
NR 500- Week Seven Assignment Overview Recording TranscriptSlide 1:Hello and welcome to the NR 500 week seven assignment overview. My name is Allison Sabin, and I am the course leader for NR 500 Foundational Concepts and Applications. This assignment is due by 11:59 pm MT, Sunday night, at the end of week seven.Slide 2:The objectives of this assignment overview are to describe the purpose of the week seven assignment, and to discuss the grading rubric requirements for the week seven assignment. Before we begin, I would like to encourage you to locate the week seven assignment guideline and rubric document. You will find it helpful to have a copy of the assignment guideline and rubric available as we continue with an overview of the assignment expectations. To begin, we will talk about the purpose of the assignment, and we will discuss the expectations which are outlined in the assignment guideline and rubric document. Next, we will move into the specific expectations for the week seven assignment. Let’s begin our assignment webinar by talking about the purpose of the week seven assignment. Slide 3:Master’s-prepared advanced practice nurses participate in and demonstrate fair and unbiased interactions within all workplace settings. As a member of the nursing profession, and a leader, you are encouraged to implement strategies that promote and cultivate cultures of civility, regardless of practice setting. The purpose of this assessment is to analyze the issue of incivility and apply best practices to cultivate healthful environments. Slide 4:Here are a few “fast facts” to keep in mind as we begin our assignment overviewThe cultivating healthful environments paper is a formal, scholarly paper that will be 4 – 6 pages in length. The paper must include a minimum of four peer-reviewed scholarly nursing sources, current within five years, to support the information presented.The assignment is worth 200 points, which is 20% of the total course grade.The assignment is due on Sunday night, 11:59 pm MT, at the end of week seven.Slide 5:The week seven assignment addresses three of our NR 500 course learning outcomes: learning outcome numbers one, two and three. Course outcome one: examine roles and competencies of master’s prepared nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of safe and quality care. Course outcome two: apply concepts of person-centered care to nursing practice and situations. Course outcome three: analyze essential skills needed to lead within the context of complex systems. Slide 6:Now that we have examined some fast facts about the assignment and the learning outcomes addressed, let’s discuss the steps you will take to complete the cultivating healthful environments paper.In this assignment you will examine incivility as an issue in nursing practice and the nursing profession. To prepare for the assignment, reflect on the issue of incivility. Think of an experience in which you were directly involved or witnessed incivility in the workplace. Analyze scholarly literature related to the issue of incivility. Analyze strategies for cultivating healthful work environments supported by best practices. Although we are examining incivility, the goal is to complete this assignment with an appreciation for promoting and sustaining civil work environments also known as healthful work environments. Healthful work environments promote relationships, collaboration, compassion, and caring and produce positive outcomes which are essential for safe, high quality nursing practice. Finally, develop a 4-6 page scholarly paper.As was noted earlier, be sure to download and print out a copy of the assignment guidelines and rubric to direct your steps as you prepare the assignment.Slide 7:Over the next few slides, we will review the content and format requirements for this assignment. Remember to refer to the assignment guideline and rubric for full details regarding the grading criteria. Let’s begin with the first section of the paper, which is the introduction. Within the introduction section of your paper, be sure to include general statements on incivility and how this issue affects nursing work environments. In addition, be sure to identify sections of the paper that will follow – the sections of this paper will include the issue of incivility, importance to nursing, storytelling, creating a healthful work environment, practice application, and conclusion.Within the introduction section, you will include current, scholarly literature support in order to validate the impact of incivility and how it affects nursing work environments. Slide 8:Immediately following the introductory section of your paper will be the “issue of incivility” section of the paper. In this section, you will define incivility and explain why incivility is an issue in nursing. In this section of the paper, you must provide citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition of incivility and your explanation of why incivility is an issue in nursingPlease note that in this section of the paper only, a dictionary may to facilitate your definition of incivility. The dictionary would not be considered one of the scholarly sources however, but may be used in addition to scholarly literature support. Remember to properly cite and reference any dictionary use; see page 205 of the APA Manual 6th edition for these guidelines.Slide 9:After the introduction and the issue of incivility sections of the paper, you will create a section of the paper titled “importance to nursing”.In this section of the paper you will discuss the importance of incivility related to nursing. Why is incivility a problem in nursing and for nurses? In answering this question you will address the impact of incivility on individuals, microsystem work environments, and the profession of nursing. Please note that in this section you will integrate at least three current, peer-reviewed sources from scholarly nursing literature. This literature support should validate your explanation of why incivility is a problem. Literature support should also validate your assertions regarding the impact of incivility on individuals, microsystem work environments, and the profession of nursing. Slide 10:Following the “Importance to nursing” section of your paper, you will provide a narrative scenario describing incivility in a practice setting. This scenario can be real or it may be fictitious. In the scenario be sure to discuss the impact on the individuals involved and how the work environment was affected. Because this assignment is a formal, scholarly written paper, the scenario should be written in third person. Slide 11:After the storytelling section of the paper, you will include a section to address creating a healthful environment. In this section, you will identify and describe three strategies for creating a healthful work environment. Use scholarly current, peer-reviewed nursing literature to support each strategy.Some strategies you might want to build upon include: role-modeling, personal self-reflection, policies, organizational culture, teamwork, education, follow-up, and/or care of self.Slide 12:After the “creating healthful environments” section, you will include a section titled “practice application” in the written paper.For the “practice application” section, identify the selected MSN specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Provide two examples of strategies that can be implemented in the selected master’s prepared-advanced practice role to cultivate a healthful work environment. Use scholarly nursing literature to support each example. The strategies highlighted in this section should be two of three identified in the previous section of this assignment – “creating healthful environments”.For example in the previous section if you described role-modeling, education, and self-care as strategies for creating healthful work environments, in this section you will provide two examples on how both role-modeling and education can be used in your future professional practice role or setting. Slide 13:The last section of the paper will be the conclusion. In this section, you will want to wrap up your writing by providing an insightful summary or conclusion. Be sure to include a summary on incivility and the issues this creates. In addition, you will want to summarize strategies to create healthful environments.Identify the selected specialty track, and potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice. Finally Include a self-reflection of your learning – this must include new insights gained through the assignment, and may be written in first person. Slide 14:As you review the assignment guidelines and rubric, you will notice that immediately following the content criteria, there are APA format and writing mechanics criteria listed on the rubric.This slide provides you with an overview of the graduate-level writing style expectations. You will want to be sure that your writing is reflective of graduate-level work by using APA format for the structure of your paper – including title page, running head, body of the paper, level 1 headings, and the reference page. APA format must also be used for the citing and referencing of sources.Writing mechanics should be consistent with graduate-level writing reflected by correct grammar, spelling, word usage and punctuation. Complete sentence and paragraph structure, as well as a cohesive and organized flow of ideas should be present, as well.Slide 15:This slide provides you with a friendly reminder about the written paper format and structure using APA format and headings:The first page of the paper will be a title page – be sure to include the running head and pagination as per the APA guidelines, found in the APA Manual 6th edition.The first page of text will begin on page 2. At the top of page 2, centered, you will place the title of paper using upper and lower case letters, and regular font.The introduction section of the paper will immediately follow the title on page 2, and will not include any level heading or subheading.After the introduction, your paper should include the following sections: Issue of incivilityImportance to NursingStorytellingCreating a healthful environmentPractice application, andConclusionNote that these sections are identified with level on headings as per APA format- centered, bolded, with upper and lower case letters. More information about level headings can be found on page 62 of the APA Manual 6th edition.Finally, the reference page begins with a subheading that is centered, with regular font. Note that the grading categories or sections of the paper align with the level one subheadings that are usedSlide 16:Let’s take a few moments to address a key reminders to assist you prepare your assignment. Remember to review the assignment guideline and rubric carefully - - - use the guideline and rubric document as a map to guide your assignment preparation, and then use it as a checklist before submission of your final document.Carefully review all grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence, paragraph structure, and APA format.Be sure to use the APA Manual 6th edition, and do not rely on any APA formatting software products as format errors can occur with their use. Cite and reference each source that you use, so that there is congruence between the reference listing and the sources cited in your writing. Slide 17:Follow the submission instructions, remembering that the assignment must include a formal, scholarly written paper that is 4 to 6 pages in length. Please note – the paper length does not include the title or reference pages.Use a minimum of four peer reviewed scholarly sources, current within five years, within your paper. Finally, be sure to submit your assignment on time – no later than 11:59 pm MT Sunday night at the end of week seven. Slide 18:I hope this information has been helpful to you as you prepare for the week seven assignment. As you continue to gather resources, you may find it helpful to listen to and view this assignment overview once again. Students often find that key points regarding an assignment are better understood after reviewing the information a second time and often benefit from follow along with the assignment guideline and rubric. Remember, there will be a live Q and A webinar prior to the assignment due date – please plan to attend. The webinar is not required, but is an optional resource for students. If you are unable to attend, a recording of the Q and A webinar will be provided in your class announcements.To find out more about the webinar dates, times, and how to access live webinars, please watch the course announcements.As always, should you have specific assignment questions, please feel free to reach out to your class professor through phone, email, Canvas messaging, or the Q and A forum within Canvas.Thank you for watching this assignment overview, and good luck as you explore the role of the MSN-prepared nurse in cultivating healthful work environments. ................

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