
914400419100Practice A HONORS00Practice A HONORS03048009.5009.5NameDateFind the average distance each data value in the set is from the mean. Round your answer to the nearest tenth, if necessary.1.Numbers of houses on a street: 12, 8, 9, 11, 102.Years of birth: 1958, 2001, 1989, 1995, 1986, 2002Find and interpret the mean absolute deviation of the data. Round your answer to the nearest tenth, if necessary.339090-2540Weights of Bookbags (pounds)121591078131400Weights of Bookbags (pounds)12159107813143154045-2540Numbers of Fish in the Aquarium142330172420211900Numbers of Fish in the Aquarium14233017242021193.4.335915-2540Numbers of Pages in a Book18620519218922621219820000Numbers of Pages in a Book1862051921892262121982003154045-4445Gallons of Gas in Container4.83.453. of Gas in Container4.83.453. Mowed57109600Lawns Mowed5710967.The table shows the number of lawns mowed each day of the week. Find and interpret the range, interquartile range, and mean absolute deviation of the data. Round your answer to the nearest tenth, if necessary.Which data set do you think would have the greater mean absolute deviation? Explain your reasoning.8.numbers of bicycles parked in a garagenumbers of bicycles parked at a school 9.the number of miles driven each daythe number of miles walked each dayNameDateFind and interpret the mean absolute deviation of the data. Round your answer to the nearest tenth, if necessary.3160395-2540Numbers of Desks in a Classroom252525252525252500Numbers of Desks in a Classroom2525252525252525340360-1270Numbers of Squares in a Quilt82016122418323000Numbers of Squares in a Quilt82016122418323010.11.334010-3175Heights of Bleachers (feet)110105.497.810098.6112.5104.699.100Heights of Bleachers (feet)110105.497.810098.6112.5104.699.13160395-3175Weights of Wrestlers (pounds)131.4130.7131.2131.8130.6131.9130.1129.500Weights of Wrestlers (pounds)131.4130.7131.2131.8130.6131.9130.1129.512.13.14.The data shows the prices of five shirts and five pairs of pants. Shirts: $15, $21, $18, $19, $24Pants: $25, $32, $40, $36, $29Find the MAD of each data set. Then compare their variations.15.Add or subtract the MAD from the mean in the data set in Exercise 5. a.What percent of the values are within one MAD of the mean?b.What percent of the values are within two MADs of the mean? c.Find the range and interquartile range for the data set. Use these values to give a possible explanation for the answer to part (b). ................

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