REALTIME FILEICITools to Help Manage Daily Lifefor College Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesThursday, June 18, 20203:00PM4:00PM ETCART CAPTIONING PROVIDED BY:ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION SERVICES, LLC* * * * *Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility. CART captioning and this realtime file may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.* * * * [Joining Webinar in progress]>> Now they look for other accounts that have user names with that email address, they use that password, and they're in. Generally speaking, the most secure way to manage your online accounts is to have a different password for every different account. That is really, really hard to remember. There are some things that you can do within, say, the Chrome browser, or even in Safari and Firefox, where you can have all of your passwords and your names saved so when you visit a web page, those pop up so you don't have to remember it. All you have to remember is your Chrome log in or Firefox log in or whatever browser you're using. That's the way you can kind of use a password manager. But a real one like LastPass has some additional features that makes it a little bit more secure and a little bit easier to use.One thing that it does is it forces you to log in every single time. It gives you one master password and it requires that password to be really long. That's the only password that you have to remember. So, I'm going to plug this in here. You can see it's a long one. One thing that we often say for a password is you don't actually have to have a password, it can be a pass phrase, a short sentence that has numbers and symbols mixed into it as an easier way to remember it. Like, "this is my password", only something more clever and not too easily guessed. Some sort of phrase you can use. That way, it's long, it's hard to break, and it's also easy to remember.What we have here when we log into LastPass? I just created this account, so there's nothing secure on here. I created all these accounts with just random emails and things so we don't have to worry about security on this. What it does, it shows you every single account that I've saved with its password. What we can do is we can look at these and see log in information, it has password in there. It tells me my strength based on this color scheme here. Yellow means it's not a very strong password on here. These are made up. It tells you how strong your passwords are. Where it gets really, really helpful is it gives you reminders. Let me see? where are my notifications? I don't have any because this is a new account. I look at all my different passwords.Well, it doesn't have my notifications because I don't have any right now. But what this will do, it will remind me every so often to change a password and to change the master password for this. If you're using Google Chrome to keep track of everything, that doesn't give you those reminders and it doesn't put that strict of requirements on here. What I want to show you how to do is to create a quick password in here. If you install this? if you use this in the web browser, you can get this? let me zoom in so we can see a little bit better here. It doesn't zoom in that part. That's right. It gives you a Chrome extension that's always running and ready to save things.I want to show you how that works. I'm going to go to a new tab here. I'm going to go into an account? going to go to And when I go to sign in, I have set up here Tech for Teens 1. Password is a simple Tech for Teens 1. This is public for everybody to use so I don't have a strong password in here. But when I sign in, LastPass showed up. Looks like our windows are covering this up here. Can I move this down at all? I don't know if that moved it for your screen. But you can kind of move our windows out of the way. It says do you want to add this account to LastPass? If I just hit "add". Save that password and that user name. Now when I go back into here and I refresh this, I should see that in here. Because I refreshed, I have to sign back in.This is one of the things that actually helps make it more secure. You just have this one account you need to remember. You could have Chrome remember this, too, but that's kind of defeating the purpose a little bit. I didn't have to refresh that to see it. It showed up. There it is, Scratch website right here with that saved information. Now, what I can do from this page, I can even launch these directly from here. If I want to go straight to Scratch, I hit launch, and it brings me right into there and I'm logged in and I can begin going. In this case, it's kind of like a bookmarker, too. It's also, that password manager. And it also, had I put in a password that was similar to another account, it would remind me right here. In fact, it may have done that. It's just telling me I have access to it. Gives me a notification saying looks like this is too similar to your other ones. It's a great way to make sure you're being secure without having to remember a ton of different passwords. That's just one option if you want to take that extra little security. The other way to go around that is to log into a browser and have it saved that way. There's certain things to worry about the browser that you don't have to worry about with a password manager.>> We have one question. Is there a risk in LastPass having all of your passwords in one place?>> In a way, but, no. Not as much as having the same password in a lot of different areas. So, the idea, the way to secure from that is to have your master password to log into this, be something very different and very long, like a pass phrase, a short sentence or something is the way to do that. And, if you'll notice, every single time I refreshed this or did anything, it's asking me to retype in my password. That's an extra level of security they put on that. Whereas, things like Scratch or Gmail wouldn't force you to reenter every single time. One of the biggest security threats is bots, or programs that try to hack into your account, and this will stop them from doing that because it's forcing a relog in every single time. That would show suspicious activity pretty early on. A little bit confusing, but it's actually more secure than saving everything in your browser like a lot of people do if they log into Chrome or something like that. That's a good question. There's always a little bit of risk, but it's less risk than the alternatives. Let's go ahead and move on to a different area. I'm going to look at Toggle. Toggle is a task timer program. This is the online version. I want to show you the app version. Because I like to use it on the app a little bit more than I like using it online. The difference is the online version just gives you a broader view of everything. But, I'm going to go ahead and share this online? this app version. I'm going to stop this share. There we go. The Toggle app is this icon right here. Looks like a little power button. I have to hit that to open it up. What I see in the app here is all of the different timings that I've done. Today, I went through and did a couple of different timings and things. The idea is when you're doing a task, you use this little timer button right here to time how long it takes you to do that task. Right now, I'm going to hit play on this. I hit that little green button. I'm going to label this Toggle presentation. I'm going to hit the checkmark right here. Now it's timing. And what's interesting? I don't know if you guys can see? Sarah, can you see my screen or do you just see the iPad?>> Just the iPad. >> Well, this is synchronized across all your devices. Right now, I'm logged into the online version. You can see the timer going. At the bottom, it's just going. That's all it does. You don't have to do anything else. Just hit the timer, set this aside? oops, I went sideways there. You set it aside and you do whatever your task is. And then when you're done with that task, you just hit stop. What's also nice is if you're doing the task on the computer, on an iPad or android device, you can leave this app, go do something else on here, come back to the app? I'm going to come back to this guy. And it's still timing. You just ignore it in the background while you're doing whatever it is you're doing. You hit stop when you're done. And now here is that Toggle presentation for 1 minute and 21 seconds. There's a couple things you can do with this. You see each of these other things I did, I categorized them. I almost used my mouse to click on that. This Toggle presentation, when I click on it, I can see information about it. I'm going to say that this is part of a task and it's part of my presentation one, this guy here. I'm going to click that. And confirm my changes. Now we see that's been categorized into the presentation project. I also did that for all the different things for my science project, my math class. All these different things I'm trying to do. I organized. What's neat then is you can analyze this. Down here, there's this sort of graph button. If I click that guy, right now I've only been doing things for one day. Otherwise, it would show me all my other days.Here, it gives you a breakdown of how I'm spending my time throughout this day, throughout this whatever period I'm looking at. I can use that to analyze that. I spent a lot of my time on math class, presentation, science project. If I look at this thing here, my note project, I can look and see what that is. I'm going to go back over to here, the main timings, and I can look and see? here is something that wasn't categorized that was 35 minutes for gaming, which, I didn't actually game for that long. It's just an example. You can see maybe I should cut down on my time in that area to make up time for where I'm falling behind. The idea behind this is really quick and easy. You hit play when you're doing a task. Stop when you're done. You can analyze and see how much time you're spending in areas. That's for the free version.The paid version of this allows you to apply billable hours and do different reports for that type of thing. Like, a business would use this. If you're using it to keep track of time, this free version works great.So that is Toggle. I'm going to stop the share here. And go back to the PowerPoint briefly. There we go. Now we're going to move on. The next area to think about then is how to get around campus. A lot of people are probably familiar with Google Maps. But I wanted to show something Google Maps can do. I wanted to show you other tools that? a lot of times colleges and campuses will provide their own maps for you. Dependent on the college, dependent on the campus. But the University of Minnesota has a really nice one which I will show in a second. First, I want to show a couple of the main things in Google Maps. Because so many people use Google Maps, some of this might be a review, but I think it's helpful to note these and see how you can use them in these different situations where you are trying to get around your campus.I'm going to switch over to my browser. Here, I've gone to the University of Minnesota on this map here. Went to the Health Sciences tower, the Moos tower. If I zoom in on campus. I need to figure out how to get to another part in the campus. What's nice about Google Maps is so many of these things are just clickable. You don't necessarily have to know the address of where you're going. If you just know the names of these buildings. You can click on them or type them in here. If I am starting? let's say I have class at this Moos tower and I need to figure out how to get to the engineering building or whatever. I can hit directions. And I can click right here on the mechanical engineering building. It looks like I did directions from here to there. If I zoom in a bit, I can very quickly switch these around.So my directions are going the other way. That's more important for cars. But you can see it's giving me a walking path to get there. That's where you can control it right up here in the top. You have your standard driving directions. There's also walking, biking, and metro transit. In this case, it's a short distance, so it doesn't bother with that. It's a great way to see other ways of getting places. Let's say we were coming from? trying to get to the engineering building. I'm going? let's go to Coffman from Pacer Center. We will do that. It's a long way. We want to look at metro transit. It shows you quickly? I'm going to have to take three different buses. It's a very long way. If I hit details, I can see a stepbystep breakdown of what I need to take.And I can also experiment with arrival times and departure times. If I know I need to arrive at a place at a certain time, I can change this to arrive by my start of class. It starts at 3. I'll say 15 minutes to. It will give me my routes based on arrival time. It can be really nice to help plan your day. That is built into Google Maps, which is completely free. The last thing I wanted to show you, though, is if Google Maps isn't quite the detailoriented that you need, you can do a quick Google search for whatever campus you're looking at in map. A lot of campuses have their own interactive maps. This one is University of Minnesota. Says I hit this bus routes option. It shows you everywhere the bus routes are. For students, they're free. You hop on the commuter. You can zoom in and see where do these free bus lines go from there. It can be really helpful. There's also walking paths, places to lock up your bikes. There's a thing for parking you can pop up. You can hide some of these things if it's getting too crowded. I like the accessibility one. Shows you which buildings are wheelchair accessible, which is kind of funny because it's every building. That's good to know. That's just a quick sample of things that you can do? they popped up. It took a while. A lot of campuses will have some sort of interactive tool you can use to get a better snapshot of the campus and where you're going. Speaking of where you're going, the last thing I wanted to look at. If I go back to the PowerPoint here. How your parents know you're doing okay, how to keep track of you. We don't want to keep track of your every movement, not something like that. This tool, Life360, it latches onto the GPS of your mobile device. As long as it's on, you'll be able to see where you are, make sure you made it to work on time or made it to school on time, got back onto the bus on time. You can see all of that in there. I'm going to move over to the mobile app for this. And? let me go to share. Oops. There we go.>> This topic was actually one of the biggest concerns that parents had. Just being able? go ahead and start when you're ready. Being able to just know that their student is doing okay when they're away at college on their own. And having some ability to? for the student to share, or not overshare. Something that would make them feel comfortable.>> Yes. There are lots of different tools. Google has some tools for monitoring screen time and things like that. There's lots of other tools for that. This is a little bit more broad. Kind of like positioning, GPS positioning in a way and sharing your location. I'm going to click the icon right here. It really is made for mobile devices. I created another account here and I put in my phone. I'm in the exact same location. We both are. Otherwise, I would be able to see both of those dots here. There, you can kind of see it. But I'm in the same spot. What it does, it gives you a quick breakdown of where they are. Everyone in your circle, they call it, everyone that's in your family that you share this with.Even tells me how much battery power is left on this phone, which could be nice to know because if you find out they didn't log in, but the last time you saw them, they were at 1%, then you probably know the battery died. But all you do is right here, add new member. You get this code. You install the app on their device, type in this code and they're instantly added to this circle here.And in this places section, you can add work, school, whatever it is. And when someone in your circle reaches one of those locations, it will give you a notification. Right now, I have work set up as Pacer Center. So once I get to that location, it will send a message to the admin of my circle that I have arrived. Whoever the parent is or who is in charge of that account. I get that notification on this device. It's really simple.You don't have to do much thinking. One thing to consider is in order to get the best accuracy, you have to give access to the location, device location, at all times. That actually does slightly drain the battery power faster than it would if you were occasionally checking your position. If you have a new phone, it's not a big deal; but if you have an older phone, you might see the effects more. Also, another thing here under "safety". This safety piece is usually part of the premium features that you pay for. But there's some things in here, you can see how fast? if they're driving, you can see how fast they're driving on average. I think that's kind of interesting. For the paid features, you can have things like roadside assistance in there. Emergency contacts at the bottom. That's not part of the paid thing.You can add emergency contact and you can call them through this app. But there are other ways you can do that through apps. But I think it's kind of neat to have that in there. For the most part, it's just a really, quick, easy way to track someone's location and get notification they made it to school on time or made it home on time. However you want that set up.That is Life360. The free version is the one I'm using here and it seems to work well enough.>> PowerPoint.>> Head back over to the PowerPoint. And turn it over to Sarah.>> So, two more categories here. Going to breeze through this. How I manage my social life on campus and how will I keep track of my money. I have a couple apps for each of those. I'm not going to do a full demo on those, but they are worth mentioning. First, the social skills app. Social Skills Pro. And Social Learning Platform is the second one there. Two different money and budget apps. Without further ado, I'm going to go ahead and share my screen to show those apps. Social skills are a difficult thing for learning through apps, but there are some that are worth noting. First one is Social Skills Pro. 2.99. It does have some good content. If I click a profile, these are sort of like prompts. Conversation topics, small talk. You can when you go in them, you can edit them. You can add your own kind of categories, information, that you like to talk about. The most useful section here I think is this lesson section. This is, here you see a lot of different categories. So then when I click on one, let's say "ending conversations". You can see there's lesson here, some information. And the one thing about it, it is fairly textheavy, but it does work with a screen reader. If you do need that audio support, you can open your screen reader on the iPad or the tablet and it will read that to you as you follow along and learn that section.So that is Social Skills Pro. That is $2.99. The other one I want to show you is called the Social Learning Platform. It's this green one with the little triangle in it. Go ahead and tap on that. This one is not free. This one is kind of pricey. $25$30 a month. But it is very robust. Like a full curriculum for social skills. And this can be online through their website or through this app, this mobile app. It has a great deal of information in it. Video modeling as well as activities and games. This just shows you some of the variety of the kinds of things that are in here. This one shows sort of? they have just a lot of different videos in here.[Video as follows]Having empathy means you can show how someone else feels in a particular situation.[End video]>> A lot of this is a very valuable tool to help students learn those skills. It goes through this little cartoon, but then also has actual individuals interacting. Then it has little thought bubbles. Really asks the questions. It just seems like a really great curriculum. Then there are things like this worksheet that goes along with it. I do see they have a 30day free trial for this Social Learning Platform. So that one? then I'll go to it? this is not working. Uhoh. Sorry about that. There we go. It just? you can see there are different ages covered and a lot of different skill areas. That's just a quick little peek into what Social Learning Platform offers. Then, the last one, so the last topic is the money. Just how will I keep track of my money when I am on my own. I have two different budgeting apps that are really helpful for building those money skills. They are both free. They are also? they do not connect to your bank account. If you want something that connects to a bank account? but for someone that is starting out and learning to build those money skills, I often think it's most helpful to have it not connect to a bank account. Here, I'll go ahead and open one of these. So the first one is Life Budget, the red with the heart in it. And just to say, if you are particularly interested in money apps, I am giving a workshop on July 8 that will focus just on apps for managing money. That's something you can find on the Pacer website at the . I have two listed because they do kind of different things.The first one, Life Budget, is very easy to use to track the money you spend. You can see from looking at this main page, it's very bright and kind of a visual design. Has a lot of customized settings. Here you see? across here, you see the date that something was added. You can see here? let me go down a little bit. When it is an expense, it is red with the minus sign. When it is income, it is green, it's with the plus sign.Then over here at the right, then this is going to be the total net gain or loss for that individual day. And then these icons here are for the categories. So it's really easy to just add. If I hit this big plus sign at the bottom and I add a new thing, and I just really like the way this is so clearly laid out and visual. You can, up here, you can add more detail. You can add a photo. You can add notes about it. You can also just say "today I bought food" and I just hit this food icon. And I hit $20. And then up here you can choose the date if it's not today. But it will default to today. Then I hit the red checkmark and it's in there on the list at the top. So then one of those useful things here are the budgets appear at the top righthand. You see the money bag. When I click on that, you'll see budget. The only difference between the free and paid version is how many budgets you can create. For someone learning to build awareness of the money they have and they spend,I decided to put these three budgets in here. With the paid version, which is just $1.99, you can make unlimited budgets. You can do all your categories. This way, I entered in these total amounts, my budget for the month. So I'm able to go in and track exactly every time I spend something and label it as food. Then it's adding it up and I can see where I'm at at any time during the month. I've spent $283 out of the $425. Or entertainment. Or personal. That's a really nice feature of life budget. The other one that's on the list is Dollar Bird. This blue one here. It's a little bit different in that it is calendarbased. This one is helpful if you really want a student to really be aware exactly of how much money they have left. Again, it's not linked to their bank account. Any time they spend money or get money in, they would be adding that by clicking on this plus sign at the bottom.Then any individual date on here, you can see as I click on it, I click on yesterday, it shows what money went out. And then it shows underneath there, the balance. Then when we get here to the 19th, you put in when your paycheck is coming in and it shows the balance there. This is building that skill as you get to each day on the calendar, not only recording the transactions, but also knowing what the balance is, how much money you have.That is called Dollar Bird. I think we should go back to the PowerPoint at this juncture, if you could. We went right up to our time pretty much. If there are any questions that people have, we would be happy to answer those.>> Paul and Sarah, you covered a lot of information. It was really helpful. And seeing the demos was super helpful. We will give people a chance to ask questions should they have them. I'm going to put up our evaluation questions. If people could take a minute to answer those before they have to depart. We are grateful for the information you gave. There are a few people asking questions. I don't know if you can see those.>> I was trying to answer the ones I knew the answers to.>> We do have apps we recommend for cooking. We have covered those before. I don't remember what those workshops were called.>> Sally, the budget apps are listed on the handout that is posted on the website. I'm going to put a link to that again here. The other one was called "Dollar Bird".>> Here, you can see on this slide, the information for calling our phone number at Pacer. We have one number you can call. You can ask for Paul or myself. You can also email us at STC, Simon Technology Center. We're happy to take any questions that come up later on.>> Someone just asked, too, in the question, answer. Just a reminder that this webinar was recorded and there is a partial transcript available as well. Those will be posted on the Think College web page by tomorrow, midday, I would say. And someone else asked if there's a Pacer location in San Diego. I think I'm right in saying the Pacer Center is part of a network of national parent technical assistant centers. Is that right?>> Pacer itself is just out of Minnesota. We actually do have? our national Bullying Prevention Center office has an office in Los Angeles. But the Pacer Center itself is just in Minnesota. But, like, our lending library is national. Our different devices in there can be sent out anywhere within the country. So that is an option there, too.>> Okay. Does anyone else have any other questions? I'm going to close this poll so we can see everyone's faces before we say goodbye. I want to say thank you again, Paul and Sarah, for your time and sharing your expertise on these topics. Anyone else? I think all the workshops they do are listed on the website. Feel free to visit that. We certainly share Pacer resources as they become available. Just between our two websites, you should get everything you need, I would say. So, thanks again, everyone. And I hope you have a great night.>> Thank you.>> Thank you.>> Bye.[End of session] * * * * *Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility. CART captioning and this realtime file may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. ................

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