
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, AVADI, CHENNAI – 600065SESSION ENDING EXAMINATION 2019-2020STD : V SUB : EVS Fill in the blanksPetroleum products are natural resources.Upla is cow dung cake.Leh is a cold desert.Shortage of food and water leads to famine.Seismograph is an instrument to measure the intensity of an earthquake.Air is everywhere.We use our lungs to breathe.Gandhiji is the father of our nation.Breathing in is called inhalation.House boats are found in Dal lake in Srinagar.The process of breathing out is called exhalation.Pashminashawl is famous in Kashmir.Solarenergy is generated from sun.Aviation transport fuel is used in Aeroplanes.We need a house to live in.We breathe in oxygen.We breathe 12 – 14 times a minute.Flute is a wind instrument.A doctor uses stethoscope to hear the heartbeat.LPG means liquified petroleum gas. It is used for cooking.Dam is a wall built across a river.It controls water and generates electricity 22. Gregor Mendel is known as Father of Genetics. 23. Pulse polio is a programme run by government to eradicate polio. 24. Deforestation is a process where human cut the trees for their own needs. 25. Mahatma Gandhi fought for the equality of people in India. He lived in Sabarmati Ashram . 26. Solar panel is an object which converts sunlight into electricity. 27. Dr.B.R. Ambedkar is the father of our Indian Constitution. 28. Transmission of characters(Habits/Traits) from parents to their. offsprings is called as heredity. 29. Amit and Sumit look alike, they were born on same day to the Same mother and they are identical twins. 30. Bajra is a crop which doesnot depend on rainwater for cultivation. 31. Bamboo dance of Mizoram is called as Cheraw Dance 32. Our heart beats fast when we run fast. 33. Farmers get loan to grow their crops from Money Lenders and banks. 34.Forest is called as collective bank. 35.Sugarcane is a stem crop. 36. Solar cooker uses solar energy to cook food Answer the following questionsWhat do vehicles need as fuels?Ans: a) Diesel b) Petrol c) LPG d) ATF e) Engine oil, CNGWhy do houses in hilly places have sloping roof?Ans: Houses in hilly places have sloping roofs because water and snow should not be collected on the roof to make the house damp and cold.We blow to make hot things cool and cool things warm. Give example?Ans: To cool thingsBlow on hot teaBlow on hot food items while eating. To warm thingsTo blow on our frozen hands to warm them.Blow on damp wood to make it burn.What would happen if sweepers and garbage pickers do not clean your area for a week?Ans: If they do not clean any area for a week the area would stink badly which would spread many diseases. Name a few natural resources?Ans: AirWaterMineralsRocksPlantsAnimalsSun, moon, starsSoilCoal10 .Petroleum.6) Natural disasters & effects (A) Earthquake- Sudden shaking of Earth. B. Famine- shortage of food and water leading to death. C.Volcanic Eruptions- Flow of hot molten lava. D. Drought- Failure of crops due to no or less rain. 7.Harvest festivals of different states in India. a.Kerala: Onam b. Assam: Bihu c, TamilNadu: Pongal d. Punjab:Baisakhi 8. What happens to the paper snake when held above a burning candle?Answer: Whenever the air flows upwards, the paper snake will move in a clockwise direction. When the air flows downwards, it will move in opposite direction.9.Write the relationship: a.Father’s younger brother is called – Chacha b.Mother’s father- Nana c.Father’s mother-Dadi d.Mother’s brother’s wife-Mami e.Father’s father-Dada 10.Different food grains classification:-CerealsPulsesSpicesOil SeedsBajraGreen GramPepperGroundnutsMaizeRajmaChillyMustardWheatToor DalTurmericCoconut 11.Write a short note on Vermi-composting.Answer:1. Dig a pit in the garden. 2.Put all the dried leaves, kitchen waste(Peels of vegetable, fruits and leftover food). 3.Cow dung and earthworms are also put in the pit 4. After 3-4 months the waste decay and turn into compost(A natural fertilizer).12.Who is Afsana Mansuri ? Which wall did she jump?Answer: Afsana Mansuri is a basketball player from Nagpada Village, Maharashtra. She started playing basketball at the age of eleven. She jumped the Gender Inequality wall and proved that girls are no lesser than boys.13.Write any two differences between inhalation and Exhalation?InhalationExhalation1.Breathing in is called Inhalation.1.Breathing out is called Exhalation.2.In inhalation we breathe in Oxygen.2.In Exhalation we breathe out carbon dioxide.Write short notes on:1.Changpas 1.The Changpa tribe has 5000 people living on the mountains.2.The Changpa tribe always keeps moving with all their sheep.3.Goats and sheep are considered to be the only treasure of the Changpas.4.They carry their belongings on horses and yaks and put up their tents (Rebo) at the chosen place.5.They keep their sheep and goat in a place called Lekha near Rebo. 2.Lekha This is a place where the Changpas keep their animals. It is close to the Rebo. The walls of Lekha are made with stones.3.TsunamiTsunami is a very large wave in the sea caused due to earthquake under the sea.It is a natural disaster which takes off many lives and property.4.Give few examples for man-made disasters and natural disaster.Ans: Man-made Disaster – Accidents, drowning, fire accidents, air pollution,electrocution,deforestationNatural Disaster-Earth quake, drought, flood, tsunami5.The byproducts of petroleum.Petrol -- used as a fuel to run vehicles.LPG – used for cookingATF – used in aero planesDiesel – used to run generatorsKerosene – used as fuel in cooking6. Locate the following places on political map of India. a) Birth place of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar : Mhow,MP b) Highest sugarcane producing state:Uttar Pradesh c) Birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi:Porbandar, Gujrat d) Highest Bajra producing state: Gujrat, Rajasthan e) State where Bhakra Nangal Dam is located :Punjab h) A state with thick forest:Arunachal Pradesh I) A state with thin forest:Tamilnadu 7.Write 5 differences between Khedi village and Sindhuri town?Answer:KHEDI VILLAGESINDHURI TOWN1.People lead a simple and peaceful life.1.Electricity was there for few hours in a day.2.Clean and fresh air2. Taps were there but no water.3.People listen to birds chirping,river flowing and bee buzzing3.There was one room with a tinroof.People go to offices, factories, companies, shopping malls, etc to work4. People do farming, fishing, basket weaving etc4.A hospital was there with no doctors around and medicine were not available.5.People use gobar gas, cow dung cakes, firewood, kerosene, coal for cooking5.A school was there where teacher did not care much about the children from Khedi village.8. A)Draw a Croton Plant and describe it?1.Croton is a shurb.2.They are outdoor plants.3.The roots of croton are short and grown on the upper layer of the soil.4.Crotons are of different shapes and colours.5. Some crotons are flowering and some are not.6. Crotons are also kept indoor for decoration.7.Colourful croton plant need more sunlight.8.When the top layer of soil becomes dry,the croton leaves bend and become limp.9.This signal tells that the plant needs to be watered.B)How can farming be done without rains?Ans:There are various methods of irrigation in the farms like-1)Tubewells 2)Canals 3)Pumpset 4)Wheels for lifting waterwhich can be used for farming even without water. 9.Write about Jhoom farming.Ans.a. Jhoom farming is done in Mizoram.b.After cutting one crop the land is left as it for some years nothing is grown there.c.The bamboo weeds which grow on that land are not pulled out.d.They are cut and burnt.e.The land is slightly dug up, not ploughed. f.Seeds are dropped on it. g.In one farm different types of crops like Maize, vegetables,chillies ,rice can be grown. 10.Write about Suryamani and her organization.Ans. 1.Suryamani is an activist,she wants to save the forest in Jharkhand.2.She is the founder of Torang,that protects the tribal culture of Kotri village.3.Suryamani takes children for nature walks so that they can learn how to save forest and trees.4.She works to preserve tribal culture of her Kuduk community.5.She has done BA in Sanskrit.6.She joined Jharkhand Jungle Bachao Andolan (a movement to save the forest of Jharkhand).11. Write about ways by which we can save petrol.Ans. A) By carpooling we can save it.B)Switch off the engine when traffic signal is Red.C)Maintain your vehicle correctly.D)Use alternate sources of energy like CNG,Electric vehicles.E)Use Public Transport.12.Different types of games:-INDOOR GAMESOUTDOOR GAMESLudooCricketChessBasketballCarrom BoardGolfSnake and LadderFootball 13.Write a short note about Pashmina Shawl.Ans.a) Pashmina shawl is as warm as six sweaters.b) This shawl is very thin yet very warm.c) The goat from which the soft Pashmina wool is collected are found on very high altitude of 5000 metres.d)It takes 250 hours to weave one Pashmina shawl.e)Pashmina Shawls are all hand woven. ................

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