Subject Title : ENGINEERING MECHANICS Title : Question Bank-2mark

Subject Code : GE6253 Unit : IV

Year/ sem : I/II Type :100%numerical

Dynamics of particles

Displacements, Velocity and acceleration, their relationship – Relative motion –

Curvilinear motion – Newton’s law – Work Energy Equation of particles – Impulse and

Momentum – Impact of elastic bodies.

1. Write short notes on dynamics.

2. Define kinematics.

3. Differentiate kinetics & kinematics. (Nov-11)

4. What is general plane motion? (Nov/Dec-2012)

5. Define plane motion.

6. What is rectilinear motion?(Nov/Dec-2011)

7. Write about curvilinear motion.

8. Define Velocity.

9. Define acceleration.

10. Write the mathematical expression for velocity.

11. Write short notes on speed vs velocity.

12. Write the equation of initial, final velocity formula.

13. What is average velocity?

14. Define instantaneous velocity?

15. Write the formula to find out the instantaneous velocity?

16. Find the Instantaneous Velocity of a particle moving along a straight line with a function x = 5t2 + 2t + 3 at time t = 3s?

17. Give the relationship with velocity and acceleration.

18. A steel ball is vertically thrown upwards from the top of the building 25 m above the ground with an initial velocity of 18 m/sec. Find the max height reached by the ball from the ground. (Apr/May-2003)

19. What is the relative motion of the first body with respect to second body?

20. What is angular velocity?

21. Write the equation for Angular Velocity?

22. Calculate the angular velocity of the particle moving along the straight line given by θ = 3t3 + 6t + 2 when t = 5s.

23. Find the angular velocity of a second hand of a clock?

24. What is relation b/w angular velocity and linear velocity?

25. Define linear velocity.

26. What is angular acceleration?

27. What is the relative motion?

28. What are motion curves?

29. A ball dropped from a height of 1.6 m on a floor rebounds to a height of 0.9 m find the coefficient of restitution. (Apr/May-2004)

30. What is the equation for addition of couple?

31. Define weight.

32. Define mass.

33. What is projectile?

34.Define projectile motion.

34. Draw velocity of projection and angle of projection of a projectile?

35. Define time of flight.

36. Define horizontal range.

37. Define angular momentum. (Nov-2003)

39. What is law of conservation of energy?

40. What is meant by momentum?

41. What is meant by impulse?

42. Write the equation to find out the Impulse.

43. Write short notes on potential Energy.

44. Write the Pappus and Guldinius theorems.(Apr/May12)

45. Define principal moment of inertia.

46. Write short notes on Kinetic Energy.

47. Write short notes on Mechanical Energy and elastic potential energy.

48. Write short notes on power.

49. What is meant by product of inertia?

50. Write short notes on work energy equation.

51. Write short notes on coefficient of restitution.

52. What is time of restitution, compression and collision?

53. Write short notes on Elastic impact.

54. State D’Alembert’s principle.(Apr/May13)

55. Write short notes on collision.

56. Write short notes on Central impact.

57. Write short notes on Oblique impact.

58. Write short notes on Impact Energy losses.

59. Discus about impact Procedure of analysis.

60. Write short notes on the law of conservation of momentum.


1. The driver of an automobile decreases the speed at a constant rate from 72 to 48 km/hr over a distance of 230m along a curve of 460 m radius. Determine the magnitude of the total acceleration of the automobile, after the automobile has travelled 150 m along the curve. (Anna Univ- Nov/Dec 2011) (16)

2. A stone is thrown vertically upward from a point on a bridge located 40 m above the water. If it strikes the water 4 sec after release, determine the speed at which the stone was thrown and the speed at which the stone strikes the water. (16)

(Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2010)


3. A bomb is dropped from an aeroplane flying at a speed of 80 km/hr at a height of 1500 m above the level ground. Find the horizontal distance covered by the bomb after its release. Also find the time required for the bomb to hit the target and the velocity with which the bomb hits the target. (Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2010) (16)

4. Two electric trains A and B leave the same station on parallel lines. Train A starts with a uniform acceleration of 0.15 m/s2 and attains the speed of 40 km/hr, when the steam is reduced to keep the speed constant. Train B leaves 1 min after with a uniform acceleration of 0.3 m/s2 to attain the max speed of 70 km/hr. When the train B will over take the train A. (Anna Univ- DEC 2014) (16)

5. A stone is projected with the speed of 30 m/s at an angle of elevation of 50º. Find its velocity (i) After 2 sec (ii) At the highest point of its point (iii) At a height of 6 m.Find also the time interval between the two points at which the stone attains a speed of 23 m/s. (Anna Univ- Apr/May 2006) (16)

6. Water drops from a faucet at the rate of 5 drops per sec as shown in fig. Determine the vertical separation between two consecutive drops after the lower drop has attained a velocity of 3 m/s. (Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2004) (16)


7. A steel ball is thrown vertically upwards from the top of a building 25 m above the ground with an initial velocity of 18 m/s. Find the maximum height reached by the ball from the ground. (Anna Univ- May/June 2003) (16)


8. A particle under constant deceleration is moving in a straight line and covers a distance of 20 m in the first 2 sec and 40 m in the next 5 sec and calculate the distance it covers in the subsequent 3 sec and total distance travelled by the particle before it comes to rest. (Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2003) (16)

9. A particle starting from rest moves in a straight line and its acceleration is given by the relation a = 50 – 36 t2 where t is in sec. Determine the velocity of the particle when it has travelled 52 m. (Anna Univ- Jan 2013) (16)

10. The position of the particle which moves along the straight line is defined as s = t3- 6t2 - 15t + 40 where s is expressed in m and t in sec. Determine (a) time at which the velocity will be zero, (b) the position and distance travelled by the particle at that time, (c) the acceleration of the particle at that time, (d) the distance travelled by the particle when t = 4 to t = 6 sec. (Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2002) (16)

11. The motion of the particle is described by an equation, displacement s = 5t2 - 7t + 2. Find (a) displacement, velocity, acceleration when time t = 2 sec, (b) minimum displacement and corresponding velocity and acceleration. Take s in m. (16)

(Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2001)

12. A 40 kg mass is dragged along the surface of a table by means of a cord which passes over a frictionless pulley at the edge of the table and is attached to a 12 kg mass. If the coefficient of friction between the 40 kg mass and the table is 0.15, determine the acceleration of the system and the tension in the cord. (16)

(Anna Univ- Jan 2001)


13. If a 70 kg block shown in fig is released from rest at A. Determine its velocity after it slides 10 m down the plane. Take the coefficient of friction as 0.30. (16)

(Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2011)


14. A lift has an upward acceleration of 1 m/s2. Calculate the reaction that a man of mass 65 kg will produce on the floor of the lift. How will this reaction change if the lift moves with a downward acceleration of 3 m/s2? Also find an upward acceleration which will produce a reaction of 767 N. (Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2011) (16)

15. A 100 gm cricket ball has a velocity of 20 m/s before being struck by the bat. After the impact the ball moves in the direction as shown in the fig. with a velocity of 30 m/s. If the ball and the bat are in contact for 0.01 sec, determine the average impulse force exerted on the ball during the impact. (Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2007 & 2011) (16)

16.Two bodies of weight 20 N and 10 N are connected to the two ends of a light inextensible string, passing over a smooth pulley. The weight of 20 N is placed on a horizontal surface with the weight of 10 N is hanging free in air as shown in fig. The horizontal surface is rough one, having coefficient of friction between the weight 20 N and plane surface equal to 0.3. Using Newton’s second law of motion, determine (i) the acceleration of the system and (ii) tension in the string. (Anna Univ- Apr/May 2005) (16)


17. Two bodies weighing 300 N and 450 N are hung to the ends of rope passing over an ideal pulley. With what acceleration the heavier body comes down? What is the tension in the rope? (Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2002) (16)

18. A mass of 1 kg is pulled up by a smooth plane by a 6 N force, acting at an angle of 10 º to the plane surface, as shown in fig. If the mass is not loosing contact with the plane, Determine (i) Normal reaction offered by the plane on the mass (ii) the acceleration of the mass along the plane. (Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2001) (16)


19. A ball of mass 1 kg moving with a velocity of 6 m/s strikes another ball of mass 2 kg moving with a velocity of 2 m/s at the instant of impact. The velocities of the two balls are parallel and inclined at 30 º to the line of joining their centres as shown in fig. If the coefficient of restitution is 0.5, find the velocities and the directions of the two balls after impact. (Anna Univ- May/June 2010, Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2001, Anna Univ- May/June 2012) (16)


20. An object is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 30 m/s. Four seconds later a second object is projected vertically upwards with a velocity of 40 m/s. Determine (i) the time (after the first object is thrown) when the two object will meet each other in air, (ii) the height from the earth at which the two objects will meet. (16)

(Anna Univ- Nov / Dec 2004)


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