Velocity/Acceleration Worksheets

Classwork: 1D Kinematics Assignment

SHOW WORK on Dynamic Worksheets and provided graph paper!!!


A. Calculating Average Speed

Graph the following data on the grid below and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

Time (sec) Distance (m)

0. 0

1. 50

2. 75

3. 90

4. 110

5. 125

1. What is the average speed after two seconds?

2. After three seconds?

3. After 5 seconds?

4. What is the average speed between two and four minutes?

5. What is the average speed between four and five minutes?

B. Acceleration Calculations

Acceleration means a change in speed or direction. It can also be defined as a change in velocity per unit time.

Calculate the acceleration for the following data. SHOW WORK!

Initial Velocity Final Velocity Time Acceleration

1. 0m/s 24 m/s 3 s _______________________________

2. 0 m/s 35 m/s 5 s _______________________________

3. 20 m/s 60 m/s 10 s _______________________________

4. 50 m/s 150 m/s 5 s _______________________________

5. 25 m/s 1200 m/s 3600 s _______________________________

6. A car accelerates from a standstill to 60 m/s in 10 seconds. What is the acceleration?

7. A car accelerates from 25 km/hr to 55 km/hr in 30 seconds. What is its acceleration?

8. A train is accelerating at a rate of 2 m/s. If its initial velocity is 20 m/s, what is its velocity after 30 seconds?

9. A runner achieves a velocity of 11.1 m/s, 9 sec after he begins. What is his acceleration? What distance did he cover?

C. Graphing Velocity vs Time

Plot the following data on the graph and answer the questions below. SHOW WORK IF APPLIES!

Speed (m/s) Time (sec)

0 0

10 2

20 4

30 6

40 8

50 10

1. As time increases, what happens to the speed? ________________________________

2. What is the speed at 5 seconds? ______________________________

3. Assuming constant acceleration, what would be the speed at 14 seconds? __________

4. At what time would the object reach a speed of 45 m/s? ____________________

5. What is the object’s acceleration? ____________________

6. What would the shape of the graph be if a speed of 50 m/s is maintained from 10s to 20 s?

7. Based on the information in Problem 6, calculate the acceleration from 10 s to 20 s.

8. What would the shape of the graph b if the speed of the object decreased from 50 m/s at 20 s to 30 m/s at 40 s?

D. Graphing Distance vs. Time

Plot the following data on the graph and answer the following questions below. SHOW WORK IF APPLIES!

Distance (m/s) Time (s)

0. 0

5 10

12 20

20 30

30 40

42 50

56 60

1. What is the average speed at 20 s? ______________________________

2. What is the average speed at 30 s? ________________________________

3. What is the acceleration between 20 and 30 s? ________________________

4. What is the average speed at 40 s? ______________________________

5. What is the average speed at 60 s? ______________________________

6. What is the acceleration between 40 and 60 s? _______________________

7. Is the object accelerating at a constant rate? __________

E. Acceleration

1.) A soccer ball slows down from 30.6 m/s, west to 11 m/s, west during a 2.75 second period.

a. What is its average velocity?  

b. What is its average acceleration?

|2.) Find the acceleration of the object: |[pic] |

|       a) between 0 and 5 seconds | |

|       b) between 5 and 10 seconds | |

|       c) between 10 and 15 seconds | |

|       d) between 20 and 25 seconds | |

3.) Find the displacement of a car that is constantly accelerating at 165 m/s2, east

      if it has an initial velocity of 90.0 km/h, west and it accelerates for 0.0410 seconds.

4.) A dog traveling 4.75 m/s, south is at a point 76.4 m, north of a fire hydrant.

     At a point 16.9 m, south of the same hydrant, the dog's velocity is 8.31 m/s, south.

     Assuming constant acceleration, how long did this take?

5.) A train slows down to 25 km/h, west after braking for 1035 m. Its acceleration

      was measured to be 0.93 m/s2, east. Find its initial velocity in m/s.

6.) Find the initial velocity of a ball that has a final velocity of 17.9 m/s, west

     after it accelerated at 63.7 m/s2, west for 0.21 s.

7.) A Humpty Dumpty chip truck going 126 km/h, south suddenly sees a wounded cheesie on the road 150.0 m ahead. It takes the driver 1.00s to get his foot on the brake. The average acceleration during braking is 5.00 m/s2, north. Determine if the cheesie survives.

8.) Find the maximum velocity the big truck in p. #7 can have and not crush the wounded cheesie.

9.) An idle soccer player starts to accelerate at 2.800 m/s2, west just as

       a hockey player running at a constant velocity of 8.330 m/s, west passes by.

       a) At what position will the soccer player overtake the hockey player?

       b) Calculate the soccer player's velocity at that position.

       c) Do both runners have the same velocity at that position?

10.) A ball is dropped from a lunar module that is ascending at 23.5 m/s.

       Gravity on the moon is 0.17 g. After exactly sixteen seconds of falling,

       what is the bag's velocity?


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