AMS 311

AMS 311

March 30, 2000

Homework due April 6:

Chapter Six: P225: 4, 6*, 8; p232: 1, 3; p241: 2, 4, 8, 10, 16*.

On to continuous distributions

Probability density function (pdf): does not give probabilities; integrate pdf to get


Cumulative distribution function (cdf)

Relation between cdf and pdf

Definition of Expected Value

If X is a continuous random variable with probability density function f, the expected value of X is defined by [pic] provided that the integral converges absolutely.


A random variable X with density function [pic] is called a Cauchy random variable. Find c so that the f(x) is a pdf. Show that E(X) does not exist.

Don’t be bashful about checking your old calculus books and tables of integrals! From there, you will find


Theorem 6.2 is used to prove Theorem 6.3 (The law of the unconscious statistician).

Theorem 6.2.

For any continuous random variable X with probability distribution function F and density function f,


Law of the unconscious statistician.

Theorem 6.3.

Let X be a continuous random variable with probability density function f(x); then for any function h: R(R,



Let [pic] and zero otherwise be the pdf of the random variable X. Find [pic]

This theorem also is the basis for proving that expectation is a linear operator for sums of functions of X.

Definition of var (X)

The variance of the random variable X is still [pic]

7.1. Uniform Distribution

The distribution in the example above is called a uniform random variable over (a, b).

Show that f(x) is a pdf.

Find the cdf.

Find E(X).

Find var(X).


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