PST 101 Newsletter, Module 3 (Chapters 5 & 6) General SuggestionsProofread your paper! Avoid losing points for careless writing and organization mistakes.Make sure your periods are correctly placed after internal citations.Look at your past modules to see where you lost points Review the slides from class It is essential that you read the textbook for important information regarding the exercises in this module. Have the textbook open to the chapter and section that corresponds to the exercise you are working on.Pay close attention to graph formatting directions and refer to graded trend line homework and “Module 3 Trend Line Graph Tutorial” video for help.Pay attention to sentence guidelines.Get it done early – don’t be a loser.Skills Win! ExerciseAnswer the questions seriously. If you do this, you will lose no points, and you will be a winner.Exercise 5.1Your societal problem needs to be a problem that affects society. A policy you think is bad or ineffective is not a societal problem.Societal problems should be stated with “too high,” “too low,” or some sort of variation.Geographic location must be at a local level (city, county, school district).Do not use Syracuse University or any private university as your geographic location.Effects should be described in two sentences or less.Make sure to include the two important negative effects.Exercise 5.2Don’t forget to cite internally and cite on the reference page if you use a direct quote.Remember to scroll to the bottom of your Wikipedia page to find how many citations were used in the article.Exercise 5.3Do not confuse evidence with factors contributing to the problem! (see slides)Internally cite personal communications, but do not include them on the reference page.Example: (J. Smith, personal communication, February 7, 2020).Pay attention to the sentence guidelines in the directions.For more help with the graph, refer to the Trend Line Graph VideoFull graphing guidelines are provided at the end of this newsletter.Exercise 5.4One of your sources must be a player or expert.Be sure to use the two most significant factors contributing to the problem.Exercise 5.5Make sure the administrative unit is local (e.g. County Health Department). Include the state name in your geographic location (abbreviation is fine). Your policy must operate in your local geographic location, but it can originate at any governmental level.Exercise 5.6Remember to internally cite quotes and to cite them correctly with page or paragraph numbers.Exercise 6.1Make sure to distinguish between effectiveness and feasibility (pp. 80-82 of textbook).Answers should be no more than two sentences.Exercise 6.2Write only one sentence and make sure that it describes how the bill relates to your societal category.Exercise 6.3Never state a public policy without the policy tool!Make sure to use one of the seven policy tools given to you directly behind Exercise 6.3 – refer to this list to find the exact wording. Your policy can be an extension of a preexisting policy.Your proposed policy must impact your local area.Clearly define the preferred policy.Distinguish between effectiveness and feasibility.Be realistic about the effectiveness and feasibility of your policy. Generally, the more effective, the less feasible. Always prioritize feasibility.Use the textbook and cite it when necessary.Exercise 6.4Don’t forget to cite the most important source used in searching for your policy (this cannot be the textbook). Use one sentence to describe the usefulness of the source.Reference Page and Internal Citation TipsFollow the APA Citation Guide for full guidelines.Include retrieval date before URL for online sources.Do not provide database links unless it is a non-subscription database. If it is a subscription database, just provide the name.When there is no author, start with the title on the reference page. For the internal citation, use the title if it is three words or less; use three important words from the title if it is more than three words long.Remember to capitalize titlesDon’t forget to cite the textbook.Exercise 5.2 should be cited appropriately as a “Wiki.”Do not include personal communications in the referencesTrendline GuidelinesRefer to your graded Trend Line Homework for help. The Trend Line Homework Answer Key will be available.Graph must be made with Microsoft Excel. Do not use Google Sheets!Black, Times New Roman, 12-pt. font; use bold text for titles.Title at top with full description including data examined, range of years, geographic location, and historical/baseline/benchmark lines.No outline on graph.Axes should have titles with relevant units indicated (ex. grams, in millions, etc.).The Y-axis label should read sideways.Tick marks at intervals on both axes, outside the years on x-axis.Intervals on x-axis (most likely years) should have an “f” next to them if forecasted and an “e” next to them if estimated.Y-axes with percentages must start at zero. They should only go just past the highest entry on the graph (e.g. Data: 15%, 20%, 25%; Y-axis: 0%-30%).No excess space at the end of the graph. Should end with the last year graphed.Data points should have data labels with one decimal point, if applicable (not a whole number).Data labels should be placed above the line, unless doing so would overlap with other numbers or lines.No gridlines should be present.Include the title of the source below the graph.OtherWhenever you use a source in your answer, including all quotes, you must provide an APA style internal citation and a full APA citation on the Reference page. For personal communication you need only to include an internal citation. HINT: Most of these exercises require sources unless otherwise specified. Reference the APA Citation Guide.All newspaper articles must be dated within the past six months. ALWAYS use Microsoft Word and Excel. Do not use Pages or Numbers.Anytime you take direct information from somewhere, you must internally cite the source, even if the exercise says no source is needed. If you fail to do so, you will receive a 0 on your module.NEVER use international policies or sources in any module.Email your TA with any APA or Excel-related questions ONLY AFTER a thorough examination of the APA Guide, the Trend Line Homework Answer Key, the “How to get an A” link, this newsletter, and the formatting, grammar, and graphing guidelines. ................

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