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BEHC HANDBOOK?& CODE OF CONDUCTThat our children may "grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men."? Luke 2:52Please review this handbook to familiarize yourself with the policies of the Broward Enrichment Homeschool Classes (BEHC) program. BEHC classes meet on Wednesdays in Plantation.Mission StatementTo serve God by assisting families in our call to home educate our children.Philosophy of BEHCBEHC is not a school but instead a cooperative effort of families who desire to assist home educating parents in fulfilling their responsibility by locating and securing qualified independent instructors to enrich their home education program. We believe it is the responsibility of parents to train the minds of their own children to think rationally and Biblically, to discern truth, and to express thoughts clearly and persuasively. BEHC assists parents by providing the opportunity to join with other families and to offer the best possible educational experiences for their children. The parent ultimately remains the teacher. The BEHC instructor is a facilitator, instructing the student in class, while the parent oversees and leads the student during the week. BEHC also provides community for middle and high school aged students in an environment where they are encouraged to seek God first and to pursue academic excellence. behcdirectors@BEHC is a branch of the Broward Homeschool Parent Support Group (PSG)Commitments? BEHC Directors commit to:1. Seek to match available instructors and courses with the academic needs of students. Criteria for instructors will include educational experience, mastery of material, ability to teach, personal integrity and a love for the Lord. BEHC directors reserve the right to replace one instructor with another if the circumstances become necessary. 2. Attempt to maximize learning by maintaining a class size between 10 and 16 students per class depending on class structure.? Most classes cap at 12.3. Provide an active website and updates to inform BEHC families of all pertinent information and announcements.4. Serve as a liaison with our host facility.? BEHC Instructors commit to:1. Provide quality instruction in a Christian environment.2. Provide parents with course description, textbook list, class syllabus and schedules to specify expectations and assignments for each class.3. Provide parents with periodic progress reports for their records.4. Attempt to handle all difficulties and conflicts with integrity and in a Biblical manner according to the guidelines of Matthew 18:15-17.Parents commit to:1. Purchase books and materials and pay instructors in a timely manner at the beginning of the school year.2. Oversee their student’s BEHC classes to provide proper accountability, to ensure all assignments are completed on time with integrity and that their student is fully prepared to participate in class.? Some courses will require the parent to correct work at home.3. Communicate with BEHC instructors, to inform them of planned absences, and to make arrangements for missed lessons, or any changes or concerns about their student’s work.4. Make sure students arrive on time for classes (no earlier than 10 minutes prior to class) and are dressed appropriately (See Dress Policy).5. BEHC parents must pick up or supervise their students if the students have more than one free period between classes. Students may stay for 1 free period at BEHC if it is between two classes. 6. Pick up their children in a timely manner after classes.?Students are not permitted to be left alone at BEHC unless in class. (Lunch is not a class) 7. Stay informed via the internet.?BEHC email updates are sent out in bulk to all BEHC families and some junk mail or spam blockers will not allow this type of email to go into your mailbox. Please clear the behcdirectors@ address so you can receive important up to date information.? 8. Attempt to handle all difficulties and conflicts with integrity and in a Biblical manner according to the guidelines of Matthew 18:15-17. 9. Review with their children the BEHC Handbook and Code of Conduct and then sign and agree to abide by the policies set forth in at the beginning of each year.Students commit to:1. Abide by the rules of dress and conduct. (See Dress Policy and Code of Conduct).2. Come prepared for class and complete all assignments on time. Students who fall significantly behind on assignments without legitimate reason, in the judgment of the instructor and the BEHC Board, will be dismissed from class with no refund.3. Participate in class without being a distraction to the instructor or other students in class.? There are absolutely no cell phones allowed to be used in class.? This includes text messaging, phone calls, and internet use. Instructors will have the right to take the cell phone away until the end of class.4. Be in their seats and prepared for class at the start of the class period. Students are expected to go to the restroom during the breaks between classes and not during the classes.5. Attempt to handle all difficulties and conflicts with integrity and in a Biblical manner according to the guidelines of Matthew 18:15-17.6. Read and agree to abide by the BEHC Handbook and Code of Conduct by signing the BEHC registration form.? 7. Treat all instructors, directors and volunteers with respect and honor.?Student Conduct and BehaviorWe assume that parents will provide sufficient oversight to ensure their students conduct themselves honorably and adhere to the Code of Conduct while they are at BEHC.? We expect students to exemplify excellence in their personal behavior, conducting themselves in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord. Philippians 1:27 "Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ."BEHC is designed to provide instruction to self-disciplined young men and women. Because BEHC relies on concentrated classes and considerable student preparation outside of class, students who lack the self-discipline necessary will find success difficult and are advised to seek other home school options. Students must be prepared, attentive, and free from distraction to benefit from this type of educational opportunity. All students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with Biblical standards and in a manner which will not be distracting to other students. Any student who does not abide by BEHC’s standard of conduct and behavior may be dismissed from BEHC at the discretion of the BEHC directors with no refund.???? ?????????????????????????????????? DRESS POLICYRecognizing that different people have different standards of modesty, students must proactively take a conservative approach that reasonably avoids offense to anyone.? In Young Men: Out of respect for classmates and instructors, young men may not wear shirts that display messages or symbols that are profane, promote alcohol, drugs or sexual immodesty. No tank tops or muscle shirts. Waistline of pants must be worn above the hips, so that underwear or shorts are not visible at the waist.In Young Women: Out of respect for classmates and instructors, young ladies may not wear short shorts or short skirts; shorts and skirts must be mid thigh or longer in length. No tight shirts or revealing blouses; no bare midriffs; no tank tops, no spaghetti straps unless worn underneath a sleeved shirt; no shirts with profane or inappropriate messages or symbols. Waistline of pants may not be worn below the hips showing underwear or midriff; legging are only allowed if worn with a shirt that is mid-thigh in length.Students who arrive at BEHC dressed inappropriately (in the judgment of any BEHC instructor or director) will be sent home.Use of the BuildingWe are thankful for the use of the classrooms. BEHC registration fees are used to defray some of the church’s expenses in hosting BEHC.? The church has ministry functions throughout the week and an active church office.? The halls must be kept clear and quiet, and no students should be in the church office, sanctuary or foyer at any time. Students and parents are expected to abide by the rules established by the church.? BEHC students are not permitted to use the parking lot or church property for basketball, football, etc.?Students are to remain inside the building unless leaving for the day.Eating and LunchStudents are only permitted to stay during lunch if they have a class prior to the lunch period and a class in the afternoon.????? Students may eat in the designated eating areas only.? No student is to consume food or drink anywhere else in the building.? Students must respect church property and strive to keep the area clean by picking up after themselves immediately.? We prefer that students stay on campus for lunch.?? PartnershipThe goal of BEHC is to help students grow academically, socially, and through service.?Each week we set up the chairs and tables for classes and then tear down the rooms and fellowship hall for church service that evening.??If a student is asked to help in any way at BEHC by someone in authority, he/she is expected to do so willingly and with a cheerful heart. Disrespect is not acceptable.Victory Life Church has graciously provided BEHC with a weekly meeting location. ?It is our privilege to call it home for our program. ?Twice a year, BEHC hosts a work day at VLC as our way of saying thank you for the privilege of using the facilities. ?Students are expected to serve on these days. We encourage family members to come and work alongside of them. Failure to participate will hinder the student's ability to re-register the following year.BEHC CODE OF CONDUCTBEHC is intended to provide instruction to self-disciplined young men and women. Students must be prepared, attentive, and free from distraction to benefit from this type of educational opportunity. All students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with Biblical standards and in a manner which will not be distracting to other students.Students will act in such a way that their words and actions promote the unity and encouragement of fellow BEHC students.Students violating personal or academic integrity (plagiarism or cheating) may be dismissed from BEHC with no refund.All cell phones must be turned off during class and may only be used during breaks if absolutely necessary.? Students will avoid acting in such a way that is considered disruptive, distracting, disrespectful, offensive, immoral, intimidating, flirtatious, or rude.Students will avoid gossiping to or about others.Poor attitude is grounds for dismissal without refund.Students must dress modestly adhering to the Dress Policy set forth in the BEHC handbook. Students who arrive at BEHC dressed inappropriately (in the judgment of any BEHC instructor or director) will be sent home.Students must be in their seats and prepared at the start of the class period. They may not wait for other students or for their instructor to call them to class. The church has ministry functions throughout the week and an active church office. Students may not go into any part of the building, other than the classroom area. Students must respect the church property.Students must respect the property of others by not touching anything that does not belong to them unless they have permission.The halls must be kept clear and quiet. Students may not run in the building.Students may eat in the designated eating areas only.Students must pick up after themselves immediately. All trash must be thrown away and all belongings cleaned up and removed before an area is left. If leaving campus, students cannot take any other student with them in their vehicle, unless the BEHC Directors/Monitors have been given consent by the student’s parents.Students may not bring pocket knives or any other object that could be used as a weapon.Any damage caused by a student to the building, tables, or other church property is the financial responsibility of that student and his/her family.Parents are responsible for their own children’s behavior to ensure they are acting in accordance with the BEHC Code of Conduct and all BEHC policies. The BEHC director is not a principal. Any student who does not abide by the BEHC Code of Conduct and all policies set forth by BEHC may be dismissed without refund.Please review this BEHC Handbook and Code of Conduct to familiarize yourself with the policies of the Broward Enrichment Homeschool Classes program. BEHC classes meet on Wednesdays in Plantation, Florida. “Prepare Your Minds for Action.” I Peter 1:13?? ................

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