Newsletter Outline (tentative)

Newsletter Outline (tentative)


COVER Feature photo and inside look at newsletter content

(Page 1)

PAGE 2 Messages from the Regional Director and Associate Regional Director

PAGE 3 Chapter and Brother profiles

Graduate and undergraduate brother/chapter profiles will alternate

PAGE 4 The Sigma Museum page

Articles and features on Sigma history

PAGE 5 Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Articles and features on Zeta history, programs, etc.

PAGE 6 Feature Article

Will be highlighted on FRONT COVER

PAGE 7 Feature Interview/Article

Will be highlighted on FRONT COVER

PAGE 8 Sigma Beta Club

Articles and features on SBC history, programs, etc.

PAGE 9/10 Sigma In The Community

Articles on chapter programs throughout the Region

PAGE 11 March On, March On . . . :

Welcome to our new members and chapters. List of names and chapters with other information


COVER BLUE Business:

(Page 12) Advertising and upcoming event information

NOTE: The above outline is subject to change and only to provide an idea of what WE can do to improve the newsletter. The attached sample is only to serve as a visual sample. The actual document will look much different.

Moving Forward

The areas discussed here will be addressed by a committee(explained below). After discussing the issues and sharing ideas necessary improvements will be made. Below is a list of items I believe will be beneficial to the Eastern Region.


* 3 issues each year to be published during the following months

- Conclave year: January, May, September(conclave issue)

- Off-Conclave year: February, June(regional conference issue), October


* Our Cause on-line(pbseast/) to be featured on the regional website

* Articles not published will be featured on-line

* Back issues of the newsletter will be on-line

* Link to the Crescent and other chapter and regional newsletters

* Communication/Information:

Contact list for members of the Publicity Committee, tips on publicizing events locally, deadline information and submission policy for newsletter materials

* On-line information will appear in every issue of the newsletter to direct readers to the articles

* If not possible, link to Our Cause website featured on the regional website home page

Publicity Committee; (tentative)

The members of the Committee will also serve as the Editorial Staff for the newsletter

* Three brothers from each state to serve on the Committee(at least one of which being an undergraduate)

* Committee members will also serve as contacts for the brothers and chapters in their respective state

* Co-Editors for the newsletter will be chosen by the members. I will serve as Chairman of the Committee,

but will not hold either of the Editor positions unless the need arises.

* Committee will decide what goes to print. All other submissions will be featured on the website.

* Would like to meet face to face with Committee members prior to each newsletter going to print to make final decisions

I Thank You for taking the time to view the material. Please pass this on to all brothers and/or chapters in the Region. My contact information is included in the letter. Contact me with any questions, concerns and/or if you are interested in working with US as WE move forward. It is your participation which will make this a successful endeavor. See you on Baltimore!!!

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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