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Name____________________________________________________Period ________PAP Chemistry Atomic Structure Homework PacketTerms to Know:AtomAtomosAtomic theoryElectronProtonNucleusNeutronNuclear forceAtomic numberAtomic mass (Average atomic mass)IsotopeMass numberamuElectron emission spectrumBohr modelEnergy levelValence electronOrbitalElectron configurationNoble gas configurationLewis dot diagramProblems to know:Finding protons, neutrons, and electronsAverage atomic massIsotopesAverage atomic massValence electronsOrbital diagramsElectron configurationsNoble gas configurationsLewis dot structuresBefore the test:I can find the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom.I can find the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an isotope.I know who discovered the electron and what test he used.I know who discovered the proton and what test he used.I know where protons, neutrons, and electrons are located in an atom.I know the relative sizes of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom.I know how to find the average atomic mass of an atom.I know the difference between average atomic mass and mass number.I know what an atom looks like according to Democritus, Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford and the modern atomic theory.I know how to draw a Bohr model.I know where valence electrons are located in an atom.I know how to write an orbital diagram.I know how to write an electron configuration.I know how to write a noble gas configuration.I know how to draw a Lewis Dot Diagram.Atomic Structure WorksheetFill in the blanks for the elements in this chart. Element SymbolElementNumber of ProtonsNumber of NeutronsNumber of ElectronsMassNumberAtomic NumberchlorinesilverradiumsamariumuraniumlawrenciumIsotopesElement Symbol or NameElementNumber of ProtonsNumber of NeutronsNumber of ElectronsMassNumberAtomic NumberCarbon-1353CrGold-197117Sn15OCopper-64Average Atomic MassCalculate the average atomic mass for each of the problems. Don’t forget to show your work!1. 99.985% 1H0.015% 2H2. 7.42%6Li92.58%7Li3. 19.78% 10B80.22% 11B4. 75.53% 35Cl24.47% 37Cl5. 0.337% 35Ar0.063% 38Ar99.60% 40ArAverage Atomic Mass Con’t…6. 20.52% 70Ge27.43% 72Ge 7.76% 73Ge 36.54% 74Ge 7.76%76Ge7. 0.70% 234U99.30% 238U8. 0.089% 122Te2.46% 124Te 5.48% 126Te91.97% 128Te9. 28.44% 129Xe 4.08% 130Xe 21.18% 131Xe 26.89% 132Xe 10.44% 134Xe 9.01%136Xe10. 47.82%151Eu52.18% 152EuMost Common IsotopesFor the following elements, list the most common isotope of that element.Zr_________________________Al_________________________Cl_________________________O_________________________Ta_________________________Ne_________________________Uranium_________________________Gold_________________________Beryllium_________________________Iodine_________________________Phosphorus_________________________Cesium_________________________Bohr ModelsDraw Bohr Models for the following elements.ArsenicSulfurZirconiumNitrogenPlatinumLithiumTerbiumPotassiumArgonAluminumManganeseMagnesium Electron ConfigurationsFor the following elements, show the orbital diagram, which includes the electron spins.CobaltNitrogenTungstenTitaniumEinsteiniumXenonMagnesiumFor the following elements, write the electron configurations.ManganeseRadonIronLeadTinOxygenHeliumChlorineFor the following elements, show the abbreviated (Noble Gas) electron configurations.IodineCarbonSulfurGermaniumLithiumBerkeliumBariumValence ElectronsTell how many valence electrons the following elements have according to the modern atomic theory. Argon_______________Germanium_______________Calcium_______________Iodine_______________Radium_______________Sulfur_______________Boron_______________Rubidium_______________Helium_______________ Aluminum_______________ Bismuth_______________ Nitrogen_______________ Magnesium_______________ Tin_______________ Bromine_______________Lewis Dot StructuresDraw a Lewis Dot Diagram for the following elements.BariumHydrogenSodiumFluorineXenonSeleniumMagnesiumHeliumPhosphorusCesiumTelluriumOxygenPotassiumBerylliumCarbonColor the s,p,d and f blocks of the periodic table.Label the energy levels you would follow for an electron configuration.Test Review QuestionsCompare Democritus’s, Dalton’s, Thomson’s, Rutherford’s, and Schrodinger’s (modern) atomic models.What is the difference between mass number and atomic number?What information is needed to find average atomic mass?What, specifically, makes each isotope of the same element different? How are they alike?Write the symbol for element X, which has 22 electrons and 22 neutrons.What subatomic particle gives the entire identity to the atom?Which two subatomic particles have the same amount?Why are atoms considered electrically neutral?How many electrons can be found in one orbital at any given time?What is the maximum number of energy levels possible in an electron configuration?Why aren’t atomic masses on the periodic table whole numbers?Why are the noble gases used to make the noble gas configurations?Which of Dalton’s principles were contradicted by JJ Thomson?What information does the atomic number tell us? Mass Number = __________________ + ____________________Write a nuclear symbol for isotopes of Uranium that have the following number sof neutrons. The atomic number for Uranium is 92.142 neutrons143 neutrons146 neutronsHow many orbitals are in the 4p sublevel?7s sublevel?5d sublevel? ................

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