layer for the bullet and then another for the text.TypographyText=12/30Font=ArialSize=35.96ptColour=010100Intended OutputIn-Game and WebImage NameHealth BarDescriptionIt is a bar that shows the player’s health and it decreases in colour each time they get injured and isn’t too distractive from the gameplay.Client NeedsAn easy to use bar to show the player’s current health whilst not being too distractive form the gameplay of the game.AudienceAge: 12-40Male and FemaleVisual StyleAnimeCompositionIt will need two layers, one for the bar and another for the colour.TypographyText=76%Font=ArialSize=30ptColour=010100Intended OutputIn-GameImage NameBackgroundDescriptionIt is the school hall shown in the anime and it is distinctive cause of the chairs and banner whilst also having the school stage to show it is still set in the school.Client NeedsA distinctive background for a level so the player will know where they are.AudienceAge: 12-40Male and FemaleVisual StyleAnimeCompositionA few layers for the different pieces of the image.TypographyNoneIntended OutputIn-Game and WebImage NameSSS LogoDescriptionIt is nearly the same as the one from the anime. It has an emblem on it and then laurels at the bottom and SSS written up the center of it. It then has a scroll under the emblem with rebels against god written in it.Client NeedsThe same logo the group in Angel Beats! use with a few changes to make it better for different countries.AudienceAge: 12-40Male and FemaleVisual StyleAnimeCompositionIt will need to have a couple of different layers for the different pieces of the logo and the writing in the logo.TypographyText=76%Font=ArialSize=30ptColour=010100Intended OutputIn-GameImage NameMain MenuDescriptionIt has the game logo at the top and then it has a book for the story mode, a couple of stick people for the multiplayer and then a cog for the options with the writing under each of the logos. It also will have a background of a bridge from the anime.Client NeedsA menu that will be easy to navigate and will give all the needed information about the game.AudienceAge: 12-40Male and FemaleVisual StyleAnimeCompositionIt will have multiple layers which will be for the writing, background and the logos for each part.TypographyText=Story, Multiplayer, OptionsFont=ArialSize=24ptColour=010100Intended OutputIn-GameTask (e) Tables of details for the graphics:File NameGame-Logo-High, Game-Logo-LowReference ImageOriginalFile FormatJPEGFile Size365KB,6KBIntended UsePrinted and In-Game,WebQualityHigh,LowImage SizeWidth:2480, Width:300Height:3508, Height:424Optimised100%,30%File NamePPSh-41-High,PPSh-41-LowReference Image FormatJPEGFile Size283KB,5KBIntended UseIn-Game,WebQualityMedium,LowImage SizeWidth:2480, Width:300Height:3508, Height:424Optimised100%,30%File NameAmmo-Counter-High,Ammo-Counter-LowReference ImageOriginalFile FormatJPEGFile Size162KB,4KBIntended UseIn-Game,WebQualityMedium,LowImage SizeWidth:2480, Width:300Height:3508, Height:424Optimised100%,30%File NameHealth-BarReference ImageOriginalFile FormatJPEGFile Size164KBIntended UseIn-GameQualityMediumImage SizeWidth:2480Height:3508Optimised100%File NameBackgroundReference Image FormatJPEGFile Size666KB,17KBIntended UseIn-Game and WebQualityMedium,LowImage SizeWidth:2480, Width:300Height:3508, Height:424Optimised100%,30%File NameSSS-Logo-HighReference Image FormatJPEGFile Size111KB,14KBIntended UseIn-Game and Printed,WebQualityHigh,LowImage SizeWidth:500, Width:300Height:481, Height:289Optimised100%,30%File NameGame-Cover-High,Game-Cover-LowReference ImageOriginalFile FormatJPEGFile Size3471KB,25KBIntended UsePrinted,WebQualityHigh,LowImage SizeWidth:3300, Width:400Height:2250, Height:273Optimised100%,30%File NameMP5-High,MP5-LowReference Image FormatJPEGFile Size321KB,6KBIntended UseIn-Game,WebQualityHigh,LowImage SizeWidth:2480, Width:300Height:3508, Height:424Optimised100%,30%File NameM9-Inox-High,M9-Inox-LowReference Image FormatJPEGFile Size134KB,9KBIntended UseIn-Game,WebQualityHigh,LowImage SizeWidth:2480, Width:300Height:3508, Height:424Optimised100%,30%File NameMain-Menu-HighReference ImageOriginalFile FormatJPEGFile Size2117KBIntended UseIn-GameQualityHighImage SizeWidth:2480Height:3508Optimised100%Task (f) Legal and Ethical ConsiderationsLegalWhen a person gets a piece of work copyrighted they will get some protection on their work through this so that others can’t copy their work and claim it as their own. In the UK copyright is covered by the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and this is the version the UK uses of the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Legislation which is used in most other countries. It is used to do two things which are to make sure the creator of a piece of work gets full credit for it and also to make sure someone can’t copy another’s work by giving the owner protection in case someone does copy their work. Copyright was created to stop people from copying other’s files like their pictures or audio files and also files on the web aren’t copyright free which is what most people think and don’t realise they actually do have copyright on them. On artistic pieces of work the copyright will last up until 70 years after the death of the author and a piece of work will automatically be given copyright as soon as it qualifies for it without having to be registered. A common way of making sure a piece of work can’t be copied is by inserting a ? icon and then the authors name and the year it was made after it which is not essential but it helps in case someone does copy a piece of work.I did not use copyright material without the owner’s permission. I sourced copyright free material from the web.Libel and DefamationDefamation is when something is said or written that damages a person’s reputation or insults a person. The two types of defamation are libel which is when it is written and then there is slander which is when it is said by mouth. The business of media is responsible for making sure any libellous and slanderous material is removed from any pieces of work before they reach the public. I have made sure that there is no material in my pieces of work that could be libellous or slanderous by making sure there is no content that would insult someone or damage their reputation in my work so that no harm is done by them and also so then I won’t get sued by them.EthicalWhen a game developer is making a game they need to be careful that they don’t put anything in the game that could make people not like it like the World Trade Center as this would make it so the game doesn’t sell well in America as it will make them not like the game as it will remind them of the 911 incident. Also some games have had special versions of them released in different countries as they will be banned in them if they don’t have some changes to them like in Germany if a game has violence towards humans it is banned. They also have to not have any adult content or any racism in them or people will not want to buy them as they will offend a person which means the game won’t sell well and will even sometimes be banned in some countries. I made sure my game doesn’t have any ethical problems so that it will sell worldwide and won’t be banned in any countries as if there is a problem in any countries there will be changed versions for them countries so that the game can still be sold there.RepresentationIn the games industry nowadays there is laws about what a game can include to make sure there is no racism and to make sure no religions are discriminated against in games so that there will be less people offended by games. Games need to be made so that they follow these laws and that no one is misrepresented in them as this can cause a game to be banned or to not sell well as people won’t want to buy it.Game RegulatorsThese are groups in the entertainment industry that try to make sure that inappropriate games are banned and that people are aware of what different games include before they buy them and what age groups they are suitable for. The different groups are CERO who work in Japan, ESRB who work in America, PEGI who work in Europe, USK who run in Germany and OFLC who work mostly in New Zealand and Australia. There are different symbols used to make people aware of what games include which include the age ratings and then the content markings for things like violence or discrimination.Task 3: EvaluationFor the first graphic, which is the game’s logo, it turned out mostly how I thought it would except the writing had to be moved to give enough room for it as none of the writing would have fitted with the formatting if it was the same as the original intentions for the graphic which was planned to have the writing on the inside of the logo whilst now it is split up on top of it so that the writing can be seen easily and can keep its formatting so that it will stand out on the cover of the game and on wherever else it will be going which will make it so people will know what the game is called. It fits well for its purpose as it has a simple logo part which is just two red lines and then the game’s name written on it to which stands out and is easy to read so the person will be able to know what game it is straightaway. I think it looks okay compared to a commercial game as the logo needs to be simple which it is as then it is easy to understand and will stand out amongst other games as it will catch the person’s eye. The image when made into a JPEG had a small file size even when it was made into a high quality which means it won’t take up too much space on a computer even with high quality. The high quality version takes up only 366KB which for being high quality is small as they usually take up a lot more than that and it is 2480x3508 which is big enough as it is going to be printed so it will need to be big. It is of high quality as there is no pixelating in it and it has smooth lines in it which makes it look better for printing and for the in-game menu. The low quality version of it only takes up 6KB as there isn’t much to it and it is only 300x424 which means it is small enough for a website. The quality of it isn’t that great as it is pixelating a bit but if zoomed in on at all it will pixelate badly which is no good for being printed or being used in-game. When I got a classmate to give me feedback on the logo they said that it was very basic and only showed a heartbeat and the name of the game and that it should have had an image to let people get an idea of what the game is about instead of them not having any idea like the logo does which when I thought about it was right as a lot of modern games have some type of hint of what the game is about in the logo whereas mine doesn’t which I could use to improve it through.The second graphic, which is the PPSh-41, it finished exactly how I thought it would at the start as from the start I thought it would end up with the original front and the drum mag but I checked how the sickle mag would look on it and it didn’t look right for the game so I went with the drum mag instead as this gave more of the authentic look to it as most people know the gun for having a drum mag so I went with it. This graphic fits its purpose well as it is to look like the one from the anime which it does and it was chosen as I wanted something that would stand out among other guns and would be a simple gun in which it is. I think that for my game it looks ok but if it were for a commercial game there would be a lot more detailing on the gun to make it look better but for my game I think it works well. The image itself isn’t that big in file size as for the high quality version it only takes up 284KB of space which isn’t much for a high quality image and for the low quality version it only takes up 5KB which is nearly nothing. The size of the high quality one is 2480x3508 which makes it large enough so that a person can clearly see it well and won’t have to look closely to find it making it perfect for printing whilst the low quality one is only 300x424 which would be too small for printing but is good for the web as it will only need to be a small image on there. The high quality one is of a good quality as there is no pixelating and it is made up of smooth lines with no pixel style lines in it which is good but the low quality one is pixelated and has jagged lines in it but it doesn’t need to be of good quality as it is only for the web so it won’t get zoomed up that much. For this image when I got feedback from a classmate they said that it was good but that it could have been drawn a bit steadier but that this is hard on a computer which I agree with as it was hard to try and be steady on the computer but I’m happy that it was seen as good.The third graphic is the ammo counter which turned out a bit different from what I was originally thinking it would but I think it has turned out better than it would have if I went with the original intention as originally it was going to be a gun mag which would lose its colour as the player fired bullets from the gun but now it is of a bullet which has a counter beside it which tells the player exactly how many bullets they have left which makes it easier to understand than the original. It fits its purpose well as it was made to let the player know how many bullets they have left which it does easily and is simple to understand for the player. It isn’t as good as a commercial game’s ammo counter as they would have it so that it is in better detail than mine and they would probably have a better one as they would probably have better ideas for one than I was able to come up with but it isn’t as bad as some of the games out there so it is ok. The image has a small file size when it is in high quality so that is a good part as this then means less space will be taken up which means there is more room for bigger graphics whilst the low quality version only takes up 4KB which is expected as it doesn’t have much to it and will pixelate if zoomed into at all which means it is only any good for the web whilst the high quality version won’t pixelate so it is good for printing and in-game use. It has a size of 2480x3508 and has a good quality to it so it is good for printing and for in-game use as it doesn’t pixelate until zoomed far into which it won’t and it has smooth lines on it whilst the low quality only is 300x424 and it is of a low quality so it isn’t good as it pixelates badly if zoomed into and it has blocky lines everywhere and isn’t good for anything except use on the web as it won’t get zoomed into and needs to have a small file size. When I got a classmate to give me feedback on this image they said it was simple and straight to the point of telling you how much ammo you had left but that I should have made the bullet a bit bigger which I think is true as then it would make it easier to see for people that find it hard to see.For the fourth graphic I did a health bar which turned out not that far from what I originally thought it would turn out like as there isn’t much variation that I could do with it so it is just a bar with text beside it which wasn’t in the original idea but was added in so if someone wants to know exactly how much health they have then it is there for them to read. It fits its intended purpose as it simply shows the player how much health they have left and it is easy for them to understand and doesn’t take up that much room on the screen so it won’t distract them from the gameplay of the game. Some commercial games have a similar setup for showing the player their health but they would have it in better detail and would probably have it so it takes up less space on the screen but some games have health bars that are annoying and distract the player from the gameplay so it is better than them at least. The health bar only takes up 164KB and is only going to be used in-game so it doesn’t need a low quality version and it has an image size of 2480x3508 which is good for use in-game so it won’t pixelate when being sized right for the game and will still keep its smooth lines and won’t become all blocky when inserted into the game. I got a classmate to give me feedback for this image and he said that I should have made the bar a bit bigger which I agree with as then it would be more noticeable to the player but if I did that then it might take away from the immersion of the game which would be bad.For the fifth graphic for the game I did a background that will be used for a part of the game which turned out similar to what I thought it would as I thought it would be part of the inside of the school and I ended up doing a hall. It fits its intended purpose as it is usable for the background for a level of the game and it won’t distract the player too much from the gameplay but is enough to add to the game which will make it better for the player. It isn’t as good as a commercial game’s background as it isn’t well drawn whilst a proper game would have it professionally drawn so it would look good in the game. The high quality version of the image takes up 667KB and has an image size of 2480x3508 which means it is good for printing or using in-game so it won’t pixelate and hasn’t blocky lines as it will probably be zoomed into whilst the low quality version takes up 17KB and has an image size of 300x424 which means it is small enough to go on the web as it won’t get zoomed into so it won’t show it pixelating that much. When I got a classmate to give me feedback on this image they said that I should have added in colour to it to make it look better which I was going to do but then decided to add more images which then made me forget to do this.The sixth image that I made was of the SSS logo that changed a bit from the original intentions I had for it as the writing turned from being “rebels against the god” to “rebels against god” to make it more simple for the player to understand but except for that it didn’t change much from the original idea of it. It fits the purpose it is intended for as it is simple and is similar to the original logo used by them in the anime so the player will recognise it straight away and if the player has never seen the anime it will still make sense as it is easy to figure out. It isn’t anywhere near as good as the original from the anime but for my drawing skills I think it turned out good but not as good as any fan made ones about. The high quality version of the image has a file size of KB which means it won’t take up much room and has an image size of 500x481 so it won’t take up much space on screen in the game as it won’t pixelate whilst the low quality version takes up 14KB and has an image size of 300x289 so that it will be good for use on the web as it won’t take up much room but will pixelate if zoomed into. When I got a classmate to give me feedback on this image they told me that I should have added something more in to tell more about the group but that it was well done which is good.For the seventh image for my game I made the cover for the game which turned out a lot different than it originally was planned to but I think it looks better the way it is now and how it was intended to originally turn out as now there is characters on the front of it and the back isn’t crammed with images and has it so the writing is easy to read. It fits its intended purpose as it shows a bit about the game but doesn’t ruin it for the player and gets them so they want to buy the game to find out what happens in the game and it will stand out amongst other game covers. It isn’t as good as a commercial game’s cover as it is all over the place and doesn’t give as good of information but that might help it because then it will stand out more from them. The high quality version of it takes up 3471KB and has an image size of 3300x2250 which makes it good for being printed out as when changed size it won’t pixelate whilst the low quality version of it for use on the web has a file size of 25KB and an image size of 400x273 which means it won’t take too long to load on the web but will pixelate if printed so it’s useless for printing. When I got a classmate to give me feedback for this image he said that it was good but to include a bit more information which I would do if I do it again.My eighth image was of the MP5 that is going to be in the game which turned out slightly different from how I thought it would as originally I was going to use the same MP5 but make it the sliding stock version as it is more popular but then I tried the solid stock and it looked better for the game and fitted in more so I went with it in the end up. It fits the purpose it was intended for as it is the same as the one in the anime and it also fits in well as they are supposed to be students so the solid stock version in real-life has less recoil than the sliding stock version so it seems more realistic for them to use it instead and also it is a popular gun with gamers so they will know it straight away. It isn’t as good as a commercial game’s as it isn’t as well detailed and they would probably go with the sliding stock version as it is the more popular of the two. The high quality version of the image takes up 321KB of space and has an image size of 2480x3508 which means it will be big enough and will have the quality for being printed out and used in-game whilst the low quality version takes up 6KB and is 300x424 and it pixelates when zoomed into so it is only any use for being put up on the web as it will pixelate badly if zoomed into. I got a classmate to give me feedback for this image and they said that it was good but to maybe make it smoother but that this is hard to do on a computer which I agree with as it was hard trying to move the mouse stead enough.For my ninth image I done a M9 Inox which turned out the same as I thought it would be as it needed to be the distinctive model from the anime that Yuri uses so the player would recognise it straight away as it is distinctive from any other M9 in real-life and other games. It is fit for its purpose as it is the distinctive model from the anime and this will cause the anime fans to want to play the game as it has one of the famous weapons from the anime in it. It isn’t as good as any of the versions from commercial games as they would have it drawn better and a lot more detail on it like with the logo on the hand guard which isn’t in much detail in my version of it. The high quality version that is going to be used for in the game and also for printing takes up 420KB and has an image size of 2480x3508 and it won’t pixelate when zoomed into unlike the low quality version that is going to be used for the web which takes up 9KB and has an image size of 300x424 and it will pixelate when zoomed into which makes it useless for anything else. When I got a classmate to give me feedback for this image they said that it was good but to draw it more carefully next time.My final image which is the Main Menu turned out quite a bit different from the original as it originally would have been an image of the school for the background and then the icons for the different parts of the menu would have been different from how they are now as well but I think it looks a lot better the way it is now which is why I went for this version of it. It fits the intended purpose as it is easy to figure out and for the player to navigate around so they won’t have any problems with getting around the games options and menu making it better for them. My menu isn’t as good as a commercial game’s one as it is very basic and also there isn’t much in it so the player won’t even look at it whilst in a commercial game’s one there is a lot more detailing so the player might look at it for a while. The image of the menu takes up 2117KB and has an image size of 2480x3508 and it won’t pixelate when looked at when being played as it only is going to be used in-game so a low quality version for the web isn’t needed. I got a classmate to give me feedback on this image and they said that I should have made better icons for the different parts which I agree on for the single-player part as it isn’t the best of icons for it.For the idea generation part of the project I think I would need to use more time next time I’m doing it as I wasn’t able to think of many good ideas during the time and if I gave myself more time for this next time then I think I would do better in coming up with good ideas for a project. For most of the images I had them in too high of quality for what they were going to be used for so they had to be made into lower quality which was ok as they wouldn’t lose any parts and they wouldn’t need to be converted back up to high quality were they would lose the quality and would be pixelated badly. The images size for the printed and in-game ones were set to have an image size of 2480x3508, a PPI of 300, RGB colour mode and between 300KB and 3000KB for each of them whilst the versions that are going to be used for the web have an image size of 300x424, a PPI of 300, RGB colour mode and take up between 4KB and 25KB for each of them. I think I managed my time well for most of it except maybe next time I need to spend a little extra time thinking of better ideas for my graphics but except for that I think I managed it well. I followed my plan most of the way except I spent a bit extra time on making the graphics as some bits required extra work for them to look decent and I think it was realistic as it fitted most of the work timeline for the process. Next time I plan to give myself some extra time to come up with better ideas and to work on giving the graphics more detailing so that they will look better next time. I think I worked well with Photoshop so I think my compatibilities with it are good but in the drawing by hand process it didn’t go well as I’m not a good drawer which brought it down but it didn’t turn out to bad so it’s just not that good of compatibility with a pencil and paper. The only teamwork we did for the project was giving feedback as the rest was own work but we gave each other good feedback and were specific in the parts we were giving them. It was useful as now I will be able to work Photoshop better and know how to make better concept drawings without having to be good at drawing. I learned some extra functions of Photoshop. I would use my time better next time for coming up with better ideas for the graphics as this would improve the quality of them therefore making them better.Feedback on Digital GraphicsFeedback given byLuke PedenImage nameGame-Logo-HighImage description(what is the image about)It is of a heartbeat from a monitor with the name of the game written around it.TECHNICALFile format(JPEG, GIF..)JPEGFile size366KBQuality of image(high, medium, poor)High AESTHETICIs the image suitable?How does it look?Does it covey the meaning it is supposed to?(Discuss giving details)This logo tells you what the game is called but nothing after that. To me it only looks like a heartbeat line Could the image be improved?(better drawn, use of colour, size, balance, proportion etc.)To improve this image I would include an image letting the customer know what it is about.Feedback given byLuke PedenImage namePPSh-41-HighImage description(what is the image about)It has a PPSh-41 with the drum mag.TECHNICALFile format(JPEG, GIF..)JPEGFile size284KBQuality of image(high, medium, poor)High AESTHETICIs the image suitable?How does it look?Does it covey the meaning it is supposed to?(Discuss giving details)This image is great it shows of a detailed gun that looks really good. Could the image be improved?(better drawn, use of colour, size, balance, proportion etc.)There would be not a lot of things I would change maybe I steady hand when drawing but then it on the computer so that is really hard.Feedback given byLuke PedenImage nameAmmo-Counter-LowImage description(what is the image about)This has a bullet with the remaining amount of bullets in the current clip beside it.TECHNICALFile format(JPEG, GIF..)JPEGFile size4KBQuality of image(high, medium, poor)LowAESTHETICIs the image suitable?How does it look?Does it covey the meaning it is supposed to?(Discuss giving details)This is a very basic image but it gets straight to the point of telling you about the ammo. Could the image be improved?(better drawn, use of colour, size, balance, proportion etc.)Make the bullet a little bigger.Feedback given byLuke PedenImage nameHealth-BarImage description(what is the image about)This has a bar showing how much health the player has left with the percentage below it.TECHNICALFile format(JPEG, GIF..)JPEGFile size164KBQuality of image(high, medium, poor)HighAESTHETICIs the image suitable?How does it look?Does it covey the meaning it is supposed to?(Discuss giving details)It is very basic but is straight to the point of telling you how much health you have left.Could the image be improved?(better drawn, use of colour, size, balance, proportion etc.)Make the bar a bit longer.Feedback given byLuke PedenImage nameBackground-LowImage description(what is the image about)This is of the school hall from the anime.TECHNICALFile format(JPEG, GIF..)JPEGFile size17KBQuality of image(high, medium, poor)LowAESTHETICIs the image suitable?How does it look?Does it covey the meaning it is supposed to?(Discuss giving details)It shows me a school hall but nothing else which makes me think it is set in a school.Could the image be improved?(better drawn, use of colour, size, balance, proportion etc.)Add a bit of colour to it.Feedback given byLuke PedenImage nameSSS-Logo-LowImage description(what is the image about)This is done the same as the logo the group in the anime use.TECHNICALFile format(JPEG, GIF..)JPEGFile size14KBQuality of image(high, medium, poor)LowAESTHETICIs the image suitable?How does it look?Does it covey the meaning it is supposed to?(Discuss giving details)It shows me a logo for something in the game and tells me what they are called and is in good detail.Could the image be improved?(better drawn, use of colour, size, balance, proportion etc.)Maybe draw it a bit better or give more information about the group it is for.Feedback given byLuke PedenImage nameGame-Cover-HighImage description(what is the image about)This has the main characters on the front and a battle scene with gears on the back with some writing about the game on it.TECHNICALFile format(JPEG, GIF..)JPEGFile size3471KBQuality of image(high, medium, poor)HighAESTHETICIs the image suitable?How does it look?Does it covey the meaning it is supposed to?(Discuss giving details)It is well done as it shows what the game is about well and has lots of images and just a bit of writing so the audience will be more likely to buy it.Could the image be improved?(better drawn, use of colour, size, balance, proportion etc.)Could have had a bit more information about the game on it.Feedback given byLuke PedenImage nameMP5-HighImage description(what is the image about)This is of an MP5A2 like the one from the anime which has a solid stock and sickle mag.TECHNICALFile format(JPEG, GIF..)JPEGFile size321KBQuality of image(high, medium, poor)HighAESTHETICIs the image suitable?How does it look?Does it covey the meaning it is supposed to?(Discuss giving details)It was well detailed and was well drawn and shows the gun.Could the image be improved?(better drawn, use of colour, size, balance, proportion etc.)It could be more carefully drawn but that’s hard to do with a computer.Feedback given byLuke PedenImage nameM9-Inox-LowImage description(what is the image about)This is done the same as the M9 Inox that Yuri uses in the anime which is silver with a black handgrip.TECHNICALFile format(JPEG, GIF..)JPEGFile size9KBQuality of image(high, medium, poor)LowAESTHETICIs the image suitable?How does it look?Does it covey the meaning it is supposed to?(Discuss giving details)It looks good and is well detailed and shows the gun well.Could the image be improved?(better drawn, use of colour, size, balance, proportion etc.)Could have been drawn better but that is hard on computer.Feedback given byLuke PedenImage nameMain-MenuImage description(what is the image about)This is of the main menu that is going to be used in the game when it is started up and will include the options and modes for the game with icons to click on for the player to select each mode.TECHNICALFile format(JPEG, GIF..)JPEGFile size2117KBQuality of image(high, medium, poor)HighAESTHETICIs the image suitable?How does it look?Does it covey the meaning it is supposed to?(Discuss giving details)It is simple and is easy to navigate around.Could the image be improved?(better drawn, use of colour, size, balance, proportion etc.)It could have had better icons and the colours different. ................

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