Simon Tomlinson Simon Tomlinson8:57 AMHello Simon, I'm an old time stringband musician in Central NY USA. I am trying to set up a server for my local jam friends. I have read your FB post "who to create a private server..." and I have some questions. May I ask you? or is there someone else I could contact? I am connected directy to the ethernet so I'm wondering how that changes the instructions?Hi. Sure I can help with some basic questionsThanks so much. I'll try hard not to be a burden, but I'm not experienced with server s/w. I'm not sure how running the server via ethernet would change how I fill out the server client screen?How would it be best to communicate. I am new to Messenger. I see that there is a voice call icon. I also will give you my email: jimandmarnie(at)stanko(dot)net. I could send you screen shots via a MS Word attachment...Hi. to be honest the ethernet benefits are more for clients than for the server, although that will certainly help improve the latency (delay from playing something, sending it to the server and hearing it back again)The server screen is quite simple to fill out. If you want it private, just untick the 'Register my server in server list" check boxPrivate means people will need to know your specific IP address to find you room, it won't be available on the central server list, and that's itYou may need to open your firewall and setup a port forward in order for people to connect to your serverSo should the server client be completely blank as in the picture on page 2 in your private server guide? I did create the rule in my Windows Defender s/w for UDP protocol and ports 22123 - 22125.Yup pretty much I just run a server on my machine now and this is what it looks likeSo this is a private server You might also need a port forward setup on whatever ISP router you useWho is your internet provider?When I want to host a jam, how do I connect to this private server, and how do my jam mates connect?You just open Jamulus Then hit connect button, this open's server listAt the bottom of server list dialog just type 'localhost' without the quotes and press enterthis should join you to your private roomOr you might need to type the IP address of your machine To find your IP on windows just hit windows button and type run and press enterthen type cmd and press enter in that black window type ipconfig and press enterthis will list an IPv4 address it will probably be something like 192.168.0.xxxenter this IP address into your jamulus connect dialog instead of localhostThis is your internal IP address. For other people to connect to you, they will need your external IP addressTo find that out, use google , that sounds straightforward. My local ISP is Newport Telephone Company. I am in a rural area and only have 6Gbit DSL connection. I don't understand about port forwarding? I am not using my router if I'm on ethernet, right?Ok so Newport would have given you a router (or you used your own) to connect to the DSLon that router will be a firewall too, plus you'll need a port forward setupYes, I do have my IP and I did give that to people. But I was connected to a named server that I set up called Ithaca OT Jam. I could see it and connect to it, but nobody else could find it. The IP provided me with a DSL modem; it's a Thompson SpeedTouch. Is that acting as a 'router'? I also have a NetGear router, but I am not using that as I'm on the internet, right?Yes so that modem will have an admin web page where you can do things like change the name of your wireless network and things like that, normally there is a page for port forwardingWould my local ISP at NTC be able to tell me about how to do that? I'm sorry that this is a bit foreign to me. I'm not clear on what the port forwarding does?So when people type your external IP address in their jamulus, the way internet traffic works is that all the routers on the internet route that request through to your ISP's router in your home. Once the traffic gets there, your router needs to know what to do with it. So you tell your router than any requests on port 22124 that come in to forward them direct to your computerOK, this is starting to make sense. My ISP at NTC is a small local TelCo, but they are very friendly and helpful. So, I can ask them if I get stuck...I'm sure they can tell you how to setup a port forward for 22124 UDP trafficNormally your router has a webpage, you can access it in a browser by typing the IP of your default gateway into itYou can find your default gateway by doing the same thing about , typing ipconfig into a command prompt window and it will tell you IP of your default gatewayMine is, when I type that IP into a browser it loads the admin portal of my routerI think I have done that already and have it printed out. I'm saving all the 'correspondence' in a 3 ring binder.Also, is there a way I can print a copy of our chat, so I have it to refer back to?Just copy and paste all this conversation into word or something like thatBTW when I was connected to my named room my chat comment came back with a port # Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help. You are very kind! ................

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