Professional Development for Teachers of the Visually Impaired

List of Commands for JAWSKeyboard Layout must be set to “Laptop” (in Startup Wizard in JAWS)(Bolded commands are useful “Help” commands when stuck)TASKCOMMANDDesktop NavigationOpen Start MenuWindows KeyNavigate in and out of All Programs menu and sub menusarrow keys and Escape keyPut focus on desktopWindows Key + D or Windows Key + MMove to Task BarWindows Key + Tab, then use left and right arrowsToggle between all open programs and/or regain focusAlt-Tab, Tab, TabBasic navigation inside a programMove to Menu Bar/Ribbon inside of a programAltNavigate Menu Bar/Ribbonleft and right arrowsOpen and navigate menus on menu bar and make choice down arrow, right arrow to enter sub menu, enter to activateExit a menu or the menu barEscapeClose applicationFile menu, exit or Alt-F4Ask JAWS to read current Window TitleCaps Lock-TDefault JAWS keyCaps LockDialog Box NavigationMove to next item (field) in a dialog boxTabMove to previous item (field) in a dialog boxShift-TabOpen combo boxDown arrowClose combo boxUp arrowUse edit boxType in edit areaUse list boxDown arrow, then up or down arrowsUse checkboxSpacebar to check or uncheckActivate dialog box buttonsSpacebarMove to another page of a multi-page dialog boxCTRL-TabAsk JAWS to repeat control in a dialog box (works in other locations as well)Caps Lock + TabWindows navigational and JAWS reading commandsAsk JAWS to “Say All”Caps Lock + AAsk JAWS to say current characterCaps Lock + commaAsk JAWS to say prior characterleft arrowAsk JAWS to say next characterRight arrowAsk JAWS to say current wordCaps Lock + KAsk JAWS to say prior wordCtrl + left arrowAsk JAWS to say next wordCtrl + right arrowAsk JAWS to spell current wordCaps Lock + K, pressed twice quicklyAsk JAWS to say current lineCaps Lock + IAsk JAWS to say prior lineUp arrowAsk JAWS to say next lineDown arrowAsk JAWS to say current sentenceCaps Lock + HAsk JAWS to say prior sentenceAlt + up arrowAsk JAWS to say next sentenceAlt + down arrowAsk JAWS to say current paragraphCaps Lock + Ctrl + IAsk JAWS to say prior paragraphCtrl + up arrowAsk JAWS to say next paragraphCtrl + down arrowWindows editing and formatting commandsOpen new documentCtrl + NOpen previously saved documentCtrl + OSave a documentCtrl + SGo to beginning of lineHomeGo to end of lineEndGo to top of file or documentCtrl + HomeGo to bottom of file or documentCtrl + EndDelete character to the left of cursorBackspaceDelete character to the right of cursorDeleteSelect AllCtrl + ASelect one character leftShift + left arrowSelect one character rightShift + right arrowSelect one word leftCtrl + Shift + left arrowSelect one word rightCtrl + Shift + right arrowSelect one line upShift + up arrowSelect one line downShift + down arrowAsk JAWS to read selected textCaps Lock + shift + down arrowCopy selected textCtrl + CCut selected textCtrl + XPaste selected textCtrl + VUse undo buttonCtrl + ZReplace selected textType new textUnderline selected textCtrl + UBold selected textCtrl + BItalicize selected textCtrl + ICenter selected textCtrl + ELeft align selected textCtrl + LRight align selected textCtrl + RFind and replace a word in a documentCtrl + HOpen up “save as” dialog box quicklyF12Open Font dialog boxCtrl + DOpen context menuApplication key or Shift + F10 (if no application key)Open spellcheck the traditional wayF7Open spellcheck the alternative wayAlt-Shift-L brings up all spelling errors, enter take the user directly to the word, then pressing application key gives user options for fixing misspelled wordToolsGo to system trayCaps Lock + F11Listen to the timeCaps Lock + F12Listen to the dateCaps Lock + F12 pressed twice quicklyLists programs currently openCaps Lock + F10Turn on keyboard help (as you press each key command, JAWS tells you what it does – have to turn it off by pressing the same keys before you can execute commands again)Caps Lock + 1Go directly to JAWS window, no matter how many programs are openInsert JChange JAWS’ voice rate temporarilyCtrl + Alt + Page Up or Page DownBasic Internet navigationGo to address barAlt + DRead all contents on a web pageDown arrowMove by linkTabMove by headingHPull up a list of linksCaps Lock + F7Pull up a list of headings Caps Lock + F6Go to text that is non-linkedNGo to edit boxEGo to buttonBOpen a new tabCtrl + TSwitch between tabsCtrl + TabClose current tabCtrl + WGo back to home pageAlt + HomeRefresh a web pageF5Move to previous web pageAlt + left arrow or BackspaceMove forward by web pageAlt + right arrow or Backspace ................

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