Ch I

5309507-178130All Quiet on the Western Front: Reading Guide Directions: As we read, answer the following questions pertaining to the play. This willbe collected and graded at the end of the unit. Name:Ch IIn the opening scene, why does Paul’s company have extra food to eat? What is Ginger’s initial response, and why do you think he responds this way?In this chapter Paul discusses the latrines. What are the soldier’s attitudes toward hygiene and how does this characterize them? Who was Joseph Behm and what happened to him?Why is Franz Kemmerich dying? How are Müller’s feelings about Kemmerich’s dying different from Paul’s feelings?Who, in general and specifically, represents the older generation? How does the narrator feel about the older generation? “We are the Iron Youth.” – Kropp (18) Who has given Paul and his comrades this title? What does it imply? Interpret the narrator’s response to this title.Ch IIWhat kind of writing did Paul do before the war?How does Paul defend Muller’s wish to have Kemmerich’s boots? What could these be a symbol of?What kind of reputation does Himmelstoss have in camp? What “accident” angers him to threaten Paul and Kropp?According to Paul, what is the single finest thing that arose out of war?Paul states that he and the other young soldiers have become a “waste land.” What has led him to that conclusion?When Paul leaves the hospital, he experiences a wave of relief. What urge does he feel and how does that compare to the same urge as mentioned earlier in the novel?Ch IIIWhy do Paul and the others admire Kat? What was his “masterpiece” according to Paul?How does Kropp suggest the war should really be fought?How did Himmelstoss try to cure Tjaden of wetting the bed?On the night before leaving for the front, how do the men get revenge on Himmelstoss? What metaphor is used to describe such ravine?Ch IVOn their way to wiring duty, why do Paul and his friends not worry about being thrown out of the trucks and injured? When Paul sees the fair-headed recruit’s helmet has fallen off, what does he do with it? After the bombardment, what misunderstanding occurs about the helmet?What is Detering’s reaction to the wounded horses? How is he restrained? What could these be a symbol of?During the second bombardment, where are the men forced to take cover? What object provides Paul shelter?What happens to the fair-headed recruit?Why do you think Paul hugs the earth? What does it mean to a soldier?Ch VWhat are some of the things the men would do if it were suddenly peace-time?When Himmelstoss appears, what does he order Tjaden to do? How does Himmelstoss threaten him when he refuses?What are three useless things the men learned in school? What are three valuable lessons they should have been taught?How does Bertinck punish Tjaden and Kropp? What does Paul think of this?How do Paul and Tjaden obtain the goose? Who do they share their meal with? What could this be a symbol of?Ch VIHow do the men deal with the corpse rats? According to Paul, why has the bayonet lost its importance?How does claustrophobia cause one of the recruits to behave?What do Paul’s memories of home and peacetime have in common? What memories do they evoke?How does Paul react when he sees Himmelstoss cowering? How does this relate to his views on authority?What is the outcome of the battle? What losses has the Second Company sustained?In the paragraph describing the two butterflies and the birds, what is the effect of these details? Why is nature invoked here?Why is Chance so important to soldiers? Why is it personified in this chapter?How does this chapter show the men have become “wild beasts”?Ch VIIAt the beginning of the chapter, how and why has Paul’s attitude toward Himmelstoss changed? According to Paul, how could a man deal with terror?What presents do Paul and the men bring to the French girls? Why would Remarque include this scene?When he departs for leave, who sees Paul off?How does Paul feel once he is home? What is the state of his family?What do you think lies behind Paul’s growing alienation toward the outside (non-soldier) world? Consider how he deals with the Major, the German-master, and even his own mother.What do you think Paul was looking for in his old room? Does he find it?Ch VIIIAccording to Paul, when is the best time to observe and love Nature?Why does it distress Paul to watch the Russian prisoners?Who brings Paul news about his mother? What is it?What gifts does Paul make to the Russians?What causes him to think twice about his gift?What is the overall emotional state of Paul in this chapter?What does the scene between Paul and his father add to the text?Ch IXWhat is the men’s reaction to the inspection by the Kaiser?What is the nature of the debate that takes place between Tjaden and the others after his visit?What does Paul do when Duval falls into his shell hole?How do Kat and Albert react when Paul tells him of his experience?Who is Oellrich? What does he want to earn?How does Duval serve as a turning point for Paul?Ch XWhat “good job” do the soldiers have in this chapter? How do they enjoy themselves?What happens to Albert and Paul as they evacuate the village? How does Paul help Albert?How does Paul insure he and Kropp can stay together?How do the men react to the nuns praying in the infirmary?Why is Lewandowski nervous and excited? How do the men help him out?What does Paul say about his parting from Kropp?What do you think is the larger purpose of including the humor in this chapter?What do you think is the larger purpose of including the medical details in this chapter?Ch XI-XIIHow does deterring react to the sight of the cherry tree? How does Paul explain his reaction? What could trees be symbols of in the novel?What was Berger’s “front line madness”? What was the result?Who gets Kemmerich’s boots after Muller dies? Who is in line to inherit them next?What were the rumors in the summer of 1918? How are the soldiers feeling?How does Paul react to Kat’s death?How does the title appear in the end of the text? What happens to Paul? What is the dominant tone in the closing of the book? Resignation, serenity, despair? Explain. ................

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