Ms. Gilford's Math

Name: __________________________________Regression Line Practice4714875474980001. Jumping predictions The scatterplot shows the relationship between x 5 40-yard-dash time (in seconds) and y 5 long-jump distance (in inches) for a sample of students. The equation of the regression line relating these variables is ? = 415 - 45.7x.(a) Predict the long-jump distance for a student who had a 40-yard-dash time of 6 seconds.(b) Would you be willing to use the regression line to predict the long-jump distance for a student whose 40-yard sprint time is 3 seconds? Explain.(c) One student had a 40-yard-dash time of 7.17 seconds and a long-jump distance of 65 inches. Calculate the residual for this student. (d) Interpret the residual for this student.(e) Interpret the slope of the regression line. (f) Does the value of the y intercept have meaning in this context? If so, interpret the y intercept. If not, explain why.4762500157480002. Pizza-powered athletes The scatterplot shows the relationship between the number of slices of pizza eaten by each member of a football team (x) and the number of laps around the block the player could run immediately afterward (y). The equation of the regression line shown on the graph is ? = 10?- 0.67x. (a) Predict the number of laps a player who ate 7 slices can run. (b) Would you be willing to use the regression line to predict the number of laps a player who ate 15 slices of pizza could run? Explain. (c) One player ate 8.5 pieces of pizza and ran 2.75 laps. Calculate the residual for this player. (d) Interpret the residual for this player.47625008255003. Old Faithful One of the major attractions in Yellowstone National Park is the Old Faithful geyser. The scatterplot shows the relationship between x = the duration of the previous eruption (in minutes) and y = the interval of time between eruptions (in minutes). The equation of the regression line relating these variables is ? = 33.35 + 13.29x. (a) Predict the interval of time between eruptions if the previous eruption lasted 4?minutes. (b) In one cycle, it took 62 minutes between eruptions, and the duration of the previous eruption was 2 minutes. Calculate the residual for this cycle. (c) Interpret the residual for this cycle.(d) Interpret the slope of the regression line. (e) Does the value of the y intercept have meaning in this context? If so, interpret the y intercept. If not, explain why. ................

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