HOW TO GET A FREE MOBILE HOME - Make Money and Save …


Claim One for Yourself or Group

Part 1 Here's how to find a free mobile home in your state... 1. Go to your state's Craigslist Home 2. Find the "for sale" category and click on "free" 3. Type in "mobile home" in the [search for] box and click "Search" Your wish comes true! If no FREE Mobile home is found in your state, use my USA Craigslist Searcher to find free mobile homes all over the USA... or

Type-in "site:zip/ mobile home" (do not use quotes) and press search. This powerful tool searches the entire United States ? AMAZING!

Part 2 Here's how to claim a free mobile home on Craigslist ...

Email or call the homeowner using the "Reply to email" in the posting. Your subject should be "Mobile Home" and your message should be something like this... "Do you still have it" followed by a statement of need.

For example ?

I am seeking a usable mobile home for my camping group in Anytown, Your State. We would like this donation because this is a recently formed group and our funds are low. Call me at 479-444-3311. Thank you for considering my request.

? Priority is usually given to those with resources to move the mobile home quickly! Others set priority based on most needy, while others make their selection on a first come, first serve basis.

? Arrange a meeting to see the home, and make your final decision after viewing the site. Set a pick up date and keep your word.

? Get the original title. This keeps everything legal. ? Remember, mobile homes unlike "stick-built" homes lose

value rather than appreciate due to age. Think of a mobile home as an automobile when it comes to value. ? If the mobile home is in a poor state of repair, it may be best to decline the donation. ? Always check local zoning requirements, transporting requirements, and applicable issues relating to your donation.

Craigslist has many categories. Keep your eye on the FREE section every 2 or 3 days. You'll be shocked when you discover what others are giving away. Return the favor by giving something away of value to someone in need.

Since I have been using Craigslist, I've received a digital camera, exercise equipment, electronic items, computers, clothes, sporting equipment, tools, and a host of other items.

One Craigslist member gave me his BMW to help my daughter with a starter vehicle for driver's education. I've also received an entire library of books, appliances,

furniture, table and chairs, and outdoor furniture on Craigslist. If you don't want telephone calls, use email and not your number. Craigslist is FREE! To make money, you can re-post items you find for a profit. As a general rule, do not sell items designated as charitable contributions. This is done to preserve the integrity of the donor, Craigslist, and your reputation in the community. USA Craigslist Searcher can be used to find tons of free stuff and bargains.


For Example: Bicycles, Video Games Systems, Cars, Auto Parts, Televisions, Furniture, Stereo Equipment, and More... Follow Me on Twitter ?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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