John A

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|John A. Ferguson Senior High School |

|February 2011 Scholarship Bulletin |

|Kerri Medina CAP Advisor |

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|National College Fair- MIAMI |

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|Doubletree Miami Mart/Airport |

|Hotel & Exhibition Center |

|777 N.W.72 AVENUE |

|Miami, Florida |

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|SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2011 |

|12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. |

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|Collegiate Living Organization at UF |Low cost room and board|Not stated |Senior planning to attending UF |

| | | |Living organization designed to help worthy/needy students planning |

| | | |to attend the University of Florida |

| | | |It offers dormitory-style room and board similar to that which can |

| | | |be found on campus for about half the price |

| | | |Students are required to keep up the facility and govern themselves |

| | | |Application is available online at |

|Miami Dade College- Kendall Summer |In-state tuition |Not stated. Space is |Senior |

|Scholarship |coverage for up to 5 |limited, apply soon |Planning to attend Miami-Dade Kendall in the summer term. |

|(Early Start) |credits (prep or | |Participation requires attending classes only two or three mornings |

| |college credits) plus | |per week |

| |$50 towards the cost of| |For application please contact Sue Giorgi at or |

| |books and mentoring | |(305) 237-2582 or (305) 237-0742 |

| |throughout the summer | | |

|Southern Scholarship Foundation |Housing scholarship to |There is no deadline |Awards qualifying students with housing scholarships to FSU, UF, |

| |FSU, UF, FAMU, FGCU |for submission; however|FAMU,FGCU |

| | |students are encouraged|Must have at least a 3.0 GPA and demonstrated financial need |

| | |to submit completed |Students do not pay rent, but are responsible for their fair share |

| | |applications as early |of basic household expenses such as food and utilities |

| | |as possible. |The entire cost of the student averages $950.00 per semester |

| | | |Applications available online at: |

|Anita Priest Memorial |Not stated |Not stated |Must be a resident of South Florida |

|Scholarship Application | | |Member of the LGBT community |

| | | |At least two and no more than three letters of recommendation |

| | | |Transcript |

| | | |A scan of Driver’s License/State Issued ID |

| | | |Essay |

|Hispanic Scholarship Fund |Awards range from |Deadlines vary, some |Must be a graduating senior |

| |$1,000 to $10,000 |are early January |Have plans to enroll full time in a degree-seeking program at a |

| | | |four-year US accredited institution in the US, Puerto Rico or US |

| | | |Virgin Islands in the up coming academic year |

| | | |All majors are eligible for awards |

| | | |Over 4,000 awarded each year |

| | | |Applications available on line at |

| | | | |

|KFC Colonel’s Scholars |Awards up to $20,000 |02/09/11 |Must have a 2.75 GPA or above |

| |for tuition, fees, | |Must enroll in a public college/university within your state of |

| |textbooks, room and | |legal residence |

| |board | |Must plan to pursue a bachelors degree |

| | | |Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident |

| | | |Demonstrate financial need |

| | | | |

|Florida Realtors Essay Contest |Ranging from $1,000 to |02/09/11 |Senior |

| |$6,000 | |Essay (500 words or less) “How does a Realtor Professional Benefit |

| | | |the Community.” |

| | | | |

|American Meteorological Society (AMS) |$1,500 |02/11/11 |Senior |

|Scholarships | | |Minority students (Hispanic/Latino, Native American, and |

| | | |Black/African American) planning to pursue a career in the |

| | | |atmospheric or related oceanic or hydrologic sciences |

| | | |Essay |

| | | |Letters of recommendation |

| | | |SAT/ACT scores |

| | | | |

|The Junior League of Miami’s Kathryn Menke |Awarded to three, |Return application to |Female senior |

|Miller Award & Scholarship |female, high school |Ms. Medina, CAP Advisor|Exhibited superior community service involvement during their high |

| |seniors in Miami–Dade |in room 23, no later |school careers |

| |County |than Monday, February |High academic achievement. |

| | |14th, 2011. |ONE NOMINATION PER SCHOOL. |

| | | |Application available at the CAP office |

| | | |To be considered for nomination, students must return application |

| | | |and all documentation to Ms. Medina, CAP Advisor in room 23, no |

| | | |later than Monday, February 14th, 2011. |

|Mahatma Rice Scholarship |(6) $2,000 |02/15/11 |Senior |

| | | |Topic: “How do I believe my studies in college will change my life |

| | | |“Como creo yo que mis studios universitarios cambiaran mi vida?” |

| | | |•         For more information including rules and to complete your |

| | | |entry form go to scholarship |

|National CO-OP Scholarship Program |(170) $6,000 |02/15/11 |Must complete all admissions applications material and be accepted |

| | | |for the 2010-2011 year at one of the CO-OP universities listed below|

| | | |Johnson & Wales University |

| | | |Drexel University |

| | | |Kettering University |

| | | |Pace University |

| | | |Rochester Institute of Technology |

| | | |University of Cincinnati |

| | | |University of Toledo |

| | | |Wentworth Institute of Technology |

| | | |Essay required |

| | | |Application online at |

| | | | |

|Pepsico Scholarship Program |$500-$4,000 |02/15/11 |Must be Hispanic |

| | | |U.S. citizen or permanent resident |

| | | |GPA 3.0 or above |

| | | |Must be planning to enroll full time at an accredited |

| | | |college/university |

| | | |Must demonstrate financial need |

| | | | |

|Florida Association of Educational Data | |02/15/11 |Requirements vary as per scholarship |

|Systems Fall 2011 |Varies | |For application and more information go to: |

| | | | |

|Florida Engineering Society Scholarship |$20,000 |02/15/11 |Senior |

| | | |Be a citizen of the United States at the time of application |

| | | |GPA 3.5 unweighted |

| | | |SAT/ACT scores |

| | | |Enroll in an engineering program accredited by the Engineering |

| | | |Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering |

| | | |and Technology (ABET) |

| | | |Transcript |

| | | |Official  AP test scores sheet must be included with the application|

| | | | |

| | | |Application available at: |

| | | | |

|ChairScholars Foundation’s Scholarship |Amounts vary |02/15/11 |High school senior or college freshman who is physically challenged |

| |and may be up to $6,000| |but does not have to be in a wheelchair |

| |per year to cover | |“B” high school average |

| |tuition, books, room, | |300-500 word essay outlining student’s physical challenge & how it |

| |and board. | |has affected the student and his/her goals |

| | | |Financial need (w/ copy of parents’ income tax) |

| | | |Resume of honors & awards |

| | | |Copies of SAT/ACT scores |

| | | |Three (3) letters of recommendation |

| | | |Community service |

| | | |Photo |

| | | |Application available online at: |

| | | |nationalprogram.html |

| | | |When visiting the online application, please be certain to select |

| | | |NATIONAL PROGRAMS and not FLORIDA PROGRAMS. Florida programs are |

| | | |only available for certain COUNTIES in the state and Miami-Dade is |

| | | |NOT ONE OF THEM. |

|The AXA Community Scholarship Programs |Community |02/15/11 |High school senior planning to attend full time at a 2-year or |

| |Scholarships: | |4-year college/university in the Fall ‘11 |

| |(12) $2,000 in Miami | |Personal statement regarding an outstanding achievement in a |

| |this program launches | |non-academic activity or project. This may be a long term project |

| |in November | |in the school, community or student’s place of employment |

| | | |Resume of activities, awards, honors, and/or employment |

| | | |Transcript |

| | | |One appraisal |

| | | |And you can visit |

| | | |

| | | |hip.html to register and for more info on the Achievement |

| | | |Scholarship! |

| | | |Applications and more information for both programs will become |

| | | |available in the fall of 2010. Keep checking back with |

| | | |

| | | |tml to be one of the 1st to apply! |

|Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. |(2) one time $1,000 and|Received by 02/16/11 |Be a female of African American descent graduating from a Miami Dade|

| |(1) four year $4,000 | |County high school |

| |scholarship | |Have a GPA of 3.0 on the transcript |

| | | |Three letters of recommendation |

| | | |Academic achievement, character, community service and financial |

| | | |need |

| | | |Submit a 4x6 headshot photograph |

| | | |Application available at |

|2011 Best Buy @15 Scholarships |1,200 scholarships of |02/16/11 |Students in grades 9 – 12 |

| |$1,000 each | |Must have solid grades |

| | | |Community service or work experience |

| | | |Apply online at: |

| | | |bestbuy- |

|2nd Annual Miami Dade County Council for the |$500.00 |02/18/11 |Have taken at least 4 years of Social Studies |

|Social Studies Student of the Year Award | | |Unofficial transcript |

| | | |One letter of recommendation from a Social Studies teacher |

| | | |250 word essay |

| | | |Have at least a 3.0 overall GPA |

| | | |Must be active in a Social Studies organization at school and/or |

| | | |participate in community service that is Social Studies in nature |

| | | |Application available at the CAP-Office |

|Moody’s Mega Math Challenge |Varies ($100,000 in |Registration deadline |Real-world math-modeling competition open to high school juniors and|

| |scholarship prizes) |02/25/2011 |seniors from Maine through Florida |

| | | |Challenge weekend: March 5-6, 2011 |

| | | |Form a team of students with one teacher-coach |

| | | |Submit a solution to the realistic modeling problem |

| | | |Participation is FREE- no entrance or participation fees |

| | | |For more information please visit M3challenge. |

|Friends of 440 Scholarship Fund, Inc, |(Various) Up to $3,000 |02/28/11 |The purpose of Friends of 440 Scholarship Fund is to aid dependents |

| | | |or descendants of workers who were injured or killed in the course |

| | | |and scope of their employment and who received benefits under the |

| | | |Florida Workers'. |

| | | |Compensation Law. Dependents or descendants of individuals who |

| | | |primarily work in the operation and/or administration of this same |

| | | |law are eligible to receive scholarships. |

| | | |Seniors must have a 2.7 GPA to apply. Scholarship recipients must |

| | | |maintain a 3.0 GPA per semester and have at least 12 credit hours |

| | | |per semester to remain eligible for funds |

| | | |Copy of most recent tax return of parent(s) and/or guardian. Copy of|

| | | |applicant’s most recent school transcript. Copy of applicant’s most |

| | | |recent tax |

| | | |Return. If parents are divorced, copies of (1) |

| | | |divorce decree, (2) court order of |

| | | |support and (3) property settlement |

| | | |agreement. |

| | | |Applications will NOT be processed |

| | | |if ANY of the above documents are missing. |

| | | |Applications available at |

|The American Chemical Society Scholars |Various |03/01/11 |African American, Hispanic or American Indian high school senior |

|Program | | |planning to study any of the Chemical Sciences such as Chemistry, |

| | | |Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry or chemical Technology – students|

| | | |planning careers in medicine are not eligible |

| | | |Resume of science course & related activities – with a 3.0 in |

| | | |science classes |

| | | |Resume of school, work & community activities |

| | | |Copy of residency for permanent residents |

| | | |Financial need as evidenced by student’s SAR |

| | | |Two (2) letters of recommendation (one must be from a chemistry or |

| | | |science teacher) |

| | | |Transcript |

| | | |Applications will become available on Nov. 1st at Click |

| | | |“Education” then Students/High School and finally ACS Scholars |

| | | |Program. |

|Continental Societies, National Scholarship |Awards 5 scholarships |03/01/11 |Senior |

|Application |one in each of the four| |Applied to and accepted to a four year college or university |

| |regions and one | |500 word essay |

| |National recipient | |Letter of graduation |

| | | |Copy of college acceptance letter |

| | | |Transcript |

| | | |ACT/SAT scores |

| | | |Three letters of reference |

| | | |Application available at the CAP-Office |

|The Fair |$1,000 |03/02/11 One nomination|Senior |

|Miami-Dade County Fair & Exposition | |per school. Please |US citizen or eligible non-citizen |

|Scholarship Program | |return all application |GPA 3.0 |

| | |materials to Ms. |Planning to attend an accredited college, university, or M-DCPS |

| | |Medina, CAP Advisor in |certified adult/vocational school |

| | |room 23 |Employees of the Fair, and their dependents are ineligible |

| | | |Transcript |

| | | |Two letters of recommendation |

| | | |ONE nomination per school |

| | | |Application available at: |

| | | |

| | | | |

| | | |To be considered for nomination, please return all application |

| | | |materials to Ms. Medina, CAP Advisor in room 23, no later than |

| | | |March 2, 2011 |

|FAPSC Scholarship |Offering full tuition, |Postmarked by 03/11/11 |Senior |

| |$5,000, and $1,000 | |GPA 2.0 or higher |

| |scholarships | |Transcript |

| | | |Essay |

| | | |For a list of participating institutions and for the application go |

| | | |to |

|The Jackie Robinson Scholarship |$1,000 |03/15/11 |Minority high school senior |

| | | |Proof of acceptance into a four year college/university |

| | | |Academic achievement |

| | | |Leadership |

| | | |U.S. citizen |

| | | |Financial need 900+ SAT/ 21+ ACT |

| | | |One (1) letter of recommendation |

| | | |Transcript |

| | | |Applications will become available online at |

| | | |Be certain to have SAT/ACT scores sent to the Jackie Robinson |

| | | |Foundation AT THE TIME YOU REGISTER FOR THESE TESTS. The codes are: |

| | | |SAT: 4248 - ACT: 6570 |

|Clara B. Knight Memorial Scholarship |$1,500 |Received by 03/20/11 |Senior of African-American background attending a public school in |

| | | |Miami-Dade County |

| | | |Evidence of financial need |

| | | |Evidence of being accepted or having applied to a post-secondary |

| | | |institution |

| | | |3.0 GPA |

| | | |SAT 1000 or ACT 20 |

| | | |Letter of recommendation |

| | | |Transcript |

| | | |Essay |

| | | |Photograph |

| | | |Application available at the CAP Office |

| | | |Mail application to: |

| | | |Ms. Patsy Graham, Scholarship Chair |

| | | |2627 SW 189 Avenue |

| | | |Miramar, Fl. 33029 |

|The Jamaican Association of Miami-Dade |(3) $1,000 |03/31/2011 |Senior |

|Educators (JAMDE). Outstanding Scholar Award | | |Jamaican born, and/or Jamaican parent(s) |

| | | |Minimum GPA of 3.0 |

| | | |Willing to serve as a Mentor for a student in a high school |

| | | |Involved in community services for the last three years of high |

| | | |school |

| | | |Accepted to a two or four year institution of higher learning |

| | | |Essay |

| | | |Application available at the CAP office |

| | | |For more information please contact Lloyd Cohen at (305) 989-3464 or|

| | | |via email at lgcohen@ |

|The Jamaican Association of Miami-Dade |$1,000 |03/31/2011 |Seniors |

|Educators (JAMDE). Humanitarian Scholarship | | |Minimum GPA of 3.0 |

|Award | | |Willing to serve as a Mentor for a student in a high school |

| | | |Involved in community services for the last three years of high |

| | | |school |

| | | |Accepted to a two or four year institution of higher learning |

| | | |Essay |

| | | |Application available at the CAP office |

| | | |For more information please contact Lloyd Cohen at (305) 989-3464 or|

| | | |via email at lgcohen@ |

|ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Math and Science |Four scholarships for |04/01/11 |Senior |

|Scholarships |two males and to | |Four scholarships for two males and tow females $5,000 each will be |

| |females $5,000 each | |awarded to two African American and two Hispanic students |

| | | |Application available at: Awards/ExxonMobil2011.pdf |

|The Theodore R. and Vivian M. Johnson |Awards, which are for |04/15/11 |Children of UPS employees in Florida |

|Scholarship Program |undergraduate study | |Demonstrate financial need. Financial need is a factor in |

| |only, range from $1,000| |determining the amount of the award once the recipients are chosen. |

| |to $10,000 per year | |Individual scholarships are based on the family’s ability to |

| | | |contribute toward the expense of the student’s chosen schooling.. |

| | | |Community college students and vocational school students may |

| | | |receive a maximum of $5,000 per year. |

| | | |Awards may be renewed for up to three additional years of |

| | | |undergraduate study on the basis of satisfactory academic |

| | | |performance. |

| | | | |

| | | |The Theodore R. And Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship Program |

| | | | |


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|Claire Kantor Foundation Scholarship |$1,500 |Postmarked by 04/30/11 |Senior |

| | | |Excelling in the fine arts |

| | | |Application available at |

|The Nat Moore Foundation Urban Scholarship |$10,000 Four-year |05/01/11 |Be graduating from Miami Dade, Broward or Palm Beach Counties High |

|Program |scholarships | |Schools |

| |($2,500 per year for 4 | |Demonstrate financial need |

| |years) | |Plan to attend a 2 year of 4 year college, or technical school |

| | | |Have a cumulative, non-weighted GPA of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale |

| | | |Demonstrate a commitment to community service |

| | | |To learn more and to submit applications, visit website at |

| | | | |

|Sun Trust Off to College Scholarship |Not stated |05/13/11 |Random drawings will be held every two weeks from 10/29/2010 thru |

|Sweepstakes | | |5/13/2011 |

| | | |No purchase or transaction necessary |

| | | |For more details go to |

|United Negro College Fund’s (Various |Varies |As early as Aug 26th |High school senior |

|Scholarship Programs) | |and as late as May 14th|Planning to attend one of the 39 UNCF’s member colleges or |

| | |– depending upon the |universities (list available on website) |

| | |program |Two (2) letters of recommendation |

| | | |One page essay on student’s community service |

| | | |2.5 GPA |

| | | |Some programs may ask for various other requirements |

| | | |Applications available online through |

|Johnson Scholarship Foundation |Not stated |05/15/11 |Students with disabilities who enroll in a State University System |

| | | |of Florida institution |

| | | |Applicants must complete a current Free Application for Federal |

| | | |Student Aid (FAFSA) or Renewal FAFSA form, and mail it to the |

| | | |appropriate address as indicated on the FAFSA form. To receive full |

| | | |consideration, the FAFSA should be mailed no later than April 15th. |

| | | |Transcript |

| | | |At least 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) |

| | | |Provide documentation of the nature and/or extent of a disability. |

| | | |The disability must be in one or more of the following |

| | | |classifications: hearing impairment, physical impairment; specific |

| | | |learning disability; speech/language impairment; visual impairment; |

| | | |or other impairment. Appropriate documentation includes, but is not |

| | | |limited to, either a recent psychological evaluation used to |

| | | |determine eligibility for exceptional student services, |

| | | |school/medical records, certification by the Division of Blind |

| | | |Services, or a Vocational Rehabilitation eligibility determination. |

| | | |Documentation provided must meet the guidelines require by the |

| | | |institution in which the student is enrolled. Students must contact |

| | | |the University Office of Student Disability Services for |

| | | |clarification as to what is required. |

| | | |Gain admission as a degree-seeking undergraduate student into a |

| | | |State University System of Florida institution. |

| | | |Application and more information available at: |

| | | | |


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|Jose Regueiro Scholarship |Complete |06/01/11 |Senior |

| |Tuition cost of the | |Must attend Florida National College |

| |program from the | |US Citizen or permanent resident |

| |Associate of Arts or | |Provide two testimonials from school, business, church and/or |

| |Science degree programs| |leaders in the community testifying to good moral character and |

| |offered at FNC | |reputation |

| | | |Submit an essay on “The importance of a college degree |

| | | |Demonstrate financial need |

| | | |Transcript |

| | | |Three letters of recommendation |

|Big Sun Scholarship |Various amounts from |06/23/11 |All student athletes are eligible to apply, regardless of the sport |

| |$1,000- $15,000 | |you are participating in |

| | | |Visit the website to learn more |

| | | | |

|Keiser University |Match dollar for dollar|Not stated |Senior planning to attend Keiser University |

| |from Bright Futures | |Bright Futures recipient |

| |received | |Keiser will match Bright Futures Scholarship amount received by the |

| | | |student to attend Keiser |

| | | |For more information visit |

The Miami Dolphins Foundation and the National Football League have joined forces to honor high school and college aged students who exemplify leadership, dedication, creativity and a commitment to improving the communities in which they live through their volunteerism.

 Applications may be submitted by an eligible individual or a group of eligible young people who create a new community betterment project or are working to sustain a project they have already initiated. The applicant must provide all pertinent program information including demonstrating their role in the creation and execution of the project by completing all sections of the application. In addition, the applicant must be partnered with a 501(c)3 organization which may be a school, youth center, church, or other service agency that helps organize the project.

To be eligible, the applicant must be 13-21 years of age. They must have founded or created a new project-based service or program that responds to the needs of their community. The applicant(s) must be responsible for the creation, organization, management and evaluation of the project. People who volunteer or participate in projects organized or managed by other individuals or groups are not eligible for this award. Applications must be returned via U.S. mail to the Community Relations Department, Miami Dolphins Ltd., 347 Don Shula Drive, Miami Gardens, Florida 33056, no later than Tuesday, February 15, 2011.

There will be one (1) winner selected by a panel of Miami Dolphins representatives and the winner will receive a $3,000 grant to help fund their project. All applications are due by Tuesday, February 15, 2011.

Please click on the link for more information and the applications:



You must complete and submit a FAFSA to apply for federal student aid and to apply for most state aid and college aid. Applying online with FAFSA on the Web at is faster and easier than using a paper FAFSA.

• Pick up a FAFSA on the web worksheet in the CAP office or download one at . Fill this out first before going online to fill out the FAFSA application.

• Apply faster – Sign your FAFSA with a Federal Student Aid PIN. Get your PIN number at pin.. Once you receive your PIN you can electronically sign when you submit your FAFSA. One of your parents should also apply for a PIN to sign electronically.


|If Accepted For |Term |Use FAFSA Form |Use Income Tax for the year |

| |Summer 2011 |2010-2011 |2009 |

| |Fall 2011 |2011-2012 |2010 |

• Students accepted for the summer will have to do both FAFSA forms

Check with the colleges you have applied to and find out their financial aid deadlines.

You will need the following information to complete the FAFSA:

• Your Social Security Number and your parent’s Social Security Numbers.

• Your driver’s license number if you have one.

• Your Alien Registration Number if you are not a U.S. citizen

• 2010 federal tax information or tax returns (including IRS W-2 information) for yourself (and spouse if you are married) and for your parents if you are providing parental information.

• Information on savings, investments, and business and farm assets for yourself and your parents if you are providing parental information.


[pic] Florida Bright Futures Scholarships 


All seniors should complete the Florida Financial Aid Application after December 1st. This application includes Bright Futures and other state scholarships. Application available at . By completing this application, students may qualify to one or more of the programs listed below.

Programs Offered

Access to Better Learning and Education Grant Program

Cost of Attendance and Adult Norm-Referenced Disability Testing

Critical Teacher Shortage Student Loan Forgiveness Program

Critical Teacher Shortage Tuition Reimbursement Program

Ethics In Business Scholarship Program

Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant

First Generation Matching Grant Program

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program

NEW - Florida Public Postsecondary Career Education Student Assistance Grant Program

Florida Resident Access Grant Program

Florida Student Assistance Grant Program

Florida Work Experience Program

José Martí Scholarship Challenge Grant Fund

Mary McLeod Bethune Scholarship Program

Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program

Rosewood Family Scholarship Program

Scholarships for Children and Spouses of Deceased or Disabled Veterans and Service members

Talented Twenty Program


To assist students with the Financial Aid process, MDC staff will be volunteering during two days at different locations so that parents and students can receive assistance in filling out their Financial Aid applications: Sunday, February 20, 2011 and Sunday, February 27, 2011:

Please visit:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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