Joe Boomer - Career Center | Career Center

Clyde Springs

1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway 719-555-1234

Colorado Springs, CO 80933 clydesprings@


• Experienced university mascot and team player

• Known for dynamic presentation style and ability to communicate with diverse populations

• Demonstrated ability to create client loyalty

• Innovative thinker who is able to work with individuals and groups

• Effective team player with strong communication skills; highly proficient in Spanish

Summary of Skills

• Proficient in Microsoft Excel, Money Plus, and QuickBooks Pro

• Strong leadership and conflict management skills

• Solid critical thinking and decision making skills


University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) Anticipated Graduation:

Bachelor of Science in Business May 2015

Emphasis in Finance, Minor in Accounting

Current GPA: 3.67

Work & Related Experience

D.A Davidson Companies, Colorado Springs, Colorado Summer 2014

Consulting Summer Intern

• Prepared reports on various companies containing:

o Company profile and summarized financial statements for senior staff

o Trend, common size, and ratio analyses and compared firm to industry

o Documented any accounting distortions and their possible effect on analysis

o Provided a summary/recommendation regarding the future of the company

Finance 4700 Practicum and Research, UCCS August 2013-May 2014

• Charged with investing $2,000 dollars of donated money from D.A. Davidson to create and

manage a portfolio

• Set a target return of 15-20% EAR and made investment decisions accordingly

• Conducted fundamental and technical analysis to make sound investment decisions

• Managed portfolio for two semesters, achieved an EAR of 65%

• Presented results at the end of the semester and was awarded a summer internship

Agilent Technologies, Colorado Springs, Colorado Summer 2013

Marketing Intern

• Created Excel database to manage results of an international web-based survey of 516 clients

• Streamlined the design of a new web-site which reduces the number of calls to sales staff

• Bought media space in several national publications with a budget of $5,000 dollars

Performance Audio Sound, Colorado Springs, Colorado June 2013-Present

Tint Installer

• Improved tint technique to reduce waste from 35% to 10% resulting savings of $500 a month

• Consistently meets personal monthly sales goals

• Provide customer service in person and via multi-line telephone with an increase in customer satisfaction and repeat customers

Clyde Springs Resume Items Explained:

Your contact Information:

Your name (font size between 12-18)

Your Address

Phone number (make sure your phone has a professional message i.e. no music)

Your email address should be professional; for example, your email should be your first name & your last name@ (do not use a nick name)


A profile consists of several short, concise statements that focus attention on your achievements and abilities – it is more about personal characteristics

Match your profile to the job description for which you are applying

Summary statements include no more than 3 sentences highlighting your strongest attributes focused on the needs of the job. Quantify when possible.

Summary of Skills (can be named for specific skillsets like “technical skills, lab skills, clinical skills):

Think about how you will solve problems on the job

Include relevant skills and strengths required for target job (hint: look at job descriptions)


List your highest degree (either completed or in progress)

16 List school first, then specific degree

17 List GPA if over 3.5 (unless an Engineering student, then 3.0+)

18 List anticipated graduation date if not yet completed (month & year)

19 List honors

20 List any clubs, organizations or other involvement on campus

21 Can list projects here or in experience section

Work & Related Experience (create subject heading that matches your experience):

Organization, city, state, dates (months and years)

Job title

One can use class projects or other activities to provide information

Provide class number and title if project, senior research or practicum

Quantify your accomplishments

Use bullets with action verbs to describe the skills gained in the class or group project

Use bullets with action verbs, describe the skills gained on the job

30 Action verb + Context + Results or

31 Action verb + Problem + Solution (Quantify whenever possible)

32 Use as many bullets as you need to provide a complete picture of your skills performed on the job

33 Bullets should address the skills and qualifications you have that match what the employer posts in the job description – check multiple job postings to obtain an idea of what is necessary for this particular occupation

34 Adopt the language used in the job description and within the industry in your resume

35 Do not lie or embellish on your resume


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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