ASSIGNMENTWrite a multiparagraph explanatory essay explaining how people can improve their lives through observing and interacting with animals. In your essay, give examples from your own life, from texts you have studied in this unit, from your independent reading, or from society that help support your explanation. In your paper you MUST include:A HOOKThesis StatementA topic sentence for each paragraph in the bodyCite evidence and use supporting detailsA conclusive paragraphPLEASE USE THESE SENTENCE STARTERS FOR YOUR PARAGRAPHSTransition Words CITE EVIDENCEBecause For example, For instance, The author states According to the text, On page ____, it reads From the reading, I know that Based on what I read,CONCLUSIONFinally, As a result, To conclude, In conclusion, Therefore, All in All, Lastly, To sum up, BecauseCOMMENTARYThis shows that This reminds me of I can relate to this because I feel that I agree with this because I disagree with this becauseThe Rubric shows you what you will be graded on. Please refer to it as a checklist before submitting your final copy. It is on the back of this sheet.Scoring GuideScoring CriteriaExemplaryProficientEmergingIncompleteIdeasThe essayresponds to the prompt with a clearly focused and well-sustained main idea integrates relevant evidence from various sources (e.g., literature, nonfiction, personal experience, research) with detail and commentary.The essayresponds to the prompt with a focused and sustained main idea integrates evidence from multiple sources (e.g., literature, nonfiction, personal experience, research) with commentary.The essayresponds to the prompt with an unfocused or inconsistently sustained main idea uses irrelevant or insufficient evidence; may lack multiple sources or provide weak commentary.The essaydoes not respond to the prompt; response is vague or confusing uses minimal evidence and commentary.StructureThe essayintroduces the main idea in an engaging hook and clear thesis uses an effective multiparagraph organizational structure uses a variety of transitions and topic sentences to create coherence and integrate ideas provides an insightful conclusion.The essayintroduces the main idea with a hook and thesis uses an appropriate multiparagraph organizational structure uses transitions and topic sentences to create coherence provides a conclusion that connects to larger ideas.The essayintroduces the main idea with a weak hook or thesis uses a flawed or inconsistent organizational structure uses transitions and topic sentences ineffectively or inconsistently provides a weak, illogical, or repetitive conclusion.The essaydoes not include an introduction has little or no obvious organizational structure uses few or no transitions and topic sentences lacks a conclusion.Use of LanguageThe essayuses precise and accurate diction to illustrate the topic demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage (including parallel structure, commas in a series, and semicolons).The essayuses diction that is appropriate to the topic and purpose demonstrates adequate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage (including parallel structure, commas in a series, and semicolons).The essayuses basic diction inappropriate to the topic or purpose demonstrates partial or inconsistent command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage (including parallel structure, commas in a series, and semicolons).The essayuses diction that is vague or confusing lacks command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage; frequent errors obscure ments: ................

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