Company XYZ

Project Administrator Guide


November 20, 2007

Table of Contents

Overview 1

What is TATL? 1

Wyse Device Manager (WDM) Installation 1

Smart Terminal Initial Configuration at HQ for Installer Handoff 1

Smart Terminal Configuration – Setting AC Loss Auto Restart Setting On 2

Smart Terminal Configuration - Installation at Remote Site 2

Smart Terminal Configuration – After Installation at Remote Site 2

WDM – Adding Smart Terminals to WDM to be Managed 3

Smart Terminal – Define WDM for Management of Device 3

WDM – Verifying a Smart Terminal is Found in Devices 3

WDM – Define an IP or Subnet Range 3

WDM – Finding Smart Terminal Devices 4

WDM – Batch Updating Smart Terminals 4

WDM - Understand and Creating the Smart Terminal Update (RSP) Files 4

WDM – Smart Terminal Update File Locations 4

WDM – Registering an Update with WDM 5

WDM – Applying a Smart Terminal Other Package Update 5

WDM – Deleting a Smart Terminal from WDM Device Manager 6

WDM – Applying a Smart Terminal Image Update 6

WDM – Checking Status of Smart Terminal Update 7

WDM – Changing and Reapplying a Failed Update 7

WDM – Remote Smart Terminal Re-Imaging Issue 7

WDM - Connecting Remotely and Diagnostics 8

WDM - Connecting to XYZ from Public Internet via Remote Access VPN 8

WDM – Connecting Remotely to the WDM 8

WDM – System Log 8

WDM – Correcting Errors with Device Not Responding to WDM 8

WDM – Administrative Functions 9

WDM – Backing up the WDM Database 9

WDM – Restoring the WDM Database 9

Moving Old Rapport Database to New WDM 4.51 server: 9

Reset the RapportDB Server Table Information 9

Reset the Data Access and Deleting the Old License 10

Smart Terminal – Connecting to a Remote Smart Terminal 11

Smart Terminal Functions 11

Smart Terminal – User is Prompted for Manual Logon 11

Smart Terminal – Forcing Prompt for Administrator Logon 11

Smart Terminal – Enabling Permanent Changes 12

Smart Terminal – Disabling Permanent Changes 12

Smart Terminal – Changing IP Information at the Smart Terminal 12

Smart Terminal – Changing Name and IP Information at the WDM 13

Smart Terminal – Verifying Boot Order 13

Smart Terminal UserID Recommendations 13

Setting Up Smart Terminal to Auto Logon 14

Firewall Access List Setup 14

Connecting to a Remote Firewall 14

Connecting to a Remote Firewall - From the XYZ HQ LAN 14

Connecting to a Remote Firewall - From Sites Other than XYZ HQ LAN 14

Smart Terminals: Updating a Smart Terminal in Production 15

Setting Up Smart Terminal to Auto Logon 15

Setting up Smart Terminals in TRIAD 15

Add IP Address to the Host Table (Using the SAM) 15

Assign a Licensed Port to the Smart Terminal IP Address 16

Assign CRT Printer Assignment in Ultimate 16

TATL Information 17

TATL Overview Diagram 17

TATL Installation Procedures for Smart Terminals 17

Apply TATL Recent Updates 18

Adjust and Save the TAMS and Triad Screen Layout 18

Set the Time Zone 18

Add DuPont Icon on Desktop 18

Enable the Write Filter 18

TATL Setup Procedures for PC 19

TATL Variable Field Locations 19

TATL User Initiated Functions 20

TAMSMain.psl 20

TRIADNextPartNo.psl 21

TRIADPreviousPartNo.psl 21

TRIADAccept.psl 21

TRPowerPadNext.psl 21

TRPowerPadPrevious.psl 21

TATL Background Functions 21

TAMSStartup.psl 21

TAMSAssignKey.psl 22

TRIADStartup.psl 22

TRIADAssignKey.psl 22

TRIADUpdate.psl 22

TRIADCurrentPart.psl 22

TATL Diagnostics 22

TATL Bug Report 22

PowerTerm Trace Facility 24

TATL Errors 26

Error: Can’t Read “TRLine”: no such variable 26

Error: TATL Only Enters a Part Line and Not the Part Number 26

TAMS Terminal Startup Questions 27

Setting Up PowerTerm to AutoConnect on Application Open 29

WhatsUp Gold Network Management Installation 29

Network Management System – Adding Components to be Managed 29

NMS-Installation 29

NMS-Discovering Devices 29

NMS-Defining the Router 30

NMS-Defining the Printer/Terminal Server 30

NMS-Defining the Smart Terminals 31

NMS-Defining the ISP Gateway 31

NMS-Defining the DNS Server 31

NMS-Adding Devices Manually 31

NMS-Positioning the Devices on the Screen 32

NMS-Setting Up Dependencies 33

NMS-Setting Email Notification to Cell Phones 33

NMS-Viewing Network Status 33

NMS-Break-Fix Procedures 34

Network Management System –Administrative Procedures for WhatsUp Gold 35

NMS - Backing Up the WhatsUp Gold Database 35

NMS - Restoring the WhatsUp Gold Database 35

Automatically Backing Up the WhatsUp Gold Database 35

Network Grooming 36

Network Grooming – Backup VPN Setup 36

Network Grooming – Establishing Backup Connection 36

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration 36

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Configuration Backup Before Grooming 36

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Remote Firewall VPN Access 37

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Remote MTU 37

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Verify Remote IPSec Setup 37

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Verify Local IPSec Setup 38

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Time Server 39

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – DHCP Server 39

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Access (Internet Allow) List 40

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration - DNS 42

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Disable Internet Access 43

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Firmware Upgrade 43

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Dealing with Upgrade Issues 44

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – ACL Reconfiguration after Upgrade 44

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Reset Smart Terminal to User Mode 45

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Configuration Backup After Upgrade 45

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Configuration Restore After Upgrade 45

Offsite Backups 47

Offsite Backups – Setup Information 47

Offsite Backups - Manually Running Backups 47

Offsite Backups - Verifying Files Backed Up 47

Offsite Backups - Verifying Backups Run Successfully 48

Offsite Backups – Restoring Files 48

Connecting to XYZ from Public Internet via Remote Access VPN 48

Setting Up Remote Access VPN Username and Password on the Firewall/Router 49

Setting Up and Connecting VPN Client on the Remote PC 49

Printing Configurations and Issues 50

Current Printer Configuration 50

Desired Printer Configuration 50

Printer Configuration Update Procedure 50

Looming Deployment Issues Project Summary List 51

Remote Firewall Access List Updates 51

Remote Firewall Access List Updates Issue Resolution and Cost 52

XYZ System and Network Diagrams 53

HQ Warehouse Configuration (1 of 2) 53

HQ Warehouse Configuration (2 of 2) 53

Triad-Atlanta Connection 53

WEJOEI and Electronic Cataloging (Old) Function 53

Typical Store Configuration (Old) 53

Typical Store Configuration - Smart Terminal 54

TATL Keyboard Overlay 55

Systech Terminal Server Notes 56

Change Log 57


This document details issues and procedures relating to the administration of the TATL system and its deployment. This document covers the following information:

- Wyse Device Manager (WDM) Installation

- Wyse Device Manager (WDM) Usage

- Smart Terminal Configuration

- Smart Terminal Deployment

- RSP for Smart Terminal Software Updates

- PC Deployment for TATL

What is TATL?

TATL stands for TAMS TRIAD Link. TATL is designed to integrate the electronic cataloging function of TAMS with the invoicing and distribution warehousing functions of TRIAD. TATL is designed to work on a Smart Terminal platform using programmable terminal emulation. TATL also works on a standard PC configuration.

Wyse Device Manager (WDM) Installation

To load the WDM on a computer, you must follow these instructions to the letter or the installation will fail:

Log on to the computer as Administrator (not as an account with admin rights).

Turn off Antivirus

Turn on FTP

Turn on SNMP

Install WDM

Create and share folder called C:\BugReport\ for bug and enhancement requests from the users.

WDM Sale Key: xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx

WDM Non-activated Key: xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx

WDM Activation Key: xxxxxxx

When reactivating the key, Security Code: x

Smart Terminal Initial Configuration at HQ for Installer Handoff

1. Un-box the Smart Terminal.

2. Power and plug into local XYZ network.

3. Give the WDM time to find the terminal and verify it is found using procedures in

WDM – Verifying a Smart Terminal is Found in Devices

4. Execute the following procedures to prepare the Smart Terminal for installation:

a. Apply the most recent image under Images. There should only be one active image.

WDM – Applying a Smart Terminal Update

b. Changes more recent than the most recent image will be placed under Other Package updates. Installer should apply these update after imaging the Smart Terminal.

WDM – Applying a Smart Terminal Other Package Update

5. Print a copy of the TATL User Guide for each site deployed.

6. Delete the Smart Terminal from the Device Manager list in the WDM.

WDM – Deleting a Smart Terminal from WDM Device Manager

7. Set the AutoPower Settings to automatically power on after power failure.

Smart Terminal Configuration – Setting Auto Power On

8. Hand off the Smart Terminal to the installer for installation at the remote site.

Smart Terminal Configuration – Setting AC Loss Auto Restart Setting On

If you turn on the AC Loss Auto Restart feature, the Smart Terminals will automatically power on when power is restored after a power failure. This will enable the XYZ sites to automatically recover since the Ping script on the Smart Terminals will enable the VPN tunnels. To set the AC Loss Auto Restart Setting, perform the following procedures:

1. Power off the Smart Terminal and then Power it back on.

2. While rebooting, hold the Delete key to enter Bios setup.

3. Enter the password xxxxxx when prompted and press the Enter key.

4. Highlight the Power Management Setup option and press the Enter key.

5. Highlight the AC Loss Auto Restart option and press the Enter key.

6. Select the On option and press the Enter key.

7. Press the F10 key to save the configuration then Y and the Enter key to confirm.

8. Unplug the power cord and plug it back in to test the change.

Smart Terminal Configuration - Installation at Remote Site

There is a separate set of procedures for installation of the Smart Terminal at the remote site. See the TATL Smart Terminal Installer Guide available on .

During the installation, the installers will perform the following items:

1. Reconfigure Smart Terminal IP, DNS and Name.

2. Contact HQ for port assignment in TRIAD. See partial procedures at:

Setting up Smart Terminals in TRIAD

Smart Terminal Configuration – After Installation at Remote Site

Once the Smart Terminal is installed at the remote site, the following procedures should be followed to ensure the Smart Terminal is manageable.

1. Ensure that the Smart Terminal is defined in the WDM. If not, use the following procedures to search for the new devices:

WDM – Define an IP or Subnet Range

WDM – Finding Smart Terminal Devices

2. Verify the Name and IP address assignment are acceptable. If you must change this information, follow procedures:

Smart Terminal – Changing Name and IP Information at the WDM

3. Install the Smart Terminals in the WhatsUp Gold Management System using the following procedures:

NMS-Adding Devices Manually

NMS-Positioning the Devices on the Screen

NMS-Setting Up Dependencies

WDM – Adding Smart Terminals to WDM to be Managed

Smart Terminal – Define WDM for Management of Device

To make a Smart Terminal manageable by a WDM, you must configure the Smart Terminal with the IP address of the WDM.

1. Log on to Smart Terminal as Administrator password xxxxx.

2. Open Start>Settings>Control Panel>Rapport.

3. Define IP address to address of WDM (

4. Click OK to save the change.

WDM – Verifying a Smart Terminal is Found in Devices

When you power up a Smart Terminal on the XYZ network, the WDM should automatically find the device and list it in the Device Manager listing. To verify a Smart Terminal has been found by the WDM, perform the following:

Next, find the device.

1. Open WDM by clicking

Start>All Programs>Wyse Device Manager> Wyse Device Manager 4.5.1

2. Open Console Root>WyseDeviceManager> Device Manager.

3. Look for the new device in the Device Manager list. You can sort addresses by clicking any column header.

4. Verify the column labeled Imageable has a value of Y. (If not, call support.)

WDM – Define an IP or Subnet Range

To make the find process simpler, you can let WDM find devices on a network that has been previously installed. We will demonstrate how to set up an IP range because it is faster than subnet finds.

1. Open WDM by clicking

Start>All Programs>Wyse Device Manager> Wyse Device Manager 4.5.1

2. Open Console Root>WyseDeviceManager> Configuration Manager>Networks>IP Ranges.

3. Right click IP Ranges and select New>IP Range.

4. Enter the IP Range for the network. For the XYZ networks, we recommend you use the following numbering:

Start Address: 192.168.x.50

End Address: 192.168.x.160

Exclusions Enabled

Exclude From: 192.168.x.60

Exclude To: 192.168.x.149

Description: Store Name

Where x is the IP subnet for the store. Example xxxxxx is 33, so the start address would be and the Description would be xxxxxx.

5. Click the Add button and then the Close button to add the IP Range to the list.

6. Verify that the package is now listed to the right when IP Ranges is selected.

WDM – Finding Smart Terminal Devices

Next, find the device.

5. Open WDM by clicking

Start>All Programs>Wyse Device Manager> Wyse Device Manager 4.5.1

6. Open Console Root>WyseDeviceManager> Device Manager.

7. Right click Device Manager and select Find Devices.

8. Click the option IP Ranges radio button.

9. Select from the Network List the IP Ranges you wish to use for the find.

10. Click the OK button.

11. The Device Discovery window will open. When discovery is completed, click the Close button.

12. Verify that the new devices are now listed to the right when Device Manager is selected.

NOTE: When WDM finds a smart terminal device, the device will automatically reboot.

WDM – Batch Updating Smart Terminals

WDM can be used to update the smart terminals across a network. You can use the WDM to:

- Find terminals

- Change Terminal Configurations

- Install New Software on Terminals

- Update Existing Software on Terminals

WDM - Understand and Creating the Smart Terminal Update (RSP) Files

WDM allows the user to create an update file called a Repository Synchronization Process (RSP) file. This file contains the logic to be used to update the smart terminal configuration. The best way to create a new RSP file is to modify an existing one. You can find sample RSP files on the WDM under the directory c:\WDM\Software Updates.

WDM – Smart Terminal Update File Locations

We have set up the folder c:\WDM\Software Updates\ as the repository for RSP and update files. Each new update should have its own subfolder.

Example: c:\WDM\Software Update\TATL\

Example: c:\WDM\Software Update\PowerTerm8\

Under the specific update folder, you will locate two items:

1. RSP File

Example: c:\WDM\Software Update\TATL\TATL.rsp

2. Folder to hold Files for update

Example c:\WDM\Software Update\TATL\TATL\

Subfolder: Program Files

Subfolder: Documents and Settings

WDM – Registering an Update with WDM

Once you have the RSP file and update files placed in the c:\WDM\Software Updates\ folder, you must register the update with WDM.

1. Open WDM by clicking

Start>All Programs>Wyse Device Manager> Wyse Device Manager 4.5.1

2. Open Console Root>WyseDeviceManager>PackageManager>Other Packages

NOTE: If you intend to update a package name that already exists, I have found that you must first DELETE the existing package in order for the update to apply correctly.

3. Right click Other Packages and select New>Package.

4. Select Register a Package from a Script File (.RSP).

5. Use the browse function to find the RSP file in the subfolder under c:\WDM\Software Updates

6. Verify that the package is now listed to the right when Other Packages is selected.

WDM – Applying a Smart Terminal Other Package Update

Once you have the RSP file and update files placed in the c:\WDM\Software Updates\ folder and registered with WDM, you can apply the update with WDM.

1. Open WDM by clicking

Start>All Programs>Wyse Device Manager> Wyse Device Manager 4.5.1

2. Open Console Root>WyseDeviceManager>Update Manager

3. Right click Device Manager and select New>Update.

4. Select Other Package and click the Next button.

5. You will see the registered updates listed on the Package Distribution Wizard form. Highlight the desired update package and click the Next button.

6. Select the group to receive the updates and click the Next button.

7. Select the devices to receive the update. Note the following functions for this screen:

a. Holding the Shift key down while clicking allows you to select multiple contiguous entries.

b. Holding the Control key down while clicking allows you to select multiple non-contiguous entries.

c. Clicking on any column header enables you to sort by that column. For example, if you wanted all the xxxxx locations, you could click the IP Address column header and all of the 192.168.33.x devices would be grouped together…use the Shift key to select the contiguous group of entries.

8. Once the device entries are highlighted, click the Next button.

9. Specify when you wish the update to occur and click the Next button twice to deploy the update.

NOTE: If a user is at the terminal, they will be given a prompt that allows the following 3 options:

a. Apply the update now by clicking the Update Now button.

b. Apply the update in 5 minutes by clicking the 5 Minute Delay button.

c. Do nothing and the update will happen in 2 minutes automatically.

10. Verify that the package is now listed to the right when Other Packages is selected.

NOTE: When WDM updates a smart terminal device, the device will automatically reboot twice. The update process will disable the smart terminal device for approximately 5 to 10 minutes depending on the size of the update.

WDM – Deleting a Smart Terminal from WDM Device Manager

Once you have configured a Smart Terminal at the HQ location and are ready to deploy it to the remote location, you should delete it from the WDM Device Manager list so it does not confuse the person configuring the system and does not create duplicate entries after it is installed.

1. Open WDM by clicking

Start>All Programs>Wyse Device Manager> Wyse Device Manager 4.5.1

2. Open Console Root>WyseDeviceManager>Device Manager

3. Right click the device to delete and select the Delete option.

4. Confirm the deletion.

WDM – Applying a Smart Terminal Image Update

Once you have the RSP file and update files placed in the c:\WDM\Software Updates\ folder and registered with WDM, you can apply the update with WDM.

1. Open WDM by clicking

Start>All Programs>Wyse Device Manager> Wyse Device Manager 4.5.1

2. Open Console Root>WyseDeviceManager>Update Manager

3. Right click Update Device Manager and select New>Update.

4. Select Images and click the Next button.

5. You will see the registered updates listed on the Package Distribution Wizard form. Highlight the desired update package and click the Next button.

6. Select the group to receive the updates and click the Next button.

7. Select the devices to receive the update. Note the following functions for this screen:

a. Holding the Shift key down while clicking allows you to select multiple contiguous entries.

b. Holding the Control key down while clicking allows you to select multiple non-contiguous entries.

c. Clicking on any column header enables you to sort by that column. For example, if you wanted all the xxxxxx locations, you could click the IP Address column header and all of the 192.168.33.x devices would be grouped together…use the Shift key to select the contiguous group of entries.

8. Once the device entries are highlighted, click the Next button.

9. Specify when you wish the update to occur and click the Next button twice to deploy the update.

NOTE: If a user is at the terminal, they will be given a prompt that allows the following 3 options:

a. Apply the update now by clicking the Update Now button.

b. Apply the update in 5 minutes by clicking the 5 Minute Delay button.

c. Do nothing and the update will happen in 2 minutes automatically.

10. Verify that the package is now listed to the right when Images is selected.

NOTE: When WDM updates a smart terminal device, the device will automatically reboot twice. The update process will disable the smart terminal device for approximately 5 to 10 minutes depending on the size of the update.

WDM – Checking Status of Smart Terminal Update

Once you have applied the update, you can then check the status of the update in the WDM.

1. Open WDM by clicking

Start>All Programs>Wyse Device Manager> Wyse Device Manager 4.5.1

2. Open Console Root>WyseDeviceManager>Update Manager>Scheduled Packages

3. The jobs and their status are on the right side. If a job fails, check the status code.

WDM – Changing and Reapplying a Failed Update

If an update you applied fails, you must delete and re-register the update.

1. Open WDM by clicking

Start>All Programs>Wyse Device Manager> Wyse Device Manager 4.5.1

2. Open Console Root>WyseDeviceManager>Update Manager>Scheduled Packages. The jobs and their status are on the right side. If a job fails, check the status code.

3. First, you must delete Fail and or Delete the Device Updates assigned to the Update Package.

4. After the Device Updates are deleted, Open Console Root>WyseDeviceManager>PackageManager>Other Packages

5. Right click on the package to be replaced and delete it.

6. After making the necessary changes to the RSP file or upload, repeat the procedures for Registering a New Update above.

WDM – Remote Smart Terminal Re-Imaging Issue

It is not currently possible to reimage the Smart Terminal configuration over the existing VPN tunnel as it is currently configured. The Secure Computing firewalls do not support BootP Helper, and hence, if there is a need to reimage a Smart Terminal, the following steps must be executed to restore the device to service:

1. Uninstall the device

2. Transport the Smart Terminal to XYZ HQ

3. Reimage the Smart Terminal on the XYZ local network

4. Transport the Smart Terminal back to the store

5. Reinstall the Smart Terminal

6. Reconfigured for that store network

WDM - Connecting Remotely and Diagnostics

Connecting to the WDM differs depending on where you are located. If you are in the HQ location you can connect to

| |“XYZ” |“” |Requires VPN Connection First |

|HQ Location |Yes |Yes | |

|XYZ Store | |Yes | |

|From the Public Internet | |Yes |Yes |

WDM - Connecting to XYZ from Public Internet via Remote Access VPN

If you are connecting to the WDM from a location outside the XYZ network on the public Internet, you must first establish a VPN tunnel to the XYZ network. Do this by following the procedures Connecting to XYZ from Public Internet via Remote Access VPN.

WDM – Connecting Remotely to the WDM

You can remotely connect to the WDM PC using the Remote Desktop Connection in Windows.

1. From your computer, click Start>All Programs>Accessories>Communications>Remote Desktop Connection.

2. Enter the IP address of the WDM which is

3. You will be prompted to enter the username Administrator password xxxxx.

WDM – System Log

To check the boot order on a Smart Terminal, perform the following:

1. Restart (or start) the terminal and continue to press the Delete key.

2. When prompted for the password, type xxxxx and press the Enter key.

3. Select Advanced Bios Features and press the Enter key.

4. Verify the First Boot Device is LAN.

WDM – Correcting Errors with Device Not Responding to WDM

At times, a device may not take updates from the WDM. This may happen to a single device or to multiple devices. It is likely the logs in the WDM are corrupted. Perform the following steps to correct:

1. Close the Wyse Device Manager application.

2. Open c:\WDM\SupportTools\MDTools_3[1].0.exe. (Download from if not available on the system.)

3. Click the … next to Enter Database Server to fill in the correct value.

4. Click Default User checkbox.

5. Select under Which Table to View, the Server option and click the View button.

6. Select under Tablet to Clear the log for the SystemLog table. Click the Clear button and confirm by typing the word DELETE when prompted.

7. Select under Tablet to Clear the log for the Server table. Click the Clear button and confirm by typing the word DELETE when prompted.

8. Under Services (Start>Control Panel>Administrator Tools>Services), restart/start the following services in the order displayed:

World Wide Web Publishing




9. Now watch the log by clicking the WDM Service Logs icon in the lower right corner of the system tray. You should see DHCP requests when the next terminal restarts.

WDM – Administrative Functions

WDM – Backing up the WDM Database

1. Close the Wyse Device Manager application.

2. Click Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services.

3. Right click and stop the MSSQL$Rapport & Rapport4 services. Make sure the services are completely stopped before proceeding.

4. Copy the two files located from c:\Program files\Wyse\WDM\database

File name - Rapport4.ldf, and Rapport4.mdf to the file location C:\TATL\Backups\WDM\Program Files\Wyse\WDM\Database\.

5. The files will be backed up automatically when the Remote Data Backups auto-backup runs.

WDM – Restoring the WDM Database

Moving Old Rapport Database to New WDM 4.51 server:

Stop the MSSQL$RapportDB services by clicking Start>Run> services.msc and click the OK button.

1. Right click MSSQL$RapportDB and select Stop to stop the service.

2. From the folder c:\program files\Wyse\WDM\Database\ copy the files Rappor4.ldf, and Rapport4.mdf

3. Rename the files to Rappor4.ldf_new, and Rapport4.mdf_new

4. Start the MSSQL$RapportDB services by clicking Start>Run> services.msc and click the OK button.

5. Right click MSSQL$RapportDB and select Start to start the service.

Reset the RapportDB Server Table Information

The MDTools can be used on both the Workgroup and the Enterprise versions, but the procedure to use the SQL Enterprise Manager for the WDM Enterprise version has also been included.

For the WDM Workgroup Edition

1. Download the MDTools utilities and the .NET infrastructure files from

2. Verify that .NET is installed on your server. Install if necessary before continuing

3. Copy MDTools to your desktop

4. Run MDTools

5. Click on the “Browse” ( [pic] ) button to select the Database Server name


6. Click on the “Default User” box to populate the Username and Password fields

7. Under the “Select which table to view” window, select “Server” and press “View”

8. Under the “Select which table to “Clear” window, select “Server” and press “Clear” > Type in the word “DELETE” to confirm.

9. Close MDTools

10. Reboot the server or restart the following Windows services

Reset the Data Access and Deleting the Old License

1. Run MDTools (See icon on desktop).

2. Click on the “Browse” ( [pic] ) button to select the Database Server name


3. Enter Username – sa

4. Enter Password - xxxxxx

5. Under the “Select which table to view” window, select “Server” and press “View”

6. Under the “Select which table to “Clear” window, select “Reset_DB_Access” and press “Clear” > Type in the word “DELETE” to confirm.

7. Also, Delete the license, repeat step #14 > choose Licenses

8. Close MDTools

9. Move the Rapport directory from old sever ( path is X:\Inetpub\FTProot\ ) to the new server

10. Reboot the server.

Smart Terminal – Connecting to a Remote Smart Terminal

You can remotely connect to a smart terminal from XYZ’s main network only by using a facility called the VNCViewer set up on the WDM.

1. From the WDM Desktop, click to open the VNCViewer icon. If the icon is lost, the exe is found in c:\Program Files\Wyse\WDM\vncviewer.exe.

2. Enter the IP address of the device to which you wish to connect. (Note: It may be helpful to find the IP address in the WDM Device Manager or by displaying the DHCP IP Address list from the remote firewall.)

3. The icon will disappear and it will look as if nothing is happening…

4. At the Smart Terminal will flash a message that the WDM wishes to connect. If a user is at the terminal, they can reply and allow you in immediately. If no user responds, the terminal will wait 2 minutes and let you connect.

5. You will receive a prompt for the device password. Enter XXXX and click OK.

6. If you are prompted for Control-Alt-Delete to log in, click in the very upper left hand corner, and one of the options will be Send Ctrl-Alt-Delete. Select this option.

7. Enter the username and password for the device. Default username for the Smart Terminal is Administrator password xxxxxxx.

Smart Terminal Functions

Smart Terminal – User is Prompted for Manual Logon

From time to time, a user might be prompted with a login password on the smart terminal. If the user gets a prompt to log on to the smart terminal, the user name is User and password xxxx.

Smart Terminal – Forcing Prompt for Administrator Logon

The Smart Terminals should be configured to auto logon to the User userid. If you need to make changes to the Smart Terminal, you must log into the Smart Terminal as Administrator. This procedure may be done over the VNCViewer connection or locally.

1. While logged onto the Smart Terminal User userid, click Start>Shut Down.

2. Select the option for Logoff, but do not click OK yet.

3. Hold the right shift key down while you click OK and keep holding the right shift key until you see the login prompt.

4. At the login prompt, enter username Administrator password xxxxxx.

Smart Terminal – Enabling Permanent Changes

Any changes made to the Smart Terminal will be lost when power cycling the Smart Terminal unless the Smart Terminal is configured with the Write Filter Disabled. Before making any permanent changes to the Smart Terminal, you must disable the write filter.

1. Log on as Administrator using procedures defined in

Smart Terminal – Forcing Prompt for Administrator Logon

2. Disable the Write Filter by clicking the Red Button icon on the administrator desktop labeled Write Filter Disabled.

3. The Smart Terminal will reboot automatically.

4. Log on as Administrator using procedures defined in

Smart Terminal – Forcing Prompt for Administrator Logon

5. Make whatever permanent changes required to the Smart Terminal.

Smart Terminal – Disabling Permanent Changes

After making permanent changes to the Smart Terminal with the Write Filter Disabled, you will want to set the Write Filter Enabled to protect the Smart Terminal memory from being overwritten with undesirable information such as viruses, cookies or other information. Enabling the Write Filter prevents permanent updates to the Smart Terminal memory.

1. Log on as Administrator using procedures defined in

Smart Terminal – Forcing Prompt for Administrator Logon

2. Enable the Write Filter by clicking the Green Button icon on the administrator desktop labeled Write Filter Enabled.

3. The Smart Terminal will reboot automatically.

4. Log on as User and verify that the change is permanent.

Smart Terminal – Changing IP Information at the Smart Terminal

After deployment at the remote site, the Smart Terminal should be configured with a static IP address. It is recommended that you assign the static IP address after all other information is updated on the Smart Terminal. Each Smart Terminal must have a unique IP address within the network where it will be used.

1. Log on as Administrator using procedures defined in

Smart Terminal – Forcing Prompt for Administrator Logon

2. Disable the Write Filter for permanent changes using procedures defined in

Smart Terminal – Enabling Permanent Changes

3. While logged onto the Smart Terminal userid Administrator, click Start>Settings>Control Panel>Network Connection>Local Area Connection>Properties.

4. Scroll down the list to highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.

5. Click Use the following IP Address and enter the

Static IP Address of the device (192.168.xx.150 to 192.168.xx.160),

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway: 192.168.xx.100

6. Click Use the following DNS Server Addresses and enter the

Preferred DNS Server: 192.168.xx.100

Alternate DNS Server:

7. Click OK button twice.

8. Enable the Write Filter for permanent changes using procedures defined in

Smart Terminal – Disabling Permanent Changes

Smart Terminal – Changing Name and IP Information at the WDM

After deployment at the remote site, the Smart Terminal should be configured with a static IP address. It is recommended that you assign the static IP address after all other information is updated on the Smart Terminal. Each Smart Terminal must have a unique IP address within the network where it will be used. You can update the Smart Terminal from the WDM using the following procedures:

1. Open WDM by clicking

Start>All Programs>Wyse Device Manager> Wyse Device Manager 4.5.1

2. Open Console Root>WyseDeviceManager>Device Manager

3. Right click the terminal you wish to update and select the Change Device Information option to rename the Smart Terminal.

4. Change the Computer Name to the defined pattern (e.g. xxxxx1, xxxxx2) and click the OK button.

5. Right click the terminal you wish to update and select the Change Network Information option to update addressing information on the Smart Terminal.

6. Click the Use the following IP address radio button and enter the following IP Address information

IP Address of the device (192.168.xx.150 to 192.168.xx.160),

Subnet Mask:

Gateway: 192.168.xx.100

7. Click the OK button.

8. Click the Use the following DNS Server Addresses radio button and enter the following DNS information

Preferred DNS Server: 192.168.xx.100

Alternate DNS Server:

9. Click the OK button.

Smart Terminal – Verifying Boot Order

To check the boot order on a Smart Terminal, perform the following:

1. Restart (or start) the terminal and continue to press the Delete key.

2. When prompted for the password, type xxxxx and press the Enter key.

Smart Terminal – Enabling Permanent Changes

Smart Terminal UserID Recommendations

The smart terminals automatically log on to userid User. It is likely that XYZ will want to retain usage of the User userid rather than set up password protected userids for the initial deployment. The following chart illustrates the implications of userid usage on the terminals:


Setting Up Smart Terminal to Auto Logon

1. Log on to Smart Terminal as Administrator password xxxxx.

2. Open Start>Settings>Control Panel>Winlog.

3. Click the entry Enable Auto Logon.

4. Click OK to save the change.

Firewall Access List Setup

XYZ has decided to implement a firewall access list such that counter personnel are limited to accessing sites on the Internet which are specifically required for XYZ business functions. In addition, DHCP server capabilities are to be enabled such that new devices may work on the network simply by requesting IP addressing information. The following procedures document how to configure the SG300 firewall router for these capabilities:

Connecting to a Remote Firewall

Connecting to a Remote Firewall - From the XYZ HQ LAN

When connecting to a remote firewall from the XYZ HQ LAN, you can simply browse the IP address of the remote firewall. For example, browsing in Internet Explorer will connect to the administrator’s console of the remote firewall. Username and Password for the firewalls is root/xxxxxx.

Connecting to a Remote Firewall - From Sites Other than XYZ HQ LAN

When connecting to a remote firewall from a location other than the XYZ HQ LAN, you msut first connect to a PPTP VPN connection from your computer.

1. In Windows XP, click Start>Control Panel>Network Connections>Create a New Connection>Connect to the network at my workplace>Virtual Private Network.

2. Give the connection a name like XYZCity.

3. If prompted, select the Do Not Dial the Initial Connection radio button.

4. When prompted for host name or IP address, provide the public IP address of the remote firewall. This might be obtained from the location \\\documentation\XYZNetworkDetails.xls.

5. When prompted for the Username/password, enter XYZadmin/xxxxxxx.

You can simply browse the IP address of the remote firewall. For example, browsing in Internet Explorer will connect to the administrator’s console of the remote firewall. Username and Password for the firewalls is root/xxxxxxx.

Note that you will lose general Internet access while connected to the VPN. To disconnect, right click the VPN Icon [pic]in the lower right hand corner of the screen and click Disconnect.

Smart Terminals: Updating a Smart Terminal in Production

From time to time, updates will be applied to the Smart Terminals. Due to the production nature of the XYZ network, it is critical that strict procedures be followed when performing updates.

a. See WDM – Batch Updating Smart Terminals for Details of applying updates to terminals.

b. Open \\\ChangeLog\ChangeLog.doc to make changes to the Change Log.

The following general process flow will ensure continued productivity for the XYZ network:

1. Develop update in “Update Pilot” configuration folder.

2. Apply PILOT UPDATE to a single Pilot Smart Terminal.

3. Validate PILOT UPDATE was applied successfully.

4. Document PILOT UPDATE in Change Log.



7. Schedule ALL SITES UPDATE for after-hours deployment.

8. Document ALL SITES UPDATE in Change Log.

Setting Up Smart Terminal to Auto Logon

1. Log on to Smart Terminal as Administrator password xxxxx.

2. Open Start>Settings>Control Panel>Winlog.

Setting up Smart Terminals in TRIAD

Once you have a Smart Terminal configured with its IP address, you must allow that IP address to be used in the TRIAD system. This is necessary since the Triad system has a limited number of licenses and the licenses are governed by port assignments in the TRIAD system. At the time of this writing XYZ has 150 available licensed ports in the TRIAD system.

Add IP Address to the Host Table (Using the SAM)

1. Log in as root (see Susan for username/password). This should be done at the TRIAD HP console terminal.

2. Type TERM=vt100 and press the Enter key.

3. At the # prompt, type sam and press the Enter key.

4. Select Networking and Communications and press the Enter key.

5. Select Hosts and press the Enter key.

6. Select Local Host File and press the Enter key.

7. Tab to Actions>Add and add the new Smart Terminal IP address to the list.

8. At the # prompt type exit and press the Enter key.

Assign a Licensed Port to the Smart Terminal IP Address

1. Log in as root (see Susan for username/password). This should be done at the TRIAD HP console terminal.

2. Type TERM=vt100 and press the Enter key.

3. At the # prompt, type ultconfigroot and press the Enter key.

4. Choose option 3 (lines).

5. Cursor down to find the IP address you wish to map to a license port and press the Enter key.

6. Enter the number associated with the IP address (e.g. 230) and press the Enter key.

7. Select F for fixed.

8. Enter the port number to assign. Ports are available at least up to 499 since the phantom port is 500. Note that you will likely want to re-assign an existing port assigned to a dumb terminal to a new smart terminal to retain appropriate printer assignments. For example, the xxxxx dumb terminals used ports 146, 145 and 147 and when the smart terminals were placed, we reassigned these ports to the smart terminals so printers did not need to be reassigned in Ultimate.

9. Type y to commit the change or q to quit.

10. Reboot the HP system to apply the changes.

Assign CRT Printer Assignment in Ultimate

There are several ports available in the system. The first several ports are set up as LPT printer ports, and the remainder are serial ports which must be assigned in Ultimate.

1. ###See Susan for these procedures.

TATL Information

TATL Overview Diagram


TATL Installation Procedures for Smart Terminals

1. Power on Smart Terminal. It will auto login. (Note: Make sure the USB flash stick is not plugged into the terminal or it will fail to boot.)

2. Click Start>Shut Down and select Log off. Hold Shift key down while clicking OK button to get login prompt.

3. Log on to Smart Terminal (userid Administrator, password xxxxxx).

4. Skip this step if the Red indicator light is on. If the Green (Write Filter Enabled) indicator is on, disable the Write Filter (Write Filter Disable) on the smart terminal (see smart terminal operations guide for details).

Smart Terminal – Enabling Permanent Changes

5. Skip this step if the Red indicator light is on. Smart Terminal will reboot and you must repeat the login sequence. (Hold down shift key again to log off and log in as Administrator).

6. Run the TATLSetup.msi program on the computer. This program will install all the necessary files for TATL to run correctly. (Version 20070517 and beyond will install on both PCs and Smart Terminals.) (You may use Start>Run and then type \\\TATL\, press the Enter key, and execute TATLSetup.msi.)

7. When prompted, change the option for installation from Just Me to Everyone.

Apply TATL Recent Updates

1. Click Start>Run and enter \\\TATL and click the OK button.

2. Open the Updates folder.

3. Click Edit>Select All.

4. Click Edit>Copy.

5. While holding the Windows key down, press the E key to open Windows Explorer (My Computer)

6. Click and select the XPe (C:) folder.

7. Click Edit>Paste.

8. Click the Yes to All button each time you are prompted.

Adjust and Save the TAMS and Triad Screen Layout

(Note: TATL Updates MUST be applied first for this section to work.)

9. Open the TATL application by clicking on the Desktop TATL icon.

10. Adjust the applications on the screen as you would like them to display.

11. On both the Triad and TAMS sessions, click File>Save Terminal Configuration

12. Close Triad and TAMS and verify the screen positions were saved by reopening TATL.

Set the Time Zone

Double click the time (e.g. 7:33 AM) in the lower right corner of the screen.

1. Click the Time Zone tab.

2. Click the pulldown list and select (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US and Canada).

3. Click the OK button.

Add DuPont Icon on Desktop

1. Right Click on the Desktop and select New>Shortcut. The Create Shortcut screen opens.

2. In the blank field, enter

3. Click the Next button.

4. In the blank field, enter the name DuPont Coatings.

5. Click the Finish button.

6. Move the new icon to the bottom left of the screen so it is visible under the TATL screens when they are open.

7. Username currently available is XYZ33, password is xxxxxx.

Enable the Write Filter

1. Enable the Write Filter (Write Filter Enable) using the following procedure:

Smart Terminal – Disabling Permanent Changes

1. Terminal will auto login. Run TATL to ensure that it works properly.

Virtual Memory Problems – You may run into Virtual Memory Problems when loading applications on the Smart Terminal. If this happens, you may need to increase the size of the virtual memory. The document to do this is located on the Wyse web site …search the support knowledge base for Solution 11340.

TATL Setup Procedures for PC

PC Installation

A TATLSetup.msi installer has been created for XYZ use. The following steps should be used when installing TATL on a standard PC or laptop.

1. Install PowerTerm Interconnect (downloadable from web site). Cost of update is approximately $150/user for individual licenses.

2. Run the TATLSetup.msi program on the computer. This program will install all the necessary files for TATL to run correctly.

TATL Variable Field Locations

TATL is very flexible and can be custom configured to adapt to changes in the TRIAD or TAMS system. To change variables for field positions in TATL, install TATL on your computer and view the file

c:\Program Files\Ericom Software\Powerterm\UserDefinedVariables.txt

Review the notes in the file for details on each field and its use.

TATL User Initiated Functions


Function Key: Alt-F8 in TAMS only

Location: c:\program files\ericom software\powerterm\

Description: TAMSMain.psl copies the parts from the TAMS screen and places the part numbers in a file for the TRIADUpdate program to pick up. The user should only execute the TAMSMain.psl program when viewing the parts listing screen in TAMS.

Detail: TAMSMain will perform various functions such as:

1. Identify if the proper screen is displayed when execution begins.

2. Validate that the first page of parts is listed…otherwise move up to the first page.

3. Gather the parts from the TAMS page and place them in a file.

4. Move down the pages of TAMS parts to ensure that all parts are acquired.

The user must execute TAMSMain from the TAMS Parts list screen:



Function Key: Alt-->

Location: c:\program files\ericom software\powerterm\

Description: TRIADSkip is initiated from the keyboard when the user desires to move from the current part number to the next part number on the PowerPad list.


Function Key: Alt-Start Trace and Options>Stop Trace

Location: In the PowerTerm application

Description: The PowerTerm trace facility captures activity on the sessions. Should a TATL program fail, it may be necessary to collect diagnostic information using the trace facility.

Detail: The PowerTerm Trace facility captures raw information that travels to and from the PowerTerm sessions. It is important to run the trace facility on the appropriate session (TAMS or Triad) to capture the correct information. It is also important to time the capture of information such that only relevant information is captured, otherwise the capture logs will be too large to find the diagnostic information.

Location of Trace Reports: C:\Program Files\Ericom Software\PowerTerm

Example: capture.log

Example Content:

PowerTerm CAPTURE file version 6


Send: 00006


0000: 37 35 31 32 38 32 |751282 |

Key : 1 013A 00314 |VTK_RETURN|


Send: 00001


0000: 0D |. |

Recv: 00001


0000: 37 |7 |

Recv: 00002


0000: 35 31 |51 |

Recv: 00011


0000: 1B 59 27 24 37 35 31 10 07 32 38 |^Y'$751..28 |

Recv: 00230


0000: 32 1B 59 23 60 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 2E 30 30 0D |2^Y#` 0.00.|

0010: 0A 1B 59 27 24 47 4E 41 37 35 31 32 38 32 20 20 |.^Y'$GNA751282 |

0020: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0F 1B 59 28 22 1B 4B | .^Y("^K|

0030: 10 02 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 |.. |

0040: 20 10 17 55 4F 4D 3A 20 20 20 10 25 53 49 3A 31 | ..UOM: .%SI:1|

0050: 20 20 20 10 34 43 51 3A 20 20 10 41 4C 49 53 54 | .4CQ: .ALIST|

0060: 3A 20 38 32 30 2E 37 36 10 56 51 4F 48 3A 20 20 |: 820.76.VQOH: |

0070: 20 20 20 20 20 51 43 4D 3A 1B 30 50 0E 10 60 20 | QCM:^0P..` |

0080: 20 20 20 20 20 10 71 20 20 20 20 20 30 0D 0A 0F | .q 0...|

0090: 1B 59 37 4D 52 45 4F 3A 10 56 51 41 56 3A 20 20 |^Y7MREO:.VQAV: |

00A0: 20 20 20 20 20 51 50 4F 3A 1B 30 50 0E 10 49 20 | QPO:^0P..I |

00B0: 20 20 20 20 20 10 60 20 20 20 20 20 30 10 71 20 | .` 0.q |

00C0: 20 20 20 20 30 0F 1B 59 27 55 20 20 30 2E 30 30 | 0.^Y'U 0.00|

00D0: 10 60 20 20 20 35 34 37 2E 31 37 1B 59 27 39 31 |.` 547.17^Y'91|

00E0: 20 20 20 20 10 25 | .% |

TATL Errors

From time to time, the user may receive errors using TATL. Following are a list of common errors that may occur when using TATL.

Error: Can’t Read “TRLine”: no such variable

Application: TRIAD

Cause: User has hit the Alt->, Alt Setup -> Preferences to 'Auto Connect'

set system-name myHostIP

#Where 'myHostIP is the IP or DNS name of your host

session open

wait 5 seconds

session close

set system-name myHostIP2

session open

wait 5 seconds

run Function_Script.psl

#where 'Function_Script.psl' is the name of your other script.

WhatsUp Gold Network Management Installation

To load the WhatsUp Gold on a computer, you must follow these instructions to the letter or the installation will fail:

Log on to the computer as Administrator (not as an account with admin rights).

Note: You must log on directly to the computer itself. The process will fail if you try to use remote desktop connection into the system.

Turn off Antivirus

Ensure FTP and HTTP are turned on.

Ensure SNMP is turned on.

Install WhatsUp Gold.

WhatsUp Gold Key: ******

Network Management System – Adding Components to be Managed


Install the IPSwitch WhatsUp Gold product on a system running XP Pro or Server 2003.

Serial # is NP2-0000420083

Registered Serial # at register to receive license code.

License code is 878531 941613 039895 676523 482873.

Log on to the WhatsUp Gold system as Administrator password xxxxxx.

NMS-Discovering Devices

To add devices to the WhatsUp Gold network, perform the following procedures:

1. Log on to the WhatsUp Gold system as Administrator password xxxxxxx. (You can remote into using remote desktop connection.)

2. Open Start>All Programs>Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold Standard Edition v11>WhatsUp Gold Standard Edition.

3. Click Tools>Discover Devices. You will want to add a single network group at a time. For example, add all the xxxxx terminals at one time.

4. Select IP range scan and click the Next button.

5. Enter 192.168.xx.0 for Start address and 192.168.xx.255 for End address where xx is the number of the location and click the Next button.

6. Enter Public for SNMP read communities and leave Windows credentials field blank and click the Next button.

7. On the Active Performance Monitors to Scan screen, ensure Ping is checked in the top list and Interface Utilization and Ping Lantency and Availability is checked in the lower list and click the Next button.

8. Allow the system time to find the devices on the network. When the scan is completed, click the Next button.

9. Select Apply this action policy and select NotifyViaCellPhoneEmail in the pulldown list and click the Next button.

10. Click the Finish button to complete the find.

11. You will notice a new group under XYZ Network has been added on the left side of the screen. The name of the new group will start with IPRangeScan.

12. Right click on the new IPRangeScan name and select Rename. Enter the name of the site such as xxxxx. Press the Enter key to accept the changed name.

NMS-Defining the Router

1. With the new name group selected, on the right side of the screen, you will notice the discovered devices. Double click the device ending in address 100 to display the Device Properties screen for the router.

2. Ensure the General tab is selected on the left side menu.

3. Change the Display Name from 192.168.xx.100 to Router.

4. Change the Host Name to a descriptive device name such as xxxxxx Router. (Note that Host Name shows up in email alerts that go out to admin personnel.)

5. Click the Device type pulldown and select Router.

6. Click the OK button to save the entry.

NMS-Defining the Printer/Terminal Server

1. Double click the device ending in address 110 to display the Device Properties screen for the terminal server.

2. Ensure the General tab is selected on the left side menu.

3. Change the Display Name from 192.168.xx.110 to Terminal Server.

4. Change the Host Name to a descriptive device name such as xxxxxx Terminal Server/Printer. (Note that Host Name shows up in email alerts that go out to admin personnel.)

5. Click the Device type pulldown and select Printer.

6. Click the OK button to save the entry.

NMS-Defining the Smart Terminals

1. Double click any device ending in address 150 to 160 to display the Device Properties screen for the terminal server.

2. Ensure the General tab is selected on the left side menu.

3. Change the Display Name from 192.168.xx.150 to 160 to the name of the location concatenated with the device number…for example xxxxxx1.

4. Change the Host Name to a descriptive device name such as xxxxxx Smart Terminal 1. (Note that Host Name shows up in email alerts that go out to admin personnel.)

5. Click the Device type pulldown and select Workstation.

6. Click the OK button to save the entry.

NMS-Defining the ISP Gateway

1. Connect (Browse) the network’s router ()

2. Click the Diagnostics tab at the bottom left side of the screen.

3. Under Internet, note the Gateway and DNS server addresses (the first DNS will suffice).

4. Switch back to the WhatsUp Gold console, right click on the site name (left column…e.g. xxxxxx) and select New Device.

5. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the Gateway (e.g. Click the Add Device Immediately without Scanning checkbox and click the OK button.

6. In the Display Name field (General tab), enter ISP Gateway.

7. Change the Host Name to a descriptive device name such as xxxxxx ISP Gateway. (Note that Host Name shows up in email alerts that go out to admin personnel.)

8. In the Device Type pulldown, select Router and click the OK button.

9. Position the ISP Router icon to the right of the site Router icon.

NMS-Defining the DNS Server

1. Click on the site name (left column…e.g. xxxxxx) and select New Device.

2. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the DNS server (e.g. Click the Add Device Immediately without Scanning checkbox and click the OK button. (See previous section for finding DNS Server address.)

3. In the Display Name field (General tab), enter ISP DNS.

4. In the Device Type pulldown, select Web Server and click the OK button.

5. Change the Host Name to a descriptive device name such as xxxxxx DNS Server. (Note that Host Name shows up in email alerts that go out to admin personnel.)

6. Position the ISP DNS icon to the right of the site Router icon and below the ISP Gateway icon.

7. In the top menu of the WhatsUp Gold screen, there is a cloud icon. Click, size and position the cloud to represent the Internet.

NMS-Adding Devices Manually

To add devices manually such as Smart Terminals to the WhatsUp Gold network, perform the following procedures:

1. Log on to the WhatsUp Gold system as Administrator password xxxxxxx. (You can remote into using remote desktop connection.)

2. Open Start>All Programs>Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold Standard Edition v11>WhatsUp Gold Standard Edition.

3. Right click in the white space in the right frame of the screen.

4. Select New>New Device.

5. Enter the IP address of the device in the IP Address field (e.g. and click the OK button.

6. Click the General tab and populate the following fields similar to that shown in the following Smart Terminal example. Ensure the match the device type appropriately.:


7. Click the Notes tab and populate the information similar to the following example and click the OK button:

xxxxxx xx


Store # 5

Store Contact is: Richard Walther

Main Phone number: 573-xxxxxxx

NMS-Positioning the Devices on the Screen

1. Move the devices on the screen such that the site devices are on the left side of the screen and the site router is on the right, and to the right further, the cloud and to the right further, the ISP Gateway and ISP Name Server to create a logical visual of the site network.

2. You may also add text to each screen like the name of the site and lines representing connections. These are not critical items.

NMS-Setting Up Dependencies

WhatsUp Gold is smart enough to know that some devices will never respond to polling if an upstream device has failed. You can “Set Up Dependencies” for the remote devices at a site so that reporting is limited to only the failing component. For example, terminals and terminal servers all have an “Up Dependency” on their local router.

Setting Remote Device Dependency on Router

1. For each device behind the remote router (Smart Terminals, Terminal Servers and any other computers), right click on each device icon and select Set Dependencies>Set Up Dependency On.

2. Next, click the router at that site.

3. The Up Dependency screen will open. Click the OK button to apply All Active Monitors to the selection.

Setting Remote Router Dependency on ISP Gateway

4. Once you have completed each site device, next right click the router icon and select Set Dependencies>Set Up Dependency On.

5. Next, click the ISP Gateway for that site.

6. The Up Dependency screen will open. Click the OK button to apply All Active Monitors to the selection.

NMS-Setting Email Notification to Cell Phones

The WhatsUp Gold system can be configured to notify users via email of outages and restoration of service. This can be particularly beneficial for support personnel who cannot watch the monitor continuously. Since every cell phone has an email address, these messages can be targeted to support personnel cell phones as text messages very easily, and this can be an effective way to keep support personnel aware of network availability. To set the email addresses of cell phones to be notified, change the action policies using the following procedures:

1. In the WhatsUp Gold system, click Configure>Action Library.

2. Select the policy Send Down 5 Emails and click the Edit button.

3. In the Mail to field, enter the email address of the cell phone you wish to use (e.g. 573xxxxxxx@mobile.. For multiple email notifications, separate each email address by a comma. Click the OK button to save.

4. Select the policy Send Up 5 Emails and click the Edit button.

5. In the Mail to field, enter the email address of the cell phone you wish to use (e.g. 573xxxxxxx@mobile.. For multiple email notifications, separate each email address by a comma. Click the OK button to save.

NMS-Viewing Network Status

The WhatsUp Gold system has the ability for remote viewing. You can see the status of the network from any computer in the network. To view the network status:

1. Connect to the NMS by browsing: .

2. Enter username and password both as admin.

3. Click the Devices tab to view the network map.

4. Ensure the Map View tab at the bottom of the screen is selected.

5. If a site is no longer green, double click the site icon to see what components have failed.

NMS-Break-Fix Procedures

A. If all sites are green,

a. Network is 100% operational.

B. If all site icons are red,

a. All users are disconnected from TATL (Triad and TAMS). The problem is likely with the HQ Internet connection.

b. Review lights on the HQ Router…possibly restart (Susan or Mike).

c. Contact AT&T to recover.

C. If a single site icon is red,

1. Double click the site icon to see what has failed.

2. If all icons in the site are red,

a. The problem is probably with peering point between AT&T and the remote ISP. That site is unable to reach TATL (Triad and TAMS).

b. In a dos prompt (Start>run>cmd) run a traceroute to the remote ISP Gateway IP address (ex: tracert>c:\temp\tracert.txt).

c. Contact AT&T and ask to be connected to the NOC for a peering point issue.

d. Send the output of the trace (c:\temp\tracert.txt) to the contact at the AT&T NOC.

3. If the router and all site devices in a site are not green (but ISP Gateway is green)

a. The problem is with the DSL or Cable service. That site is unable to reach TATL (Triad and TAMS).

b. Review lights on the DSL/Cable Modem.

c. Review lights on remote router.

d. Restart DSL/Cable Modem and router.

e. Test site communication again (ping the remote router…Start>cmd…ping 192.168.xx.100).

f. Review lights again.

g. Contact the site’s ISP if no reply from ping.

4. If only a site ISP DNS is not green,

a. Users at the site cannot reach Prolink but they can reach TATL.

b. Check with site for Prolink problems.

c. If problems, contact sites ISP and notify them of the DNS Server outage.

5. If only a site Terminal Server is not green,

a. Users at the site cannot print.

b. Contact the site and restart the print server.

c. Replace print server if necessary.

6. If only a site Smart Terminal is not green (e.g. xxxxx1),

a. The user Smart Terminal is off the network.

b. Reboot the Smart Terminal using the power switch on the front of the unit.

c. Check to see if Smart Terminal has picked up dynamic address (192.168.xx.50 or 51…)

d. Check the device again by pinging its IP address (Start>Cmd….ping 192.168.xx.15x).

e. Replace the Smart Terminal if necessary if no reply from ping.

Network Management System –Administrative Procedures for WhatsUp Gold

NMS - Backing Up the WhatsUp Gold Database

The WhatsUpGold database should be backed up and stored somewhere other than the TMS computer whenever significant changes are made to the system. The following procedures detail the backup procedures:

1. Open WhatsUp Gold.

2. The WhatsUp database. This can be done from the WhatsUp console by selecting Tools > Database Utilities > Back Up SQL Database. Enter the location for the backup file and filename (recommended naming structure: 200xMMDD-WhatsUpGold.dat)

3. In the registry, the Network Monitor key from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ipswitch.

4. In the registry, the WHATSUP key from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server.

5. The WhatsUp installation folder. The default location for this is C:\Program Files\Ipswitch\WhatsUp

NMS - Restoring the WhatsUp Gold Database

To restore a WhatsUp installation:

1.) Reinstall the same version of WhatsUp Professional as was running when the backup was created. Both MSDE and WhatsUp Professional must be reinstalled to the same paths. If you are prompted to restart the server after installation, you must do so before continuing to Step 2.

2.) Shut down the Ipswitch WhatsUp Engine service.

3.) Shut down the MSSQL$WHATSUP service.

4.) Open the registry editor, backup and then delete the following keys:



5.) Import the two registry keys from your backup.

6.) Restart only the MSSQL$WHATSUP service.

7.) Open the WhatsUp console, and select Tools > Database Utilities > Restore SQL Database to restore the SQL database from your backup.

8.) Restart the WhatsUp machine.

Automatically Backing Up the WhatsUp Gold Database

To automatically make a complete backup of the database, you can setup a scheduled task in Windows that calls a batch file.

In the batch file, execute the following command:

OSQL -E -n -D WhatsUp -Q "BACKUP DATABASE WhatsUp TO DISK = 'drive:\path\WhatsUp.dat' WITH INIT"

The batch file should be located in the MSDE program installation directory. The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn.

In our example, we wish to place our backup in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$WHATSUP\Data, so the batch file would contain:

OSQL -E -n -D WhatsUp -Q "BACKUP DATABASE WhatsUp TO DISK = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$WHATSUP\Data\WhatsUp.dat' WITH INIT"

Note: This process will overwrite any data in an existing WhatsUp.dat

Network Grooming

Network Grooming – Backup VPN Setup

The remote XYZ sites can connect over the Big River Internet connection in the event that the AT&T network is unavailable. This is done via a VPN connection into the Big River router using the following VPN connection settings. This information was built into the Image file for the Smart Terminals and requires no additional effort to put in place.

IP Address for VPN tunnel termination: xx.xx.xx.xx

UserID: backupatt/XYZxxxxx

Network Grooming – Establishing Backup Connection

The remote XYZ sites can connect over the Big River Internet connection in the event that the AT&T network is unavailable. The remote user can establish a connection without any assistance from HQ

1. On the remote Smart Terminal Desktop, click the icon labeled Big River Backup Path.

2. When the Splash screen opens, click the Connect button.

3. Re-open the TATL application and the session will reestablish over the backup path.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Configuration Backup Before Grooming

When changes are made to the Firewall Configuration, a backup should be completed.

1. On remote firewall, click Advanced>Configuration Files>Save and Restore>Save Configuration. (Note: Do not click the link for Configuration Files, but the link for Save and Restore under the Configuration Files section.)

2. Enter firewall password (xxxxxxx) in Password and Confirm Password fields and click the Save button.

3. You may receive a message “To protect your security, Internet Explorer blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. Click here for options”. Click the message and select Download File. You will likely need to reenter the password fields.

4. Click the Save button and in the Filename field, specify the location for the current backup: \\\Documentation\FirewallConfigurations\Archive\sitename.sgc. E.g. xxxxxx.sgc.

5. When prompted to close or open, click the Close button.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Remote Firewall VPN Access

To log into the remote firewall, we have established a security procedure that relies on VPN access. Each firewall should be configured with the following VPN access:

1. On remote firewall, click PPTP VPN Server.

2. Click the Enable PPTP Server checkbox.

3. Enter 192.168.xx.15-19 in the IP Address to Assign to VPN Clients field.

4. Click the MSCHAPv2 and Encryption radio button under Authentication Scheme.

5. Click the Local radio button under Authentication Database.

6. Click the Continue button.

7. Enter XYZadmin in the Add New Account - Username field.

8. Enter xxxxxx in the Password field.

9. Click the Add button.

You must test your connection to ensure that it works. Note that you should just check it long enough to see if connection is established and then disconnect the connection since you Internet will be disengaged while the VPN is up. See procedures:

Connecting to a Remote Firewall - From Sites Other than XYZ HQ LAN

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Remote MTU

In order for some applications such as remote desktop connection to function properly, the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) or size of packets must be set.

1. On remote firewall, click IPSec.

2. Click the Set the IPSec MTU to be checkbox and enter a value of 1300 in the field.

3. Click the Apply button to apply the changes.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Verify Remote IPSec Setup

For the VPN to establish correctly, the tunnel should be configured with a specific configuration. Verify the correct remote firewall configuration using the following procedures:

1. On local firewall (), click IPSec.

2. Click the appropriate tunnel name.

3. Verify the following on the initial screen:

Enable this tunnel is checked

Tunnel is to go out default gateway interface

This tunnel will be using Aggressive mode Auto Key (IKE)

The remote party has Static IP Address

Authentication Used Preshared secred

The local party is a single network behind this cyberguard

The remote network is a single network behind a gateway

This tunnel is to be a route to a remote party

Click the Continue button.

4. Verify the following on the screen:

Initiate the tunnel from this end checked

Required Endpoint ID host@city## (e.g. Charleston3)

Enable IP Payload Compression unchecked

Enable dead peer detection checked

Delay 9

Timeout 30

Enable Phase 1&2 rekeying to be initiated unchecked

Click the Continue button.

5. Verify the following on the screen:

Remote parties IP address xx.xx.xx.xx

Optional Endpoint ID host@city## (e.g. Charleston3)

Click the Continue button.

6. Verify the following on the screen:

Key lifetime 60

Rekey margin 10

Rekey Fuzz 100

Preshared secret xxxxxxx (where xx is store number)

Phase 1 Proposal 3DES-SHA-Diffie Hellman Group 2 (1024 bit)

Click the Continue button.

7. Verify the following on the screen:

Key lifetime 60

Phase 2 Proposal 3DES-SHA-Diffie Hellman Group 2 (1024 bit)

Local network 192.168.xx.0/ (xx is store IP)

Remote network

Click the Apply button.

8. The tunnel will restart.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Verify Local IPSec Setup

For the VPN to establish correctly, the tunnel should be configured with a specific configuration. Verify the correct configuration using the following procedures:

9. On local firewall (), click IPSec.

10. Click the appropriate tunnel name.

11. Verify the following on the initial screen:

Enable this tunnel is checked

Tunnel is to go out default gateway interface

This tunnel will be using Aggressive mode Auto Key (IKE)

The remote party has Static IP Address (If static IP is deployed)

Authentication Used Preshared secred

The local party is a single network behind this cyberguard

The remote network is a single network behind a gateway

This tunnel is to be a route to a remote party

Click the Continue button.

12. Verify the following on the screen:

Optional Endpoint ID host@city## (e.g. Charleston3)

Enable IP Payload Compression unchecked

Enable Phase 1&2 rekeying to be initiated unchecked

Click the Continue button.

13. Verify the following on the screen:

Required Endpoint ID host@city## (e.g. Charleston3)

Click the Continue button.

14. Verify the following on the screen:

Key lifetime 60

Rekey margin 10

Rekey Fuzz 100

Preshared secret xxxxxxxx (where xx is store number)

Phase 1 Proposal 3DES-SHA-Diffie Hellman Group 2 (1024 bit)

Click the Continue button.

15. Verify the following on the screen:

Key lifetime 60

Phase 2 Proposal 3DES-SHA-Diffie Hellman Group 2 (1024 bit)

Local network

Remote network 192.168.xx.0/ (xx is store IP)

Click the Apply button.

16. The tunnel will restart.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Time Server

In order for the firewall to have an accurate time for the log file, it should request correct time from a time server. Set up the time server using the following procedures:

1. On remote firewall, click Date and Time.

2. Check the Set Time checkbox.

3. Check the Local NTP Time Server checkbox.

4. Enter time-a. in the Remote NTP Server field under NTP Time Server.

5. Click the Apply button below the section for the NTP Time Server section of the screen.

6. Verify the Region is US and the Location is Central.

7. Click the Apply button if changed in the Locality section of the screen.

8. If time at the top does not change, click the first Set Date and Time button at the top of the page.

9. Verify the time is accurate.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – DHCP Server

The DHCP server must be assigned for installation of the Smart Terminals and other devices that may need an IP address assignment. The Smart Terminals will be installed with dynamic IP address assignment prior to receiving their static IP address assignment.

1. On remote firewall, click DHCP Server>Edit Server or Add Server if not added.

2. Click the Add Server button (if this button is not listed, then the DHCP server is already on.)

3. Skip to the Initial Dynamic IP Address Range field and enter 192.168.xx.50-75.

4. Check Enable DHCP Server for this Subnet checkbox.

5. Enter 192.168.xx.100 in the Gateway Address field where xx matches the 3rd octet of the router LAN IP address.

6. Enter the Primary (router address 192.168.xx.100) and Alternate ( DNS server addresses in the format as follows (separated by commas):

Example: 192.168.xx.100,

7. Click the Apply button.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Access (Internet Allow) List

1. Open Internet Explorer on a computer attached to the XYZ 192.168.0.x network.

1. In the address line, enter the address of the firewall you wish to configure. In nearly every instance, the firewall address will be where xx is the store indicator.

2. Click Firewall>Access Control.

3. You will be prompted for the login. Log into the firewall router using root/xxxxxxx.

4. Under the Main option, check the Enabled and Block by Default checkboxes.

5. Click the Apply button.

6. Click the IP Lists option at the top of the screen.

7. The screen is divided into 6 quadrants. In the Source>Allow list quadrant, enter

8. In the Source>Destination list quadrant, enter

9. Click the Apply button.

10. Click the Web Lists option at the top of the screen.

11. The screen is divided into 2 halves. In the Allow List quadrant, add the following items to the list:

| |(Firewall prior configuration) |

| |(Firewall prior configuration) |

| |(Firewall prior configuration) |

| |(Firewall prior configuration) |

| |(for NAPA parts viewing) |

| |(for paint formulas) |

| |(for NAPA Prolink Images) |

| |(for time server) |

| |(for time server) |

12. Click the Apply button.

13. Click the Content option at the top of the screen.

14. Uncheck the Enable Cache checkbox.

15. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click the Apply button.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration - DNS

DNS Servers are the white pages of the Internet. The DNS server provides the lookup for translation of a name like to an IP address or essentially and Internet telephone number. The following strategy should be employed throughout XYZ’s network to ensure availability of Internet resources requiring DNS server lookup:

Note: This step will reset the firewall. In some cases (if there is no Smart Terminal deployed), the IPSec tunnel may not reestablish.

Note: Skip this step for PPPoE and Cable Modem Internet Generic (DHCP) sites.

1. On remote firewall, click Network Setup.

2. On the Port Name - Internet, if the letters PPPoE appear in the combo box, you are finished with the Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration - DNS procedure. If you do not see the letters PPPoE, continue with the next step.

3. Click the Port Name – Internet pull down list and select Edit Current Settings.

4. In the DNS Servers field, enter the primary and secondary DNS servers separated by a comma:


(where xx.xx.xx.xx is pulled from the following table based on the ISP for your site. )


5. Click the Apply button.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Disable Internet Access

The original configuration of the remote firewalls allowed for Internet access direct to the management console. To enhance security, we now require PPTP VPN access to the management console set up in a previous step. This step disables open Internet access to the management console.

1. On remote firewall, click Incoming Access. Uncheck Internet Interface Telnet and Web (Http).

2. Uncheck the checkbox for Internet Interface – Web (HTTP).

3. Click the Apply button to apply the changes.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Firmware Upgrade

NOTE: This step is a potentially a major disruption and should be done after hours.

To upgrade the firmware on the firewall, it is best to do it from a local LAN server. The upgrade process uses a TFTP process which lacks sufficient error control to perform over the Internet. The documentation on the firewall specifically states that abnormal termination during the upgrade process can necessitate shipping the unit back to the factory for restoration.

1. Connect to a smart terminal at the site where the firewall is to be upgraded and log in as Administrator.

Smart Terminal – Forcing Prompt for Administrator Logon

2. Ensure Enable the Write Filter (Green light) is on…we do not want changes saved to the terminal.

Note: You do not need to load the TFTP server after version 3.1.4 since this version allows direct upgrade from the connecting computer.

3. Install the TFTP program by clicking Start > Run > \\\documentation\FirewallFirmware\TFTPServer\SolarWinds-TFTP-Server.exe (Wait 5 minutes minimum for program to load…Click Run…Next…Next…etc…use all program defaults).

4. After Solarwinds TFTP Server is installed, then proceed to the next step.

5. Click Start>Programs>SolarWinds Free Tools>TFTP Server.

6. When the program opens, click File>Configure.

7. Click the Security tab.

8. Select the Transmit and Receive Files radio button.

9. Click the OK button to save the change.

10. Click Start > Run > \\\documentation\FirewallFirmware\ and click the OK button.

11. Open the folder for the firmware desired. For remote SG300’s, the current folder at the time of this writing is SG300V3.1.4u5.

12. In the folder selected, highlight the firmware binary file ending in sgu.

13. Click Edit > Copy to Folder.

14. Copy file to the folder c:\TFTP-Root\.

15. Log into the firewall (Browse to 192.168.xx.100) at the remote site and click the Advanced>Flash Upgrade>Flash Upgrade via tftp option.

16. Enter 192.168.xx.15y in the IP Address field (the address of the Smart Terminal you are using as the TFTP Server) and enter the name of the firmware file you are upgrading (e.g. SG300_v3.1.4u5_20070228.sgu) and click the Upgrade button.

17. You should receive a message that the firmware looks OK and that the firewall will perform the upgrade.

18. It will take several minutes for the upgrade to complete. Once the upgrade is complete, the firewall will restart. You can set up a persistent ping to monitor when the firewall finally restarts by issuing the command Start>Run>CMD>ping 192.168.xx.100 –t.

19. Verify the messages after the firewall update. You may need to validate changes from the old version to the new version.

Note: You do not need to load the TFTP server after version 3.1.4 since this version allows direct upgrade from the connecting computer.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Dealing with Upgrade Issues

After the firewall is upgraded, some features must be reconfigured since they are handled differently in the upgraded version of the firmware. You must acknowledge that you understand this.

1. Connect to the remote firewall and click Advanced.

2. You will receive a message at the top of the screen:

Until you go to the Firmware Upgraded page to resolve this situation no configuration changes will be saved.

3. Click the Firmware Upgraded link.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the Continue Configuring button.

5. Notice the Action Successful message at the top of the screen.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – ACL Reconfiguration after Upgrade

After the firewall is upgraded, some features must be reconfigured since they are handled differently in the upgraded version of the firmware. The biggest change is in the Access Control Lists which are used to restrict user access to Internet web sites. By default after the firmware upgrade, the ACL will be disabled, thus allowing all traffic to flow. To configure the ACL to restrict access, employ the following steps:

1. Connect to the firewall and click Firewall>Definitions>Addresses.

2. Click the New button.

3. Enter XYZ in the Name field and in the IP Address field.

4. Click the Finish button.

5. Click the New button.

6. Enter Terminal Time in the Name field and in the IP Address field.

7. Click the Finish button.

8. To the right of the New button, click the pull down list and select Address Group.

9. Enter OK IP Addresses in the Name field and check the checkboxes the entries for both XYZ and Terminal Time.

10. Click the Finish button.

11. Click Firewall>Access Control>Main.

12. Click the Enable Access Control checkbox.

13. Change the Default Action field to Block.

14. Click the Submit button.

15. Click Firewall>Access Control>ACL.

16. Click the Allow Source Host pull down list and select OK IP Addresses.

17. Click the Allow Destination Host pull down list and select OK IP Addresses.

18. Click the Submit button.

19. Verify in WhatsupGold that the site’s terminals are active.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Reset Smart Terminal to User Mode

When changes are made to the Firewall Configuration, reset the terminal to User Mode.

1. Connect to the Smart Terminal used for the TFTP Server.

2. Click Start>Shutdown>Logoff Administrator.

3. You may wish to bring up Triad and TAMS for the user.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Configuration Backup After Upgrade

When changes are made to the Firewall Configuration, a backup should be completed.

4. Move the existing backup file from \\\Documentation\FirewallConfigurations to \\\Documentation\FirewallConfigurations\Archive

5. On remote firewall, click System>Backup/Restore>Remote Backup/Restore>Save Configuration.

6. Enter firewall password (xxxxxxx) in Password and Confirm Password fields and click the Submit button.

7. You may receive a message “To protect your security, Internet Explorer blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. Click here for options”. Click the message and select Download File. You will likely need to reenter the password fields.

8. Click the Save button and in the Filename field, specify the location for the current backup: \\\Documentation\FirewallConfigurations\sitename.sgc. E.g. xxxxxx.sgc.

9. When prompted to close or open, click the Close button.

Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Configuration Restore After Upgrade

When changes are made to the Firewall Configuration, a backup should be completed.

1. On remote firewall, click System>Backup/Restore>Remote Backup/Restore>Restore Configuration.

2. Click the Browse button and select the file from the backup folder \\\Documentation\FirewallConfigurations.

3. Enter firewall password (xxxxxxx) in Password field and click the Submit button.

Offsite Backups

The WDM system ( is a repository for information about XYZ. The WDM system houses the following critical operational information:

Wyse Device Manager configuration and tracking system for Smart Terminals

WhatsUp Gold network management system

XYZ Intranet

XYZ Operations Documentation

We have set up for off-site storage backup of this information.

Offsite Backups – Setup Information

The site requires an encryption key that is not kept by anyone except the customer. XYZ must retain this encryption key since staff personnel at the service provider will not know what it is.

Account#: 11479-14560

Encryption Key: xxxxxxx

Payment Information: Annually on 7/25 (started 2007) on Bob Tlapek’s Company Credit Card ending in 2299 Exp Date 10/11 for approximately $360/year.

Offsite Backups - Manually Running Backups

The utility will run automatically weekly and will keep 10 generations of files. If you have made major changes and you feel you need to run a backup immediately, perform the following procedures:

1. Click Start>Programs>Remote Data Backups>Remote Data Backups.

2. Click the Backup Now button.

3. The utility will back up the files defined for backup. View the files to ensure the data you wish to back up is in the list by clicking Backup View.

Offsite Backups - Verifying Files Backed Up

You may wish to verify from time to time which files are automatically backed up.

1. Click Start>Programs>Remote Data Backups>Remote Data Backups.

2. Click the Backup tab.

3. Click Explore to Pick Files (on the right side of the screen).

4. Checkboxes will denote the folders that are backed up. Currently, the following folders are backed up in the system:

C:\BugReport\ (contains problem log)

C:\ChangeLog\ (contains change log)

C:\Inetpub\ (contains Intranet web site)

C:\Rapport Packages\ (contains WDM Package updates)

C:\TATL\ (contains all documentation, WDM backups, WhatsUpGold backups and Powerterm8.2 installation files)

Offsite Backups - Verifying Backups Run Successfully

You may wish to verify from time to time that backups are running successfully.

1. Click Start>Programs>Remote Data Backups>Remote Data Backups.

2. Click the Log tab.

3. Review the list to see the dates of recent backups. This list will show both automatically scheduled backups as well as manually initiated backups.

4. Click the View Details button to see exactly which files were backed up during each session.

Offsite Backups – Restoring Files

In order to restore files to a new computer, you must have the account number and encryption key.

Account#: 11479-14560

Encryption Key: xxxxxxx

1. Install 10GB service using the account# and encryption key.

2. Click Start>Programs>Remote Data Backups>Remote Data Backups.

3. Click the Retrieve View tab.

4. If you wish to retrieve the most recent file backed up, then simply find the file or folder in the Retrieve View listing and click the Retrieve Now button. If you wish to retrieve a file older than the last generation, click the Retrieve Options button and click the Show All Versions radio button to view generations of a file.

Connecting to XYZ from Public Internet via Remote Access VPN

You can remotely connect to the XYZ network from the public Internet by establishing a VPN tunnel from your computer to the Internet. By connecting remotely to the XYZ network, you can access the following items from anywhere on the Internet:

Wyse Device Manager

What’s Up Gold


Triad (although this is publicly available without protection currently)

Remote terminal servers (on AT&T connection)

Local HQ and Remote routers (remote router access requires AT&T connection)

Any PC or Smart Terminal on the XYZ network (remote Smart Terminals require AT&T connection)

|VPN to : |Access to HQ Only |Access to All Stores |IP Address |General UserID |

|Big River |Yes | |xx.xx.xx.xx |backupatt/XYZ070709 |

|AT&T | |Yes |xx.xx.xx.xx | Must Define |

Setting Up Remote Access VPN Username and Password on the Firewall/Router

You will first need to set up a username and password on either the AT&T or Big River router. This username and password will be used to authenticate the remote PC connecting to the router. The username and password will be entered at the local firewall/router as well as the remote computer.

|Local Router |Local IP Address |Administrator Login |

|Big River | |root/xxxxxx |

|AT&T | |root/xxxxxx |

1. Connect to the router using the link/URL above.

2. Click the PPTP VPN Server option on the left side of the screen. (Enter username/password option above when prompted.)

3. Click the Authentication Database>PPTP Accounts option.

4. Under Add New Account, enter Username and Password (twice), but leave the Windows Domain field blank and click the Add button.

Setting Up and Connecting VPN Client on the Remote PC

You must now set up a VPN client on the remote computer. This procedure assumes Windows XP, but may be adapted for Vista or Windows 2000.

1. Click Start>(Settings)>Control Panel>Network Connections.

2. Click the Create New Connection option (then Next button).

3. Select the option Connect to the network at my workplace (then Next button).

4. Select the option Virtual Private Network connection (then Next button).

5. Enter XYZ AT&T or XYZ Big River for Company Name (then Next button).

6. Assuming your Internet is provided using DSL or Cable Internet, select Do not dial the initial connection option (then Next button).

7. Enter the IP address from the table below for the router to which you desire to connect (then Next button. You may desire to select the checkbox option to Add a shortcut to this connection to the desktop, then the Finish button).

|VPN to : |Access to HQ Only |Access to All Stores |IP Address |General UserID |

|Big River |Yes | |xx.xx.xx.xx |backupatt/XYZ070709 |

|AT&T | |Yes |xx.xx.xx.xx | Must Define |

8. You will be prompted with a screen prompting the username and password. Enter the username and password defined for your connection and click the checkbox option Save this user name and password for the following users to have Windows “remember” your login information.

9. Click the Connect button to connect to the XYZ network. You will receive a message indicating whether the connection was successful or not.

10. When you are finished using the VPN tunnel connection, to disconnect from the XYZ network, right click the [pic] double computer icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen (holding the cursor over it will display a message indicating whether the network icon is the one designated for the VPN connection). Select the Disconnect option.

Printing Configurations and Issues

XYZ has several issues relating to the existing printing configuration:

✓ When connectivity is lost to the site, XYZ must reset printers and terminal servers too often to restore working printers.

✓ When in backup mode over the Big River VPN, there is currently no printing function.

✓ Terminal Servers are a problem in general and represent possibly needless cost and excessive failure points for printing.

✓ Printing is slow…about half the speed of parallel port printing, but Serial port on Printer is limited to 9600bps.

Current Printer Configuration

Current configuration for printing consists of the following:

✓ Okidata Microline 320 printer configured to emulate an IBM PPR or ProPrinter II.

✓ Serial connection to Systech terminal Server port 4.

✓ Communications configuration 8N1 9600 Xon/Xoff.

✓ Printer must be specifically defined in Triad for every port connection.

Desired Printer Configuration

Desired printing configuration would eliminate the Systech Terminal Server completely. The following configuration is being explored:

✓ Using the Smart Terminal built-in print server (Windows XP).

✓ Direct Printing from the HP Triad system for Windows printing support.

✓ Triad has a product called Ultiforms that provides Windows printing support and costs around $15k to $20k.

✓ We may be able to get printing support to terminals direct using Unix print services. According to Wyse, we load the IPPrinting add on to the smart terminals to add the LPR/LPD print services to the smart terminals.

✓ Once we have this added, printing to the smart terminals should look just like printing to the terminal servers.

✓ We must define the IP printing configuration via the smart terminals in the Triad system much like the terminal servers are today.

✓ We must then configure static IP addresses for Big River VPN and define dual ports for each terminal.

✓ Then we must assign the backup terminal its own printer definition.

Printer Configuration Update Procedure

In order to use the Smart Terminal as a replacement for the Terminal Server, the following configuration steps should be used:

✓ Update each Smart Terminal with the IPPrinting add-on. (This is only required for the terminal that will actually connect to the Printer, but for backup purposes, it will be nice to have all Smart Terminals defined with the capability. To replace a failed Smart Terminal Print Server, the site need only physically replace/move the Smart Terminal and change the IP address of the Smart Terminal to match the previous Smart Terminal Print Server.)

✓ Define the printer to each Smart Terminal (Again, for the migration, only required for the Smart Terminal Print Server.) This will likely be done through a WDM update.

✓ RECOMMENDATION: Make the Smart Terminal Print Server always be IP address 192.168.xx.150.110?

✓ Move the printer from the terminal server to the Com1 serial port (101010 1) on the Smart Terminal Print Server.

✓ In Triad, change the IP address of the IP printing to point to the new Smart Terminal Print Server.

In order to make the

The following code should work for Samba interface on HP-UX


# Print from Unix on a printer on SMB network. An assumpbiont is that

# 'Printer' was posted as a passwordless "share"


client="myclient" # client name here...

pshare="printer" # and here printer share name


cat > $printfile

if [ -s $printfile ] ; then

( echo "translate" ; echo "print $printfile" ; echo "quit" ) \

| smbclient \\\\$client\\$pshare -P -N


rm -f $printfile

exit 0

Looming Deployment Issues Project Summary List

Remote Firewall Access List Updates

Remote Firewall Access List Updates

Currently XYZ has limited capabilities for changing remote firewalls. With the introduction of Internet capability at the stores, XYZ will receive requests for updates to the “Allow List” for Internet sites. The current process for handling these updates is as follows:

1. Store #1 issues request for site xyz to be added to the “Allow” list.

2. Manual configuration of Store #1.

3. Testing Store#1 to ensure “Allow” list is operational.

4. Store #2 issues request for site xyz to be added to the “Allow” list.

5. Manual configuration of Store #2.

6. Testing Store#2 to ensure “Allow” list is operational.

7. Repeat for each store request.

If XYZ resolves the issues relating to the VPN tunnels, the following process might be followed:

1. Reimage the Smart Terminal over the XYZ VPN network

2. Reconfigured for that store network

Remote Firewall Access List Updates Issue Resolution and Cost

The problem of excessive time spent on firewall updates can be resolved through the deployment of the Secure Computing firewall management system.

1. Research

2. Software Product Purchase

3. Hardware deployment requires Linux based management system.

4. Either documentation development and project handoff or full project deployment

Estimated Cost: SecureComputing Command Center SW $6600

With SW & Support and 1 year updates

SW Annual Support and Updates (Year 2) $1100

Hardware (Linux PC) $2000

Installation by GCC Certified Pro $8000

Total Project Costs $16,600

XYZ System and Network Diagrams

The following network diagrams illustrate the XYZ networks and system currently in place.

HQ Warehouse Configuration (1 of 2)


HQ Warehouse Configuration (2 of 2)

//** Diagram removed for security purposes. **//

Triad-Atlanta Connection

WEJOEI and Electronic Cataloging (Old) Function

//** Diagram removed for security purposes. **//

Typical Store Configuration (Old)

//** Diagram removed for security purposes. **//

Typical Store Configuration - Smart Terminal

//** Diagram removed for security purposes. **//

TATL Keyboard Overlay

The next pages may be printed and cut out for a keyboard overlay.

Systech Terminal Server Notes

Default IP address is

Default user password is user.

Default administrator password is admin.

To log in as administrator:

Welcome to the port server Remote Communications Server

Password: user


Password: admin


Change Log

The following changes have been made to this document:

6/6/2007 – Added Change Log to document.

6/6/2007 – Added Hyperlinks for various functions in the document for quicker access.

6/6/2007 – Added to Smart Terminal Install procedures for static IP.

6/6/2007 – Added to Smart Terminal Install procedures for Screen Layout.

6/6/2007 – Added to Smart Terminal Install procedures for Setting the Time Zone.

6/6/2007 – Added procedures for firewall setup of Allow List and DHCP Server.

6/6/2007 – Added TRIAD procedures for adding Smart Terminal IP address to host table.

6/6/2007 – Added TRIAD procedures for assigning license port to Smart Terminal IP Address.

6/6/2007 – Added Smart Terminal procedures for DuPont Coatings icon on desktop.

6/6/2007 – Added Smart Terminal procedures for correcting problem with TRIAD screen sizing.

6/6/2007 – Added procedure for firewall change to caching on access list for PartsPro.

6/10/2007 – Added procedure for to access control allow list on firewall.

6/10/2007 - Added procedure for to access control allow list on firewall for time synch.

6/10/2007 - Added procedure for and to access control allow list on firewall for time synch.

6/12/2007 – Added notes for NMS (WhatsUp Gold) installation.

6/12/2007 – Added procedures for adding devices to NMS (WhatsUp Gold).

6/12/2007 – Added procedures for adding cell phone email notification for network outages.

6/12/2007 – Added procedures for diagnosing problems with devices based on color in NMS.

6/26/2007 – Added procedures for Smart Terminal Updates and Change Log management.

7/10/2007 – Added procedures for Backup VPN Setup on remote desktop for connection over Big River DSL Line.

7/10/2007 – Added procedures for Establishing Backup Connection over Big River DSL line.

7/10/2007 – Added procedures for Firewall Configuration – Firmware Upgrade

7/10/2007 – Added procedures for Firewall Configuration – Remote Firewall DNS Configuration.

7/10/2007 – Added procedures for Firewall Configuration – Remote Firewall VPN Access

7/10/2007 – Added procedures for Firewall Configuration – Time Server Configuration.

7/10/2007 – Added procedures for Firewall Configuration – Remote MTU Configuration.

7/10/2007 – Added procedures for connection for Connecting to a Remote Firewall

From the XYZ HQ LAN

From a Location Other than XYZ HQ LAN

7/10/2007 – Modified procedures for Smart Terminal Initial Configuration at XYZ for Installer Handoff

7/10/2007 – Added procedures for Smart for Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Disable Internet Access

7/10/2007 – Added procedures for Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Configuration Backup

7/10/2007 – Added procedures for Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Configuration Restore

7/11/2007 – Revised procedures for Smart Terminal Setup.

7/11/2007 - Added procedures for WDM – Deleting Smart Terminals from the WDM Device Manager List.

7/11/2007 - Added procedures for Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – ACL Reconfiguration

7/12/2007 - Added procedures for Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Configuration Backup After Grooming.

7/12/2007 – Modified procedures for restoring backup after grooming.

7/12/2007 - Added procedures for NMS-Adding Devices Manually.

7/12/2007 - Added procedures for Smart Terminal Configuration - Installation at Remote Site.

7/12/2007 - Added procedures for Smart Terminal Configuration – After Installation at Remote Site.

7/16/2007 – Revised procedures for DNS primary server.

7/16/2007 – Revised order of grooming to reduce outages and streamline process flow.

7/16/2007 - Added procedures for Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Verify Local IPSec Setup

7/16/2007 - Added procedures for Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Verify Remote IPSec Setup

7/16/2007 - Added procedures for Network Grooming – Firewall Configuration – Dealing with Upgrade Issues

7/18/2007 – Modified procedures for WDM – Backing up the WDM Database.

7/18/2007 – Added procedures for Offsite Backups – Setup Information.

7/18/2007 – Added procedures for Offsite Backups - Manually Running Backups.

7/18/2007 – Added procedures for Offsite Backups - Verifying Files Backed Up.

7/18/2007 – Added procedures for Offsite Backups – Restoring Files.

7/18/2007 – Added procedures for Offsite Backups - Verifying Backups Run Successfully.

7/24/2007 – Modified procedures for handling WDM errors on updates.

7/24/2007 – Modified procedures for Off-Site Backups to include payment history and upcoming payment information.

8/2/2007 – Added procedures for Connecting to XYZ from Public Internet via Remote Access VPN.

8/2/2007 – Added procedures for Setting Up Remote Access VPN Username and Password on the Firewall/Router.

8/2/2007 – Added procedures for Setting Up VPN Client on the Remote PC.

8/2/2007 – Updated Network Diagram Visio images to reflect recent changes (new TAMS, etc…)

8/2/2007 - Updated procedures for Grooming based on walk-through with Susan.



Oro Technologies

The included information is intended for use by Company XYZ personnel only.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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