

Student Success Center

3800 Charco Road

Beeville, Texas 78102

(361) 354-2244

GED® sample exam sites:

Coastal Bend College – GED® testing schedule for 2013

GED® Exam Testing Policies:

Paid appointments are required for all test sessions and are accepted on a

first-come, first-serve basis. A “No Show Fee” will be charged effective May 1, 2001 to all who fail to keep their test appointments. The “No Show Fee” is a non-refundable charge of $10.00 per exam or $25.00 maximum for all five exams. Testing requirements have been adjusted to include the following:

□ Paid reservations are required for all testing.

□ The “No Show” fee will be deducted from regular charges and will have to be repaid at the time of re-scheduling. (Subsequent no-shows would continue in the forfeit/repayment cycle until testing is completed)

□ Only reservations for testing within a thirty-day window will be accepted.

□ A maximum of 15 can be accepted for any one-test period.

□ Individuals should report to the test site in the Student Success Center in “V” building - room - V-138 - at least 30 minutes before each test.

□ When you come in for testing you must bring your social security card and current government-issued photo identification – ex: driver’s license

Announcement: The new 2014 series of GED® exam will start January 2014.

If a person has not completed their GED® exam by December 2013, then they will have to start over with the 2014 series of GED® exam.

Scores from 2002 – 2013 will not be able to be combined with the 2013 series of GED® exam.

GED® Exam Information:

GED® tests are administered on Monday and Thursday: Please note that you need to be here half an hour before test time. The times below are when the test actually starts. Everyone needs to be signed in, their folders prepared, in the test room, and have the administrator start reading the exam instructions by the times below. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

|Monday |Thursday |

|Science (9:00 - 10:20 a.m.) – 80 mins. |Writing Skills (9:00 – 11:00 a.m.)- 120 mins |

|Social Studies (1:30 – 2:50 p.m.) – |Mathematics (Part I – 1:30 – 2:15 p.m.) – 45 mins. |

|70 mins. |(Part II – 2:30 – 3:15 p.m.) – 45 mins. |

|Reading (3:30 – 4:35 p.m.) – 65 mins. | |



|Monday |Thursday | |Monday |Thursday |

|February 18, 2013 |February 21, 2013 | |June 17, 2013 |June 20, 2013 |

|February 25, 2013 |February 28, 2013 | |July 15, 2013 |July 18, 2013 |

|March 18, 2013 |March 21, 2013 | |August 5, 2013 |August 8, 2013 |

|April 22, 2013 |April 25, 2013 | |September 9, 2013 |September 12, 2013 |

|May 13, 2013 |May 16, 2013 | |September 23, 2013 |September 26, 2013 |

|May 20, 2013 |May 23, 2013 | |October 7, 2013 |October 10, 2013 |

|June 10, 2013 |June 13, 2013 | |October 21, 2013 |October 24, 2013 |

| | | |November 4, 2013 |November 7, 2013 |

Steps to take to make an appointment for GED® testing:

1. Go to the Business office and pay the fee for testing

2. Take your receipt, social security card, and government-issued photo ID to the testing department (V-138 – SSC) to make an appointment (Times to make an appointment are Tuesdays – 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. or 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.) Reservations must be made at least one week prior to the actual test date.

3. Have the testing department make a copy of your receipt, social security card, and photo id. They will then have you fill out the following paperwork:

GED® Exam Application form, GED® Exam Appointment Agreement/Reminder Form, Test Center Agreement Form, GED® Exam Re-test Eligibility & Code of Conduct Form, and an online GED® demographic form (It will take approximately 15 – 30 minutes to complete the paperwork before a reservation will be made for you to test.)

4. The testing department will then schedule the appointment for you and will give you the yellow copy of the GED® Exam Appointment Agreement/Reminder form for your records.

5. On the days of the exams - you will need to have your Government-issued photo ID – ex: driver’s license and your social security card - you will sign in and show Identification and then you will be allowed into the testing room. Without the identification you will not be allowed to test.

On the day of testing – expect the following:

1. You will enter V-138 – the SSC/testing department – to sign in. You must have government-issued photo identification and your social security card with you.

2. If you have any personal items – such as cell phones, electronic devices, bags, purses, etc.. you will sign them in to the person at the front of the SSC and they will lock the items in a closet.

3. After signing in you will be allowed to use the facilities – restroom/water fountain – before you enter the testing room – V-119.

4. When you enter the testing room – V-119 – you will be instructed to put all personal belongings on the table at the front of the room which are not electronic – such as a cap or jacket. You cannot take any non-essential item to your seating area. If you have a cell phone or any electronic device; you must take this to the SSC front desk and leave it with the personnel there. No electronic device may be in the testing room.

5. You must sit in your assigned seat. The testing room has tables in it; therefore, it provides comfortable seating for testing. There will be no more than fifteen people testing in one session. There will be writing instruments on the table that the test center will provide and blank answer forms.

6. The test administrator will give some general announcements and then start passing out the testing materials.

7. Do not open the test booklet or write on the answer form until instructed to do so. Answer forms must be flat on the table and not over the test booklet.

8. The test administrator will read aloud from the GED® manual the instructions for completing the answer form and the instructions for the exam.

9. The test administrator and proctor will continually walk around the room to make sure that you are filling in the correct portion of the answer sheet and that you are not writing in the test booklet.

10. For the Language Arts – Writing exam – you will be given two colored sheets of scratch paper to plan your essay before you write it on the answer sheet. Note that the scratch paper will be collected at the end of the exam before you are allowed to leave the testing room.

11. For the Mathematics exam – you will be given colored scratch paper/graph paper to figure the math problems. For Part I of the Mathematics exam – you will be given a calculator to use. You will be shown a video on how to use the calculator before you start the Mathematics Part I exam. The calculator will be collected at the end of the Part I exam. For Part II of the Mathematics exam you are not allowed to use the calculator. Before you leave, all testing materials, scratch/graph paper, and calculators will be collected.

12. If you finish an exam early, remain seated and raise your hand. The test administrator will come to you. They will check your testing material when they collect it and then tell you that you may leave the testing room.

13. When you leave the testing room, make sure that you take all personal belongings with you. You will not be allowed back into the test room until the test session begins.

14. You must go back to the SSC front desk to pick up personal belongings, including electronic devices that you left with the personnel.

15. Reminder: You must go to V-138 (SSC/Testing Department) to sign-in before each exam.

16. When testing is in progress, no talking is allowed. When you leave the testing room, make sure that you do so as quietly as possible, so that the other examinees still testing aren’t disturbed.

17. If you mark in the GED® test booklet, you will be charged a $65.00 fee. The fee must be paid before your answer sheets will be sent to Austin for scoring. The test booklet will then be sent back to Washington to be replaced with a clean booklet.

Behavior expected when testing

When you take your GED® exam, you must be quiet while the exam is in progress, no talking is allowed. After you complete your exam, you must remain quietly in your seat. You will need to raise your hand and the test examiner will go to you to pick up your testing materials. You must return all testing material (including scratch paper/calculators) to the test examiner before you are allowed to leave the room. Once you leave the room, you are not allowed back in the room until the next test session begins.

Candidates are not permitted to bring purses, tote bags, pagers, cell phones, portable music players, hand-held electronic games, food items, textbooks (including dictionaries), note books, supplies, jackets or coats, hats, or other non-essential items to their seats in the testing room. If possible, candidates need to leave their personal belongings outside of the test room, such as in their vehicle or with the LAC front desk personnel.

All items will be collected and stored at the owner’s risk.

When to expect test results

Once the test center sends the answer sheets to Austin, you should receive your results back to your home address within two weeks.

Test Content

|Exam |Content |Time Limit |

|Science Exam |50 multiple-choice questions |80 minutes |

|Social Studies Exam |50 multiple-choice questions |70 minutes |

|Language Arts – Reading Exam |40 multiple-choice questions |65 minutes |

|Language Arts – Writing Exam |Part I - 50 multiple-choice questions |Part I - 75 minutes |

| |Part II - Essay |Part II - 45 minutes |

|Mathematics |Part I – 25 questions / 18 multiple-choice questions & 7 alternate format|Part I – 45 minutes |

| |questions (approved testing calculator from the test center may be used &| |

| |scratch/graph paper provided by testing center may be used) | |

| |Part II – 25 questions / 22 multiple-choice questions & 3 alternate |Part II – 45 minutes |

| |format questions – no calculator usage - scratch/graph paper will be | |

| |provided by testing center. | |

Test Fees:

The $65.00 fee includes the test battery, GEDTS fee, Scoring Center fees, and a one-time processing fee charged by the Texas Education Agency. Test battery fees are to be paid at the college business office. Individual exams and retests are $13.00 for the Writing and $8.00 for the other tests. First time examinees will be required to pay all processing fees ($25.50) plus appropriate test fees at initial sitting. Fees are valid for one sitting or for one year as verified by original receipt. TEA issues additional GED® exam certificates for a $5.00 fee per certificate. An additional non-refundable $10.00 reservation fee for special testing is required.

GED® Exam Policies:

GED® examinations may be administered in Spanish but advance registration is required.

Please call (361) 354-2244 for details.

Examinees who require special accommodations due to physical impairment or learning disability should contact the test center for information on procedures for requesting such accommodations.

Test Eligibility:

To be eligible to test, the applicant must be at least 18 years old, provide proof of Texas residency, or be a member of the armed forces stationed in the state. Positive government-issued picture ID that includes date of birth, photograph, address, and signature is mandatory. A valid Texas Driver’s license, Texas Department of Public Safety Identification card, military ID. Only government-issued photo ID is acceptable – based upon policies from Austin – effective January 2000. Applicant must also present their Social Security card at every testing session.

The following are also eligible:

-Sixteen year olds referred by a public agency, which has supervision or custody under a court order. Referral form, on agency letterhead, must include the applicant’s name, date of birth, signature of the public agency official, and must be in compliance with Article 45.54 of the Code of Criminal Procedures.

-Seventeen year olds not enrolled in school are eligible but must present a completed “Parent/Guardian Consent to take the tests of General Educational Development (GED)” form signed by parent/guardian. And on the back side of the form – “Texas Education Agency Continuing Education and School Improvement GED Test Administration Withdrawal Form for 17 Year Olds” – must be filled out by high school that student withdrew from. A marriage certificate may be presented in lieu of parental permission form. (Seventeen-year-olds who have entered military service or who have been declared adults by the court, are not required to present parental or guardian permission to be tested). However, the applicant must be withdrawn from school and must sign a form in the testing center verifying withdrawal from school. Enrollment in an official High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) is permitted.

Re-test Eligibility:

Examinees should complete the entire test battery before retesting. Individuals may not retest more than three times in one contract year (January 1 to December 31).

-An examinee that has tested at another center may test or retest at Coastal Bend College after all criteria are met and an official score report has been presented.

Requirements for Certificate:

To receive a certificate of high school equivalency, the examinee must achieve a minimum score of 410 on each of the five tests AND an average standard score of 450 (2250 total) on the five tests in the battery. If the minimum score is not achieved, retests may be taken on those parts on which the minimum score was not achieved. All retest policies are applicable.

Score Results and Reports:

Here is the website to access your score information:

There is a $5.00 fee if you want to print an official copy of your score report.

Testing Accommodations

Many people experience mental and/or physical disabilities that may interfere with their ability to take the GED® Tests under standard testing conditions. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, requests for testing accommodations by individuals with documented physical disabilities, learning disabilities, or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders are reviewed by the Texas Education Agency. If any of these apply to you, you should request additional information and resources about possible accommodations from the Testing Department at (361) 354-2244.


If you need to have GED® study material before taking the test, please contact the Adult Basic Education Center. They are the ones who have GED® study books. The Adult Basic Education Center also offers GED® exam classes to help you prepare for the GED® exam. It is strongly recommended that you visit with the Adult Basic Education Center to see how they can help you. The locations and phone numbers follow:

Location Phone # Location Phone#

Alice (361) 660-2138 Mathis (361) 547-2781/2976

Beeville (361) 354-2767 Sinton (361) 364-5535

Kenedy (830) 583-3332 Woodsboro (361) 543-4521


How to apply for a Texas Driver’s License or ID

Website for the Texas Department of Public Safety:

If you are located in the Beeville area – you may call the Texas Department of Public Safety at 361-358-6272. They are located at 400 S. Hillside Drive, Beeville, Texas 78102. They are open from 8 – 5 p.m. on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays / 8:30 –

5 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

For more information look at the following website:

To obtain an Identification card you will need to take a valid form of Identification with you to the Texas Department of Public Safety. One of the following is acceptable: Birth Certificate, Driver License (expired or valid), Resident Alien Card or a Passport.

There is not an age limit for getting an Identification Card. Here is the link to the fee:

If you are new to Texas you will need to do the following to get a Texas License – If you have a VALID out-of-state license and if you own a vehicle you will need to bring proof of Texas registration, insurance, Social Security Number, and your out-of-state license. The only exam required is the vision test. If you have an EXPIRED out-of-state license, you will be required to take both written and driving exams, and a vision test. If you do not own a vehicle, you will not have to show proof of insurance, but you will be required to complete an affidavit of non-ownership. At this time, you will also be required to surrender your valid or expired Out-of-State Driver’s License.

It takes 6 – 8 weeks to receive your Photo Identification / License.

Directions to get to the testing center at Coastal Bend College in Beeville, Texas

All GED testing is handled through the college test center located in the student services building room V- 138. The following map will be helpful in finding the building and parking.


Enter campus on main drive from Charco Road

Proceed to Parking area 7 at the back of the campus

Go left through Parking area 7 to the "V" R. W. Dirks Student Services Building (the one building

with red brick arches around doors)

Reserved visitor parking (30 minutes maximum) is available across from the "V" R. W. Dirks

Student Services building entrance.

Examinees should park in regular student parking (white lines).

Proceed to the test center in V-138

Coastal Bend College Beeville Campus Map






The American Council on Education® (ACE) is the sole owner of the Tests of General Educational Development (GED® Tests) and the responses to those tests, including all test questions, essay prompts, and essays. The GED Tests are not the property of the examinee. The test questions and essay prompts administered at testing centers are the valuable, copyrighted property of ACE. As a condition of testing, an examinee agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all test questions and essay prompts administered to

him/her. An examinee may not receive any unauthorized assistance while taking the GED Tests. An examinee may not discuss specific test items or essay prompts with anyone other than the GED Chief Examiner/GED Examiner. An examinee must return all testing items to the GED Chief Examiner/GED Examiner at the conclusion of testing.

A disclosure of test questions in any form by any means in violation of this confidentiality agreement undermines the integrity and security of the GED Tests and is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorized access, reproduction, distribution, or disclosure of test questions by an examinee before, during, or after taking the GED Tests is a violation of U.S. and international intellectual property laws and treaties. Available remedies will be pursued by ACE as appropriate, which may include criminal prosecution, a civil lawsuit seeking damages, and/or canceling or invalidating the examinee’s test scores and notifying entities that have received the examinee’s test scores.

In addition, a number of third parties perform services relating to the GED testing program. These third parties provide the GED Testing Service™, a program of ACE, with information from or about examinees that is collected on forms that are prepared by ACE or the GED Testing Service, or on modified versions of those forms. The information includes, but is not limited to, candidate demographic details, test scores,

accommodation requests, and GED Option testing authorizations. This information is also owned by the GED Testing Service, as it is reflected in the GED Testing Service records.

Jurisdictions (states, provinces, territories, insular areas, military facilities, and correctional institutions) that administer GED Tests have various rights to access and use their jurisdiction's GED testing program information separate from GED Testing Service.

ACE reserves the right to update, change, and amend ownership policies at any time.


GED® Testing Service, a program of the American Council on Education, recognizes the privacy interests of GED examinees. GED Testing Service™ is committed to respecting that privacy and keeping examinees informed about our data privacy policies.

Except as set forth below, the personally identifiable information an examinee provides when registering for the GED Tests is not made available to third parties without the examinee’s permission. An examinee’s personally identifiable information includes his/her name, address, identification number, date of birth, test dates, and test scores.

1. Research. GED Testing Service and third parties authorized by GED Testing Service may access and use examinee data for research purposes, including research directed toward improving or reporting on the effectiveness of the GED testing program. Any such access to examinee information will be subject to a confidentiality requirement

that prohibits the disclosure or publication of any information that allows individual examinees to be identified. Once a third party has completed services related to the GED testing program, the data used will be permanently removed from the third party’s possession. Unless an examinee has indicated otherwise on the demographics form, GED

Testing Service may contact an examinee to determine whether he/she is willing to participate in surveys that also are intended to improve or report on the effectiveness of the GED testing program.

2. Legal Proceedings. GED Testing Service may disclose and provide access to personally identifiable examinee information in response to a subpoena or other order in a judicial or other governmental proceeding, or as otherwise required by law. To ensure test security, GED Testing Service may also disclose and provide access to personally

identifiable information in order to detect, investigate, or prevent fraud or other unlawful activity or violations of GED Testing Service testing policies.

GED Testing Service has established safeguards to help prevent unauthorized access to or misuse of the examinees’ personal information maintained by GED Testing Service, but cannot guarantee that examinees’ personally identifiable information will never be disclosed in a manner inconsistent with this data privacy policy (for example, as a result

of unauthorized acts by parties that violate applicable law or relevant web policies).

Jurisdictions (states, provinces, territories, insular areas, military facilities, and correctional institutions) that administer GED Tests have various rights to access and use their jurisdiction's GED testing program information separate from GED Testing Service.

Questions about this data privacy policy should be directed to GED Testing Service at or

(202) 939-9490.

August 6, 2008

Welcome to the

GED Online Demographic Form

Please follow the steps below to create your record as a GED test-taker. Once you begin to complete the GED Demographic Form through our secure website, you may stop and save it at any time. You have 30 days from the day you begin to complete the form to finish it and select a GED Test Center. If you do not complete your Demographic Form and select a Test Center within 30 days, your record will be deleted.

Create a University of Texas at Austin Electronic ID (“ UT EID”)


The GED Online Demographic Homepage web address is:

When you go to this page, you will be asked to log in with a UTEID:

An EID is required to access the GED Online Demographic Form, so if you do not already have one, you will need to create one. In order to create an EID, you will need to provide at least the following information: name and date of birth. You should also provide your e-mail address, so that you can receive important information regarding your GED record. To create an EID, click on the I need a UT EID link. This will take you to the UT EID Self-Service Tools page, where you will click on Get a UT EID. This website will take you through the steps to create your own UT EID and password. Please be sure to follow the instructions carefully.

Create your online GED Demographic record


Once you have a UTEID and password, you are ready to create your online GED Demographic record:

1. Go to the GED Online Demographic Homepage web address:

2. You will be asked to log in. Enter your UT EID and password.

3. Click the “Complete the Online Demographic Form” button to go to the first page of the Demographic Form.

4. A box may pop up to ask if you want to display non-secure items. Click “Yes” to view the entire page of questions. You may be prompted to do this on each page of the Demographic Form. (Once you have saved your responses, your information is securely stored in the UT database.)

5. In order to save your demographic record, you MUST provide an ID number and type, first and last name, address, and date of birth.

6. If you do not have an ID number (Social Security Number), leave the ID number box blank and select “I do not have ID Number/Type” from the drop-down menu after “ID Type”. (Click on the arrow next to “Select” to make the box “drop down” your choices.)

7. Answer questions 1-9 on the first page and then click the button. If you forgot to respond to any of the

questions, a message this is highlighted in yellow will appear at the top of the page, telling you which question you failed to answer. After responding to all of the questions, click Save & Continue. You will be taken to Page 2 of the Online Demographic form.

8. Note that questions 13, 14, 16, 17, and 19 can have more than one answer. Please click as many of the answers that apply to you. Also note that if none of the options in question 16 apply to you, you may leave that question blank. Check your answers to questions 10-19 on Page 2 and then click the Save and Continue button at the bottom of the page.

9. You are now on Page 3 of the demographic form. Question 20 can have more than one answer. Click all that apply to you.

10. Your test scores are confidential and secured at TEA. However, if you answer “Yes” to question 21, your employer, a school, or the military may call The Texas Education Agency (TEA) to verify your score results. If you choose “No”, you will have to provide written permission in order for TEA to release your test results to anyone other than directly to you.

11. Once you complete Page 3, click the Save button. You have now completed your Demographic Form. Once you have begun to complete your Online Demographic Form, you will only have 30 days in which to complete the form and select a Test Center. If you do not meet this timeline, your Demographic Form will be deleted.

ID Type

ID number

Select your Test Center


The next step is to select the Test Center where you would like to take your GED Tests:

12. If you are continuing after completing your Demographic Form, simply go to the bottom of the page (Page 3 of the form) and click the Select a Test Center button. If you are returning to the Online Demographic Homepage after previously saving your record, just click on the Select my Test Center button.

13. If you do not know the code of the Test Center where you wish to register, click on the Test Centers link on this page, which takes you to the TEA website. This opens a window that lists Texas GED Test Centers alphabetically, by city.

You will find the four-digit center number in red, next to the center name. Remember the code for the center you want, or write it down. Coastal Bend College’s Test Center code is 0200.

14. Once you have chosen a center, you may close this page by clicking on the red box or “x” in the upper corner. Now enter your Test Center’s four-digit code and click the Save Test Center Selection button. An e-mail will be sent to you, confirming your selection of a Test Center, and including the contact information for that center. Once you select a Test Center, you have 60 days to register at the center and begin testing. If you wait more than 60 days, your GED demographic record will be deleted. You will be sent an e-mail reminder 30 days after choosing a center, if you still have not tested.

15. Your Test Center selection is now saved. Once you have selected a Test Center, you have 60 days in which to register to take your first GED test. If you do not meet this timeline, your Demographic Form will be deleted.

You may return to the Demographic Form Homepage to make changes to your information at any time until you begin to take your GED tests. On the day of your first GED test(s), your GED Examiner will review and approve your online record before you will be allowed to take your exam(s). Once a GED Examiner has approved your demographic record, the only information you will be able to change online is your name and address. To check on scores before your record is officially in the UT system, you will have to contact your Test Center or TEA.


Parking Area

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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