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INTRODUCTION TO POETRY“Eternity” from Poetry Speaks Who I Am edited by Elise Paschen pg. 1“You Enter a Poem” from FEG: Ridiculous Poems for Intelligent Children by Robin Hirschpg. 10“I Am a Poet” by Malaysia from Voices: Poetry and Art from Around the World selected by Barbara Brenner pg. 83“I Write Poems” by Rochelle N. Spencer, 17 from Quiet Storm: Voices of Young Black Poets pg.16“I am the Creativity” by Alexis de Veaux from Quiet Storm: Voices of Young Black Poets pg.15 8 “I’m Telling You Now” by Jose’s Dad from This is Just to Say by Joyce Sidman pg. 347-8COLLECTIONS W/ MULTIPLE EXAMPLESEvery Thing On It by Shel SilversteinApple with One Bite Missing Idiom pg. 19Garlic Breath Hyperbole pg. 57How Hungry is Polly Personification, Idiom pg. 85Days Like This: A Collection of Small Poems edited by Simon Jamesimagery, personification, “Sledding” by Wendy Elizabeth Johnsonpg. 15 6“The Summer Sun” by Wes Magee pg. 30 6“The Wind Came Running” by Ivy O. Eastwick pg. 25 6Simile, metaphor 6-7Dizzy in Your Eyes: Poems About Love by Pat Mora“Songs”Metaphor, pg. 105 6-8“Dumped”A,B rhyme scheme, mood, tonepg. 83 7-8“Please”hyperbole, mood, tonepg. 71 8The Dream Keeper and Other Poems by Langston Hughes“Dreams” metaphorpg. 46-8“Lincoln Monument: Washington” symbolismpg. 676-8Earth- Shattering Poems edited by Liz Rosenberg“A Poison Tree” by William Blake personification, hyperbole, metaphorpg. 96-8“In a Station of the Metro” by Ezra Pound metaphor, symbolismpg. 298“The Talk” by Sharon Olds simile, hyperbolepg. 736-8FEG: Ridiculous Poems for Intelligent Children by Robin Hirsch“You Enter a Poem” introduction to poetry pg. 106 8“Eye Rhyme” homophone, rhythmpg. 176 8 “Sonnet”parody, but great example of sonnet; acrostic; humor pg. 33 7-8“Learning to Drive”humor, repetition pg. 36 6-8“Ah, Art”punctuation, tonepg 45 6-8A Fire in My Hands by Gary Soto“Black Hair”metaphorpg. 17-8“Lost in a Small Town”similepg. 77-8“Oranges”similepg. 97-8“Saturday at the Canal”metaphorpg. 257-8“Some Words About Time”personification/metaphorpg. 607-8The Flag of Childhood: Poems from the Middle East selected by Naomi Shihab Nye “From the Diary of an Almost Four-Year Old by Hanan Mikha’il Ashrawi hyperbole, tone pg. 40Jump Ball: A Basketball Season in Poems by Mel Glenn6-8Not all are appropriate for 6*These poems should be read together“Darnell Joyce”tone / mood / pt. of view / connotationpg. 38“Parnell Payne”pg. 39 “Jason Cohen”word choice / double entendrepg. 50“Basketball Pulse”concretepg. 65Rainbows Are Made: Poems by Carl Sandburg selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins6-8“Choose”thought provokingpg. 116-8“Primer Lesson”personificationpg. 256-8More Than Friends: Poems from Him and Her by Sara Holbrook and Allan Wolf7-8Each poem is identified by genre “What Do You Do When She Looks at You?”personification/similepg. 107-8“Veggie Panini is the Answer to Everything”simile/tone/moodpg. 147-8“Mother” symbolism / imagerypg. 20 7-8Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotomost appropriate for 7-8“Not Yet”metaphorpg. 4“Composition”similepg. 5“Burrs & Thistles”similepg. 6“Meaning What?”homonyms / word choicepg. 20“Consequence”metaphorpg. 21“Barriers”symbolism / hyperbolepg. 25“The Big Chill”hyperbolepg. 27“Paper Boat”symbolismpg. 30“The Invisible Girl”hyperbolepg. 32“A Certain Weakness”simile / symbolismpg. 62“Rumors”idiompg. 68“Faces”personification / mood shiftpg. 69“Hard Work”idiompg. 91Poetry Speaks Who I Am edited by Elise Paschen“Arithmetic” by Carl Sandburgrepetition, simile, tonepg. 55 6-8“What Great Grief Has Made the Empress Mute” by June Jordanimportance of title, repetition, metaphor, tone, moodpg. 43 8“Pause” by Nikki Grimes metaphor, tone, imagerypg. 19 8“Caroline” by Allison Joseph great statement on discriminationimagery, tonepg. 10 8Quiet Storm: Voices of Young Black Poets selected by Lydia Omolola Okutoro“I Write Poems” by Rochelle N. Spencer, 17 from Quiet Storm: Voices of Young Black Poets pg.16 simile 7-8“I am the Creativity” by Alexis de Veaux from Quiet Storm: Voices of Young Black Poets pg.15 metaphor 8 Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle…and Other Modern Poems edited by Stephen Dunning, Edward Lueders & Hugh Smith7-8“How to Eat a Poem” by Eve Merriamintro poetrypg.156-8“Gone Forever” by Barriss Mills words, tone, similepg. 187-8“Steam Shovel” by Chrales Malam personificationpg. 376-8“Apartment House” by Gerald Raftery personification, metaphor, simile, tone, mood pg. 396-8“The Builders” by Sara Henderson Hay irony, point of viewpg. 406-8“Reflections Dental” by Phyllis McGinley Irony, humorpg. 528“Lost” by Carl Sandburg personification, simile, imagerypg. 696-8“Fueled” by Marcie Hans personification, irony, tonepg. 836-8“Hunting Song” by Donald Finkelirony, tone, imagery, form7-8“Foul Shot” by Edwin A. Hoeynarrative, mood, tone, word choice6-8Swing Around the Sun by Barbara Juster Esbensenmetaphor, simile, imagery, word choice 6-8There’s an Eyeball in My Garden and Other Spine-Tingling Poems selected and edited by Jennifer Cole Judd and Laura Wynkoop “Camp Creepy” by Craig W. Steele pg. 186“Graveyard Hill” by William Shakespeery pg. 306“Voices” by Jennifer Cole Juddpg. 416Things I Have to Tell You: Poems and Writing by Teenage Girls edited by Betsy Franco“Words”These poems are very maturetone, moodpg. 56 8Vile Verses by Roal Dahl“Goldilocks and the Three Bears” narrative, humor, heavy rhyme/rhythmpg. 376-8“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” narrative, humor, heavy rhyme/rhythmpg. 26 6-8“Concerning Violet Beauregarde” narrative, humor, heavy rhyme/rhythmpg. 556-8Walking on the Boundaries of Change: Poems of Transition by Sara Holbrook6-8“Walking on the Boundaries of Change”metaphor, symbolismpg. 7“A Different Fit”metaphor, simile, imagerypg. 8“On the Rise”metaphorpg. 10“Disappointment”personification, simile, moodpg. 12“Meant for Fun”inferencepg. 13“Finals”inference, tone, moodpg. 14“None of Your Business”hyperbolepg. 17“Major Differences”tonepg. 21“A Choice”tonepg. 22“Real Cause”compare/contrast, tone, metaphor, simile, hyperbolepg. 24“Rootbound”metaphorpg. 30“Hear It?”inferencepg. 37“Fast Chuck”similepg. 50“Faces”personification, tonepg. 55“Rumors”hyperbole, similepg. 58“A Sonnet All My Own”simile, tone, moodpg. 62War and the Pity of War edited by Neil Philip“War Poet” by Sidney Keyeshyperbolepg. 11 6-8“Wars” by Carl Sandburgsoundpg. 13 7-8From A German War Primer by Bertolt Brechtironypg. 19 6-8“John Brown’s Body – Anonymous American Balladrhythm/rhymepg. 29 6-8“The House That Fear Built” by Jane Flandersparody, rhythm, symbolismpg. 60 6-8The Year I Was Grounded by William New np6-8 “Every January: my granddaddy says”personification, simile“Monday Mealtime”dialogue“Animal Rumble”vocabulary, adjectives, verbs“Band Practice”onomatopoea, rhythm“Breathing”hyperbole, personification“Getting Graddad to Swim”rhythm“Putting”concrete“My Journal, July 15th”concrete“Strata”simile, metaphor“Particle Cycle”science Haiku“Things I’ve Learned This Year”personificationTEACHING MATERIALSNaming the World: A Year of Poems and Lessons by Nancy AtwellWhile honing their critical reading and writing skills, students will explore 200+ poems and accompanying five-to-ten-minute lessons designed to allow adolescents to make sense of their personal place in the world. WEBSITES**Best Teen Poems: Family Friend Poems for TeensThousands of original contemporary poems organized by theme; Our poems are unique and we only publish poems which are not already posted on the Internet. Every poem is reviewed by our visitors and then our Editor before publishing.A member of Creative Commons; there are clear, simple instructions on how to contact poets and cite poetry.Dream in Color Target, in partnership with the Poetry Foundation, Furious Flower Poetry Center at James Madison University and Dr. Maya Angelou, invites you to celebrate Black History Month through the richlegacy of African-American poetry. Poem ProjectA collection of 50 short documentaries showcases individual Americans reading and speaking personally about poems they love. ?Smithfield Middle School website – Anna Modrow, McMath Librarian“They’ll Never Break Me” by Def Jam Poet Lon CareyALLITERATIONAnimalia by Graeme Basebeautiful illustrations6-8F was a Faniciful Frog by Edmund Dulac6-8“Bat” by Jennifer Cole Judd from There’s an Eyeball in My Garden and Other Spine-Tingling Poems selected and edited by Jennifer Cole Judd and Laura Wynkoop pg. 86“A Bison in a Basin Playing a Bassoon” from Black Stars in a White pg. 346-8Night Sky by Jon Arno LawsonBOOKSSOME SMUG SLUG by Pamela EdwardsBRUNDIBAR by Maurice Sendak & Tony KushnerHOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS by Dr. SeussPRINCE CINDERS by Babette ColeTONGUE TWISTERSCONCRETE POETRYTechnically, It’s Not My FaultJohn Granditsgreat images6-8Blue LipstickJohn Grandits6-8A Poke in the Eye: A Collection of Concrete Poetry selected by Paul Janeczko 6-8From The Year I Was Grounded by William New np6-8“Putting”concrete“My Journal, July 15th”concreteHAIKU“Particle Cycle” from The Year I Was Grounded by William New science np6-8HOMONYMS / WORD USAGE“Rabbit” by Mary Ann Hoberman from Poetry Speaks to Children pg. 39 6-8Read by author on CD – tracks 21 & 22“Meaning What?” from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 20 7-8“Come Closer, Closer…” by Shirley Anne Ramaley from There’s an Eyeball in My Garden and Other Spine-Tingling Poems selected and edited by Jennifer Cole Judd and Laura Wynkoop pg. 246HUMOROUSGiggle Poetry - & Principal PoemsJack PrelutskyShel SilversteinHYPERBOLEWORDS WITH WINGS: A TREASURY OF AFRICAN-AMERICAN POETRY AND ART selected by Belinda Rochelle“The Snare” by James Stephens from Piping Down the Valleys Wild edited by Nancy Larrick pg. 1517-8“Garlic Breath” from Every Thing on It by Shel Silverstein pg. 57 6“A Poison Tree” by William Blake personification, hyperbole, metaphorpg. 96-8“The Talk” by Sharon Olds simile, hyperbolepg. 736-8“War Poet” by Sidney Keyesfrom War and the Pity of War edited by Neil Philippg. 11 6-8“From the Diary of an Almost Four-Year Old” by Hanan Mikha’il Ashrawi from The Flag of Childhood: Poems from the Middle East selected by Naomi Shihab Nye hyperbole, tone pg 40 6-8#43 from Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browningpg. 87 8“Barriers” from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 25 7-8“The Big Chill” from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 27 7-8 “The Invisible Girl”from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 32 7-8From Walking on the Boundaries of Change: Poems of Transition by Sara Holbrook“None of Your Business” hyperbolepg. 17 “Real Cause”hyperbole compare/contrast, tone, metaphor, simile,pg. 24 “Rumors”hyperbole, similepg. 58“Breathing” from The Year I Was Grounded by William New hyperbole, personificationnp6-8THE RED TREE, Shaun Tan hyperbole illustrationsALL THE PLACES TO LOVE, Patricia MacLachlan IDIOM“Apple with One Bite Missing” from Every Thing On It by Shel Silverstein idiom pg. 196-8“How Hungry is Polly” from Every Thing On It by Shel Silverstein personification, idiom pg. 856-8INFERENCEFrom Walking on the Boundaries of Change: Poems of Transition by Sara Holbrook6-8“Meant for Fun”inferencepg. 13“Finals”inference, tone, moodpg. 14 “Hear It?”inferencepg. 37IMAGERY“Sledding” by Wendy Elizabeth Johnson from Days Like This edited by Simon James pg. 15 6“A Different Fit” From Walking on the Boundaries of Change: Poems of Transition by Sara Holbrook6-8imagery, metaphor, similepg. 8“Elephant” from Black Stars in a White Night Sky by Jon Arno Lawsonpg. 276-8COLOR ME A RHYME by Jane YolenSILVER SEEDS by Paul Paolilli and Dan BrewerSWING AROUND THE SUN by Barbara Juster EsbensenWORDS WITH WINGS: A TREASURY OF AFRICAN-AMERICAN POETRY and ART selected by Belinda RochelleTHE RED TREE by Shaun TanALL THE PLACES TO LOVE, Patricia MacLachlanWHEN I GO CAMPING WITH GRANDMA, Marion BauerIRONY“From A German War Primer” by Bertolt Brecht from War and the Pity of War edited by Neil Philippg. 19 6-8“Are You Worried?” from Black Stars in a White Night Sky by Jon Arno Lawsonpg. 146-8METAPHOR “Dreams” from The Dream Keeper and Other Poems by Langston Hughes metaphor pg. 4 6-8“Snowfall” from Swing Around the Sun by Barbara Juster Esbensen6-8 “I am the Creativity” by Alexis de Veaux from Quiet Storm: Voices of Young Black Poets pg. 15 8 “A Poison Tree” by William Blake personification, hyperbole, metaphorpg. 96-8“In a Station of the Metro” by Ezra Pound metaphor, symbolismpg. 298“Migrant Birds” by Moumin Manzoor Quazi from Is This Forever, or What: Poems & Paintings from Texas selected by Naomi Shibab Nye pg. 526-8“The Summer Sun” by Wes Magee from Days Like This edited by Simon James pg. 306“Not Yet” from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 47-8“Consequence” from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 21 7-8“Black Hair” from A Fire in My Hands by Gary Sotopg. 17-8 “Saturday at the Canal” from A Fire in My Hands by Gary Sotopg. 257-8“Some Words About Time”from A Fire in My Hands by Gary Sotopg. 607-8“The Contralto” from Remember the Bridge: Poems of a People by Carole Boston Weatherford pg. 356-8From Walking on the Boundaries of Change: Poems of Transition by Sara Holbrook6-8“Walking on the Boundaries of Change”metaphor, symbolismpg. 7“A Different Fit”metaphor, simile, imagerypg. 8“On the Rise”metaphorpg. 10 “Real Cause”metaphor, compare/contrast, tone, simile, hyperbolepg. 24“Rootbound”metaphorpg. 30“Strata” from The Year I Was Grounded by William New metaphor, similenp6-8FEARLESS FERNIE: HANGING OUT WITH FERNIE AND ME by Gary SotoTHE GIRL WHO LOVED HORSES by Paul GobleTEN-SECOND RAINSHOWERS: POEMS BY YOUNG PEOPLE compiled by Sandford LyneBOOKSTHE ROUGH-FACED GIRL by Rafe MartinWHEN I GO CAMPING WITH GRANDMA by Marion BauerUP NORTH at the CABIN by Marsha ChallCOME ON, RAIN by Karen HesseKNOTS ON A COUNTING ROPE by Bill MartinTHE RED TREE by Shaun TanALL THE PLACES TO LOVE by Patricia MacLachlanENCOUNTER by Jane Yolen CHANTICLEER AND THE FOX by Geoffrey Chaucer and Barbara PerryTHE EYES OF THE GRAY WOLF by Jonathon LondonNARRATIVE / DIALOGUE“Goldilocks and the Three Bears” from Vile Verses by Roal Dahl Humor, pg. 37 6-8“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” from Vile Verses by Roal Dahl Humor, pg. 26 6-8“Concerning Violet Beauregarde” from Vile Verses by Roal Dahl Humorpg. 556-8The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow6-8The Cremation of Sam Magee by Robert W. Serviceavailable on-line6-8Casey at the Bat by Ernest Lawrence Thayer available on-line6-8Casey’s Revenge by Grantland Rice available on-line6-8“The Pied Piper of Hamlin: A Child’s Story” by Robert Browning from pg. 106-8Poetry for Young People: Robert Browning“Monday Mealtime” from The Year I Was Grounded by William New dialoguenp6-8ONOMATOPOEIAA DIRTY PILE OF LAUNDRY: POEMS IN DIFFERENCT VOICES by selected by Paul B. Janeczko6THE TRUCKER by Brenda and Mark Weatherby6A Rumpus of Rhymes: A Book of Noisy Poems by Bobbi Katz6“Jazz Fantasia” by Carl Sandburg from Poetry for Young People: Carl Sandburg edited by Frances Schoonmaker Bolin (one line might be inappropriate) pg. 438“Band Practice” from The Year I Was Grounded by William New onomatopoeia, rhythmnp6-8 “Getting Graddad to Swim”rhythmPERSONIFICATION“A Poison Tree” by William Blake personification, hyperbole, metaphor pg. 96-8“How Hungry is Polly” from Every Thing On It by Shel Silversteinpg. 856-8“The Unwritten” by W.S. Merwin from Poetry Speaks to Children pg. 226-8“The Wind Came Running” by Ivy O. Eastwick from Days Like This edited by Simon James pg. 256-8“The Wind Woman” from Swing Around the Sun by Barbara Juster Esbensen 6-8“Faces” from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 69 7-8“Primer Lesson” from Rainbows Are Made: Poems by Carl Sandburgpg. 256-8“Some Words About Time” from A Fire in My Hands by Gary Sotopg. 607-8From Walking on the Boundaries of Change: Poems of Transition by Sara Holbrook6-8 “Disappointment”personification, simile, moodpg. 12“Faces”personification, tonepg. 55From The Year I Was Grounded by William New np6-8“Every January: my granddaddy says”personification, simile “Breathing”personification, hyperbole“Things I’ve Learned This Year”personificationTHE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT by Edward Lear – use w/ caution *THE ALLEY CAT’S MEOW by Kathi Appelt – colorful illustrationsNIGHT OF THE GARGOYLES by Eve BuntingWORDS WITH WINGS: A TREASURY OF AFRICAN-AMERICAN POETRY AND ART selected by Belinda RochelleBOOKS“There Will Come Soft Rains,” from The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury – short storyStella Luna by Janell CannonTHERE’S A HAIR IN MY DIRT, Gary LarsonWHEN I GO CAMPING WITH GRANDMA by Marion BauerTHE LITTLE HOUSE by Virginia Lee BurtonPERSUASION“In New Jersey Once” from The Invisible Ladder: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poems for Young Readers edited by Liz Rosenberg pg. 646-8RHYME / RHYTHMINTERNAL RHYME – There Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly 6-8“Macavity: The Mystery Cat” from Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot pg.376-8“Goldilocks and the Three Bears” from Vile Verses by Roal Dahl Humor, pg. 37 6-8“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” from Vile Verses by Roal Dahl Humor, pg. 26 6-8“Concerning Violet Beauregarde” from Vile Verses by Roal Dahl Humorpg. 55 6-8“John Brown’s Body from War and the Pity of War edited by Neil Philippg. 29 6-8“The House That Fear Built” by Jane Flandersparody, rhythm, symbolismpg. 60 6-8“Band Practice” from The Year I Was Grounded by William New rhythm, onomatopoeanp6-8 “Getting Graddad to Swim”from The Year I Was Grounded by William New rhythmnp6-8SIMILE“Migrant Birds” by Moumin Manzoor Quazi from Is This Forever, or What: Poems & Paintings from Texas selected by Naomi Shibab Nyepg. 526-8“The Summer Sun” by Wes Magee from Days Like This, edited by Simon Jamespg. 306“The Talk” by Sharon Olds simile, hyperbolepg. 736-8“I Write Poems” by Rochelle N. Spencer, 17 from Quiet Storm: Voices of Young Black Poets pg.16“Composition” from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 57-8“Burrs & Thistles” from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 67-8“Lost in a Small Town” from A Fire in My Hands by Gary Sotopg. 77-8“Oranges” from A Fire in My Hands by Gary Sotopg. 97-8“The Contralto” from Remember the Bridge: Poems of a People by Carole Boston Weatherford pg. 356-8From Walking on the Boundaries of Change: Poems of Transition by Sara Holbrook“A Different Fit”simile, metaphor, imagerypg. 8 “Disappointment”simile, personification, moodpg. 12 “Real Cause”simile, compare/contrast, tone, metaphor, hyperbolepg. 24 “Fast Chuck”similepg. 50 “Rumors”simile, hyperbolepg. 58“A Sonnet All My Own”simile, tone, moodpg. 62From The Year I Was Grounded by William New np6-8 “Every January: my granddaddy says”simile, personification “Strata”simile, metaphorEARLESS FERNIE: HANGING OUT WITH FERNIE AND ME by Gary SotoCOLOR ME A RHYME by Jane YolenQUICK AS A CRICKET by Audrey WoodSWING AROUND THE SUN by Barbara Juster EsbensenTEN-SECOND RAINSHOWERS: POEMS BY YOUNG PEOPLE by compiled by Sandford LyneBOOKSWHEN I GO CAMPING WITH GRANDMA by Marion BauerTHE EYES OF THE GRAY WOLF by Jonathon LondonLET’S GET A PUP! SAID KATE by Bob GrahamTHE GIRL WHO LOVED HORSES by Paul GobleCHANTICLEER AND THE FOX by Geoffrey Chaucer and Barbara Perry*ALL THE PLACES TO LOVE by Patricia MacLachlanSYMBOLISM“In a Station of the Metro” by Ezra Pound metaphor, symbolismpg. 298“Lincoln Monument: Washington” from The Dream Keeper and Other Poems by Langston Hughes pg. 4 6/8metaphor“The House That Fear Built” by Jane Flanders from War and the Pity of War edited by Neil Philippg. 60 6-8“Barriers” from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 25 7-8 “Paper Boat”from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 30 7-8 “A Certain Weakness” from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 62 7-8“Walking on the Boundaries of Change” from Walking on the Boundaries of Change: Poems6-8 of Transition by Sara Holbrooksymbolism, metaphorpg. 7BOOKS*FEATHERS AND FOOLS by Mem Fox*FLY AWAY HOME by by Eve Bunting*PINK AND SAY by Patricia Polacco*RUMPELSTILSKIN’S DAUGHTER by Diane Stanley?TONE / MOOD“The Crocodile’s Teeth” from Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein – playful 6-8*The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost from Whisper and Shout: Poems to Memorize – serious6-8“From the Diary of an Almost Four-Year Old by Hanan Mikha’il Ashrawi from The Flag of Childhood: Poems from the Middle East selected by Naomi Shihab Nye - tone possibly juxtaposes mood7-8“The Snare” by James Stephens from Piping Down the Valleys Wild edited by Nancy Larrick pg. 151 7-8Tone is frantic / anxious; mood is angry / sad “From the Diary of an Almost Four-Year Old” by Hanan Mikha’il Ashrawi from The Flag of Childhood: Poems from the Middle East selected by Naomi Shihab Nye hyperbole, tone pg. 40 7-8“Faces” from Partly Cloudy: Poems of Love and Longing by Gary Sotopg. 69 7-8From Walking on the Boundaries of Change: Poems of Transition by Sara Holbrook“Finals”tone, mood, inferencepg. 14 “Major Differences”tonepg. 21“A Choice”tonepg. 22“Real Cause”tone, compare/contrast, metaphor, simile, hyperbolepg. 24 “Faces”tone, personificationpg. 55“A Sonnet All My Own”tone, mood, similepg. 62BOOKS*THE RED TREE by Shaun Tan hyperbole illustrations*Pete’s a Pizza by William Steig – playful *So, You Want to Be President by Judith St. George – conversational *The Watsons Go to Birmingham by Christopher Paul Curtis – playful *When I Am Old with You by Angela Johnson – respectful (of elders and animals)*Yo! and Yo! Yes by Chris Raschka – informal *Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket – witty The Declaration of Independence Little Men by Louisa May Alcott – formal Cheyenne Again by Eve Bunting – serious, solemn The Spirit of the Maasai Man by Laura BerkeleyVOCABULARY“Animal Rumble” from The Year I Was Grounded by William New vocabulary, adjectives, verbs np6-8 ................

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