
Feudalism Trading Cards Name: ____________________________

Date: ________________________

Class Period: _____________

Middle Ages Mini-Project: 40 possible points

Most baseball players have trading cards. The front of their cards tells you their name and shows a picture of them swinging the bat, catching a ball, or throwing a pitch. The back of the card gives you their baseball statistics—how many home runs they have hit, what their hitting percentage is, how tall they are, etc.

Since this is World History and not baseball, your trading cards will be about people in the feudal system of the Middle Ages. You can find out more information about these groups of people in Chapter 19 Lesson 2 Pages 1-5 of your textbook.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Get a piece of plain white paper. Quarter your paper by folding it in half, then in half again. You will make four different trading cards, but you will not cut them.

2. Label each trading card on the front with the name of the title of the group you are illustrating. Here are the four groups you will be making trading cards for:

• Kings and Queens

• Nobles

• Knights and Vassals

• Peasants and Serfs

3. Draw an illustration on the front of the card and be sure to color it and make it look creative! Do the best job that you can do!

4. On the back of the cards, give the group’s “stats”. This part can be neatly handwritten or typed. It is not necessary to write full paragraphs, you can use bullet points instead. Include the following categories and information:

• description of their duties, responsibilities, and obligations;

• description of their place in society;

• include anything else you think is important to know about the group

5. Read the section to find out information; don’t just use the chart in the textbook. Feel free to use the Internet to help you find extra information, but be careful to use only reliable sites (remember, not everything written on the internet is true!).

Due Date: April 3, 2017 Name: ____________________________

Date: ________________________

Class Period: _____________

Middle Ages Mini-Project: 40 possible points

Please turn this sheet in with your project. This is what I will write your grade on!

Keep in mind that this is worth FORTY points. Please turn in something that is worth 40 points, not something you did on the bus the morning that it is due. You are all awesome and creative students—make sure it shows in the work that you turn in!

Also remember that this needs to be YOUR work. Do not copy information straight out of the textbook or off a website—that is called PLAGIARISM and you will get a zero for that card.

Here is how you’ll be graded:

| |Front of Card |Back of Card |Total points |

|Kings and Queens |Includes the name of the group and a |Includes the duties and responsibilities| |

|(10 possible points) |colored, creative picture representing |of that group, their place in society, |____________ |

| |that group |and any other important info about them |10 |

|Nobles |Includes the name of the group and a |Includes the duties and responsibilities|_______ |

|(10 possible points) |colored, creative picture representing |of that group, their place in society, |10 |

| |that group |and any other important info about them | |

|Knights and Vassals |Includes the name of the group and a |Includes the duties and responsibilities|_______ |

|(10 possible points) |colored, creative picture representing |of that group, their place in society, |10 |

| |that group |and any other important info about them | |

|Peasants and Serfs |Includes the name of the group and a |Includes the duties and responsibilities|_______ |

|(10 possible points) |colored, creative picture representing |of that group, their place in society, |10 |

| |that group |and any other important info about them | |

|Additional Comments: |Final Grade |

| | |

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| |___________ |

| |40 |

| | |



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