Chapter 2 Technology

Chapter 5 Technology Exercises


1. Assume a standard normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Find the following areas for each of the z-scores. Give values to 6 decimal places.

|z-score |area to left |area to right |twice smaller area |

|z = - 1.24 | | | |

|z = 0.84 | | | |

|z = 2.98 | | | |

2. Assume a standard normal distribution. Find the z-score that has the area given. Give answers with at least five decimal places.

a) Area to left = 0.287324, z =

b) Area to right = 0.872316, z =

c) Area between -z and z is 0.452684, z =

3. The English scores for those students in Illinois who took the ACT exam in 2004 are normally distributed with a mean of 19.7 and a standard deviation of 6.3.

a) Sally scored a 26 on the English portion of the ACT exam. What percent of the students did better than Sally?

b) A student must score above the 40th percentile to be eligible for ENGL 101, what raw score corresponds to the 40th percentile?


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