| Learning at Home during School Closures for P6 |

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|Week beginning: 08.06.20 (WEEK 10) |

|Here is this week’s suggested timetable for P6 |

|Our key weekly learning intentions are: |

|To continue to develop skills in report writing through a variety of contexts. |

|To consolidate and develop data handling skills. |

|To be able to extract information from a line graph and to plot your own line graph. |

|To be able to select an appropriate graph type to represent your own research and explain why. |

|To continue to develop good physical and emotional health. |

|To keep a positive outlook and try to work through your Learning at Home activities. |

| |

|We have included quite a lot of work on the core skills in Literacy and Numeracy. |

|Remember do what you can. |

|You may wish to select from the list, for activities you feel are most relevant. |

|PRINTING WORKSHEETS – Before you print, it would be a good idea to look at the sheets first on screen. In this week’s Maths work, there are differentiated sheets in one document, with the answers at the end. You need only print off the |

|relevant page or pages, not the whole thing. |

| |

|Some questions to reflect on last week’s learning: |

|Did you enjoy the song and activities for FEVER? More this week. |

|Did you enjoy the writing activities from last week? We have more writing for you this week. Looking at someone being interviewed on the TV may help you with finding the right tone to use. |

|Are you still taking care with the different VCOP activities? Are you transferring these skills into other pieces of writing? |

|What have you been reading? Remember to make a note of books in your reading passport and write about it when you have finished. |

|Have you been working on SumDog? Keep remembering - accuracy is very important in your responses |

|Have you managed to help around the house? Perhaps you have learned a new skill for life. |

|Did you manage to get involved in the Hub Virtual Games? Have you shared photos with your teacher on Teams? |


|Mon |Literacy |Maths/Numeracy | Across the Curriculum |

| |VCOP Quick activities each day | | |

| |VCOP – Vocabulary – quick activity 12 |This week you will be investigating data handling. |Skipper – Unit 12: Expect the Unexpected |

| |Don’t say “went” say …… How many alternatives can you think of? | |This week, please listen to ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams. Think about how|

| | |I can extract information from line graphs. |this makes you feel. Can you describe how you feel without using the word|

| |VCOP – Vocabulary – quick activity 13 | |‘happy’? How many other words can you think of instead? You might want to|

| |Don’t say “went” say …… |If you are uncertain what a line graph looks like, and would like a |talk about this with a family member or make a poster to express your |

| |Who might move in this way? |reminder, please watch the video below, as an introduction. |emotions. |

| |march stamp crawl | | |

| |slither dawdle skip | | |

| | | |FEVER! Go to the Scottish Opera link and listen to Song 3. |

| |FEVER! Activity 3 – writing an interview. Look at the activity sheet in |If you feel you know what a line graph is, please begin by looking at the | |

| |today’s folder and complete the task. You will be using this later in the |PowerPoint called ‘Monday Maths Power Point Interpreting Line Graphs’ and |Practice a few times. |

| |week too. There is also an information sheet - bacteria, virus…- which you |work your way through it. Take your time to read each slide and answer the |Listen/watch the Chapter 3 video. |

| |will need to read. |questions as you go. | |

| | | | |

| |Continue with European country spelling activity. |Once you have worked through this, select the right level of challenge for | |

| | |you in the ‘Monday Maths Differentiated’ document. There are three | |

| |Continue to read for enjoyment and remember to keep a note in your reading |challenge levels. | |

| |passport. Use some of the Bloom’s question ideas to discuss your reading. | | |

| | |If you want to extend yourself further, there is another document, ‘Monday | |

| | |Maths Extra Challenge’. This asks you to not only read line graphs but | |

| | |convert between units of measure. | |

| | | | |

| | |Plenary (for everyone) | |

| | | | |

|Tue |Literacy |Maths/Numeracy |Across the Curriculum |

| |VCOP Quick activities each day | |Drama – FEVER! Look at the document in today’s folder, all about costumes|

| |VCOP – Connectives – quick activity 12 |Yesterday you were extracting data from line charts, today you will be |and props. Complete the task but don’t forget to ask permission if you |

| |“before” or “because”? Which is the best connective? |drawing your own. |are using items that belong to other people. |

| |The pirate dug a big hole … he hid his treasure. | | |

| |The pirate didn’t want anybody to find his treasure … they might steal it. |Look at the PowerPoint, ‘Tuesday Maths PPT Plotting Line Graphs’ When you |RME: Research Martin Luther King and create a poster or timeline about |

| |I had to promise mum that I’d get up for school in the morning …. She would|get to slide 17, take a break from the PowerPoint and pick your challenge |his life. You should include: |

| |let me |level of sheet from ‘Tuesday Maths Sheets Differentiated’. |-key dates in his life |

| |stay up late. | |-where he was from |

| |I’m really tired today … I stayed up too late last night. |If, when you have done this you want to challenge yourself more, revisit |-what he was famous for |

| | |the PowerPoint and go to the end, this will help you understand line graphs|-his legacy |

| | |with missing data. There is a worksheet to accompany this too. |-his religious and moral values |

| | | |-why his work is relevant today |

| | | | |

| |VCOP – Connectives – quick activity 13 | | |

| |“before” or “because”? Which is the best connective? | | |

| |I spread butter on my toast … I spread the jam. | | |

| |My fingers are all sticky …. They are covered in jam. | | |

| |The mermaid swam on to the rock …. She combed her long golden hair. | | |

| |Mermaids have to swim everywhere … they don’t have any legs. | | |

| |Continue with European country spelling activity. | | |

| | | | |

| |Continue to read for enjoyment and remember to keep a note in your reading | | |

| |passport. Use some of the Bloom’s question ideas to discuss your reading. | | |

|Wed |Literacy |Maths/Numeracy |Across the Curriculum |

| | | | |

| |VCOP Quick activities each day |Yesterday, you began to compare information on a line graph when you were |SPORTS DAY! – Have a look at the ‘BPS Virtual Sports Day 2020’ document. |

| |VCOP – Punctuation – quick activity 11 |looking at the population of different towns. |Pick an activity (or more!) to have a go at. Take a photo or video of |

| |Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? | |what you have been up to and add it to the ‘Virtual Sports Day’ folder on|

| |I’m going to fly to space |Please complete the activity sheet ‘Wednesday Maths Drawing Line Graphs’ |Teams. You can get house points for your effort |

| |Do you want to come with me |This will show your understanding of the areas covered this week. | |

| |5,4,3,2,1, Blast off | |French – continue with ‘The Great French Language Challenge’ |

| | |Can you write 5 questions asking someone in your household to compare the | |

| |VCOP – Punctuation – quick activity 12 |data shown on these sheets? Remember you will need to know the answers to | |

| |Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark? |check! For example, ‘By the end of week 2, which sunflower was tallest?’ | |

| |Abracadabra | | |

| |The wizard waved his wand | | |

| |What’s going to happen next | | |

| | | | |

| |Writing Assignment – News Report. Read the information CAREFULLY and | | |

| |complete task then submit as an assignment. | | |

| |Due Wednesday 17th June. | | |

| | | | |

| |Continue with European country spelling activity. | | |

| |Continue to read for enjoyment and remember to keep a note in your reading | | |

| |passport. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Thu |Literacy |Maths/Numeracy |Across the Curriculum |

| | | | |

| |Use your VCOP skills to work through these two games online. They look |Today you will be conducting a survey of your choice and representing it |Art – research a famous piece of art that features sport. To celebrate |

| |similar when you open them at first, but they focus on different skills. |using an appropriate graph. |our Virtual Sports Day, please then recreate a piece of sporting art |

| | | |using items you have around your home. |

| | |Begin by looking through the 2 PowerPoints in the folder. Look through |[pic] [pic] |

| | |PowerPoint 1 first, and then the second, which has questions for you to | |

| | |answer to consolidate your understanding of different types of graph. |German – Continue with ‘The Great German Language Challenge’ |

| |Complete reading comprehension in today’s folder. It is about birds you | | |

| |might see in your garden. Perhaps you have seen some when you have been out|When you have done that, look at the document ‘Conduct a Survey Guidance’ |FEVER! Go to the Scottish Opera link and listen and practice Song 3. |

| |ding exercise too. There are three different challenge levels to pick from.|and complete the task. | |

| | | |Have another sing over with songs one and two. How well do you know them |

| |Continue with European country spelling activity. | |yet? |

| |Continue to read for enjoyment and remember to keep a note in your reading | | |

| |passport. | | |

| | | | |

| |Use some of the Bloom’s question ideas to discuss your reading. | | |

|Fri |Literacy |Maths/Numeracy |Across the Curriculum |

| |Complete European country spelling activity for this week. You should now |Look back at the line graphs you created earlier in the week. These will |9am - daily exercise with Joe Wickes- you know what to do. Remember, you |

| |be up to number 37. |have been drawn by hand. Now, watch this online video and see how to create|can view these online to catch up at any time of the day. Other online |

| |How well do you remember some of the earlier countries? Have you been |a line graph using Excel. Recreate one of the line graphs from the week. |videos are available! You might want to try some yoga to develop your |

| |remembering to keep your map up-to-date? |You might want to see how the data looks in different graph types to see if|balancing skills and flexibility, especially as you will have had an |

| | |it is clearer or harder to interpret. |active week! |

| |Self- check time. | | |

| |Read over the work that you have done this week. | | |

| |Can you make improvements to it? | | |

| |Have you finished all the tasks? |Your Maths assignment from last week is due today. | |

| |Have you worked to the best of your ability and do you think that your | | |

| |teacher would be pleased with it? | | |

| |Have you been adding anything to your diary? (if you’re keeping one.) | | |


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