|1 |Parnell, B., Lie, G., Hernandez, J.J and Robins, C. (1996). Development and the HIV Epidemic: A forward-looking evaluation of the approach of the UNDP HIV and Development Programme. |

|2 |UNAIDS (1999). Prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child: Strategic Options, Geneva. |

|3 |UNAIDS (2000). Men and AIDS – a gendered approach. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. |

|4 |UNAIDS (2000). Objectives and ideas for action: 2000 World AIDS Campaign. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. |

|5 |UNAIDS (2000). Report on the global HIV/AIDS Epidemic. |

|6 |UNHCR (2003).  “HIV/AIDS and STI prevention and care in Rwandan refugee camps in the United Republic of Tanzania”, Geneva, Switzerland. |

|7 |WHO (2002). Partnership work: the health service-community interface for the prevention, care and treatment of HIV/AIDS. 5-6 December, Geneva, Switzerland. |

|8 |WHO (2002). Regional consultation on reducing risk and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Cairo. |

|9 |WHO (2003). HIV/AIDS Epidemiological surveillance update for the WHO African Region 2002. Harare, Zimbabwe, WHO, Regional Office for Africa, Sep. xi, 56 p. |

|10 |WHO (2004). Evidence for Action: Effectiveness of community –based outreach in preventing HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users. Geneva. |

|11 |National AIDS Programme (2007). HIV/AIDS Surveillance in Cyprus: Data from 1986 until the end of December 2006. Epidemiological Report, 1, 1-26. Εθνικό Πρόγραμμα AIDS (2007). Επιτήρηση HIV/AIDS |

| |στην Κύπρο: Στοιχεία από το 1986 μέχρι τέλος Δεκεμβρίου 2006. Eπιδημιολογικό δελτίο, 1, 1-26. |

|12 |ENDIPP (2005). Anonymous Survey on Infectious Diseases and Related Risk Behaviour among Armenian Prisoners and on Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour of Armenian Prison Staff towards Infectious |

| |Diseases and Drugs. July, Bonn. |

| | |

|13 |Παπαντωνίου, Λ., Νούσκα, Α. Δημητρίου, Π και συν. (2007). Αξιολόγηση αγωγής με πυρήνες επιμόρφωσης για το ΗΙV/AIDS σε μαθητές πρώτης λυκείου: 2006-2007. Υπουργείο Υγείας Κύπρου. |

|14 |Φελλάς, Κ. (2007). Ψυχολογικές και κοινωνικές ανάγκες ατόμων με ΗΙV/AIDS. Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας (Διαφάνειες Παρουσίασης). |

|15 |Living with HIV in Eastern Europe and the CIS: The Human Cost of Social Exclusion. UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre. |

|16 |How UNODC deals with HIV and AIDS. UNODC. |

|17 |Guidelines for testing HIV, viral hepatitis and other infections in injecting drug users. A manual for provider-initiated medical examination, testing and counseling. EMCDDA |

|18 |Επιδημιολογική επιτήρηση HIV/AIDS στην Κύπρο – Στοιχεία από 1986-2010- Υπουργείο Υγείας |

|19 |HIV/AIDS programme /WHO, UNODC, UNAIDS TECHNICAL GUDE, for countries to set targets for universal access to HIV prevention, treatment and care for injecting drug users |

|20 |HIV and AIDS in places of detention / A toolkit for policymakers, programme managers, prison officers and health care providers in prison settings – WHO – UNAIDS |

|21 |Training manual for law enforcement officials on HIV service provision for people who inject drugs – UNODC |

|22 |Μελέτη για γνώσεις, αντιλήψεις και συμπεριφορά σε σχέση με το AIDS, το ΣΕΞ, τα σεξουαλικώς μεταδιδόμενα νοσήματα και τη χρήση ουσιών σε εθνοφρουρούς που υπηρετούν το δεύτερο έτος της θητείας τους|

| |– Συνεργασία Υπουργείου Υγείας και Υπουργείου Άμυνας, Λώρα Παπαντωνίου Ανώτερη Ιατρική Λειτουργός |


|1 |CRP_ CES Point Focal OEDT (2007). Hepatites virales A, B,C et du HIV-French. Series De Recherche, 5. |

|2 |Demetriou, V.L, van de Vijner, D.A., Cyprus HCV Network, Kostrikis, L.G (2009). Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis C infection in Cyprus: Evidence of polyphyletic infection. Journal of Medical|

| |Virology, 81(2): 238-248. |

|3 |Turkington, C. (1998). Hepatitis C: The silent epidemic. Contemporary Books |

|4 |Hepatitis C among drug users in Europe (epidemiology, treatment and prevention) (EMCDDA) |


|1 |Carra, G. & Clerici, M. (2003). Dual diagnosis: Filling the gap. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris. |

|2 |Council of Europe (2000). Attention deficit / hyperkinetic disorders: Their diagnosis and treatment with stimulants. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|3 |ECCAS (2006). Comorbidity: Perspectives Across Europe. Monograph Series 4, ECCAS Publications. |

|4 |Ortman, D. (2001). The Dual Diagnosis Recovery Sourcebook: A physical, mental, and spiritual approach to addiction with an emotional disorder. Contemporary Books. |

|5 |Rassool, G. (2002). Dual Diagnosis – Substance Misuse and Psychiatric Disorders. Blackwell. |

|6 |Advances in dual diagnosis –policy, practice and research in mental health and substance use –Themed issue Motivational interviewing (Emerald, Volume 6, Number 3, 2013) |

|7 |Comorbidity of substance use and mental disorders in Europe (EMCDDA Insights ) |



|1 |Council of Europe (1998). Drug misusing offenders and the criminal justice system. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|2 |Council of Europe (1998). Drug misusing offenders in prison and after release. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|3 |Council of Europe (2002). Prisons, drugs and society. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|4 |EMCDDA (2004). Drug-using offenders in the EU 2000-2004. EMCDDA Publications, Contribution to the evaluation of the EU Action Plan on Drugs (2000-2004). |

|5 |UN, (2008). HIV and AIDS in places of detention. A toolkit for policymakers, programme managers, prison officers and health care providers in prison settings. United Nations Office on Drugs and |

| |Crime. |

|6 |Status Paper on Prisons, Drugs and Harm Reduction. World Health Organization. |

|7 |Effectiveness of Interventions to Manage HIV in Prisons – HIV care, treatment and support. WHO, UNAIDS, UNODC. |

|8 |Handbook of basic principles and promising practices on Alternatives to Imprisonment. Criminal Justice Handbook Series. UNODC. |

|9 |HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Treatment and Support in Prison Settings. A Framework for an Effective National Response. WHO, UNAIDS, UNODC. |

|10 |Duke, K. (2003). Drugs, Prisons and Policy-Making. Palgrave. |

|11 |McSweeney, T., Herrington, V., Hough, M., Turnbull, P., Parsons, J. (2004). From dependency to work. Addressing the multiple needs of offenders with drug problems. Policypress. |

|12 |Effectiveness of Interventions to Manage HIV in Prisons – Opioid substitution therapies and other drug dependence treatment. WHO, UNAIDS, UNODS. |

|13 |Prisons, drugs and society. A consensus Statement on Principles, Policies and Practices. WHO. |

|14 |Prosecution of drug users in Europe. EMCDDA. |

|15 |Stover, H., MacDonald, M., Atherton. Harm Reduction in European Prisons – A Compilation of Models of Best Practice. BIS. |

|16 |Muscat, R. (2000). Drug use in prison. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|17 |Pompidou Group. Drug-misusing offenders in prisons and after release. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|18 |Effectiveness of Interventions to Manage HIV in Prisons – Needle and syringe programmes and bleach and decontamination strategies. WHO, UNAIDS, UNODC. |

|19 |Pompidou Group, (2002). Prisons, drugs and society. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|20 |Health in prisons – A WHO guide to the essentials in prison health. WHO. |

|21 |Interventions to address HIV in prisons, HIV care, treatment and support. WHO, UNAIDS, UNODC. |

|22 |Handbook of basic principles and promising practices on Alternatives to Imprisonment. UNODC. |

|23 |UNODC (2009). HIV testing and counseling in prisons and other closed settings. United Nations. |

|24 |Gideon, L. (2010). Substance Abusing Inmates – Experiences of Recovering Drug Addicts on their Way Back Home. Springer. |

|25 |WHO-Health in prisons- A Who guide to the essentials in prison health |

|26 |Guidelines for the psychosocially assisted pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence |

|27 |UNODC-HIV in prisons – Situation and needs assessment toolkit-advance copy |

|28 |WHO- Prevention of acute drug-related mortality in prison populations during the immediate post-release period |

|29 |Centre on Evidence-based interventions for crime and addiction-Implementing evidence-based drug treatment in criminal justice settings: Final conference report-May 2007 |

|30 |WHO-The Madrid recommendation: Health |

|31 |United nations –Gender in the criminal justice system assessment tool –criminal justice assessment toolkit |

|32 |UNODC-Drug dependence treatment :interventions for drug users in prison |

|33 |Home Office –Differential substance misuse treatment needs of women, ethnic minorities and young offenders in prison: prevalence of substance misuse and treatment needs |

|34 |Australian Institute of health and welfare – The health of Australia’s prisoners 2009 |

|35 |Professor Lord Patel of Bradford obe-The Patel report –prison drug treatment strategy review group-Reducing drug-related crime and rehabilitating offenders /Recovery and rehabilitation for drug |

| |users in prison and on release: recommendations for action |

|36 |Home office- The impact of mandatory drug testing in prisons |

|37 |Μental health and addiction in prisons, written contributions to the international conference on mental health and addiction in prisons (27-28 February 2013, Bucharest) (Pompidou Group, Council |

| |of Europe0 |

|38 |Prisons and health (WHO) |

|39 |Prevention of acute drug-related mortality in prison populations during the immediate prost-release period (WHO) |

|40 |General for Health and Consumers – Final Report on Prevention, Treatment, and Harm Reduction Services in Prison, in Reintegration Services on Release from Prison and Methods to Monitor/Analyse |

| |Drug use among Prisoners – April 2008 |

|41 |The Patel Report – Prison Drug Treatment Strategy Review Group |

|42 |United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – A Toolkit for policymakers, programme managers, prison officers and health care providers in prison settings |

|43 |THE PATEL REPORT – Prison Drug Treatment Strategy Review Group – A report by professor Lord Patel of Bradford Obe Chair of the Prison Drug Treatment Strategy Review Group |

|44 |General for Health and Consumers – Final Report on Prevention, Treatment, and Harm Reduction Services in Prison, on Reintegration Services on Release from Prison and Methods to Monitor/Analyse |

| |Drug use among Prisoners / April 2008 |

|45 |WHO – Prisons, Drugs and Society – WHO (EUROPE) Health in prisons project and the Pompidou Group |

| |of the Council of Europe |

|46 |WHO – Prevention of acute drug-related mortality in prison populations during the immediate prost-release period |

|47 |Harm Reduction in European Prisons – A Compilation of Models of Best Practice – European Network on Drugs and Infections Prevention in Prison (ENDIPP) |

|48 |WHO – Health in prisons – A WHO guide to the essentials in prison health |

|49 |Drugs and imprisonment (PENAL REFORM) |

|50 |Global prison trends 2015 |



|1 |Abramson, J.H. & Abramson, Z.H. (2001). Making sense of data: A self-Instruction Manual on the Interpretation of Epidemiological Data. Oxford University Press. |

|2 |Cohen, A. (2000). A Quite to Clinical Drug Research. Springer. |

|3 |Committee on Opportunities in Drug Abuse Research (1996). Pathways of addiction: Opportunities in drug abuse research. Washington, National Academy Press. |

|4 |Council of Europe (2004). Connecting research, policy and practice-lessons learned , challenges ahead –proceedings. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|5 |Cramer, D. (2003). Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis (Understanding Social Research). Open University Press. |

|6 |Creswell, J.W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Sage Publications, second edition. |

|7 |EMCDDA (2008). National drug-related research in Europe. Selected Issue. |

|8 |Foster, J., Barkus, E. & Yavorsky, C. (2006). Understanding and Using Advanced Statistics. Sage Publications. |

|9 |Fowler, F. & Floyd, J. (2008). Survey Research Methods. Sage Publications. |

|10 |Gomm, R (2004). Social research methodology: A Critical Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan. |

|11 |Hartnoll, R. (2004). Drugs and drug dependence: linking research, policy and practice. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|12 |Johnston, G.L. (2008). Behavioral surveillance: Introduction to Respondent Driven Sampling. |

|13 |Last, J.M. (2001). A Dictionary of Epidemiology. Oxfort University Press. |

|14 |OFDT (2003). Emerging drug phenomena: A European manual of the Early Information Function for Emerging Drug Phenomena. OFDT |

|15 |Rothman, K.J (2002). Epidemiology: An introduction. Oxfort University Press. |

|16 |Λυδάκη, Α. (2001). Ποιοτικές Μέθοδοι της Κοινωνικής Έρευνας. Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη. |

|17 |Χαραλάμπους, Δ. (2006). Μεθοδολογία δειγματοληψίας: Τεχνικές και Εφαρμογές. Αίθρα. |

|18 |Guidelines for collecting data on retail drug prices in Europe: issues and challenges. EMCDDA |

|19 |Aileen O’Gorman, Gary R. Potter, Jane Fountain (Eds.) – Evidence in European social drug research and drug policy. Pompidou Group |


|1 |COG (1995). Mental and Substance Use Disorders: The treatment of dual diagnosis. The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. |

|2 |Connors, G.J, Donovan, D.M. & Diclemente, C.C (2004). Substance abuse treatment and the stages of change. The Guilford Press, 1st Edition. |

|3 |Council of Europe (2000).Vocational rehabilitation for drug users in Europe. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|4 |Council of Europe (2006). Drug Treatment Demand Data: Influence on Policy and Practice. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|5 |Council of Europe (2006). Young people and drugs: Care and treatment. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|6 |DHHS (1997). Substance abuse treatment and domestic violence. DHHS Publications. |

|7 |DHHS (1999). Brief interventions and brief therapies for substance abuse. DHHS Publications. |

|8 |DHHS (1999). Enhancing motivation for change in substance abuse treatment. DHHS Publications. |

|9 |EMCDDA (2003). Social reintegration in the EU and Norway. |

|10 |Gowing, L., Proudfoot, H., Henry-Edwards, S. & Teesson, M. (2001). Evidence supporting treatment: The effectiveness of interventions for illicit drug use. Australian National Council on Drugs, |

| |35-38. |

|11 |KETHEA (1995). Europe in Transition. T.C in Transition: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference “Europe against drug abuse”. Kethea Publications. |

|12 |UNODC (2006). Guidance for the measurement of drug treatment demand. United Nations. |

|13 |WHO (2009). Guidelines for the phychosocially assisted pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence. Nonserial Publication. |

|14 |Muscat, R. & Pompidou Group (2008). Treatment Systems Overview. Council of Europe. |

|15 |WHO (2000). International guidelines for the evaluation of treatment services and systems for psychoactive substance use disorders. |

|16 |ΕΚΤΕΠΝ (2000). Οδηγός υπηρεσιών πρόληψης και θεραπείας των ουσιοεξαρτήσεων. Αθήνα, ΕΚΤΕΠΝ. |

|17 |We bring live treatment to you. A treatment Portal Online. eGetgoing. |

|18 |UN (2008). Discussion Paper – Principles of Drug Dependence Treatment. United Nations. Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|19 |Πουλόπουλος, Χ. (2005). ΕΞΑΡΤΗΣΕΙΣ – Οι θεραπευτικές κοινότητες. Ελληνικά γράμματα. |

|20 |Velasquez, M., Maurer, G., Crouch, C., DiClemente, C. (2008). Ομαδική θεραπεία για κατάχρηση ουσιών. Ερευνητές. Ο άνθρωπος και ο κόσμος του – ΚΕΘΕΑ. |

|21 |Marlatt, G., Donovan, D. (2008). Προλαμβάνοντας την υποτροπή – Στρατηγικές συνέχισης στη θεραπεία των εξαρτητικών συμπεριφορών. Ερευνητές. Ο άνθρωπος και ο κόσμος του – ΚΕΘΕΑ. |

|22 |Γεωργάκας, Π. (2007). Εξάρτηση, Μια ατομική επιλογή – Απεξάρτηση, Μια συλλογική διαδικασία. Επίκεντρο. |

|23 |Ανδριάκαινα, Ε. (2005). Παιζόντας με τα όρια – Θεραπευτικές Κοινότητες και χρήστες ναρκωτικών. Βιβλιόραμα. |

|24 |EMCDDA (2009). Internet-based drug treatment interventions. Best practice and applications in EU Member States. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|25 |Council of Europe (2000). Development and testing of an exit from treatment form for clients in drug abuse treatment. Council of Europe publishing. |

|26 |Council of Europe (2000). Attention deficit / Hyperkinetic disorders: their diagnosis and treatment with stimulants. Council of Europe publishing. |

|27 |The Scottish Office Department of Health, Welsh Office. Department of Health and Social Services, Northern Ireland (1999). Drug Misuse and Dependence – Guidelines on Clinical Management. The |

| |Stationery Office. |

|28 |Pompidou Group (2009). Treatment Systems Overview – Pompidou Group Treatment Platform. Council of Europe. |

|29 |Council of Europe (2001). Contribution to the sensible use of benzodiazepines. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|30 |DHHS (2001). A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Individuals. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (SMA) 01-3498 |

|31 |Human Rights Watch, (2009). “Please, do not make us suffer any more…”. Access to Pain Treatment as a Human Right. |

|32 |Seivewright, N. (2000). Community Treatment of drug misuse. More than methadone. Cambridge University Press. |

|33 |Wanigaratne, S., Wallace, W., Pullin, J., Keaney, F., Farmer, R. (1990). Relapse Prevention for Addictive Behaviours. A manual for therapists. Blackwell Publishing. |

|34 |Miller, W., Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational Interviewing. Preparing people for change. The Guilford Press. |

|35 |Centro Espanol de Solidaridad Proyecto Hombre Madrid |

|36 |Guidance for the measurement of drug treatment demand |

|37 |UNODC (2003). Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation – A Practical Planning and Implementation Guide. U.N. Publications |

|38 |UNODC (2002). Contemporary Drug Abuse Treatment – A Review of the Evidence Base. United Nations. |

|39 |UNODC (2003). Investing in Drug Abuse Treatment – A Discussion Paper for Policy Makers. United Nations. |

|40 |UNODC (2009). International Collaborative Exercises – Drug Analysis. |

|41 |UNODC-WHO Joint Programme on drug dependence treatment and care. UNODC |

|42 |Yates, R., Malloch, M. (2010). Tackling Addiction – Pathways to Recovery. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. |

|43 |Richard Muscat and Pompidou Group. Treatment systems overview. Council of Europe |

|44 |Bellerose, D., Lyons, S., Carew A.M., Walsh, S., Long, J. (2010). Problem benzodiazepine use in Ireland: treatment (2003 to 2008) and deaths (1998 to 2007). Health Research Board. |

|45 |Treatment Systems Overview in South Eastern Europe. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|46 |Narcotics Anonymous-Sixth Edition |

|47 |Treatment demand indicator (TDI)-Standard protocol 3.0 – Guidelines for reporting data on people entering drug treatment in European countries - EMCCDA |

|48 |Narcotics Anonymous (Fifth edition)NAWS, Inc |

|49 |The narcotics anonymous step working guides |

|50 |Therapeutic communities for treating addictions in Europe – Evidence, current practices and future challenges – 15 - EMCDDA |

|51 |Report by the expert group on road traffic safety and substitution treatment (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|52 |Therapeutic communities –The international journal of therapeutic communities |

|53 |Treatment of cannabis-related disorders in Europe –insights -17 (EMCDDA) |

|54 |Substance abuse:clinical issues in intensive outpatient treatment –a treatment improvement protocol TIP 47 |

|55 |Health and Consumer Protection / General - Drug policy and harm reduction |

|56 |Health and Consumer Protection / General – Report on WP 2 – Overview of types, characteristics, level of provision and utilization of drug treatment services in the European Member States and |

| |Norway – February 2008 |

|57 |Health and Consumer Protection / General – Report WP 3 – Inventory of status quo and models of transfer of drug treatment know-how and good practices – February 2008 |

|58 |Evaluation of the Cyprus non-governmental drug treatment services and prevention programmes / Quality standards and recommendations – November 2008 |

|59 |Health and Consumer Protection / Directorate-General – Report on WP 2 – Overview of types, characteristics, level of provision and utilization of drug treatment services in the European Member |

| |States and Norway – February 2008 |

|60 |Health and Consumer Protection / Directorate – General / Report – Quality of treatment services in Europe – drug treatment situation and exchange of good practice – February 2008 |

|61 |EMCDDA Manuals – Guidelines for the evaluation of treatment in the field of problem drug use |

|62 |Health and Consumer Protection / Directorate-General – Drug policy and harm reduction – Report WP 3 – Inventory of status quo and models of transfer of drug treatment know-low and good practices |

| |– February 2008 |

|63 |EMCDDA Insights. Comorbidity of substance use and mental disorders in Europe. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction |

|64 |Evaluation and Recommendation Report – For the improvement of current and the introduction of new drug services in Cyprus – October 2007 – Twining Project: CY/2005/IB/OT/01-TL |

|65 |Drug treatment demand data / Influence on policy and practice (Pompidou Group) |

|66 |Treatment systems overview (Pompidou Group) |

|67 |Treatment Systems Overview (Pompidou Group Treatment Platform) |

|68 |Guidance for the measurement of drug treatment demand 8 |

|69 |Improving the management of violence experienced by women who use psychoactive substances (Pompidou Group / Council of Europe) |

|70 |Drug treatment expenditure:a methodological overview (EMCDDA) |



|1 |Council of Europe (1997). Pregnancy and Drug misuse. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|2 |Council of Europe (2000). Pregnancy and Drug misuse. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|3 |Council of Europe (1998). Pregnancy and Drug misuse. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|4 |Council of Europe (1995). Women and drugs. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|5 |Council of Europe (1997). Special needs of children of drug misusers – Consultants’ final report. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|6 |Council of Europe (1997). Women and drugs – Focus on prevention. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|7 |Council of Europe (2000). Pregnancy and drug misuse – Update 2000. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|8 |Council of Europe (2000). Problem drug use by women – Focus on community-based interventions. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|9 |The Gender dimension of non-medical use of prescription drugs in Europe and the Mediterranean Region (Pompidou Group) |



|1 |Croft, J. (2000). Drugs and the legalization debate. The Rosen Publishing Group, New York. |

|2 |Gottfried, T. (2000). Should drugs be legalized? Twenty-First Century Books Brookfield, Connecticut. |

|3 |Husak, D. & de Marneffe, D. (2005). The legalization of drugs. Cambridge University Press. |

|4 |Lawler, J. (1999). Drug Legalization: A Pro/Con Issue. Enslow Publishers. |

|5 |Loonin, M. (2006). Legalizing drugs. Thomson Gale. |

|6 |Barbour, S. Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Reference Point Press |

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|1 |Healy, D. (2005). Psychiatric Drugs Explained. Elsevier Limited. |

|2 |Muscat, R. (2006). Biomedical research in the drugs field: Current themes, new methodologies, developments and considerations. Council of Europe Publishing. |


|1 |Gibbon, C.T & Morris, L.L (1987). How to design a program evaluation. Sage Publications. |

|2 |Herman, J.L., Morris, L.L & Gibbon, C.T (1987). Evaluator’s handbook. Sage Publications. |

|3 |Stecher, B.M. & Davis, W.A (1987). How to focus an evaluation. Sage Publications. |

|4 |EMCDDA. (1998). Guidelines for the evaluation of drug prevention. A manual for programme-planners and evaluators. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|5 |EMCDDA. (2001). Guidelines for the evaluation of outreach work. A manual for outreach practitioners. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|6 |The Final Evaluation of the EU Drugs Action Plan 2005-2008. European Commission. |

|7 |Trautmann, F., Rode, N., Gageldonk, A., Gouwe, D., Croes, E., Zidar, R., Stover, H., Gasparic, M., Juricic, N. (2007). Evaluation of substitution maintenance treatment in Slovenia – assessing |

| |quality and efficiency. Trimbos Institute – Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction. Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana. |

|8 |U.N. (2007). Evaluation of UNODC support mechanisms for technical cooperation – Independent Evaluation Unit. Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|9 |U.N. (2008). The use of evaluation in UNODC: Learning and improving through evaluative thinking – Independent Evaluation Unit. Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|10 |U.N. (2008). Annual Evaluation report: Covering activities from April 2007 to March 2008 - Independent Evaluation Unit. Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|11 |Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (1998). A Guide for Evaluating Prevention Effectiveness. Department of Health and Human Services. 98-3237. |

|12 |EMCDDA (1998). Evaluating Drug Prevention in the European Union. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|13 |EMCDDA (1999). Evaluating the Treatment of Drug Abuse in the European Union. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|14 |EMCDDA (2000). Evaluation: a key tool for improving drug prevention. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|15 |Global Assessment Programme on Drug Abuse, EMCDDA (2006). Guidance for the measurement of drug treatment demand. Publications Office. |

|16 |Hamburg University (2007). Evaluation and Recommendation Report. For the improvement of current and the introduction of new drug services in Cyprus. Twinning Project: CY/2005/IB/OT/01-TL. |

|17 |EΜCDDA- Guidelines for the evaluation of drug prevention – a manual for programme planners and evaluators – second edition |

|18 |Έκθεση ολοκλήρωσης – παροχή υπηρεσιών για διεξαγωγή έρευνας με θέμα «Αξιολόγηση εθνικής στρατηγικής για τα ναρκωτικά 2009-2012» , Δρ. Παναγιώτης Σταυρινίδης, Δρ. Αντώνης Έλληνας-Cymar Market |

| |Research Ltd |

|19 |Evaluation of the Cyprus non-governmental drug treatment services and prevention programmes – Quality standards and recommendations |

|20 |Evaluation and Recommendation Report – October 2007 |



|1 |Council of Europe (2004). Connecting research, policy and practice-lessons learne , challenges ahead –proceedings. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|2 |Davies, J.B (2006). The Myth of Addiction. Routledge. |

|3 |Doweiko, H.E (2006). Concepts of Chemical Dependency. Thomson, Brooks Cole (6th Edition). |

|4 |Edwards, G. (2004). Matters of substances. Penguin Books. |

|5 |Fountain, J. & Korf, D.J (2007). Drugs in society: European perspectives Oxford, New York, Radcliffe Publishing. |

|6 |Goldberg, R. (2006). Taking Sites. Contemporary Learning Series. |

|7 |Mirman, H.M. (2005). Issues in Drug Abuse. Thomson Gale. |

|8 |Negreiros, J. (2006). Psychological drug research: Current themes and future developments. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|9 |Plant, S. (1999).Writing on drugs. Faber & Faber. |

|10 |Βερβερίδης, Α. (1999) Τοξικοεξάρτηση και προσωπικότητα. Ελληνικά Γράμματα [μετάφ. από: Toxicomanie et Personnalite, Jean Bergeret (1982)]. |

|11 |Γεωργάκας, Π. (2002) Εξαρτήσεις: Η έκφραση μιας κοινωνικής, οικογενειακής και ατομικής δυσλειτουργίας. Β` Έκδοση, Παρατηρητής. |

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|12 |Νικολάου, Ν. (2004). Μαρξισμός και βιολογία: Ναρκωτικά. Σύγχρονη εποχή. |

|13 |Τσιάντης, Γ. (2008). Η μεταφυσική των ναρκωτικών: Δοκίμιο Εφαρμοσμένης Ηθικής. Εκδόσεις Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας. |

|14 |Περαντζάκη-Καρατζογλού, Ι. (2001). Κοινωνική Ανομία και Ναρκωτικά – Σύγχρονες κοινωνιολογικές προσεγγίσεις της κοινωνικής πραγματικότητας. Καστανιώτης. |

|15 |Alexander, B. (2008). The Globalization of Addiction – A Study in poverty of the spirit. Oxford. |

|16 |Heyman, G. (2009). Addiction – A Disorder of Choice. Harvard University Press. |

| | |

| | |



|1 |International Narcotics Control Board (2006). Reports of the international narcotics control board for 2005. New York, United Nations. |

|2 |U.N (1988). United nations convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. United Nations Publications. |

|3 |U.N (2006). Single convention on narcotic drugs, 1961. United Nations Publications. |

|4 |U.N.(2009). The International Drug Control Conventions. UNODC |

|5 |U.N (2010). Precursors and chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. United Nations Publications. |

| | |

| | |



|1 |EMCDDA (2004). Legislative approaches to illicit use of drugs in Europe. EMCDDA Publications. |

|2 |EMCDDA (2005). Illicit drug use in the EU: Legislative Approaches. Thematic Papers, 2-48. |

|3 |European Communities (1997). The European Union in Action against Drugs. European Communities Publications. |

|4 |Laghos, S. (2006). Drug user rehabilitation policy and implementation in Cyprus. MSc Thesis (Unpublished). |

|5 |Levinthal, C.F. (2003). Point/Counterpoint: Opposing Perspectives on Issues of Drug Policy. Pearson Education Inc. |

|6 |MacCoun, R.J & Reuter, P. (2001). Drug war Heresies: Learning from Other Vices, Times and Places. Cambridge University Press. |

|7 |Roberts, M., Bewley-Taylor, D. & Trace, M. (2006). Monitoring Drug Policy Outcomes: |

| |The Measurement of Drug-Related Harm. |

| |The Beckley Fountation Drug Policy Programme, Report 9, 1-12. |

|8 |Zilney, L., DRUGS – Policy, Social Costs, Crime and Justice. Pearson |

|9 |Babor, T., Caulkins, J., Edwards, G., Fischer, B., Foxcroft, D., Humphreys, K., Obot, I., Rehm, J., Reuter, P., Room, R., Rossow, I., Strang, J.(2007). Drug Policy and the Public Good. OXFORD |

| |University Press. |

|10 |Experts Committee on Ethical Issues and Professional Standards – Ethical questions raised by immunotherapy of addiction – the example of the “vaccine” against cocaine. Council of Europe. |

|11 |Report of the International Narcotics Control Board on the Availability of Internationally Controlled Drugs: Ensuring Adequate Access for Medical and Scientific Purposes. International Narcotics |

| |Control Board. |

|12 |EU Drugs strategy (2005-2012) –Council of the EU |

|13 |Policy paper providing guidance to policy makers for developing coherent policies for licit and illicit drugs –Pompidou Group – Council of Europe |

|14 |A Balancing act policymaking on illicit drugs in the Czech Republic , Joanne Csete, Columbia University , February 2012 |

|15 |Αποποινικοποίηση της χρήσης ουσιών – Σωστή απάντηση ή λάθος ερώτηση; (Griffith Edwards) |

|16 |A Balancing Act – Policymaking on illicit drugs in the Czech Republic – Lessons for drug policy series (Open Society Foundations) |

|17 |Drug policy in Portugal- The benefits of decriminalizing Drug use –Lessons for drug policy series (Open Society Foundations) |

|18 |From the Mountaintops –What the World can learn from drug policy change in Switzerland (Open Society Foundations) |

|19 |Drug policy guide (International drug policy consortium)-Edition 2, March 2012 |

|20 |Drug situation and policy – Lebanon – Pompidou Group |

|21 |Drug situation and policy – Algeria – Pompidou Group |

|22 |Drug situation and policy – Israel – Pompidou Group |

|22 |Drug situation and policy – Republic of Moldova – Pompidou Group |

|23 |State of democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Europe – Report by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe – Council of Europe |

|24 |Drug situation and policy – Lebanon (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|25 |Drug situation and policy – Republic of Moldova (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|26 |Drug situation and policy – Israel (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|27 |Drug situation and policy – Algeria (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|28 |Education and training on substance use disorders (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|29 |Policy paper providing guidance to policy makers for developing coherent policies for licit and illicit drugs (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|30 |Austerity – Athens declaration on protecting public health by ensuring essential services in drug policy under austerity budgets and explanatory memorandum (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|31 |Drug related cybercrime and associated use of the internet – Overview, analysis and possible actions by the Pompidou Group |

|32 |Coherence policy markers for psychoactive substances (Richart Muscat, Brigid Pike, Members of the coherent policy expert group, pompidou group Pompidou Group) |

|33 |Inventory of activities and outcomes accomplished during the work cycle 2011-2014 (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|34 |IDPC Drug Policy Guide 3rd Edition |

|35 |Ensuring balance in national policies on controlled substances (WHO) |

|36 |Terms of Reference for Pompidou Group / Activities in 2016 |

|37 |Between street and screen / Traditions and innovations in the drugs field (Pompidou Group / Council of Europe) |

|38 |UNGASS 2016: What prospect for change? – February 2016, Vol. 27 Issue No. 1 |

|39 |New psychoactive substances in Europe – Legislation and prosecution – current challenges and solutions - EMCDDA |




|1 |Coomber, R. (1998). The control of Drugs and Drug Users: Reason or Reaction. CRC Press. |

|2 |EMCDDA (1998). Study on alternatives to prison for drug using offenders in the EU. EMCDDA Publications. |

|3 |Merino, P.P (2002). Lessons Learned on Global and Local Scales When Implementing Alternatives to Prison for Drug Addicts. EMCDDA Publications. |

|4 |South, N. (2000). Drugs: Cultures, Controls and Everyday Life. Sage Publications. |

|5 |Pompidou Group (2008). Committee on ethical issues and professional standards – Drug testing at school and in the workplace. Council of Europe. |

|6 |Study on alternatives to coercie sanctions as response to drug law offences and drug related crimes (European commission) |

| | |


|1 |Barnekow, V., Buijs, G., Clift, S., Jensen, B.B, Paulus, P., Rivett, D & Young, I. (2006). Health –promoting schools: A resource for developing indicators. Kailow Graphic. |

|2 |Calafat, A., Fernandez, C., Juan, M. et al., (2004). Cultural mediators in a hegemonic nightlife: Opportunities for Drug Prevention. IREFREA Espana, Martin Impresores. |

|3 |Caulkins, J.P., Pacula, R.L., Paddock, S. & Chiesa, J. (2002). School-based Drug Prevention: What Kind of Drug Use Does It Prevent? Rand. |

|4 |Drug Enforcement Administration_U.S Department of Justice. Get it straight: The facts about drugs. Corporate Visions, INC., Washington, DC. |

|5 |European Commission: Education & Culture_ Leonardo da Vinci (2004). Handbook Dropouts: Back on the Track. Venessia videregaaend skole. |

|6 |European Communities (1997). The European Union in Action against Drugs. European Communities Publications. |

|7 |Sloboda, Z. & Bukoski, W.J. (2006).Handbook of Drug Abuse Prevention: Theory, Science and Practice. Springer. |

|8 |Stockwell, T., Gruenewald, P.J., Toumbourou, J.W. & Loxley, W. (2005). Preventing Harmful Substance Use. John Wiley & Sons. |

|9 |WHO (2003). Department of injuries and violence prevention: Annual Report, 2003. World Health Organization. |

|10 |Ορθόδοξος Ζωή (2004). Γιατί οι νέοι καταφεύγουν στα ναρκωτικά. Ορθόδοξος Ζωή. |

|11 |Τορναρίτης, Μ. (2005). Αγωγή υγείας: Χρήσιμα Ερευνητικά Στοιχεία για Εκπαιδευτικούς. Λευκωσία, Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού, Παιδαγωγικό Ινστιτούτο. |

|12 |WHAT IS PERK? |

|13 |Department of health and human services. (1999). Understanding substance abuse prevention. Towards the 21st Century: A Primer on Effective Programs. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. (SMA) |

| |99-3301. |

|14 |Griffin, T. (1991). Prevention Is Everybody’s Business. Minnesota Institute of Public Health. |

|15 |Svensson, N.P., Husebye, T. (2003). Outreach work with young people: Young Drug Users and Young People At Risk, Emphasis on Secondary Prevention. Council of Europe. |

|16 |Stevens, A., Klein A. Drugs and Criminality: Treatment of Substance Dependent Offenders. University of Kent. |

|17 |Inglesias, E.B. (2002). Bases cientificas de la prevencion de las drogodependencias. Delegacion del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. |

|18 |The National Young Anti-drug Media Campaign. Communication Strategy Statement. Office of National Drug Control Policy. |

|19 |Iglesias, E.B., Bases teoricas que sustentan los programas de prevencion de drogas. Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas. |

|20 |Join Together, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston University, Institute for Health Policy, Heller School, Brandeis University. (1997). A Community Substance Abuse Indicators |

| |Handbook. How Do We Know We Are Making a Difference?. Join Together. |

|21 |Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. Strengthening America’s Families: Model Family Programs for Substance Abuse and Delinquency Prevention. The University of Utah. |

|22 |Department of health and human services. (2001). Science-Based Substance Abuse Prevention: A Guide. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. (SMA) 01-3505. |

|23 |Poole, A. Youth participation in drug prevention programme. Pompidou Group. (2005)2. Council of Europe. |

|24 |Wyvill, B. (2001). Drug Education in PSHE & C and across the primary curriculum. Educari. |

|25 |Minnesota Department of Education Community Education. (1992). Promising Prevention Strategies: A Look at What Works |

|26 |Stel, J., (1998). Handbook prevention: Alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Pompidou Group. Council of Europe. |

|27 |Department of health and human services. (2000). Prevention Works Through Community Partnerships: Findings From SAMHSA/CSAP’s National Evaluation. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. (SMA) |

| |00-3374. |

|28 |DH. (2001). Tackling Drugs with Vulnerable Young People: Examples from Health Action Zones. Department of Health. |

|29 |EMCDDA (2008). Prevention of substance abuse. EMCDDA Publications. |

|30 |Stockwell, T., Gruenewald, P.J., Toumbourou, J.W., Loxley, W. (2005). Preventing Harmful Substance Use: The evidence base for policy and practice. Wiley. |

|31 |Department of health and human services. (1997). Selected Findings in Prevention: A Decade of Results From The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP). Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.|

| |(SMA) 97-3143. |

|32 |Safer Clubbing. Guidance for licensing authorities, club managers and promoters. Drug Prevention Advisory Service. |

|33 |Department of health and human services. (1994). Prevention Primer – an encyclopedia of alcohol, tobacco and other drug prevention terms. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. (SMA) 94-2060. |

|34 |Guidelines for Drug Prevention: Consultation Draft: August 2001. Department of Health. |

|35 |Preventing Substance Use Problems Among Young People. A Compendium of Best Practices. Publications Health Canada. |

|36 |Targeted Drug Prevention. How to reach young people in the community? Conference, Helsinki, 5-7 November 2002. Report. Popidou Group – Council of Europe. |

|37 |Here’s Proof – Prevention Works. Department of Health and Human Services. |


|39 |Principles of Substance Abuse Prevention.. Department of Health and Human Services. |

|40 |Promising and Proven Substance Abuse Prevention Programs. Department of Health and Human Services. |

|41 |Healthy Schools: Primary Schools/Primary Care – Health Links Projects. Department of Health. |

|42 |Science-Based Prevention Programs and Principles 2002. Effective Substance Abuse and Mental Health Programs for Every Community. Department of Health and Human Services. |

|43 |Banco de Instrumentos para la Evaluacion de Intervenciones Preventivas (BIP). Comunidad de Madrid. |

|44 |Catalogo de Programas de Prevencion del abuso de Drogas. Comunidad de Madrid. |

|45 |Martin Alvira, F. (2002). Manual para la elaboracion y evaluacion de Programas de Prevencion del Abuso de Drogas. |

|46 |Martin Alvira, F. (2002). Guia para la Elaboracion de Planes Locales de prevencion de lad drogodependencias. |

|47 |UNODC (2009). Guide to implementing family skills training programmes for drug abuse prevention. United Nations. |

|48 |Amador Calafat and Pompidou Group. Lifestyles and drugs – Prevention interventions in recreational settings. Council of Europe. |

|49 |Alfred Uhl, Richard Ives and Pompidou Group. Evaluation of drug prevention activities – Theory and practice. Council of Europe. |

|50 |Pompidou Group. European Drug Prevention |

| |Prize – Overview of projects submitted in 2004-2006-2008-2010. Council of Europe. |

|51 |EMCDDA-European drug prevention quality standards – A manual for prevention professionals |

|52 |Prevention of addictive behaviours updated and expanded edition of prevention of substance abuse (EMCDDA Insights 18) |

|53 |Preventing opioid overdose deaths with take-home naloxone (EMCDDA, Insights 20) |

| | |



|1 |Council of Europe (2001). Contribution to the Sensible use of Benzodiazepines. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|2 |Fernandez, H. (1998). Heroin. Hazelden. |

|3 |Ramsroem, J. (2004). Adverse health consequences of cannabis use: A survey of scientific studies published up to and including the autumn of 2003. National Institute of Public Health, Sweden. |

| |(x2) |

|4 |Singer, M.C. (2006). New drugs on the street: Changing Inner City Patterns of Illicit Consumption. Routledge. |

|5 |U.N (2006). Patterns and trends of amphetamine: Amphetamine - Type Stimulants and Other Drugs of Abuse in East Asia and the Pacific 2005. United Nations Publications. |

|6 |Γαζγαλίδης, Κ. (2003). Ηρωίνη, Υποκατάστατα και Ανταγωνιστές: Θεραπείες. Εκδοτική Θεσσαλονίκης. |

|7 |Robson, P. (1999). Forbidden drugs. Oxford University Press. |

|8 |Cole, C., Jones L., McVeigh, J., Kicman, A., Syed Q., Bellis M. (2000). A Guide to Adelterants, Bulking agents and other Contaminants found in illicit drugs. Centre for Public Health. Faculty of |

| |Health and Applied Social Sciences. |

|9 |Opium. Government Opium and Alkaloids Factories. |

|10 |Heroina. Gobierno de Espana. |

| | |

| | |



|1 |Darke, S., Degenhaedt, L., Mattick, R. (2006). Μortality amongst illicit drug users: Epidemiology, Causes and Intervention. Cambridge University Press. |

|2 |Hospital emergency presentations and acute drug toxicity in Europe - EMCDDA |


|1 |Annual reports questionnaire, Part II Drug Abuse: Extent, patterns and trends of drug abuse. |

|2 |Council of Europe (2000). Development and testing of an exit from treatment for clients in drug abuse treatment. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|3 |Council of Europe (2001). Calculating of the social cost of illicit drugs. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|4 |WHO (1994). ICD10 classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. Churchill Livingstone. |


|1 |Trimbos instituut (2003). Prevention and reduction of health-related harm associated with drug dependence – An inventory of policies, evidence and practices in the EU relevant to the |

| |implementation of the Council Recommendation of 18 June 2003. Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction. |

|2 |EMCDDA (1999). Outreach Work Among Drug Users in Europe. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|3 |EMCDDA (2004). Hepatitis C and injecting drug use: impact, costs and policy options. Publications Office. |

|4 |Γαζγαλίδης, Κ.(2005). «Ναρκωτικά» εγχειρίδιο για τη μείωση της βλάβης. Προσεγγίσεις ΕΞΑΝΤΑΣ |

|5 |Webster, R. Safer Clubbing – Guidance for licensing authorities, club managers and promoters. London drug policy forum. |

|6 |Buning, E., Verster, A., (2000). Κατευθυντήριες Γραμμές για τα Προγράμματα Μεθαδόνης. Οργανισμός κατά των ναρκωτικών (ΟΚΑΝΑ). |

|7 |Buning, E., Verster, A., (2003). Training manual – Key aspects of substitution treatment for opiate dependence. Euromethwork. |

|8 |Beaumont, B., (1997). Care of drug users in general practice – A harm reduction approach. Radcliffe. |

|9 |Trimbos instituut (2004). Help with the Problematic Use of Drugs. Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction. |

|10 |Γαζγαλίδης, Κ.(2003). ΗΡΩΙΝΗ – Υποκατάστατα και Ανταγωνιστές - Θεραπείες. Εκδοτική Θεσσαλονίκης. |

|11 |Council of Europe (1996). Outreach work with drug users: principles and practice. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|12 |WHO, UNODC, UNAIDS. Evidence for action technical papers – Policy guidelines for collaborative TB and HIV services for injecting and other drug users. An integrated approach. World Health |

| |Organization. |

|13 |Council of Europe (1993). Symposium organized by the Pompidou Group and the World Health Organization (Regional Office for Europe). Council of Europe Press. |

|14 |International Harm Reduction Development Program (IHRD) (2008). Harm Reduction Developments 2008 – Countries with Injection-Driven HIV Epidemics. Open Society Institute. |

|15 |About methadone and buprenorphine. Drug policy alliance. |

|16 |Quebec, (1994). Drug use and the HIV epidemic – A frame of reference for prevention. Gouvernement de Quebec. |

|17 |Meeting of Ministers of Health, St. John’s, Newfoundland. (2001). Reducing the Harm Associated with Injection Drug Use in Canada. Publications, Health Canada. |

|18 |WHO, UNODC, UNAIDS. (2004). Substitution maintenance therapy in the management of opioid dependence and HIV/AIDS prevention. WHO publications. |

|19 |Verster, A. & Buning, E. (2003). Info for policymakers, on the effectiveness of substitution treatment for opiate dependence. Euromethwork. |

|20 |Council of Europe, (1993). Volatile substance abuse – proceedings. Seminar organized by the Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group). Council of |

| |Europe Press. |

|21 |WHO, (2009). Guidelines for the Psychosocially Assisted Pharmacological Treatment of Opioid Dependence. World Health Organization. |

|22 |Hunt, N., Trace, M., Taylor, D., (2003). Reducing drug related harms to health: an overview of the global evidence. The Beckley Foundation drug policy programme. |

|23 |Health and Consumer Protection (2008). Drug policy and harm reduction – Quality of treatment services in Europe – drug treatment situation and exchange of good practice. University of Hamburg. |

|24 |WHO (2004). Effectiveness of sterile needle and syringe programming in reducing HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users. Geneva, WHO Publications. |

|25 |Out of the Margin – Harm Reduction and HIV Prevention. Buitenlandse Zaken, Ontwikkelings samenwerking. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. |

|26 |EMCDDA (2010). Harm reduction: evidence, impacts and challenges. |

|27 |Global State of Harm Reduction 2010 – Key issues for broadening the response. International Harm Reduction Association. |

|28 |Safer nightlife projects – A European proposition to promote evaluation and share good practices |

|29 |Safer nightlife projects – A European proposition to promote safer nightlife and share good practice |

|30 |EMCDDA –Insights – New heroin-assisted treatment-Recent evidence and current practices of supervised injectable heroin treatment in Europe and beyond |

|31 |Policy paper on preventing risks and reducing harm linked to the use of psychoactive substances (Pompidou Group) |

|32 |Ηarm Reduction – Policy paper on preventing risks and reducing harm linked to the use of psychoactive substances (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|33 |Substitution maintenance treatment in Ukraine: Ηumanitarian and medical mission 16-21 May 2014 (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|34 |EMCDDA – Insights – Preventing opioid overdose deaths with take-home naloxone |

|35 |EMCDDA – Drug-related infections diseases in Europe – Update from the EMCDDA expert network, November 2016 |



|1 |Council of Europe (2001). Development and improvement of substitution programmes. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|2 |EMCDDA (2003). Legal aspects of substitution treatment: Αn insight into nine EU countries. EMCDDA Publications. |

|3 |Marlatt, G.A (1998). Ηarm reduction: Pragmatic Strategies for Managing High-Risk Behaviours. The Guilford Press. |

|4 |Tober, G. & Strang, J. (2003). Methadone Μatters: Evolving Community Methadone Treatment of Opiate Addiction. Martin Dunitz. |

|5 |Trautmann, F., Rode, N., van Gageldonk, A., van der Gouwe, D., et al. (2007). Evaluation of substitution maintenance treatment in Slovenia: Assessing its quality and efficiency. Faculty of |

| |Social Work, University of Ljubljana. |

|6 |Verster, A. & Buning, E. (2005). Buprenorphine: Critical Questions Examined. Quest for Quality BV. |

|7 |Vester, A. & Buning, E. (2000). Κατευθυντήριες γραμμές για τα προγράμματα μεθαδόνης. ΟΚΑΝΑ (μτφ. από: Annette Vester & Ernst Buning (2000). Methadone Guidelines. Euromethwork). |

|8 |Council of Europe, (1993). Volatile substance abuse – proceedings. Seminar organized by the Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group). Council of |

| |Europe Press. |

|9 |Enjoying the nightlife in Europe. The role of moderation. IREFREA. |

|10 |Junger-Tas, J., Marshall, I., Enzmann, D., Killias, M., Steketee, M., Gruszczynska, B., (2010). Juvenile Delinquency in Europe and Beyond – Results of the Second International Self-Report |

| |Delinquency Study. Springer. |

|11 |Miller, N., (2010). Principles of Addictions and the Law – Applications in Forensic, Mental Health, and Medical Practice. Academic Pres. |

|12 |Handfor, C., (2011). Buprenorphine / Naloxone for Opioid Dependence: Clinical Practice Guideline. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. |

| | |


|1 |Boyiadjis, G. Pilot study in four Cypriot villages. KENTHEA. |

|2 |Cakici, M., Cakici, E., Bekirogullari, Z., Aksou, A. & Tatlisu, O. (2003). Τhe prevalence of substance use in Northern Cyprus. Turkish Cypriot Mental Health Organisation. |

|3 |Demetriou, V.L, van de Vijner, D.A., Cyprus HCV Network, Kostrikis, L.G (2009). Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis C infection in Cyprus: Evidence of polyphyletic infection. Journal of Medical|

| |Virology, 81(2): 238-248. |

|4 |ESPAD. Πανευρωπαϊκή σχολική έρευνα για το αλκοόλ και άλλα ναρκωτικά (ερωτηματολόγιο). |

|5 |Fontana, D. & Apostolidou, M.. Perspectives of serving teachers on the respective importance of areas deemed suitable for inclusion in the health education curriculum for Cyprus schools. Health |

| |Education Journal, 60, 173- 183. |

|6 |Intercollege (Ερευνητική Πρόταση). Η συνήθεια του καπνίσματος στους έφηβους και νεαρούς ενήλικες στην Κύπρο. |

|7 |Kolokotroni, O. (2006). Global Youth Tobacco Survey. The Cyprus international institute for the environment and public health. |

|8 |Boyiadjis, G. Pilot study in four Cypriot villages. KENTHEA. |

|9 |Cakici, M., Cakici, E., Bekirogullari, Z., Aksou, A. & Tatlisu, O. (2003). Τhe prevalence of substance use in Northern Cyprus. Turkish Cypriot Mental Health Organisation. |

|10 |Stylianou, S. (2005). Further exploration of control attitudes toward drug use. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, August. |

|11 |Αποστολίδου, Μ., Παπαδόπουλος, Ι., Παγιάτσου, Μ., Ιερίδου, Α. και συν. (2005). Η Έκταση και οι Μορφές Βίας Ενάντια στα Παιδιά στην Κυπριακή Οικογένεια. Συμβουλευτική Επιτροπή για την πρόληψη και |

| |Καταπολέμηση της Βίας στην Οικογένεια. |

|12 |ΑΣΚ (2007). Ρέιβ πάρτι, Ρέιβερ και Χρήση Ψυχοδραστικών Ουσιών. Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας. |

|13 |Βερεσιές, Κ. & Παυλάκης, Α. (1999). Εγκληματικότητα και νέοι: Προβλήματα και Προβληματισμοί. Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου. |

|14 |Βερεσιές, Κ. & Πογιατζής, Γ. Κοινοτική έρευνα Αραδίππου. ΚΕΝΘΕΑ. |

|15 |Γνώσεις, στάσεις, πιστεύω και συμπεριφορές απέναντι στα ναρκωτικά (πίνακες). |

|16 |Δημητριάδης, Ε.Ι (2001). Έρευνα για την ενεργό συμμετοχή των νέων στην κοινωνία της Κύπρου. Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου. |

|17 |Δήμος Αγλαντζιάς (2006). Δραστηριότητες νέων παιδιών ηλικίας 11-18 χρονών: Δραστηριότητες και απασχόληση κατά τη διάρκεια του ελεύθερου χρόνου. |

|18 |Κapardis, A. (2000). “Psychological and social factors and health”: Processing of Results. University of Cyprus. |

|19 |Κέντρο Ερευνών Cyprus College (2004). Έρευνα με θέμα τα προβλήματα των επαναπατρισθέντων κυπρίων νέων. |

|20 |Κέντρο Ερευνών Cyprus College (2004). Το πρόσωπο της σημερινής νεολαίας στη Γεροσκήπου. Δήμος Γεροσκήπου. |

|21 |Κέντρο Ερευνών και Ανάπτυξης Intercollege (1996). Ο ελεύθερος χρόνος των νέων στην Κύπρο. |

|22 |Κέντρο Ερευνών και Ανάπτυξης Intercollege (2004). Έρευνα για τη νεανική παραβατικότητα. |

|23 |Κέντρο Πρόληψης ΠΕΡΣΕΑΣ και Παιδαγωγικό Ινστιτούτο Κύπρου. Παράνομες ουσίες: Οι εμπειρίες, αντιλήψεις και στάσεις των μαθητών /τριών του Παγκύπριου λυκείου. |

|24 |Κόκκινος, Κ.Μ (2002). Επιθετικότητα: Πρακτικά 4ου ψυχολογικού συνεδρίου Κύπρου. |

|25 |Μάππη, Ε. (2007). Πρέπει η Κύπρος να δημιουργήσει προγράμματα θεραπείας υποκατάστατων. Ατομική Εργασία. |

|26 |Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου (2001). Συνθήκες και προβλήματα των νέων στους συνοικισμούς. Κέντρο Ερευνών Cyprus College. |

|27 |Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου (2002). Έρευνα για θέματα ελεύθερου χρόνου, εργασίας, σχέσεων, αντιλήψεων και προβλημάτων των νέων. Κέντρο Ερευνών και Ανάπτυξης «Intercollege». |

|28 |Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου (2003). Έρευνα μεταξύ στρατιωτών για τον Οργανισμό Νεολαίας. Cypronetwork. |

|29 |Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου (2003). Η εγκατάλειψη της υπαίθρου από τους νέους και η παροχή κινήτρων για την ενασχόληση των νέων με την αγροτική οικονομία. Rai Consultants. |

|30 |Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου. (1998). Διακοπή του σχολείου πριν την ολοκλήρωση της εξατάξιας μέσης εκπαίδευσης. Κέντρο Ερευνών Frederick |

|31 |Παπαδόπουλος, Μ. & Κωνσταντινόπουλος, Κ. (2005). Η χρήση νόμιμων και παράνομων ουσιών από τους μαθητές των ενιαίων λυκείων της Κύπρου: Σχολικό Έτος 2003-2004. Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού, |

| |Υπηρεσία Εκπαιδευτικής Ψυχολογίας. |

|32 |Πογιατζής, Γ. Έκθεση έρευνας για τα προβλήματα παιδιών των εγκλωβισμένων. ΚΕΝΘΕΑ. |

|33 |Πρόγραμμα «ΜΕΡΑ». Ζήσε, απόλαυσε τη ζωή. Σχολική Χρονιά 2004 – 2005. |

|34 |Τριμικλινιώτης, Ν. (2001). Τα προβλήματα από τη φοίτηση των Ποντίων στη δημοτική εκπαίδευση. Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου. |

|35 |Τριμικλινιώτης, Ν. (2005). Ανεργία, υποαπασχόληση και ετεροαπασχόληση : Μια έρευνα για την εργασιακή αβεβαιότητα και ανασφάλεια των νέων στη Κύπρο 2004-2005. Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου. |

|36 |Χρυσάνθου, Χ. (2001). Tηλεοπτική βία: Επιδράσεις, Ευθύνες, Λύσεις. Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου. |

|37 |Κοινοβουλευτική Ομάδα ΑΚΕΛ (2003). Έρευνα με θέμα: Ανήλικοι παραβάτες και αδικοπραγούντες, η αναγκαιότητα δημιουργίας «Δικαστηρίων Ανηλίκων» και η σφαιρική αντιμετώπιση του θέματος από την |

| |πολιτεία. |

|38 |Τορναρίτης, Μ. (2005). Αγωγή Υγείας – Χρήσιμα Ερευνητικά Στοιχεία για Εκπαιδευτικούς. Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού, Παιδαγωγικό Ινστιτούτο. |

|39 |Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου (1996). Ο ελεύθερος χρόνος των νέων στην Κύπρο – Έρευνα που έγινε για τον Οργανισμό Νεολαίας και η οποία αναφέρεται επίσης σε θέματα Εργασίας, Σχέσεων, Αντιλήψεων και |

| |Προβλημάτων των Νέων της Κύπρου.. Κέντρο Ερευνών και Ανάπτυξης «Intercollege». |

|40 |Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου (2007). Οι νέοι της Κύπρου: Έρευνα με θέματα ελεύθερου χρόνου, εργασίας, σχέσεων, αντιλήψεων και προβλημάτων των νέων. Κέντρο Ερευνών και Ανάπτυξης «Intercollege». |

|41 |Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου. Παρουσίαση των βασικών αποτελεσμάτων και εισηγήσεων της έρευνας που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις Κεντρικές Φυλακές. . |

|42 |Πρόγραμμα Απεξάρτησης «ΓΕΦΥΡΑ». Θεραπευτικό Σχέδιο Μείωσης της Βλάβης. Θεραπευτική Ευθύνη Απεξάρτησης Νοσοκομείο Λεμεσού – Υπηρεσίες Ψυχικής Υγείας. |

|43 |Πετρίδου, Α. Το φαινόμενο των ναρκωτικών στην Κύπρο – Μελέτη, αφιέρωμα στην παγκόσμια μέρα κατά των ναρκωτικών. |

|44 |Πετρίδου, Α. (2006). Μελέτη για τη δημιουργία δομής για εξαρτημένους εφήβους. |

|45 |Βερεσιές, Κ., Παυλάκης, Α., Μίτσιγγας Α., (1992). Γνώσεις, στάσεις, πιστεύω και συμπεριφορά των μαθητών των λυκείων της Κύπρου σε σχέση με τα ναρκωτικά. Μέρος Πρώτο, Τόμος Β΄. |

|46 |Βερεσιές, Κ., Παυλάκης, Α., Μίτσιγγας Α., (1992). Γνώσεις, στάσεις, πιστεύω και συμπεριφορά των μαθητών των λυκείων της Κύπρου σε σχέση με τα ναρκωτικά. Παράρτημα, Τόμος Γ΄. |

|47 |Demetriou, V., Vijver, D., Hezka, J., Kostrikis, L., (2009). Hepatits C Infection Among Intravenous Drug Users Attending Therapy Programs in Cyprus. Journal of Medical Virology 82:263-270(2010) |

|48 |Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας (2010). Παγκύπρια Επισκόπηση Γενικού Πληθυσμού για το Κάπνισμα, το Αλκοόλ και Άλλες Ψυχοδραστικές Ουσίες. |

|49 |Αντιναρκωτικό Συμβούλιο Κύπρου (2008). Έρευνα με θέμα: «Το προφιλ των μαθητών 3ης Λυκείου που δεν έκαναν ποτέ χρήση ουσιών εξάρτησης: εντοπισμός των προστατευτικών παραγόντων και οι απόψεις τους |

| |γι΄ αυτούς». |

|50 |Βερεσιές, Κ. (2010). Οι δημόσιες δαπάνες στον τομέα των ναρκωτικών στην Κύπρο, στην Ευρώπη και στις ΗΠΑ. ΚΕΝΘΕΑ |

|51 |Επιδημιλογική Επιτήρηση HIV/AIDS στην Κύπρο – Στοιχεία από 1986 μέχρι τέλους 2009. Υπουργείο Υγείας |

|52 |Απρίλιος (2011). Έρευνα πεδίου για τη νεανική παραβατικότητα και τη χρήση εξαρτησιογόνων ουσιών στους εφήβους του Δήμου Κάτω Πολεμιδιών. Δήμος Κάτω Πολεμιδιών. |

|53 |Αnnual informational buletin of the national focal point on drugs and drug addictions -2011 (Main data on the drug use, traffic and distribution, as well as on the drug related responses in |

| |Bulgaria |

|54 |Έρευνα Υγείας / Health Survey 2003 (Στατιστική Υπηρεσία) |

|55 |Έρευνα για θέματα Ελεύθερου Χρόνου, Εργασίας, Σχέσεων, Αντιλήψεων και Προβλημάτων των Νέων, Μάρτιος 2002 |

|56 |ΟΡΙΖΟΝΤΑΣ 2020 / Το πρόγραμμα πλαίσιο της ΕΕ για την Έρευνα και την Καινοτομία |

|57 |New psychoactive substances (NPS): Building knowledge and evidence based training through research |


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| |Πανεπιστημιακό Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής. |

|17 |Ελληνική Δημοκρατία, Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης, Γενική Γραμματεία Έρευνας και Τεχνολογίας & Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, Ίδρυμα Προώθησης Έρευνας. Ανάπτυξη και βελτιστοποίηση μεθόδου ταυτόχρονου ποιοτικού και |

| |ποσοτικού προσδιορισμού βενζοδιαζεπινικών παραγώγων στο αίμα με φασματοφωτομετρία μάζας. Πρόταση για επιλογή Αναδόχου – Προσφορά. |

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|19 |Vulnerable young people and drugs – Opportunities to tackle inequalities. DrugScope. |

|20 |NIDA (1999). Measuring and Improving Cost, Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit for Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. National Institute on Drug Abuse. |

|21 |Pompidou Group (2001). Calculating the social cost of illicit drugs – Methods and tools for estimating the social cost of the use of psychotropic substances. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|22 |World Drugs Report – A critical reading of publicly available information – 2003 Update. International Antiprohibitionist League. |

|23 |Afghanistan – Opium Winter Rapid Assessment Survey. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|24 |UN (2008). Bulletin on narcotics – Review of the world cannabis situation. UNODC. |

|25 |European Commission (2009). A Report on Global Illicit Drug Markets 1998-2007. |

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|28 |EMCDDA (2001). Injecting drug use, risk behaviour and qualitative research in the time of AIDS. |

|29 |Pompidou Group (2003). Multi-disciplinary local monitoring of drug problems “3rd project meeting”. Council of Europe. |

|30 |EMCDDA (2009). Drug use: An overview of general population surveys in Europe. Publications Office. |

|31 |EMCDDA (2008). Towards a better understanding of drug-related public expenditure in Europe. Publications Office. |

|32 |UNODC (2002). Developing an Integrated Drug Information System. UN Publications. |

|33 |ΚΕΘΕΑ. Κοινωνιοδημογραφικά χαρακτηριστικά και συνθήκες των ατόμων που απευθύνθηκαν στα συμβουλευτικά κέντρα του ΚΕΘΕΑ το 1997. |

|34 |Emerging drug phenomena – A European manual on the Early Information Function for Emerging Drug Phenomena. Observatoire francais des drogues et des toxicomanies. |

|35 |Τερζίδου, Μ., Μακά, Ζ., Κοκκέβη, Α. (2000). Έλληνες μαθητές: Υγεία, Σχολείο, Οικογένεια. ΕΠΙΨΥ. |

|36 |Pompidou Group (2002). Benzodiazepine Use – A report of a survey of benzodiazepine consumption in the member countries of the Pompidou Group. Council of Europe. |

|37 |Στροφή (2000). Χαρακτηριστικά των εφήβων χρηστών ψυχοτρόπων ουσιών που προσέγγισαν τη ΣΤΡΟΦΗ το 1999. ΚΕΘΕΑ. |

|38 |EMCDDA. Estimating the Prevalence of Problem Drug Use in Europe. Office for official publications of the European Communities. |

|39 |Papadopoulos, I. (2001). Help us crack it! An investigation into the knowledge, attitudes and drug habits of Greek and Greek Cypriot adolescents living in Enfield. |

|40 |University of Central England (2003). The problem with drugs and drug policy: the misuse of Drugs Act 1971. |

|41 |UN (2003). Ecstasy and amphetamines – Global Survey 2003. UNODC. |

|42 |INCB (2003). Narcotic Drugs – Estimated World Requirements for 2004 – Statistics for 2002. United Nations. |

|43 |INCB (2005). Report. United Nations. |

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|47 |INCB (2007). Precursors and chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substance. United Nations. |

|48 |INCB (2006). Psychotropic Substances – Statistics for 2005. United Nations. |

|49 |INCB (2007). Narcotic Drugs – Estimated World Requirements for 2008. United Nations. |

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|54 |UNODC (2006). International narcotics control board. United Nations, New York. |

|55 |UNODC (2006). Afghanistan: Opium Survey. |

|56 |UNODC (2003). Estimating prevalence: Indirect methods for estimating the size of the drug problem. United Nations, New York. |

|57 |UNODC (2006). Guidance for the measurement of drug treatment demand. United Nations, New York. |

|58 |International Narcotics Control Board (2003). Psychotropic substances. United Nations, New York. |

|59 |UNODC (2003). Developing an integrated drug information system. United Nations, New York. |

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|62 |UNODC (2007). A century of international drug control. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|63 |A Report on Global Illicit Drug Markets 1998-2007. European Commission |

|64 |Signals from drug research. Council of Europe. |

|65 |EMCDDA (2010). Cocaine – A European Union perspective in the global context. Publications Office of the European Union. |

|66 |INCB (2009). Psychotropic Substances – Statistics for 2008 – Assessment of Annual Medical and Scientific Requirements. United Nations. |

|67 |INCB (2009). Narcotic Drugs – Estimated World Requirements for 2010 – Statistics for 2008. United Nations. |

|68 |UNODC (2010). World Drug Report 2010. United Nations. |

|69 |Pompidou Group. Psychological drug research: current themes and future developments. Council of Europe Publishing |

|70 |Pompidou Group (2009). Research and policy: Examples of the interaction between researchers and policy-makers from 16 countries. Council of Europe |

|71 |Junger-Tas, J., Marshall, I., Enzmann, D., Killias, M., Steketee, M., Gruszczynska, B. (2010). Juvenile Delinquency in Europe and Beyond – Results of the Second International Self-Report |

| |Delinquency Study. Springer |

|72 |The 2011 ESPAD Report – Substance use among students in 36 European countries-ESPAD |

|73 |Summary -2011 ESPAD Report – Substance use among students in 36 European Countries |

|74 |Change and continuity: researching evolving drug landscapes in Europe (Gary R. Potter, Marije Wouters Jane Foundain) (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe) |

|75 |ΜedNET Activity report 2015 (P-PG/Med (2015)34 |

|76 |Co-operation in the Mediterranean region on drugs and addiction –Mediterranean school project on alcohol and other drugs Guidelines (P-PG (Med (2015)33 |

|77 |The internet and drug markets (European monitoring centre for drugs and drug addiction ) |

|78 |EU Drug Markets Report / In-depth Analysis 2016 (Europol) |

|79 |The internet and drug markets (EMCDDA) (Insights 21) |

|80 |Assessing illicit drugs in wastewater (EMCDDA0 (Insights 22) |

|81 |EU Drug Markets Report – Strategic Overview 2016 |

|82 |INCB – Report 2015 |

|83 |MedSPAD Committee – A First Glance at the Situation in the Mediterranean Region in Relation to the Prevalence of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug use Among Adolescents |

|84 |National Drug Report 2015 (Luxemburg Institute of Health) |

|85 |Availability of Internationally Controlled Drugs: Ensuring Adequate Access for Medical and Scientific Purposes (INCB) |

|86 |ΕSPAD Report 2015-Results from the European school survey project on alcohol and other drugs (The ESPAD group) |

|87 |MedSPAD Committee – A First Glance at the Situation in the Mediterranean Region in Relation to the Prevalence of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug use Among Adolescents – Pompidou Group, Council of |

| |Europe |

|88 |Enquete nationale sur la prevalence du tabac de l’ alcool et d’ autres drogues en milieu scolaire en Algerie, enquete MedSPAD |

|89 |National Drug Report 2016 (Luxemburg Institute of Health) |

|90 |Drugs and the darknet –Perpectives for enforcement research and policy |



| |2006: Vol. 12, No. 4 (pp. 169-242) |

| |2007: Vol. 13, No. 1 (pp. 1-64) |

| |2007: Vol. 13, No. 2 (pp. 65-126) |

| |2007: Vol. 13, No. 3 (pp. 127-184) |

| |2007: Vol. 13, No. 4 (pp. 185-246) |

| |2008: Vol. 14, No. 1 (pp. 1-60) |

| |2008: Vol. 14, No. 2 (pp. 61-114) |

| |2008: Vol. 14, No. 3 (pp. 115-178) |

| |2010: Vol. 16 (p.p.61-114) |

| |2010: Vol. 16(3) (p.p.115-178) |

| |2010: Vol. 16(4) (p.p.179-234) |

| |2011:Vol. 17(1) (p.p. 1-54) |

| |2011: Vol.17(2) (p.p. 55-112) |

| |2011: Vol. 17 (4) (p.p 169-224) |

| |2011: Vol. 17 (5) (p.p 225-278) |

| |2011: Vol. 17 (6) (p.p 279-352) |

| |2012: Vol. 18, No. 1 (p.p 1-46) |

| |2012: Vol. 18, No. 2 (p.p 47-96) |

| |2012: Vol. 18, No. 3 (p.p 97-152) |

| |2012: Vol. 18, No. 4 (p.p 153-212) |

| |2012:Vol.18, No.5 (p.p 213-264) |

| |2012: Vol. 18, No. 6 (p.p 265-324) |

| |2013: Vol. 19, No. 1 (p.p 1-60) |

| |2013: Vol. 19, No. 2 (pp 61-112) |

| |2013: Vol. 19, No. 3 (p.p 113-164) |

| |2013: Vol.19, No. 4 (p.p165-226) |

| |2013:Vol. 19, No. 5 (p.p 227-282) |

| |2013: Vol. 19, No. 6 (pp 283-346) |

| |2014: Vol. 20, No. 1 (p.p 1-48) |

| |2014:Vol. 20, No. 2 (p.p 49-104) |

| |2014: Vol. 20, No. 3 (p.p 105-158) |

| |2014: Vol.20, No. 4 (p.p 159-208) |

| |2014: Vol. 20, No 5 (p.p 209-268) |

| |2014: Vol. 20, No. 6 (p.p 269-324) |


| |2008: Vol. 16, No. 1 (pp. 1-106) |

| |2008: Vol. 16, No. 2 (pp. 107-204) |

| |2008: Vol. 16, No. 3 (pp. 205-304) |

| |2008: Vol. 16, No. 4 (pp. 305-416) |

| |2008: Vol. 16, No. 5 (pp. 417-540) |

| |2008: Vol. 16, No. 6 (pp. 541-651) |

| |2009: Vol. 17, No. 1 (pp. 1-112) |

| |2009: Vol. 17, No. 2 (pp. 113-229) |

| |2009: Vol. 17, No. 3 (pp. 231-344) |

| |2009: Vol. 17, No. 4 (pp. 345-359) |

| |2009: Vol. 17, No 5 |

| |2009: Vol. 17, No 6 |

| |2010: Vol. 18, No. 1 |

| |2010: Vol. 18, No. 2 |

| |2010: Vol. 18, No. 3 |

| |2010: Vol. 18, No. 4 |

| |2010: Vol. 18, No. 5 |

| |2010: Vol. 18, No. 6 |

| |2011: Vol. 19, No. 1 |

| |2011: Vol. 19, No. 2 |

| |2011: Vol. 19, No. 3 |

| |2011: Vol. 19, No. 4 |

| |2011: Vol. 19, No. 5 |

| |2011: Vol. 19, No. 6 |

| |2012: Vol. 20, Number 1 |

| |2012: Vol.20, Number 2 |

| |2012: Vol. 20, Number 3 |

| |2012: Vol. 20, Number 4 |

| |2012: Vol. 20, Number 5 |

| |2012:Vol.20, Number 6 |

| |2013: Vol. 21, Number 1 |

| |2013: Vol. 21, Number 2 |

| |2013: Vol. 21, Number 3 |

| |2013: Vol.21, Number 4 |

| |2013: Vol. 21, Number 5 |

| |2013: Vol. 21, Number 6 |


| |2004: Issue 10 |

| |2005: Issue 13 |

| |2005: Issue 14 |

| |2005: Issue 15 |

| |2005: Issue 16 |

| |2006: Issue 17 |

| |2007: Issue 22 |

| |2007: Issue 23 |

| |2007: Issue 24 |

| |2008: Issue 25 |

| |2008: Issue 28 |

| |2010: Issue 36 |

| |2012:Issue 41 |

| |2012:Ιssue 42 |

| |2012: Issue 43 |

| |2012:Issue 44 |

|4 |ΕΞΑΡΤΗΣΕΙΣ (Scientific Journal on Addiction Issues) |

| |2006: Τεύχος 10, Νοέμβριος |

| |2007: Τεύχος 11, Μάιος |

| |2007: Τεύχος 12, Δεκέμβριος |

| | |

| | |

| |2002: Τεύχος 1, Ιούλιος |

| |2002: Τεύχος 2, Δεκέμβριος |

| |2005: Τεύχος 7, Μάρτιος |

| |2005: Τεύχος 8, Οκτώβριος |

| |2006: Τεύχος 9, Απρίλιος |

| |2006: Τεύχος 10, Νοέμβριος |

| |2007: Τεύχος 11, Μάιος |

| |2008: Τεύχος 13, Ιούνιος |

|5 |The Cyprus Review (University of Nicosia) |

| |2009: Τεύχος 21, Spring 2009 |

| |2010: Τεύχος 22, Spring 2010 |

| |2010: Vol. 22, Number 2, Fall 2010 |

| |2011: Vol. 23, Number 1, Spring 2011 |

| |2011: Vol. 23, Number 2, Fall 2011 |

| |2012: Vol. 24, Number 1, Spring 2012 |

| |2012:Vol. 24, Number 2, Fall 2012 |

| |2013: Vol. 25, Number 1, Spring 2013 |

| |2013: Vol. 25, Number 2, Fall 2013 |

| |2014: Vol. 26, Number 1, Spring 2014 |

| |2014:Vol.26, Number 2, Fall 2014 |

| |2016: Vol.28, Number 1, Spring 2016 |


| |Vol. 105, Number 1, January 2010 |

| |Vol. 105, Number 2, February 2010 |

| |The Cochrane Library – Evidence for healthcare decision-making |

| |Vol. 105, Number 3, March 2010 |

| |Vol. 105, Number 4, April 2010 |

| |Vol. 105, Number 5, May 2010 |

| |Vol. 105, Number 6, June 2010 |

| |Vol. 105, Number 7, July 2010 |

| |Vol. 105, Number 8, August 2010 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 9, September 2010 |

| |Vol. 105, Number 10, October 2010 |

| |Vol. 105, Number 11, November 2010 |

| |Vol. 105, Number 12, December 2010 |

| |Vol. 105, Supplement 1, December 2010 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 1, January 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 2, February 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 3, March 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Supplement 1, March 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 4, April 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 5, May 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 6, June 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 7, July 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 8, August 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 9, September 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 10, October 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 11, November 2011 |

| |Vol. 106, Number 12, December 2011 |

| |Volume 107, Number 1, January 2012 |

| |Volume 107, Number 2, February 2012 |

| |Volume 107, Number 3, March 2012 |

| | |


| |Vol. 15, Number 2, April 2010 |

| |Vol. 15, Number 3, July 2010 |

| |Vol. 15, Number 4, October 2010 |

| |Vol. 16, Number 1, January 2011 |

| |Vol. 16, Number 2, April 2011 |

| |Vol. 16, Number 3, July 2011 |

| |Vol. 16, Number 4, October 2011 |

| | |

|8 |The International Journal of Drug Policy |

| |Vol. 22, Issue 1, Jan. 2011 |

| |Vol. 22, Issue 2, Mar. 2011 |

| |Vol. 22, Issue 3, May 2011 |

| |Vol. 22, Issue 4, July 2011 |

| |Vol. 22, Issue 5, September 2011 |

| |Vol.22/6 (2011), Issue 6, November 2011 |

| |Vol. 23, Issue 1, January 2012 |

| |Vol. 23, Issue 2, March 2012 |

| |Vol. 23, Issue 3, May 2012 |

| |Vol. 23, Issue 4, July 2012 |

| |Vol. 23, Issue 5, September 2012 |

| |Vol.24, Issue 1, January 2013 |

| |Vol. 24, Issue 3, May 2013 |

| |Vol.24, Issue 5, September 2013 |

| |Vol. 26, Issue 1, February 2015 |

| | |

| | |


|1 |Social reintegration as a response to drug use in Ireland |

|2 |National drugs strategy 2000-2008-Spain |

|3 |Ετήσια έκθεση του Εθνικού Κέντρου Τεκμηρίωσης και Πληροφόρησης για τα Ναρκωτικά Κύπρου για την κατάσταση των ναρκωτικών στην Ελλάδα 2001 |

|4 |Προγραμματισμός του έργου του Εθνικού Κέντρου Τεκμηρίωσης και Πληροφόρησης για τα Ναρκωτικά Κύπρου 2004-2006 |

|5 |Απολογισμός του έργου του Εθνικού Κέντρου Τεκμηρίωσης και Πληροφόρησης για τα Ναρκωτικά Κύπρου 2001-2003 |

|6 |United Kingdom Drug Situation 2004 Edition |

|7 |Report on the drug situation 2006 of the Republic of Slovenia |

|8 |Annual report on the state of drug related problems in Bulgaria-2004 |

|9 |Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point – Germany drug situation 2002 |

|10 |ΕΚΤΕΠΝ 2004 – Ετήσια έκθεση για την κατάσταση των ναρκωτικών και των οινοπνευματωδών στην Ελλάδα |

|11 |ΕΚΤΕΠΝ 2003 – Ετήσια έκθεση για την κατάσταση των ναρκωτικών και των οινοπνευματωδών στην Ελλάδα |

|12 |Εarly warning system on drugs at public health level in Belgium-2004 |

|13 |Drug-related deaths in Belgium -1987-1997 |

|14 |Drug situation – Malta -2004 |

|15 |The state of drug addiction and drug control in the Slovac Republic -2006 |

|16 |Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox national focal point – Greece – Drug situation 2003 |

|17 |Ετήσια έκθεση Κροατίας -2004 |

|18 |Report to the EMCDDA – Germany drug situation 2002 |

|19 |Ετήσια έκθεση του Εθνικού Κέντρου Τεκμηρίωσης και Πληροφόρησης για τα Ναρκωτικά Κύπρου για την κατάσταση των ναρκωτικών στην Ελλάδα 2002 |

|20 |Report on the drug situation 2007-Austria |

|21 |United Kingdom drug situation 2007 edition |

|22 |Report on the drug situation 2008 of the Republic of Slovenia |

|23 |Ετήσια έκθεση του ΕΚΤΕΠΝ για την κατάσταση των ναρκωτικών στην Ελλάδα 2000 |

|24 |United Kingdom drug situation 2006 edition |

|25 |Report on the drug situation 2008-Austria |

|26 |Annual report on the state f drug related problems in Bulgaria 2007 |

|27 |The drug situation in Norway -2006 |

|28 |Belgian national report on drugs 2005 |

|29 |2005 national report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox national focal point –Greece |

|30 |Belgian national report on drugs 2004 |

|31 |2007 national report on the state of the drugs phenomenon –Luxemburg |

|32 |The drug situation in Norway -2004 |

|33 |Annual report – The Czech republic -2006 Drug situation |

|34 |1998 annual report on the state of the drugs problem in the EU |

|35 |The drug situation in Norway -2005 |

|36 |Annual report – The Czech republic -2003 Drug situation |

|37 |Report on the drug situation 2004 of the republic of Slovenia |

|38 |General report of activities -2000 |

|39 |The state of drug addiction and drug control in the Slovan Republic |

|40 |Report on the drug situation 2004-Austria |

|41 |Annual report on the state of drug related problems in Bulgaria -2004 |

|42 |National report on drugs situation in 2003- Romania |

|43 |Report to the EMCDDA by the reitox national focal point – Greece drug situation 2001 |

|44 |Πρώτη έκθεση του Εθνικού Κέντρου Τεκμηρίωσης και Πληροφόρησης για τα Ναρκωτικά 1996 (Ελλάδα) |

|45 |Volatile substance abuse among young people in Poland |

|46 |Annual report the Czech republic 2004 drug situation |

|47 |Report on the drug situation 2005 of the republic of Slovenia |

|48 |Ετήσια έκθεση του Εθνικού Κέντρου Τεκμηρίωσης και Πληροφόρησης για τα Ναρκωτικά Ελλάδος 1997 |

|49 |Report on the drug situation 2006-Austria |

|50 |Annual report the Czech republic 2005 drug situation |

|51 |National report on drugs in Slovakia for the year 2006 |

|52 |Τhe drug situation in Norway 2008 |

|53 |National report 2008 to the EMCDDA – Poland |

|54 |Annual Report to the EMCDDA UK 2008 |

|55 |Annual Report. The Czech Republic Drug Situation 2002. Czech national focal point for drugs and drug addictions. |

|56 |The drug situation in Norway 2003. SIRUS – Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research. |

|57 |Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2004. UN-INCB. |

|58 |10ο Ευρωπαϊκό συνέδριο για την επανένταξη και την πολιτική για τα ναρκωτικά. 10-14 Μαϊου 2005, Κρήτη. 10th European Conference on rehabilitation and drug policy. 10-14 May 2005, Greece. Books of |

| |abstracts. |

|59 |10th European Conference on rehabilitation and drug policy. 10-14 May 2005, Greece. Book of proceedings. |

|60 |Forum mondial – Drogues et dependances. Enjeux pour la societe. World Forum – Drugs, Dependencies. Impacts and Responses. Montreal 2002. Quebec. |

|61 |Κέντρο Πρόληψης «ΠΕΡΣΕΑΣ». Ετήσια Έκθεση 2006. |

|62 |Ετήσια Έκθεση 2005. Διεθνής Επιτροπή του ΟΗΕ για τον έλεγχο των ναρκωτικών. |

|63 |Annual Evaluation Report: 2006. Independent Evaluation Unit. United Nations, Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|64 |Pompidou Group. Ministerial Conference – Conference ministerielle. Strasbourg, November 2006. Council of Europe. |

|65 |Μικρή Άρκτος. Απολογισμός 2006. Πρωτογενής Πρόληψη της Χρήσης Ουσιών Εξάρτησης: Μια ολιστική προσέγγιση. Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου. |

|66 |Απολογισμός έργου ΚΕΘΕΑ 2002. Κέντρο Θεραπείας Εξαρτημένων Ατόμων. |

|67 |Report on the fiftieth session (17 March 2006 and 12-16 March and 27-28 November 2007). Economic and Social Council. United Nations, Commission on Narcotic Drugs. |

|68 |Precursors and chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (2004). International Narcotics Control Board. UN. |

|69 |Precursors and chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (2008). International Narcotics Control Board. UN. |

|70 |1st European Drug Prevention Forum “Polydrug use: mixing different drugs – new trends in youth culture”. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|71 |Europe in transition t.c. in transition. Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference “Europe Against Drug Abuse”. KETHEA. |

|72 |Annual Report 2005. United Nations, Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|73 |2006 World Drug Report. United Nations, Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|74 |2007 World Drug Report. UNODC. |

|75 |Annual Report 2007. International Narcotics Control Board. |

|76 |Annual Report 2007. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|77 |Annual Report 2007. The state of the drugs problem in Europe. EMCDDA. |

|78 |2008 World Drug Report. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|79 |Report 2008. International Narcotics Control Board. |

|80 |Annual Report 2008. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |

|81 |Annual Report 2009. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|82 |Working Together in Europe 1999. Fourth International private sector conference on drugs in the workplace and the community. |

|83 |Pompidou Group. Ministerial Conference. Dublin, Ireland. October 2003. Proceedings. Council of Europe. |

|84 |Droques par injection, en jeux pour la societe. Injection drug use. Societal Challenges. March 12-14, 1999. Universite de Montreal. |

|85 |Ethics and Drug use. Seminar on Ethics, Professional Standardsand Drug Addiction. Strasbourg, 6-7 February 2003. Pompidou Group. |

|86 |International Symposium. Programs that Offer good Results for Drug Use Reduction. Mexico, November 1999. |

|87 |U.K. Drug Situation-U.K. Focal Point on Drugs. 2009 Edition, Department of Health |

|88 |Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο «ΤΟΞΟΤΗΣ»-Ετήσια Έκθεση 2009 |

|89 |Annual Report 2009 Poland – Drug Situation. EMCDDA |

|90 |2009 Report – International Narcotics Control Board |

|91 |World Drug Report 2009. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |

|92 |Bulletin on Narcotics – A century of international drug control. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |

|93 |Promoting health, security and justice – Cutting the threads of drugs, crime and terrorism. 2010 Report. UNODC |

|94 |Commission on Narcotic Drugs – Report on the fifty-second session (14 March 2008 and 11-2- March 2009). United Nations |

|95 |Identifying Europe’s information needs for effective drug policy. EMCDDA |

|96 |Πρακτικά 2ου Μονοθεματικού Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου Ψυχιατρικής – Εξαρτήσεις, Συννοσηρότητα, Πρόληψη και Θεραπεία. 5-7 Μαρτίου 2010, Θεσσαλονίκη |

|97 |Γενικός Ελεγκτής της Δημοκρατίας. Ετήσια Έκθεση 2008. Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία |

|98 |Department of Health. United Kingdom – Drug Situtation 2005 Edition - UK Focal Point on Drugs. EMCDDA. |

|99 |Annual Report 2009 – Poland – Drug Situtation. EMCDDA. |

|100 |Pompidou Group, (2009). MedNET High-Level Conference. Council of Europe. |

|101 |The 6th International Conference on Nightlife, Substance Use and Related Health Issues. Zurich / 7-9/6/2010 |

|102 |2010 Report. Promoting health, security and justice. Cutting the threads of drugs, crime and terrorism. UNODC |

|103 |Σεπτέμβριος 2010, Ετήσια Έκθεση Γενικού Χημείου του Κράτους 2009, Υπουργείο Υγείας |

|104 |Ετήσια Έκθεση 2009. Υπουργείο Υγείας |

|105 |Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 2010 National Drug Report (2009 data). Centre de recherché public. |

|106 |EMCDDA. The Drug Situation in Norway 2010. SIRUS Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research. |

|107 |The Czech Republic 2009 Drug Situation. Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|108 |REPORT. International Narcotics Control Board |

|109 |2011 – World Drug Report. UNODC |

|110 |Ετήσια Έκθεση 2010. Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο ΤΟΞΟΤΗΣ. |

|111 |Ετήσια Έκθεση 2010. Μονάδα Απεξάρτησης ΑΝΩΣΗ. |

|112 |Ετήσια Έκθεση 2010. Κέντρο Πολλαπλής Παρέμβασης ΦΑΡΟΣ. Πρόγραμμα Υποκατάστασης ΣΩΣΙΒΙΟ. |

|113 |Ετήσια Έκθεση 2010. Κέντρο Συμβουλευτικής Εφήβων και Οικογένειας ΠΕΡΣΕΑΣ. |

|114 |2011 National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox national focal point Germany – Drug situation 2010/2011 – new developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues |

|115 |Ετήσια έκθεση 2010 – Υπουργείο Υγείας |

|116 |2011 National Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox ITALIAN Focal Point |

|117 |The Drug Situation in Norway 2011-Norwegian Institure for Alcohol and Drug Research |

|118 |2008-2010 Νational Report Malta Drug Situation (National commission on the abuse of drugs, alcohol and other dependencies) |

|119 |Alcohol and Drugs in Norway 2011 |

|120 |2011 National Drug Report (2010 data) Grand Duchy of Luxembourg-New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues |

|121 |Annual report – The Czech Republic 2010 Drug Situation |

|122 |Απολογισμός έργου διετίας 2010-2012-ΟΚΑΝΑ |

|123 |Ετήσια έκθεση 2010-Γενικός Ελεγκτής της Δημοκρατίας |

|124 |Νational strategy on drug and addiction policy-Germany (Drug commissioner of the federal government) |

|125 |Ετήσια έκκθεση 2012-Η κατάσταση του προβλήματος των ναρκωτικών στην Ευρώπη (ΕΜCDDA) |

|126 |Νational drug report 2012-Grand Duchy of Luxembourg –New developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues |

|127 |2012 National Report (2011 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox Italian Focal Point |

|128 |The Drug Situation in Norway 2012-Annual report to the EMCDDA |

|129 |Croatian report on the Drugs situation 2011 |

|130 |Croatian report on the Drugs situation 2012 |

|131 |EMCDDA strategy and work programme 2013-15 |

|132 |Annual Report- The Czech Republic 2011 Drug Situation |

|133 |European Drug report 2013-EMCDDA |

|134 |National drug report 2013 –Grand Duchy of Luxembourg- New developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues |

|135 |United Kingdom Drug Situation 2013 Edition – UK Focal Point on drugs –Annual report to the EMCDDA |

|136 |2013 Turkish Drug Report –Ministry of interior Turkish National Police |

|137 |2013 National Report-Italy new development and trends (Reitox Italian Focal Point) |

|138 |Athens declaration on protecting public health by ensuring essential services in drug policy under austerity budgets –and explanatory memorandum- (adopted at the 73th meeting of permanent |

| |correspondent 26-27 November 2013) |

|139 |National report on the drug situation in Malta 2012 (by the national focal point for drugs and drug addiction) |

|140 |Ευρωπαϊκή έκθεση για τα ναρκωτικά –τάσεις και εξελίξεις 2014- ΕΚΠΝΤ |

|141 |Rapport europeen sur lew drogues – Tendances et evolutions 2014 |

|142 |Έκθεση πεπραγμένων 2012-2014 –Παγκύπριο συμβούλιο Εθελοντισμού |

|143 |National report 2013 “Poland” new developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues , Reitox |

|144 |Dopalacze Skala Zjawiska I przeciwdzialanie (Piotr Jablonski, Artur Malczewski) |

|145 |Νational Drug Report 2014 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, new developments, trends and in –depth information on selected issues |

|146 |2014 National Report on the drug situation Malta by the national focal point for drugs and drug addiction (Malta national focal point) |

|147 |Ευρωπαϊκή έκθεση για τα ναρκωτικά 2015-Τάσεις και εξελίξεις (EMCDDA) |

|148 |World drug report 2015 (UNODC) |

|149 |Rapport europeen sur les drogues –tendances et evolutions 2015 (EMCDDA, fr) |

|150 |Eτήσια έκθεση 2012-Γενικό χημείο του κράτους |

|151 |Report on the fifty-ninth session (11 December 2015 and 14-22 March 2016) (United Nations) |

|152 |World drug report 2016 UNODC |

|153 |ΕEuropean drug report –trends and developments 2016 (EMCDDA) |

|154 |EU Drugs Markets Report Strategic Overview 2016 (EMCDDA) |

|155 |Technical report –Assessment of the implementation of the EU Drugs strategy 2005-2012 and its action plans |

|156 |Drug Control in 2016, Annual Report Islamic Republic of Iran |

|157 |Έκθεση Πεπραγμένων του Γραφείου της Εθνικής Συντονίστριας για την Αντιμετώπιση των Ναρκωτικών 2013-2016 – Ελληνική Δημοκρατία, Εθνικός Συντονιστής για την Αντιμετώπιση των Ναρκωτικών |

|158 |Ετήσια Έκθεση 2012 – Η κατάσταση του προβλήματος των ναρκωτικών στην Ευρώπη (Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Παρακολούθησης Ναρκωτικών και Τοξικομανίας) |

|159 |Europe 2020 Strategy for: Smart, Sastainable and Inclusive Growth – Republic of Cyprus – Cyprus National Reform Programme 2011 |

|160 |Ευρωπαϊκή Έκθεση για τα Ναρκωτικά 2013 – Τάσεις και εξελίξεις (Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Παρακολούθησης Ναρκωτικών και Τοξικομανίας) |

|161 |European Drug Report 2017 – Trends and Developments |

|162 |Πλαίσιο Λειτουργίας των Θεραπευτικών Δομών του ΟΚΑΝΑ – Οργανισμός Κατά των Ναρκωτικών 2012 |

|163 |World drug report 2017-The drug problem and organized crime , illicit financial flows, corruption and terrorism UNODC |

|164 |World drug report 2017-Market analysis of synthetic drugs –Amphetamine-type stimulants, news psychoactive substances –UNODC |

|165 |World drug report 2017-Market analysis of plant-based drugs –Opiates, cocaine, cannabis UNODC |

|166 |World drug report 2017-Global overview of drug demand and supply –latest trends , cross-cutting issues UNODC |

|167 |World drug report 2017-Executive summary –conclusions and policy implications -UNODC |

|168 |Report on the sixtieth session (2 December 2016 and 13-17 March 2017) –Commission on narcotic drugs |

|169 |Ηealth and social responses to drug problems-EMCDDA |

|170 |Drug related infectious diseases in Europe –EMCDDA (October 2017) |

|171 |Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 2017 National Drug Report Edition 2017. New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues |

|172 |Τελική Έκθεση – Αξιολόγηση της διαδικασίας και του κόστους των θεραπευτικών δομών στον τομέα της ουσιοεξάρτησης που λειτουργούν Παγκύπρια και Έρευνα εκτίμησης της αποτελεσματικότητας της |

| |θεραπείας στο σύνολό της, καθώς και ανά τύπο Δομής. Λευκωσία – Αθήνα Οκτώβριος 2017 (Α΄ Τελική Έκδοση) |



|1 |Pompidou Group. (2000). Reinsertion professionnelle des toxicomanes en Europe. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|2 |Uchtenhagen, A., Schaaf, S., Berger, Ch. (2000). Reinsertion Professionnelle des toxicomanes (projet eureha): Etat des lieux et resultats d’ une etude sur tous les Etats members du Groupe |

| |Pompidou. Pompidou Group. Council of Europe. |

|3 |Pompidou Group. (2000). Vocational Rehabilitation for Drug Users in Europe. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|4 |EMCDDA - Social reintegration in the EU and Norway– Lisbon 11th March 2003 |


|1 |EMCDDA (2008). Drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|2 |Kruger, H.P., Pompidou Group (2003). Approaches in preventing driving under the influence of drugs. Council of Europe. |

|3 |De Gier, J. (2002). Problems raised by the use / Abuse of psychoactive drugs by drivers. Council of Europe. |

|4 |Paper - Cannabis intoxication and fatal road crashes in France: population based case-control study |

|5 |Report by the expert group on road traffic safety and substitution treatment (Pompidou Group, Council of Europe-Members of the Expert group:Janusz Sieroslawski , Dominique Deugnier, Thoedosis |

| |Giamoustaris, Maren –Cecilie Strand ) |


|1 |EMCDDA (2009).Report on the risk assessment of BZP in the framework of the Council decision on new psychoactive substances. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|2 |EMCDDA (2004).Report on the risk assessment of TMA-2 in the framework of joint action on new synthetic drugs. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|3 |EMCDDA (2007). Early-warning system on new psychoactive substances – Operating guidelines. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|4 |EMCDDA (2003).Report on the risk assessment of PMMA in the framework of the joint action on new synthetic drugs. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|5 |EMCDDA (2004). Report on the risk assessment of 2C-1, 2C-T-2 and 2C-T-7 in the framework of the joint action on new synthetic drugs. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|6 |EMCDDA (2002). Report on the risk assessment of GHB in the framework of the joint action on new synthetic drugs. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|7 |Precursors and chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances 2009 - INCB |

|8 |Risk assessment of new psychoactive substances – Operating guidelines. EMCDDA |

|9 |Baumgartner, E. Ketamine as a Recreational Drug. Check it! |

|10 |Conversion of APAAN (A-Phenylacetoacetonitrile) into BMK (benzylmenthylketone) by the Netherlands Police Agency National Dismantling Faciity (LFO)- Pompidou Group Council of Europe |

|11 |New drugs in Europe, 2012-EMCDDA –Europol 2012 Annual Report on the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA |

|12 |Drugs 2.0 The web revolution that’s changing how the world gets high mike power |

|13 |New psychoactive substances : a challenge to public health –The Spanish Early Warning System (Υπουργείο Υγείας Ισπανίας) |

|14 |Las nuevas sustancias psicoactivas. Un reto para la salud publica –El sistema Espanol de Alerta Temprana (Ministerio De Sanidad) |

|15 |New psychoactive substances: problem and response (National Bureau for Drug Prevention) |

|16 |EMCDDA Report on the risk assessment of mephedrone in the framework of the Council Decision on new psychoactive substances. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction |

|17 |Precursors and chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances 2015 (INCB) |

|18 |A Chemical Love Story |

|19 |Health responses to new psychoactive substances - EMCDDA |

|20 |Recent changes in Europe’s MDMA/ecstasy market – Results from an EMCDDA trendspotter study – April 2016 |

|21 |High risk drug use and new psychoactive substances/Results from an EMCDDA trendspotter study June 2017/EMCDDA |


|1 |Commission of the European Communities (1999). European Foundation of Drug Helplines – Special Edition Cannabis. (No 8). |

|2 |Commission of the European Communities (1998). European Foundation of Drug Helplines (No 6). |

|3 |Commission of the European Communities (1998). European Foundation of Drug Helplines (No 7). |

|4 |Commission of the European Communities (1999). Equal Access For All – Ethnic Minorities and Drug Helplines: The Final Report of the FESAT WORKING GROUP (January 1997 – April 1998). European |

| |Foundation of Drug Helplines. |

|5 |Commission of the European Communities (1999). Training Activities in FESAT (1997-1999). European Foundation of Drug Helplines. |

|6 |Commission of the European Communities (1999). Towards a Common Telephone Number for Drug Helpline Services in Europe? The final report of a feasibility study during the period September |

| |1997-February 1999. European Foundation of Drug Helplines. |

|7 |Education and Culture DG Lifelong Learning Programme. Best Practice Guidelines for Drug Helplines – a document produced by the FESAT Best Practice Exchange Partnership. |

| | |


|1 |ILO, (2003). Alcohol and drug problems at work – The shift to prevention. International Labour Office – Geneva. |

|2 |A Strategic Plan for Tobacco Control in Cyprus. Cyprus International Institute for the Environment and public health in association with Harvard School of Public Health. |

|3 |Ποταμιανός, Γ. (2005). Αλκοολ – Επιστημονικά δεδομένα για τη χρήση και την κατάχρηση της αλκοόλης, το σύνδρομο εξάρτησης και τη θεραπεία. Εκδοτικός Οίκος Α.Α. ΛΙΒΑΝΗ |

|4 |Ministerio de sanidad y consume. Alcohol – Informes de la commission clinica. |

|5 |Department of health and human services, (1997). Reducing Tobacco Use Among Youth: Community – Based Approaches. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. (SMA) 97-3146. |

|6 |Department of health and human services, (2000). Preventing Problems Related to Alcohol Availability: Environmental Approaches, Reference Guide. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. (SMA) |

| |99-3248. |

|7 |ΕΚΤΕΠΝ, (2002). Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία για το Αλκοόλ. ΕΠΙΨΥ. |

|8 |DrugStrategies, (1999). Keeping score on alcohol – Millennium Hangover. |

|9 |National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, (2000). Make a difference – Talk to your child about Alcohol. National Institutes of Health, 00-4314 |

|10 |Ράτρη, Τ., Χάουελς, Μ., Σίγκλερ, Ι. (2000). Παιδιά και Αλκοόλ – Ένα χρήσιμο Βιβλίο για Δασκάλους, Γονείς και Παιδιά. Εκδόσεις ΕΡΜΙΟΝΗ. |

|11 |Department of health and human services, (1999). Preventing Problems Related to Alcohol Availability: Environmental Approaches, Practitioners’ Guide. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. (SMA)|

| |99-3298. |

|12 |Alcohol Requires Responsibility – Awareness Campaign. |

|13 |Αλκοολικοί Ανώνυμοι. Παγκόσμιες υπηρεσίες ανώνυμων αλκοολικών. Πόλη της Νέας Υόρκης. |

|14 |How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics. Al-Anon family groups. |

|15 |Smoking prevention in Secondary School – Evaluation. EDEX. |

|16 |Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity. Research and public policy. Oxford University Press. |

|17 |Heather, N., Stockwell, T. (2004). The Essential Handbook of Treatment and Prevention of Alcohol Problems. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. |

|18 |Alcohol and Drug problems at work: The shift to prevention. International Labour Office – Geneva. |

|19 |Interventions for alcohol dependence in Europe:a missed opportunity to improve public health – University of Torondo |

|20 |Alcohol in the European Union – Consumption, harm and policy approaches – WHO |

|21 |Evidence for the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm - WHO |

|22 |Status report on alcohol and health in 35 European countries 2013-Who – Ministry of social affairs and health-Finland |

|23 |Alcohol and inequities –Guidance for addressing inequities in alcohol-related harm (Who, Regional Office for Europe) |

|24 |European status report on alcohol and health 2014-Leadership, awareness and commitment (WHO) |

|25 |Status report on alcohol and health in 35 European countries 2013 (WHO) |

|26 |Spirits: committed to reducing alcohol harm |

|27 |Public awareness, school-based and early interventiosn to reduce alcohol related harm (RARHA) |

|28 |Good practice principles for low risk drinking guidelines (RARHA) |

|29 |Prevention of harm caused by alcohol exposure in pregnancy (WHO) |

|30 |The Greek Tobacco epidemic (HARVARD School of Public Health) |

|31 |Prevention of harm caused by alcohol exposure in pregnancy - WHO |



|1 |Rogers, C., Ένας τρόπος να υπάρχουμε. Εκδόσεις Ερευνητές – Ο άνθρωπος και ο κόσμος του. |

|2 |Society for neuroscience, (1996). Τι γνωρίζουμε για τον εγκέφαλο – Ένα αλφαβητάρι για τον εγκέφαλο και το νευρικό σύστημα. Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη. |

|3 |Λουρια, Α.Ρ., (1999). Η λειτουργία του εγκεφάλου – Εισαγωγή στη Νευροψυχολογία. Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη. |

|4 |Glouberman, D., (2002). BURNOUT – Κίνδυνος ή ευκαιρία – Πως το Σύνδρομο Επαγγελματικής Εξουθένωσης μπορεί να γίνει αφορμή για μια νέα αρχή. Ερευνητές, ο άνθρωπος και ο κόσμος του. |

|5 |Dowling, E., Osborne, E., (2001). Η οικογένεια και το σχολείο – Μια συστημική προσέγγιση από κοινού σε παιδιά με προβλήματα. Gutenberg. |

|6 |Τσιαντης, Ι., (2003). Εφηβεία. Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη (Τόμος Δεύτερος, Δεύτερο Τεύχος). |

|7 |Μπολμπυ, Τ. (1995). Δημιουργία και διακοπή των συναισθηματικών δεσμών. Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη. |

|8 |Minuchin, S., Fishman, H., (2007). Τεχνικές οικογενειακής θεραπείας. ΚΕΘΕΑ - Ερευνητές, ο άνθρωπος και ο κόσμος του. |

|9 |Rogers, C., (2006). Το γίγνεσθαι του προσώπου. Ερευνητές, ο άνθρωπος και ο κόσμος του. |

|10 |Μπρακονιε, Α., Μαρτσελι Ν., (2002). Τα χίλια πρόσωπα της εφηβείας. Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη. |

|11 |Πετρογιάννης, Ε., Melhuish, E.C., (2001). Προσχολική ηλικία: Φροντίδα-Αγωγή-Ανάπτυξη. Ψυχολογία – Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη. |

|12 |Κουρακης, Ν.(1999). Έφηβοι παραβάτες και κοινωνία – Juvenile delinquents and society. Αντ. Ν. Σακκουλα. |

|13 |Βιννικοτ, Ντ.(2000). Το παιδί, το παιχνίδι και η πραγματικότητα. Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη. |

|14 |Siegel, S., Lowe, E. (2006). Ο ασθενής που θεράπευσε το θεραπευτή του. Ερευνητές, ο άνθρωπος και ο κόσμος του. |

|15 |White, W. L.(1997). The incestuous workplace – Stress and distress in the Organizational Family. Hadelden. |

|16 |Minuchin, S.(2007). Οικογενειακό καλειδοσκόπιο. Ερευνητές, ο άνθρωπος και ο κόσμος του. ΚΕΘΕΑ. |

|17 |Βίννικοτ, Ν. (1976). Το παιδί, η οικογένεια και ο εξωτερικός του κόσμος. Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη. |

|18 |Barton, A. (2003). Illicit Drugs: Use and Control. Routledge. |

|19 |Στυλιανού, Κ. (2000). Ναρκωτικά. Επιφανίου, Λευκωσία. |

|20 |Sheff, D. (2008). Beautiful Boy: A father’s journey through his son’s addiction. Simon & Schuster UK Ltd. |

|21 |Woodward, B. (2007). Once an addict. The fascinating true story of one man’s escape from the murky drugs underworld. Authentic. |

|22 |Τσιαντης, Ι., Μπιθαρη, Φ. (1990). Ψυχιατρικός Τομέας στο Γενικό Νοσοκομείο για παιδιά. Λειτουργίες – Προοπτικές. Κείμενα 4ου Μετεκπαιδευτικού Σεμιναρίου στην Παιδοψυχιατρική. |

|23 |Ethical eye (2005). Drug addiction. Council of Europe |

|24 |Bonita, R., Beaglehole, R., Kjellstrom, T., Βασική Επιδημιολογία. World Health Organization |

|25 |Ιατρίδης, Δ. (2009). Οργανισμοί Κοινωνικής Φροντίδας, σχεδιασμός κοινωνικής πολιτικής για ανάπτυξη. Ελληνικά Γράμματα. |

|26 |Αγραφιώτης, Δ. (2003). Υγεία, Αρρώστια, Κοινωνία, τόποι και τρόποι σύμπλεξης. Γιώργος Δαρδάνος. |

|27 |Papaioannou, J. (2007). Project Management – Survival Of The Fittest. Kosmos Business Systems Ltd. |

|28 |Parnell, D. (2010). Facing the Dragon. Health Communication, Inc. |

|29 |Μάτσα, Κ. (2001). Ψάξαμε ανθρώπους και βρήκαμε σκιές. Εκδόσεις ΑΓΡΑ. |

|30 |Mιχάλης Παπαδόπουλος. Θεραπεύοντας το σχολείο. Εκδόσεις Τετράδια 24, Νήσος. |

|31 |Εμμανουήλ Π.Περσελής, Χρήστος Κ. Βασιλόπουλος, Σταύρος Σ. Φωτίου, Αγωγή Νεότητας- Κέντρο μελετών ιεράς μονής Κύκκου |

|32 |Συζητήσεις εφήβων –Ψυχική Υγεία -Διαπροσωπικές σχέσεις –Ερευνητικό Πανεπιστήμιο Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής (βιβλίο για τον καθηγητή)-δείτε κατηγορία εγχειρίδια |

|33 |Συζητήσεις εφήβων-Ψυχική υγεία Διαπροσωπικές σχέσεις –Ερευνητικό Πανεπιστημιακό Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής –εγχειρίδιο για τον καθηγητή-δείτε κατηγορία εγχειρίδια |

|34 |Συζητήσεις εφήβων-Διαπροσωπικές σχέσεις Επικοινωνία –Ερευνητικό Πανεπιστημιακό Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής –τετράδιο για τον μαθητή -δείτε κατηγορία εγχειρίδια |

|35 |To αδύνατο πένθος και η κρύπτη – Ο τοξικομανής και ο θάνατος –Κατερίνα Μάτσα |

|36 |Aστυνομικά χρονικά (Δεκέμβριος, τεύχος 3, 2012) |

|37 |O Άγνωστος κόσμος των κυπριακών φυλακών –Νίκη Πατσαλίδου |

|38 |Ταπείνωση και ντροπή – Γυναίκες τοξικομανείς (Κατερίνα Μάτσα) |

|39 |Aστυνομικά χρονικά (Ιανουάριος, τεύχος 1,2014) |

|40 |Kύπρος, μικρά τοπία, μοναδικά ζώα (Υπουργείο Γεωργίας, Φυσικών πόρων και περιβάλλοντος –Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία) |

|41 |Όραμα μάθησης, Υπουργείο Οικονομικών, τμήμα δημόσιας διοίκησης και προσωπικού (Κυπριακή ακαδημία δημόσιας διοίκησης) |

|42 |Έντεκα και Ένα Πρόσωπα της Κάνναβης – Νουβέλα Έλενας Ζαρούνα - ΚΕΝΘΕΑ |

|43 |Iάκωβος Χατζησταύρου –drugs παραμύθι addicts |

|44 |Επωνύμων γαστρονομικές προτάσεις – συνταγές Λουίζας Ζεμπύλα-Ραφαήλ –ΣΥΚΑΝΑ Λάρνακας |

|45 |Επιλέγω Ζωή –Με στοχευμένο πρόγραμμα της ΔΟΠ: Πρόληψη της πρόωρης εγκατάλειψης του σχολείου –ΔΟΠ Γεροσκήπου |

|46 |Η ιστορία του άρχοντα Φον Μεπάρχ –ΚΕΝΘΕΑ |

|47 |Drugs παραμύθι addicts –Ιάκωβος Χατζησταύρου |

|48 |Aστυνομικά χρονικά –Αύγουστος –τεύχος 1/2014 |

|49 |Αστυνομικά χρονικά – Νοέμβριος / τεύχος 2/2014 |

|50 |Public Communication Campaigns (Ronald E. Rice, Charles K. Atkin-fourth edition) |

|51 |Chasing the scream –the first and last days of the war on drugs (Johann Hari) |

|52 |Weed the people –the future of legal marijuana in America(Bruce Barcott) |

|53 |Drug Diplomacy in the twentieth century /An international history (William B. McAllister) |

|54 |Oικογένεια και σχολείο /Πώς δομείται η ταυτότητα του φύλου στα κορίτσια προεφηβικής ηλικίας (Παγκύπρια σχολή γονέων) |

|55 |Οικογένεια και σχολείο/4ο παγκύπριο συνέδριο με θέμα «Ομαλή μετάβαση των μαθητών από το νηπιαγωγείο στο δημοτικό και από το δημοτικό στο γυμνάσιο |

|56 |Αστυνομικά χρονικά τεύχος 1/2015 (Αστυνομία Κύπρου ) |

|57 |Ο ρόλος των γονέων στην ενίσχυση της περιβαλλοντικής συνείδησης των παιδιών (Παγκύπρια σχολή γονέων) |

|58 |Tι χρειάζεται ένα παιδί για να διαπαιδαγωγηθεί σωστά ; Παγκύπρια σχολή γονέων |

|59 |Aστυνομικά χρονικά – Τεύχος 2/2015 (Αστυνομία Κύπρου ) |

|60 |Aνοικτό πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου –Έκθεση πεπραγμένων 2014 |

|61 |Αστυνομικά χρονικά –Τεύχος 3/2015 (Αστυνομία Κύπρου) |

|62 |Οδηγός ανταγωνιστικών ευρωπαϊκών προγραμμάτων / Ευκαιρίες χρηματοδότησης μέσα από μια Πύλη (Πύλη ενημέρωσης Χρηματοδοτικών Προγραμμάτων) |

|63 |Competent National Authorities under the International Drug Control Treaties 2015 |

|64 |Οργανισμός Κατά των Ναρκωτικών ΟΚΑΝΑ |

|65 |PEARL – Stelios Komodromos |

|66 |Τhe relationship between parental knowledge and adolescent delinquency: a longitudinal study |

|67 |Συμβουλευτικό Εγχειρίδιο Χειρισμού Ανήλικων Παραβατών και Ανήλικων Θυμάτων, Διεύθυνση Ευρωπαϊκής και Διεθνούς Αστυνομικής Συνεργασίας Γραφείο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων 2018 |


|1 |DHHS, (2000). Changing the Conversation – Improving substance abuse treatment: the national treatment plan initiative. Department of health and human services, (SMA) 00-3480 |

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|2 |Annual Report on Drug Abuse of China – 2004. National Surveillance Center on Drug Abuse. National Institute on Drug Dependence. |

|3 |The role of civil society in drugs policy in the European Union. Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security. |

|4 |D.N.P.A. (2003). Italian presidency of the European Union in the field of drugs. National department for antidrug policy. |

|5 |Turkish Report on Drugs and Organized Crime 2007. Ministry of Interior. Turkish National Police. |

|6 |Nolin, P.C., Kenny, C. (2002). Cannabis: Our position for a Canadian Public Policy. |

|7 |Annual Report on Drugs – Control in China. Office of National Narcotics Control Commission. P.R.China Feb. 2005. |

|8 |National Drug Policy Strategy for the period 2005 to 2009. The Czech Republic. |

|9 |Action Plan of the National Drug Policy Strategy Implementation for the period 2007 to 2009. Czech Republic. |

|10 |National Plan on Drugs. Ministerio del interior. Delegacion del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. |

|11 |Barett, D., Lines, R., Schleifer, R., Elliott, R., Taylor, D. Recalibrating the Regime – The Need for a Human Rights-Based Approach to International Drug Policy. The Beckley foundation drug |

| |policy programme. |

|12 |Πλαίσιο και μέσα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στον τομέα των ναρκωτικών. Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή – Υπηρεσία Επίσημων Εκδόσεων των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων. |

|13 |Συμβούλιο Εγκληματικότητας, (2006). Εθνικό Σχέδιο Δράσης για την Πρόληψη και Αντιμετώπιση της Εγκληματικότητας 2006-2010. Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης και Δημοσίας Τάξεως. |

|14 |National Action Plan for mobilization and coordination of the Swedish national drug policy. The Swedish National Drug Policy Coordinator. |

|15 |Pompidou Group. Connecting research, policy and practice. Lessons learned, challenges ahead. Proceedings. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|16 |Action Plan Against Drugs and Drug Addictions. Horizon 2008. Portugal. Institute on Drugs and Drug Addiction. Health Ministry. |

|17 |National Plan Against Drug and Drug Addictions 2005-2012. Executive Summary. Portugal. Institute on Drugs and Drug Addiction. Health Ministry. |

|18 |UNODC Strategy 2008-2011. United Nations. Office on Drugs and Crime. |

|19 |Roberts, M., Klein, A., Trace, M. Towards a review of global policies on illegal drugs. The Beckley Foundation drug policy programme. |

|20 |Framework and instruments of the European Union in the field of drugs. Office for official publications of the European Communities. |

|21 |Portuguese drug strategy. |

|22 |Action Plan on drugs and addiction, (2003). Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government. |

|23 |OKANA. Η πραγματικότητα για τα ναρκωτικά και για την αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος. Πρόληψη-Θεραπεία-Αποκατάσταση. Σχέδιο Δράσης ΟΚΑΝΑ 2000-2003. Οργανισμός κατά των ναρκωτικών. |

|24 |An information booklet summarizing the Government’s plan for the fight against drugs and the prevention of addiction, 1999-2000-2001. French Committee for Health Education. |

|25 |Political Declaration. Guiding Principles of Drug Demand Reduction and Measures to Enhance International Cooperation to Counter the World Drug Problem. Special Session of the General Assembly |

| |Devoted to Countering the World Drug Problem Together. 8-10 June 1998. |

|26 |Drug Policy in the Netherlands. Basic Principles and Enforcement in Practice. International Publication Series Health, Welfare and Sport No 18. |

|27 |Hartnoll, R. (2004). Drugs and drug dependence: linking research, policy and practice – Lessons learned, challenges ahead. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|28 |Plan gouvernemental de dutte contre les drogues et les toxicomanies 2008-2011. Republique Francaise. |

|29 |Εθνικό Σχέδιο Δράσης κατά των Ναρκωτικών 2008-2012. Υπουργείο Υγείας και Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης. |

|30 |Muscat, R., P.G. research platform (2008). From a policy on illegal drugs to a policy on psychoactive substances. Council of Europe Publishing. |

|31 |National Drugs Strategy (interim) 2009-2016 (Dublin). Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. |

|32 |Υπουργείο Υγείας της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας (2009). Στρατηγική Αντιμετώπισης του καρκίνου στην Κύπρο. Κυβερνητικό Τυπογραφείο. |

|33 |National Drug Strategy 2009-2016. SPAIN |

|34 |EU Drugs Action Plan for 2009-2012. European Commission |

|35 |Spanish Presidency of the EU 2010 – Health and Social Policy |

|36 |Spain 2009-2012. Plan of Action on Drugs. |

|37 |Spain. National Drug Strategy 2009-2016. |

|38 |Warsaw 2008. National Bureau for Drug Prevention |

|39 |STRATEGY for the Implementation of the National Anti-Drug Policy of the Russian Federation in the Period Until 2020 |

|40 |Richard Muscat and Pompidou Group. From a policy on illegal drugs to a policy on psychoactive substances. Council of Europe. |

|41 |Pompidou Group. Towards an integrated policy on psychoactive substances: a theoretical and empirical analysis. Council of Europe. |

|42 |Decorte T., Fountain, J. (2010). Pleasure, Pain and Profit. European Perspectives on Drugs. Pompidou Group. |

|43 |2000-2008 Final Evaluation of the National Drugs Strategy. Gobierno De Espana. |

|44 |Access to Health Care for Undocumented migrants in Europe – Platform for international cooperation on undocumented migrants |

|45 |Government plan for combating drugs and addictive behaviours 2013-2017 (MiLDT) |

|46 |Ending the Drug Wars – Report of the LSE Expert Group on the Economics of Drug Policy |

|47 |Future of Drug Policy – Real Solutions Grounded in Global Evidence |



|1 |DHHS (1999). Culture issues in substance abuse treatment. Department of Health and Human Services, (SMA) 01-3612 |



|1 |Χατζηματθαίου, Α. (2004). Γυάλινος κόσμος. Εκδόσεις Επιφάνιου. |

|2 |Μακρίδου, Ε. (2007). Αγώνας Ζωής. Τυπογραφείο Χατζημιχαλάκης. |

|3 |Black, C. (2006). Αυτό δεν θα συμβεί ποτέ σε μένα. Ζώντας με τις εξαρτήσεις. Εκδόσεις Κριτική. |

|4 |Phillips, E. (2007). Mum, can you lend me twenty quid? What drugs did to my family. Portrait. |

|5 |Γεωργάκας, Π. Εξαρτήσεις – Η έκφραση μιας κοινωνικής, οικογενειακής και ατομικής δυσλειτουργίας. Παρατηρητής. |

|6 |Frey, J. (2003). A million little pieces. |

|7 |Brownlee, N. (2002). This is alcohol. Popular culture sanctuary publishing. |

|8 |Ashton, R. (2002). This is heroin. Popular culture sanctuary publishing. |

|9 |Thomas, G. (2002). This is ecstasy. Popular culture sanctuary publishing. |

|10 |Gobierno de espana. Cocaina – Informes de la commission clinica. Pnsd |

|11 |Plan nacional sobre drogas. Drogas: mas informacion, menos riesgos. |

|12 |EMCDDA (2004). An overview of cannabis potency in Europe. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|13 |Livret de connaissances. Comprendre l’ action des drogues. Droges savoir plus. |

|14 |ΕΠΙΨΥ-ΟΚΑΝΑ (2003). Στοιχεία για τις εξαρτησιογόνες ουσίες. |

|15 |Drogues et dependances – Le livre d’ information. Drogues savoir plus risquer moins. |

|16 |Drogues. Savoir plus risquer moins. Fundacion Vivir sin Drogas. |

|17 |Medios de comunicacion y drogodependencias. Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. |

|18 |EMCDDA (2009). Addiction neurobiology: Ethical and social implications. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|19 |Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού (1990). Το πρόβλημα των ναρκωτικών. Κώνος Λτδ. |

|20 |Ramstrom, J. (2004). Adverse Health Consequences of Cannabis Use – A survey of scientific studies published up to and including the Autumn of 2003. Sandvikens Tryckeri. |

|21 |Πόρακος, Π. (2007). Άγγελοι θανάτου «Πριν το τέλος». Γενικές Εκδόσεις. |

|22 |Ευαγγελίδης, Τ. (1982). Στα σύνορα της σιωπής. Αληθινές ιστορίες από το ημερολόγιο του γιατρού. |

|23 |EMCDDA (2008). A cannabis reader: global issues and local experiences. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. |

|24 |Constable, N. (2002). This is cocaine. Popular culture sanctuary publishing. |

|25 |Roques, B. (2001). Η επικινδυνότητα των «ναρκωτικών» ουσιών. Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση. |

|26 |Πιπερόπουλος, Γ. (2002). Εξαρτήσεις και αποκλίσεις. Τζόγος-αλκοολισμός-ναρκομανία-ψυχικές διαταραχές-εγκληματικότητα. Εκδόσεις Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας. |

|27 |Earleywine, M. Understanding Marijuana – A new look at the scientific evidence. Oxford university press. |

|28 |Bergeret, J. (1999). Τοξικοεξάρτηση και προσωπικότητα. Ελληνικά γράμματα. |

|29 |Richard, P., McBride, A., Arnold, K. (2005) Injecting illicit drugs. Blackwell publishing. |

|30 |White, W., Popovits, R. (2001). Critical incidents – Ethical Issues In the Prevention and Treatment of Addiction. Lighthouse Institute Bloomington. |

|31 |Baumgartner, E. Ketamine as a Recreational Drug, on the risks of consumption-related socio-pathological changes and specific conflict bahaviour, and their relevance for secondary preventive |

| |institutions. ChEckiT! |

|32 |Edwards, G. Addiction evolution of a specialist field. Blackwell publishing. |

|33 |NAC, DH. Dangerous of Drugs, September 2001. National Addiction Centre, Department of Health. |

|34 |Barber, J. Social work with addictions. Palgrave. |

|35 |Alcool – Effets sur la sante. Inserm |

|36 |Impact Analysis Project of New Drugs Legislation. Pad. |

|37 |Bissell, L., Rouce, J. (1987) Ethics for addiction professionals. Hazelden. |

|38 |Cannabis – Quels effets sur le comportement et la sante. Inserm |

|39 |12-25 ans, alcool, cannabis, une banalite? Herodote. |

|40 |Street Drugs – Drug Identification Guide. Publishers Group. |

|41 |Straight Facts About Drugs & Drug Abuse. Publications, Health Canada |

|42 |Drogas emergentes – Informesde la commission clinica –Gobierno de espana |

|43 |Memoria – Plan nacional sobre drogas –Gobierno de Espana |

|44 |Cannabis production and markets in Europe, Insights EMCDDA |

|45 |Pompidou Group – Education and training on substance use disorders – Recommendations for future national Drug Policies - Council Of Europe Publishing |



|1 |Hazelden – Center for Youth and Families. |

|2 |RS EDEN – Building New Beginnings. |

|3 |Κατάλογος Συμβουλευτικών Κέντρων και Θεραπευτικών Προγραμμάτων Αττικής για χρήστες εξαρτησιογόνων ουσιών – Αθήνα 1995 |

|4 |ΚΕΝΘΕΑ – Προγράμματα – Μέλη |

|5 |ΕΚΤΕΠΝ (2000). Οδηγός Υπηρεσιών Πρόληψης και Θεραπείας των Ουσιοεξαρτήσεων. ΕΚΤΕΠΝ-ΕΠΙΨΥ. |

|6 |UN (2006). Multilingual Dictionary on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances under international control. UNODC. |

|7 |ΚΕΘΕΑ (1996-2001). Πλεύση – Δίκτυο έγκαιρης παρέμβασης για έφηβους χρήστες ουσιών και τις οικογένειες τους. |

|8 |Κέντρο Θεραπείας Εξαρτημένων Ατόμων. |

|9 |UN (2009). Competent National Authorities under the International Drug Control Treaties. With introductory texts in Arabic, Chinese and Russian. UNODC. |

|10 |Σύνδεσμος Καταπολέμησης Ναρκωτικών Λάρνακας. Αναζητήσεις. |

|11 |Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου. Οδηγός Προπτυχιακών Σπουδών. |

|12 |Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου. Οδηγός Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών. |

|13 |ΕΚΤΕΠΝ. Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία για τα Ναρκωτικά για το έτος 1997. ΕΚΤΕΠΝ-ΕΠΙΨΥ. |

|14 |ΕΚΤΕΠΝ. Συμπλήρωμα στην Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία για τα Ναρκωτικά για το έτος 1998. ΕΚΤΕΠΝ-ΕΠΙΨΥ. |

|15 |ΕΚΤΕΠΝ. Συμπλήρωμα στην Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία για τα Ναρκωτικά για το έτος 1999. ΕΚΤΕΠΝ-ΕΠΙΨΥ. |

|16 |ΕΚΤΕΠΝ. Συμπλήρωμα στην Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία για τα Ναρκωτικά για το έτος 2000. ΕΚΤΕΠΝ-ΕΠΙΨΥ. |

|17 |ΕΚΤΕΠΝ. Συμπλήρωμα στην Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία για τα Ναρκωτικά για το έτος 2001. ΕΚΤΕΠΝ-ΕΠΙΨΥ. |

|18 |Competent National Authorities under the International Drug Control Treaties. UNODC |

|19 |Scientific and Forensic Services. UNODC |

|20 |Ευρετήριο των συχνότερων χρησιμοποιούμενων ορών των παράνομων ουσιών εξάρτησης και του αλκοόλ - ΑΣΚ |



|1 |Στηρίζομαι στα πόδια μου – Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό αγωγής υγείας – Κάρτες περιπτώσεων. Ερευνητικό Πανεπιστημιακό Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής. Οργανισμός κατά των ναρκωτικών. |

|2 |Στηρίζομαι στα πόδια μου – Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό αγωγής υγείας – Ταυτότητα και Αυτοεκτίμηση. Ερευνητικό Πανεπιστημιακό Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής. Οργανισμός κατά των ναρκωτικών. |

|3 |Στηρίζομαι στα πόδια μου – Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό αγωγής υγείας – Αυτοπεποίθηση και αποφασιστικότητα. Ερευνητικό Πανεπιστημιακό Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής. Οργανισμός κατά των ναρκωτικών. |

|4 |Στηρίζομαι στα πόδια μου – Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό αγωγής υγείας – Συναισθήματα. Ερευνητικό Πανεπιστημιακό Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής. Οργανισμός κατά των ναρκωτικών. |

|5 |Στηρίζομαι στα πόδια μου – Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό αγωγής υγείας – Λήψη αποφάσεων. Ερευνητικό Πανεπιστημιακό Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής. Οργανισμός κατά των ναρκωτικών. |

|6 |Στηρίζομαι στα πόδια μου – Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό αγωγής υγείας – Φυλλάδια μαθητών. Ερευνητικό Πανεπιστημιακό Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής. Οργανισμός κατά των ναρκωτικών. |

|7 |Στηρίζομαι στα πόδια μου – Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό αγωγής υγείας – Κατανόηση των επιρροών. Ερευνητικό Πανεπιστημιακό Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής. Οργανισμός κατά των ναρκωτικών. |

|8 |Πρόγραμμα για τον προφορικό λόγο «Οι ιστορίες ξυπνούν...» 2003, η παραδοσιακή τέχνη της αφήγησης και η αναβίωση της στις μέρες μας. Αστυνομία Κύπρου – ΥΚΑΝ. Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου. |

|9 |Luengo, A., Fraguela, J., Garra, A., Romero, E. Construyendo salud, promocion del desarrollo personal y social, guia del professor. Universidad de Santiago. |

|10 |Luengo, A., Fraguela, J., Garra, A., Romero, E. Construyendo salud, promocion del desarrollo personal y social, guia del alumno. Universidad de Santiago. |

|11 |The Danish Government (2003). The Fight Against Drugs – action plan against drug abuse. |

|12 |Εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα για την οικογένεια. Χορηγός Ιερά Μονή Κύκκου. |

|13 |Εκπαιδεύοντας τον Ίκαρο – Εκπαίδευση νέων με παραβατική συμπεριφορά για την αντιμετώπιση της χρήσης ψυχοτρόπων ουσιών. ΚΕΘΕΑ. |

| 14 |Αγωγή Υγείας – Ψυχική Υγεία – Διαπροσωπικές σχέσεις. Τόμος Ι-ΙΧ. Υπουργείο Εθνικής Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων. |

|15 |Garcia-Rodriguez, J., Sanchez, C. (1998). Barbacana. Generalitat Valenciana. |

|16 |Garcia-Rodriguez, J., Lopez, C. Barbacana. Generalitat Valenciana. |

|17 |Garcia-Rodriguez, J., Sanchez, C. (2001). Barbacana 2. Generalitat Valenciana. |

|18 |Garcia-Rodriguez, J., Sanchez, C. (2001). Barbacana 2. Generalitat Valenciana. |

|19 |Lions-Club International Foundation. Combination Workshop Guidebook for skills for growing and skills for adolescence. |

|20 |Στηρίζομαι στα πόδια μου – Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό αγωγής υγείας – Εγχειρίδιο για τον εκπαιδευτικό. Ερευνητικό Πανεπιστημιακό Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής. Οργανισμός κατά των ναρκωτικών. ΚΕΝΘΕΑ. |

|21 |Lions-Quest Skills for adolescence. Changes and challenges – Becoming the best you can be. |

|22 |Prevencion del consume de drogas en el ambito familiar – guia de actividades. Concejalia de Gobierno de Seguridad y Servicios a la Comunidad. |

|23 |Prevencion del consume de drogas en el ambito familiar – manual de prevencion. Concejalia de Gobierno de Seguridad y Servicios a la Comunidad. |

|24 |Unidad didactica sobre tabaco – Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria. EDEX |

|25 |Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. Guia, para la prevencion de las drogodependencias. Cuaderno del professor. |

|26 |Plan Municipal Contra las Drogas – Memoria 2002. Concejalia de Gobierno de Seguridad y Servicios a la Comunidad. |

|27 |Lions-Quest. Skills for Adolescence. A Positive Youth Development Program for Middle and Junior High Schools. |

|28 |Dispelling the Myths about tobacco – A community toolkit for Reducing tobacco use among women. Department of Health and Human |

| |Services. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Atlanta, GA |

|29 |MediaSharp – Analyzing Tobacco and Alcohol Messages – Leader’s Guide. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. Office on Smoking and Health. American Academy of Pediatrics. |

|30 |Συμβουλευτική στον τομέα της τοξικοεξάρτησης. Γνώσεις, δεξιότητες, στάση στην επαγγελματική πρακτική. ΚΕΘΕΑ |

|31 |Ανοικτές Διαλέξεις. Συμβουλευτική στον τομέα της τοξικοεξάρτησης. Γνώσεις, δεξιότητες, στάση στην επαγγελματική πρακτική. Τεύχος 1. ΚΕΘΕΑ |

|32 |Βιβλιογραφία του εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος Ικανότητες Συμβουλευτικής σε θέματα Τοξικοεξάρτησης. |

|33 |Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό πρόληψης – Δεξιότητες για παιδιά του δημοτικού – Βασικό πρόγραμμα. ΚΕΘΕΑ. |

|34 |Cyprus American CASP III. Scholarship program summer 2002. R. Kibben Co. |

|35 |Programa de formacion de formadores para la prevencion de los problemas de salud asociados al consumo de drogas. Talleres de sexo mas seguro y de sonsumo de menos riesgo. Delegacion del Gobierno |

| |para el Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas. |

|36 |Braam, R., Verbraeck, H., Trautmann, F. Manual “Rapid Assessment and Response” (RAR) on Problematic Substance Use among Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Illegal Immigrants. 2nd extended edition. |

| |Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippen. |

|37 |Materials for Drug Prevention for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Illegal Immigrants. Findings of the European Project “SEARCH II”. Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippen. |

|38 |Aντιμετωπίζοντας το στίγμα της εξάρτησης – Οδηγός καλής πρακτικής –Για τα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης (Αντιναρκωτικό Συμβούλιο Κύπρου – Ένωση Συντακτών Κύπρου) |

|39 |Pompidou Group – Education and training on substance use disorders – Recommendations for future national Drug Policies - Council Of Europe Publishing |


|1 |Pinder, J., Usherwood S. (2007). THE EUROPEAN UNION – A Very Short Introduction. OXFORD |

|2 |Horvath, Z. (2007). HANDBOOK ON THE EUROPEAN UNION. hvgorac |

|3 |Bonde, J.P. (2007). From EU Constitution to Lisbon Treaty. The revised EU Constitution analysed by a Danish member of the two constitutional Conventions, Jens-Peter Bonde. Foundation for EU |

| |democracy |

|4 |McCormick, J. (2008). Understanding the European Union – A Concise Introduction. The European Union Series |

|5 |Gueguen, D. (2008). The new practical guide to the EU labyrinth. With Lisbon Treaty Updates. Europolitics (10th edition) |

|6 |The role of civil society in drugs policy in the European Union |

|7 |Instruments of the European Union on cooperation between law enforcement services –General Secretariat of the Council |

|8 |Οδηγός της συνήθους νομοθετικής διαδικασίας (Οκτώβριος 2010)-Γενική Γραμματεία του Συμβουλίου |

|9 |Οδηγός του προέδρου ομάδας εργασίας |

|10 |Οδηγός του προέδρου ομάδας εργασίας – 2ο εξάμηνο 2012- Κυπριακή Προεδρία του Συμβουλίου της ΕΕ |

|11 |Guide for the drafting of documents –General secretariat of the council |

|12 |Comments on the Council’s Rules of procedure –General secretariat of the council (September 2011) |

|13 |Handbook of the presidency of the Council of the European Union (Brussels, 28 November 2011) |

|14 |Εσωτερικός κανονισμός του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου –Εσωτερικός κανονισμός του Συμβουλίου – Γενική Γραμματεία του Συμβουλίου (Δεκέμβριος 2009) |

|15 |Delegates’ Handbook (October 2011) – General Secretariat of the Council |

|16 |Οδηγός της συνήθους νομοθετικής διαδικασίας –Γενική Γραμματεία του Συμβουλίου (Οκτώβριος 2010) |

|17 |Amphetamine – A European Union perspective in the global context -ΕΜCDDA-Europol Joint Publications – |

|18 |EU Health Programme: working together to improve public health in Europe – European Commission |

|19 |EU Health Programme: 2012 Call for Proposals – European Commission |

|20 |European project –S.O.N Save our net – Guidelines (The department for Anti-drug policies, Presidency of the council of ministers) |

|21 |ΕU Health Programme Selected projects –edition 2013 (European Commission) |

|22 |EU support for key public health initiatives 2008-2011 / Joint Actions (European Commission) |

|23 |ΕU Health programme :working together to improve public health in Europe – a selection of public health projects with an important impact for EU Member STAES (European Commission) |


|1 |EMCDDA. Guidelines for collecting data on retail drug prices in Europe: issues and challenges. Publications Office. |

|2 |EMCDDA EU Drug markets report /a strategic analysis – EUROPOL -EMCDDA |

| |Μed NET |

|1 |Egypt –Drug situation and policy |

|2 |Jordan –Drug situation and policy |

|3 |Lebanon –Drug situation and policy |

|4 |Morocco –Drug situation and policy |

|5 |Tunisia –Drug situation and policy |

|6 |Algeria-Drug situation and policy |

|7 |MedNET Cooperation in the Mediterranean region on drugs and addiction |

|8 |Jordan and Med NET , Med NET the Pompidou Group’s co-operation network on drugs and drug addiction in the Mediterranean region |

|9 |Lebanon and Med NET , Med NET the Pompidou Group’s co-operation network on drugs and drug addiction in the Mediterranean region |

|10 |Algeria and Med NET , Med NET the Pompidou Group’s co-operation network on drugs and drug addiction in the Mediterranean region |

|11 |Tunisia and Med NET , Med NET the Pompidou Group’s co-operation network on drugs and drug addiction in the Mediterranean region |

|12 |Morocco and Med NET , Med NET the Pompidou Group’s co-operation network on drugs and drug addiction in the Mediterranean region |

|13 |Egypt and Med NET , Med NET the Pompidou Group’s co-operation network on drugs and drug addiction in the Mediterranean region |

|14 |Med NET 10 years and beyond -10 years of cooperation in the Mediterranean region on drugs and addiction timeline, impact of MedNET |

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