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Center for Fitness and Wellness

Remote Fitness Assessment Guide

Spring 2021

Our Mission

The mission of the Center for Fitness and Wellness (CFW) is to provide instructional support to select courses in the Department of Kinesiology and to members of the university community who have an interest in monitoring changes in their personal fitness and wish to elect to have fitness assessments. To support both general education courses and campus interests, the CFW also provides opportunities for upper-level Kinesiology students to gain experience in fitness appraisal and the development of further clinical skills.

Off Site Outreach Statement

As a facility supported by the Exercise is Medicine – On Campus Initiative, the Center for Fitness and Wellness offers programs and services to provide the Penn State Community with evidence based information to help promote physically active lifestyle for all. In this pamphlet, you will find different information to assess your own physical wellness through cardiorespiratory, strength, and flexibility assessments. Each assessment provides detailed description of the process as well as an explanation of your results in how they fall on a national norm. For more information, please contact Center for Fitness and Wellness Director, Kelsey Holland (

Baseline Measurements:

Resting Heart Rate:

Resting heart rate (RHR) is a measurement of how many times your heart beats per minute. This is a measurement of how strong your heart is. The heart is a muscle and the stronger it is, the more blood it can pump out to your body in a single beat. This is why the stronger your heart is or “ how aerobically fit” you are affects your resting heart rate. The lower your heart rate is, means that your heart strong and conditioning. To get a true measurement of resting hearting rate, one must be seated for 5 minutes to allow the heart to find a steady resting state.

How to Measure RHR:

To complete this measurement, you will need a stopwatch to keep time. Start by placing your middle and pointer finger together under the thumb of your opposite wrist. Once you locate your pulse, begin the stop watch and start counting each pulse you feel beginning your count at zero (i.e. 0,1,2,3,….). Count each beat you feel for 30 seconds then multiply that number by 2. This will give you your resting heart rate value. Note: Do not use your thumb to collect this measurement.


Norm Values:

- Above Average (tachycardia)

Body Mass Index:

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a height to weight ratio that is often used by health care providers and public health researchers to establish norms for healthy weight ranges. It is recorded in the unit of kg/m2. One caveat with BMI is that it does not take into account body composition. This means that it does not account for an individual’s fat mass versus their lean mass (fat vs. muscle). For instance, a professional athlete may be considered obese even though they have a very low body fat percentage and a very high skeletal muscle mass.

How to Calculate BMI:

First you will convert your weight in pounds to kilograms (divide by 2.2), then you will convert your height in inches to meters (multiply by .0254). You will then plug those numbers into the following equation:

BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m) 2

Norm Values:

- Obese

Waist Circumference:

To correctly measure waist circumference:

Stand and place a tape measure around your middle, just above your hipbones. Make sure tape is horizontal around the waist. Keep the tape snug around the waist, but not compressing the skin. Measure your waist just after you breathe out

*Note: If you do not have a flexible measuring tape, you can use a piece of string to wrap around your waist and measure the length with a ruler/standard measuring tape to collect this measurement.


Values for Risk Stratification:

• Men: 40in – high risk

• Non-Pregnant Women: 35in – high risk

Fitness Assessments

Cardiorespiratory Assessment: Cooper 12 Minute Run Test

The Cooper 12 Minute Run Test is a simple tool for testing aerobic capacity which also denoted as VO2MAX. This test will require a stopwatch and a distance measuring tool such as the NIKE Run, Stava, or Map My Run App. You may also use a local track or known distance to measure your distance completed in 12 minutes. Find your route and challenge yourself to go as far as you can in 12 minutes.

How to measure VO2MAX from the Cooper 12 Minute Run Test:

Set your stopwatch for 12 minutes and run/walk as far as you can in until the time runs up. Record your total distance in miles. Plug your results into the following equation:


VO2MAX = (35.97 x total miles) - 11.29

Norm Values:


Upper Body Strength: Maximum Push Up Test

Push ups are an equipment free exercise that can be completed and practiced anywhere to assess and build upper body strength. In addition to strengthening the upper body, push ups also serve to strengthen the core and promote good posture when done correctly. In order to assess norm values, this assessment requires males to complete push ups on their toes and females to complete the push ups on their knees.

How to complete the Maximum Push Up Test:

• Males: full push-ups are measured when the subject’s chest reaches 3” off of the ground and they are able to return to full arm extension on each repetition. Males need to maintain a straight body from the shoulders to the heels, hinging from the toes.

• Females: modified push-ups are completed on knees. Counting is done the same way as males. Females need to maintain a straight body from the shoulders to the knees, hinging from the knees

Record the number of push-ups properly completed consecutively. They must perform all push-ups unbroken. ONLY push-ups completed with proper form are counted.


Norm Values:


Lower Body Strength: Wall Sit Assessment

How-To: Stand with your back against the wall and slide your feet out about 12 inches in front of you. Slide your back down the wall until your thighs become parallel with the floor. Hold this position for as long as possible. Do not place your hands on your knees.


Norm Rankings:

| |Male |Female |

|Excellent |>100s |>75s |

|Good |75-100s |45-60s |

|Average |50-75s |35-45s |

|Below Average | ................

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