Vocabulary Instructions

Own Your Learning: Independent Vocabulary Study—Logs

Objective: To understand that vocabulary enrichment, and building a better vocabulary, is best achieved through reading and listening.

Read, and read critically. Empirical studies indicate that reading is the best way to improve vocabulary—the 2nd being the study of Greek and Latin roots. The more you read—particularly challenging reading more than recreational reading—the broader your vocabulary. The purpose for keeping these logs is to understand this concept. While you might read a complicated piece of writing and understand its basic content, knowing all that unfamiliar vocabulary would have enriched your understanding, and hence, the more nuanced tone and message. So—read.

The intent here is not to memorize the word, but rather, familiarize you with the word, its connotations, and its use proper use in context. Your sentences should reflect this level of understanding.

General Directions:

• Your log should always be on your desk during class, unless otherwise instructed

• Eight logs per semester, 10 words each

• Keeping the logs and tracking due dates is YOUR responsibility

Log Directions:

• All words should be logged on the provided forms

o Four verbs, three nouns and three adjectives

• Two parts of speech, or another form of the word, must be provided, when applicable (I recommend you use an online dictionary for this; plurals and tenses are not parts of speech)

• Neatly hand-written

• No more than five words from any one source, unless otherwise instructed

• Use common sense: log words you want to know, and think you might use—do not log esoteric or archaic language, terminology or specialized language

Assessment (20 points per log, practice):

Log Assessment is holistic:

SCORING: You had points deducted for the following reasons:

18-20: Great Job _____ Incomplete: All boxes must be completed

16-17: Adequate Job _____Second parts of speech are weak, incorrect, or missing

14-15: Needs Work _____Sources are weak, or not varied enough

12-13: Inadequate _____Some words are unsuitable for practical, academic or daily use

_____Be neat—is your writing legible?


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