COVID-19 WATER CHALLENGE The COVID-19 water challenge is easy. Drink water three times a day. Drinking water morning, noon and night is an easy way to hydrate your body throughout the day. When you are well hydrated the mucous lining your throat and lungs is watery and floats Covid-19 virus particles out of your body. When you are dehydrated the mucous lining becomes thick and sticky trapping virus particles inside you.How Your Body’s Mucociliary Escalator Removes Covid-19 Virus particles floating in the air is a primary way the Covid-19 virus spreads. When you breathe in Covid-19 virus particles they land on your throat and lungs and need to be removed. Your body has a Mucociliary escalator that removes Covid-19 virus particles from your throat and lungs. Your Mucociliary escalator is a combination of the Mucous and Cilia that line your throat and lungs. It is your body’s first line of defense against the Covid-19 virus. Your Cilia are constantly moving in a layer of watery mucous to create a wave that moves Covid-19 virus particles up and out of your throat and lungs like an escalator.When your body is well hydrated the virus lands on a watery mucous where it floats and is moved up and out of the throat and lungs by the wave created by the constant motion of the Cilia.When your body is dehydrated the virus lands on a thick sticky mucous where it sticks and the thickness of the mucous prevents the Cilia from moving so virus particles can’t be removed.Virus particles float on a watery surface and stick to a sticky surface.1. Sticky Higher Dose vs. Watery Lower Dose Dehydrated sticky mucous traps Covid-19 virus particles for a higher dose of the virus. Hydrated watery mucous helps remove Covid-19 virus particles from your throat and lungs for a lower dose of the virus. When more virus particles are trapped in the throat and lungs this increases the dose of the virus in your body increasing the severity of your case of Covid-19.2. Immune System Detective vs. Mucociliary Escalator Directive Your immune system can take days to recognize the Covid-19 virus which is new and good at hiding its’ identity. During this time each virus particle can take root and multiply hundreds of times. Your body’s Mucociliary escalator is constantly moving to immediately remove any virus particles that land on your throat and lungs. This helps prevent them from multiplying so you have less virus to fight. The longer the COVID-19 virus particles are in your throat and lungs, the better their chance of taking root and multiplying.3. Immune System Damage The reaction of your body's immune system to the COVID-19 virus can cause more damage than the virus. Your immune system destroys things in your body as it fights the virus. Reducing the amount of virus your body has to fight helps reduce the amount of your body's reaction and reduce the amount of damage done. Would you rather fight a larger or smaller war? Your immune system fights the virus. Your Mucociliary escalator removes the virus so you don't have to fight it.Your Body’s First and Second Line of Defense You need your body’s first line of defense, your Mucociliary escalator and your body’s second line of defense, your immune system to fight the Covid-19 virus. Drinking water helps your Mucociliary escalator remove virus particles from your throat and lungs and helps strengthen your immune system as well. (Your Mucociliary escalator also removes dust, pollen, bacteria, air pollution and smoke particles from your throat and lungs.)The Fourth Protocol for Fighting Covid-19 There are currently three protocols to fight the COVID-19 virus. Washing hands, wearing a mask and social distancing. These work outside the body to help reduce the amount of virus particles that enter your body, for a lower dose of the virus. Drinking water 3 times a day is a fourth protocol that works inside your body to help your Mucociliary escalator wash away COVID-19 virus particles from your throat and lungs for a lower dose of the virus. In addition to the first 3 protocols consider adding drinking water 3 times a day as a fourth protocol to help you fight the Covid-19 virus.Avoiding Dehydration Windows You want to avoid dehydration windows where the virus has time to multiply. Dehydration windows are periods of time where you don’t drink water and your body becomes dehydrated. Drinking water at 7:00 in the morning and forgetting to drink water until 7:00 at night creates a 12 hour dehydration window. During this time your mucous can become thick and sticky trapping virus particles and letting them multiply.The Easy Way is 3 Times a Day Drinking water three times a day is the easy way to cover your day. Morning, noon and night or breakfast, lunch and dinner.You can also drink water mid morning and mid afternoon to add more water.You may need to add more water with increased heat or activity. You want to drink water throughout your day to help wash Covid-19 virus particles away. There are suggested guidelines for how much water children should drink according to their age and size. You can research these or contact me for a basic set of guidelines. Every body is different so each child will be different as well. Some may need less water and some may need more. Their activity level can differ as well. How Drinking Water Helps Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Depression The stress that children, teachers and parents feel is real. Dehydration depresses and stresses the brain adding to it. Drinking water helps hydrate your brain which helps you feel happier and more energy. Even a little dehydration can affect a child or adults mood so drinking water is very important for this as well. (Google dehydration and depression to check it out)Protecting Your Family and Friends You can get Covid-19 and not show symptoms for days or never show symptoms but still be contagious. Nobody wants to be a super spreader infecting other people with the COVID-19 virus. Drinking water helps protect your family and friends by helping keep your Mucociliary escalator working at full speed to remove more virus particles to help reduce your viral dose so you have less virus to spread. You especially want to protect vulnerable people like grandparents, and people who have underlying health issues. Here we have a miniature hay escalator to demonstrate how the speed that your Mucociliary escalator moves virus particles up and out of your throat and lungs makes a big difference. We are using red Legos to represent the virus particles. If you are well hydrated, your mucus is watery and your cilia can move their fastest to remove COVID-19 virus particles from your throat and lungs. Here you can see it moving quickly to remove the virus particles. The more dehydrated you are, the thicker the mucous lining your throat and lungs and the slower you're Mucociliary escalator goes. Here you can see the escalator going slower and slower and then stopping. Your Mucociliary escalator also fights allergies, bacteria and air pollution in addition to viruses. Here you can see yellow Legos representing pollen, orange Legos representing bacteria, and brown Legos representing air pollution. Your Mucociliary escalator has one main purpose. Its main directive is to get rid of anything that you breathe in, that lands on your throat and lungs to remove it from your body. Now your Mucociliary escalator has thousands of cilia in a carpet that covers your throat and lungs to help protect them. Here we have an image showing multiple escalators to help you imagine the thousands of cilia that coat your throat and lungs that are constantly moving to help protect your body from airborne invaders. If the mucus lining your throat lungs is so thick that it shuts down your Mucociliary escalator and no virus particles are being removed, you end up with a higher dose of the virus than if it was able to remove virus particles. You want the fastest escalator speed so the virus particles don't have a chance to take root. Once virus particles take root, they begin to multiply, so you want to get rid of them quickly, before they can do that. Mucociliary is a combination of the words mucus and cilia.So it your mucous cilia escalator, and the medical term for it is Mucociliary escalator. If somebody coughs or sneezes and you breathe in the COVID-19 virus particles, you want to get rid of as many of them as you can. When you're dehydrated and your mucus becomes thick and sticky, it slows down your Mucociliary escalator so it can't remove as many virus particles and you end up with a higher dose of the virus than if you had thin watery mucus, where your Mucociliary escalator could work faster, getting rid of more virus particles. To demonstrate how movement is easier with water than a thick solution, we're going to try stirring water, then we're going to start a thick solution and then we're going to add water to the thick solution and see how when it becomes thinner movement is easier. So we're going to start out by stirring water in a bowl and you can see it's very easy to move, you know it doesn't take a lot of effort it moves quite easily. Now we're going to try stirring a thick solution in the bowl, and you can see how it's really hard to stir and is taking a lot of effort to stir. Now if we add some water to that thick solution, it's going to become thinner, it's going to become more watery. And so as we add water to it and then we stir it and it gets mixed together, you can see it's easier to stir, it becomes thinner and movement is a lot easier as well. So drinking water to help your body create a watery mucus for your throat and lungs is going to help the movement of the cilia and the removal of the COVID-19 virus particles. Here we have two trays, one with a watery surface and the other one with a thick, sticky surface. For this demonstration I'm using ping pong balls to represent the COVID-19 virus particles that float through the air and land on the mucous that lines your throat and lungs. The balls on the tray with the watery surface you can see how they float and are easy to move. The balls on the tray with the thick sticky surface, the balls stick and are hard to move. When you drink water and are well hydrated, the mucous lining your throat and lungs is watery like the first tray that the virus particles float on and are easy to move. When you are dehydrated the mucous lining your throat and lungs is thick and sticky like the second tray where the virus particles stick and are hard to move. An increase in your infectious dose can increase the severity of your fight with the COVID-19 virus. The delay in your immune system being able to identify the virus can be five to seven days. During that time the COVID-19 virus has time to take root and begin to replicate itself multiplying the amount of virus the body has to fight. Your Mucociliary escalator has one directive, get rid of anything that lands on the throat and lungs. It doesn't care if it's dust, pollen, bacteria or virus particle so there is no delay in removing it from your body. Your Mucociliary escalators immediate reaction is much faster than the five to seven day time period that it may take your immune system. Is it better for your body to fight a big war after the COVID-19 virus has multiplied for days or a smaller war after your Mucocilary escalator has removed most of the COVID-19 virus from your throat and lungs before they get a chance to multiply? By removing the virus particles before they get a chance to multiply it also lowers the number of virus that your body has to fight. Early intervention is important to help fight the COVID-19 virus. Drinking water to help you Mucociliary escalator reduce the number of COVID-19 virus particles can help you fight the virus in your upper respiratory system to help you have a milder case of the virus. Your upper respiratory system is your mouth, nose and throat. Your lower respiratory system is your lungs. Being well hydrated will help you fight the virus in both. HEALTHY LUNGSYour lungs have 600 million tiny air sacs called alveoli that breathe in oxygen, which passes through them into your blood and then breathe out carbon dioxide. Your alveoli are lined with a pulmonary surfactant fluid that helps reduce their surface tension to help your lungs inflate more easily. Being well hydrated helps produce this important fluid lining for your alveoli to help you breathe. Small children play a game where they point to their nose when you say the word nose as well as their mouth, their ears and their toes. If you ask an adult to point to the heart, brain and lungs, they know where they are. If you ask them where their Mucociliary escalator is, most people have never heard of it and didn't know they had one.We want to help people learn that they have a Mucociliary escalator and that drinking water helps it move faster to remove more virus particles before they can take root and multiply to lower the dose of the virus and make it easier to fight. HEALTHY HEART How drinking water helps your heart and helps fight COVID-19. Even if you're healthy otherwise, dehydration can cause low blood volume, which can cause high blood pressure. Your blood plasma is 90% water. When you're dehydrated, your body doesn't have enough water to create enough blood which lowers the amount of blood in your body. When the amount of blood in your body is lower your heart has to pump harder. As a survival response to your body not having blood your brain tells your pituitary gland to produce vasopressin, which tells your blood vessels to reduce in size. Pumping blood through smaller blood vessels increases your blood pressure to help get your blood sent throughout your whole body. It's kind of like when you're watering your lawn. If you put your thumb over the end of the hose, it creates a smaller opening to make the water go further. Making your heart pump blood through smaller blood vessels to create higher blood pressure increases the stress on your heart. Here you can see two red pipes representing a normal size and a smaller sized blood vessel with red clay balls representing blood clots. You can see how a larger blood clot that would pass through a normal sized blood vessel would get stuck in a blood vessel that had been reduced in size. Smaller blood vessels can increase the risk of blood clots getting stuck in them and blocking the blood that your organs in different areas of your body need to survive. Low blood volume also creates thicker blood which can contribute to blood clots becoming larger. The larger the blood clot, the more chance of a blood vessel being blocked and shutting off the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to that organ or part of the body. Thicker blood can also contribute to the creation of more blood clots. When you are dehydrated, your body doesn't have enough water to make enough blood, so your blood level goes down and your blood becomes thicker. To demonstrate this, you can see ketchup representing thick blood in a canister at a lower level than it should be. Thick blood is harder for the heart to pump and clots easier, raising the risk of blood clots. You can see how thick it is when we stir it. If we add water to it, you can see it becoming thinner and easier to stir, which will also make it easier for your heart to pump, less chance of blood clots, and raising the level of the blood to where it needs to be. Drinking water helps your body have the water that it needs to make enough blood. High blood pressure is also called hypertension and is one of the main underlying conditions for the COVID-19 virus. With the COVID-19 virus some doctors are having to fight blood clots that are appearing in the heart, lungs, brain and other areas of the body in their patients. Dehydration causes thicker blood which clots easier and smaller blood vessels which are blocked more easily. Some doctors are giving patients blood thinner to thin their blood and pharmaceuticals to increase the size of their blood vessels to help fight these blood clots, which are happening with the COVID-19 virus. When blood clots block a blood vessel, they prevent blood, oxygen and nutrients from reaching that organ or area of the body. Blood clots in the heart can trigger a heart attack. Blood clots in the brain can cause a stroke. Blood clots in the lungs can cause breathing problems. Blood clots in other organs in areas of the body cause problems as well. You can be healthy and still have problems with blood clots if you're dehydrated, as it creates thicker blood, which clots more easily, and smaller blood vessels which clog more easily. Drinking water is a natural way to help prevent blood clots that you can do at home. Early intervention is important when fighting the COVID-19 virus and drinking enough water at home can help you fight the COVID-19 virus in its early stages. Drinking water helps you fight the COVID-19 virus and helps you fight heart disease. This is important because heart disease is a leading cause of death in the world. Heart disease kills five times more people every year than respiratory diseases. Drinking water helps reduce the risk of heart disease by over 45%. Overworking your heart because you're not drinking enough water so your blood level is low, causing it to work too hard, can damage your heart and wear it out over time. When you're dehydrated, your heart has to work even harder. Your heart already works very hard. It pumps 2000 gallons of blood a day while beating over 100,000 times a day. The COVID-19 virus kills people quickly so it gets a lot of attention and press. Heart disease kills people over a longer period of time, usually years, so it doesn't get as much press, but it's just as deadly and kills many more people. The great thing about drinking water is that it helps you fight both COVID-19 and heart disease. There are certain heart conditions and underlying illnesses where you shouldn't be drinking as much water. Sometimes the body is retaining water and there are other reasons. So talking with your doctor about how much water you should be drinking, especially if you're dealing with heart issues is really important. HEALTHY BRAIN How drinking water helps your brain and helps fight the stress and fatigue from COVID-19. Dehydration damages organs and create stress. Dehydration physically stresses all the organs in your body, causing emotional stress in your brain as it worries about your organs and your body's survival. This added stress can lead to anxiety, feeling moody, headaches and depression. Drinking water helps hydrate the body so all the organs are doing good which helps the brain to feel good. Drinking water is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress in your life. I've talked to people who've started drinking water and they love the results. When things happen like a computer crashing, spilling something in the kitchen, or just something bad happens, instead of getting angry, now their reaction is a short laugh and a smile. They find themselves being more relaxed and more confident. Reducing your overall stress level will have a positive effect on your relationships with your family, friends, coworkers, and new people that you meet. In addition to adults, studies show that children are often dehydrated, which can lead them to act out as well as feeling depressed. Drinking water to stay well hydrated can help children deal with things better. Parents need to take care of themselves and their children. Drinking water can help you feel better and have more patience with your children. Dehydration can also cause fatigue, and low energy. Dehydration causes a lower blood level so your brain may be getting less blood and oxygen, as well as having to ration the reduced blood level to the most important organs, which lowers their ability to function. Less blood, oxygen and nutrients to your brain can cause your body to feel tired, fatigue, and low energy. If you feel like you could use more energy, try drinking some water. It does make a difference. 1% dehydration equals 5% loss of brain power. Even a mild amount of dehydration can affect your mood and brain. If you are 1% dehydrated, you lose 5% of your brains processing power. If you are 5% dehydrated, you lose 25% of your brain's processing power, hurting your ability to think and make decisions. It's harder to think when you are dehydrated. Studies show that when you feel thirsty, you may already be 2 to 3% dehydrated, which means your brain is working at a 10 to 15% reduction, inability to think as well as affecting your mood. If you work in a job that requires thinking, drinking water so you brain is functioning at its best processing power really helps. If you're an athlete, drinking water helps your brain calculate quickly. Calculating the distance and angle to the basket or goal, or your opponent's move and your response faster can help you win. If you're a coach who wants a winning season, keep your team hydrated even during practice. If you play video games, drinking water makes your brain faster with stronger processing power. If you're a student, drinking water helps increase your ability to concentrate and your memory. When I feel my brain getting a little fuzzy, I drink some water and it helps. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. A study shows that 75% of Americans don't drink enough water every day, which leaves their bodies in a constant state of stress. This constant stress from lack of water hurts your immune system and your body's ability to defend itself from disease. As a survival response to stress your adrenal glands produce cortisol. Chronic dehydration can create chronic stress, which can wear out your adrenal glands by making them continuously produce cortisol, which can lower your immune system and make you more susceptible to inflammation and disease. Stress also lowers your white blood cells, which your body needs to fight viruses like the COVID-19 virus. Let's take a look at three different types of stress. Baseline stress, daily stress, and dehydration stress. Baseline stress is stress from the past that you haven't let go of which could be from days, months, or even years ago. The amount of baseline stress will be different from person to person. Daily stress are things that happen during your day like your car not starting, having somebody be rude to you or getting into an argument. Baseline stress and daily stress can add up. The more bad things that happen, the more upset you can become. When we get really upset, it is often not just about what just happened, but everything that happened before it as well. For baseline stress there are psychological skills you can learn to help you go through your past to remove things you no longer want to be angry about. It is kind of like moving and deciding what you want to take with you moving forward with your life and what you want to leave behind. Sometimes there are things you have kept through past moves, that you're finally ready to get rid of. Getting rid of anger from your past can feel really good. For daily stress there are also skills you can learn to help you deal with things during your day as they happen to help keep your stress level lower. Two of the best skills are learning how to let things go and looking for things to be thankful for. Dehydration stress happens when your body becomes dehydrated and all the fluids in your body are too low, which stresses your body and every organ in it. When you are dehydrated it stresses your heart, your lungs, your digestive system, your kidneys and liver and your brain. This physical stress on your body creates emotional stress which can lead to depression and anxiety as well as making you feel lethargic and low energy. Not drinking enough water adds dehydration stress to your baseline and daily stress. While your baseline and daily stress takes skills to handle, drinking water is an easy solution to dehydration stress. Drinking Water three times a day to replace water your body loses during the day is a great way to fight dehydration stress. With increased exercise activity or heat, you may be sweating more, so you may need to add some more water for that as well. Paying attention to your body's fluid levels and staying well hydrated will help keep your stress levels down and help you feel happier, more relaxed and confident. Drinking a glass of water in the morning, at noon, and in the late afternoon or evening will help hydrate your body and help keep your brain healthy and happy. HEALTHY KIDNEYS AND LIVERRemoving Debris from the COVID-19 Virus War How drinking water helps your kidneys and liver and helps fight the COVID-19 virus. The war between your body and the COVID-19 virus leaves broken cells, toxins and waste in your body that need to be cleaned out. Your kidneys need water to help them process and get rid of the toxins and waste that is sent to them to dispose of. If you are dehydrated, your kidneys don't have the water they need to process and carry the toxins and waste out of your body. If your kidneys get plugged up and they fail, toxic waste can be stuck in your body, reducing your health and your ability to fight off infections. Drinking water helps your kidneys function. Each day your kidneys filter about 40 gallons of fluids in your body. Your kidneys then get rid of about two quarts of waste and fluid they filter out each day when you pee. When kidneys can't function like they should, instead of filtering the waste it is sent back into your body where it builds up causing problems inside your body. Lack of water can also cause kidney stones. When your body gets dehydrated, your urine can become concentrated and the excess minerals in it can form a crystal formation which as it gets larger becomes a kidney stone. Kidney stones can get up to the size of a golf ball, are very painful and you want to avoid them. Drinking water helps you avoid kidney stones. Not drinking enough water can also contribute to urinary tract infections, which can be painful as well. Dehydration causes low blood level, which can cause an increase in vasopressin, which constricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure, which isn't good for your heart. It also isn't good for your kidneys and liver as vasopressin tells your kidneys to retain water and the liver to produce blood sugar. If you have diabetes, your kidneys can become overworked, trying to process the extra sugar in your blood and excess sugar must be peed out, which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can also make your bladder feel irritated, which can make you feel the need to pee more urgently and frequently. Kidneys also help control blood pressure, make red blood cells, help keep your bones strong and help regulate electrolytes so you want to keep your kidneys healthy. Water is needed to help your kidneys function as they should to remove toxins and waste from your body. Drinking water is an easy way to help keep your kidneys healthy. Drinking water helps your liver function. Your liver is the largest organ in your body and does about 500 important functions for your body. The blood leaving your stomach and intestines goes into your liver, which processes and filters it. Your liver is like a factory, which processes protein, carbohydrates and fat sent from the digestive system and creates custom fluids for many organs in different parts of your body. Your liver is also like a control panel, which controls different systems in your body as well. Your liver also stores vitamins and minerals, as well as helping your immune system. Drinking enough water to stay hydrated is vital to the liver being able to function as it should. Dehydration can also cause the bile duct in your liver to contract and form gallstones. Drinking water helps your kidneys and liver stay strong and be able to do their jobs. Your kidneys and liver are vital to your survival and to helping you fight and defeat the COVID-19 virus.HEALTHY DIGESTIVE SYSTEM How drinking water helps your digestive system and helps fight COVID-19. Your digestive system is important to your survival. Your body needs nutrients to survive. You need water to be able to produce enough saliva and stomach acid to process the food you eat as well as carry it through the intestines and remove the waste. Dehydration can cause serious problems to your digestive system. Drinking water helps keep your stomach and digestive system healthy. The saliva your mouth produces every time you chew is the first step in the digestion process. Saliva helps make food wet and easier to swallow, as well as beginning to digest some starches. Saliva is 98% water. So drinking water is important to help your body produce enough saliva. A lot of people think that acid reflux is when your stomach has too much stomach acid and actually the opposite is true. Acid reflux is caused by too little stomach acid. When you're dehydrated, your body doesn't have enough water to make enough stomach acid, which makes it harder for it to digest food. If you have food in your stomach and not enough stomach acid to process it, it will send it back up into your throat. When it sends the food up, some of the stomach acid will go with the food causing acid reflux. To demonstrate this we have a glass jar with food and colored water to represent stomach acid. The Jar holds 32 ounces, which is about the size of your stomach with food in it. In this first jar, you can see we have the food and we have plenty of stomach acid to process it. In this second photo you can see the jar has food in it but a much lower level of stomach acid which doesn't even cover the amount of the food so it's going to have a much harder time processing it. Drinking enough water so your body can produce enough stomach acid will help your digestive system process food and help you avoid acid reflux. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated, which can cause damage throughout the digestive system. Drinking water to stay hydrated can help heal your digestive system. I talked with a person who after four months of drinking water to help keep their body hydrated and help their digestive system heal, were able to eat things that they couldn't before, including an increased tolerance for gluten. Your body needs water to help your intestines absorb nutrients and deliver them to the rest of your body. Water helps the mucosal lining and villi in your small intestine absorb nutrients. Without water, the mucus and villi lining your small intestine can be damaged. Water is also needed to create blood to carry the nutrients throughout your body. Your digestive system needs water to get rid of waste, which leaves your body as pee or poop. Your kidneys need water to help them process waste and toxins and remove them from your body when you pee. Your intestines need water to help create a soft stool or turd that can easily pass out of your body. When you're dehydrated there is not enough water so the stool is dry and hard and harder to pass. Drinking water is an easy way to help keep your digestive system healthy. HEALTHY JOINTS AND MUSCLES How drinking water helps your joints and muscles and helps fight COVID-19. How drinking water helps lubricate and cushion your joints. The cartilage in your joints is 70 to 80% water. If you don't drink enough water, you become dehydrated and your cartilage dries out causing friction and pain as well as reducing your cartilage's ability to cushion. Water is also needed for synovial fluid which helps lubricate and cushion your joints and cartilage. Synovial fluid lubricates your joints to reduce the friction so they can slide easier for less wear. When you're dehydrated your body doesn't have enough water to make enough synovial fluid to lubricate your joints. Lack of synovial fluid can cause friction between your bones which causes wear and pain. Drinking water helps relieve back and neck pain. There are jelly like disks made mainly of water in between the 24 bones in your back that cushion them. Dehydration dries out these discs which reduces their ability to cushion and can cause back and neck pain. Dehydration also contributes to hip pain. Dehydrated joints and cartilage are also more easily damaged and more easily injured. Well hydrated cartilage is wetter so it can slide easier with less friction to wear it down, which can also help it slide instead of tearing. When cartilage is dehydrated, it is dry with increased stiffness, less flexibility and can tear more easily. There is more wear and tear with dehydrated, dry cartilage. Your body's survival response to dehydration is to send water to the most important organs first, and so your brain heart, lungs, liver and kidneys and other really important organs get it first and then the areas that aren't as critical to immediate survival end up getting less water. This means a little dehydration can have a big impact on your cartilage as they are lower on your body's survival response list. Drinking water is an easy way to help keep your joints and cartilage's healthy. How hydration helps muscle strength. Your muscles are 79% water and will be able to work stronger longer if they are well hydrated. Dehydration reduces the flow of blood, nutrients and electrolytes to your muscles, making them weaker. When your body is 3% dehydrated, it can reduce your muscle performance by 10%. When you feel thirsty, you're already two to 3% dehydrated so it's easy to become that dehydrated and lose that much muscle performance. Drinking water to hydrate your muscles will also increase your muscles endurance. Dehydration can cause muscle fatigue. When muscles are exhausted it is often because they are dehydrated. Your muscles are also more susceptible to injury when they are dehydrated. Dry muscles tear easier. Dehydration can also reduce your workout. When working out dehydration decreases the number of repetitions you can do. Dehydrated muscles also have a slower recovery after working out and slower recovery after a muscle injury. If you're dehydrated your muscles cramp and it hurts. Not enough water can also contribute to muscle aches. If you're feeling muscle aches or pain, dehydration magnifies that pain. When your brain is dehydrated, it can contribute to headaches as well. Drinking water helps your athletic performance. Drinking water to help hydrate your muscles will help you be stronger during competition, as well as having more endurance at the end of the game or competition. Drinking water to hydrate your muscles and joint cartilage can help you have less severe injuries as well as recover faster. You want to continually hydrate drinking water the days before the competition as well as the date of the competition. You also want to hydrate during the competition if you can. Drinking water takes time to get into your system to hydrate your body. If you're a coach and want a winning season, drinking water can give your players an edge by keeping your team hydrated during the season, even during practice. The combination of a faster brain, stronger muscles and more endurance by drinking water can help you get more wins.A NEW STRATEGY FOR DRINKING WATER Your body loses water throughout the day, which needs to be replaced. The easiest way is to drink water three times a day. Drinking water in the morning, at noon and at night helps spread out your water intake throughout your day. You want to avoid dehydration windows, which are periods of time where you aren't drinking water. If you drink water at seven in the morning, and then your day gets busy and you forget to drink water until seven at night, you will have a 12 hour window of time where your body is dehydrated. Drinking water three times a day in the morning, at noon, and late afternoon or evening is an easy way to cover your day. You can also drink water mid-morning and mid-afternoon i you want to add more water. Drinking a glass of water as the first thing you do when you get up gives your body what it needs to start the day and gets that first glass out of the way. Drink your second glass of water around noon, and the third glass of water in the late afternoon or evening. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner It's easy to get busy and forget to drink water. An easy way to remember is to drink a glass of water with each meal at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Water is a natural appetite suppressant which will help you eat less. Drinking a glass of water one half hour before a meal can help you feel fuller and can increase weight loss by 20 to 30%. In addition to drinking water before, you may want to drink water during your meal as well. Drink water when you feel hungry, your body can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst. Sometimes when you feel hungry, you are actually thirsty, and dehydration can make you crave sugar. When you feel hungry, try drinking a cup of water to see if it curbs your hunger. If you're still hungry, you can eat food, but will probably eat less food after drinking a cup of water. You may want to set a timer or the alarm on your cell phone or computer calendar to remind you to drink water. You may also just try to remember to drink water in the morning, around noon and in the late afternoon or evening. It can be good to have a water encouragement partner. If you challenge someone to do the COVID-19 water challenge with you, calling them to encourage them once a day or once a week can help encourage them as well as yourself. It can also create a good connection. Now if you call them to encourage them and you're having a busy day, let them know you only have 10 minutes to talk. When you drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, you may feel a strong urge for a bowel movement, the need to poop, about 10 minutes after you drink the water. So I'm going to suggest not drinking water right before going out the door or you may be in your car on the way to work needing the bathroom urgently. Exercise, Activity and HeatWhen you exercise, increase your activity or are in the heat you may sweat more which means you are losing more water and need to drink more water to replace it. This is in addition to the regular water you are drinking three times a day. Sweat is your body's natural way of cooling you down. As your sweat evaporates from your skin it cools you down. When you sweat, you lose water that needs to be replaced. When exercising, you need more water. Generally a cup of water before working out, a cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes during your workout and a cup of water after your workout is suggested. I was talking with a neighbor who was walking around the block and he said he needed to keep walking to exercise his heart to help keep it healthy. Exercise is great, but you need to drink water to replace water lost during exercise. If you exercise and don't drink water, your body can become dehydrated. Dehydration can damage your heart as well as the other organs in your body. Increased Activity If you're working in the yard, going hiking, cleaning the house, doing different activity where you may sweat with the increased activity, you need to drink more water. I talked to a person who had been working on a project where they were very focused and didn't drink water over a four hour period of time where they were sweating. Afterwards they felt very thirsty and when they peed, it was dark yellow. They should have been drinking water during the project to replace the water they were losing. You can become dehydrated very quickly with exercise and activity, as well as with heat. In hot weather or hot surroundings where you sweat more, you will need to drink more water to replace the water loss from sweating. When you're sick, you may have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, which are three things that can happen with the COVID-19 virus, with each of these you lose water that needs to be replaced. Hydration Variables Men generally need more water than women. When women have their period, they lose water that needs to be replaced. Hydration can also help make a period less severe. When you are pregnant you need more water for you and your baby. There can be very serious consequences and complications for your baby if you are dehydrated while pregnant. You may want to discuss this with your doctor. If you have underlying health conditions or on medications, it can change how much water you need. When you weigh more, you may need more water. A person who weighs 200 pounds may need more water than a person who weighs 100 pounds. How much water should you drink? This is that big question. Everybody is different. And as you can see, there are different variables to consider. Talking to your doctor is a good idea, especially if you're on medications or under a doctor's care. You may want to start by drinking a 16 ounce glass of water three times a day and adjust it as needed for your body. Everybody is different. Some people may need less water and some may need more. If you feel you need more water, you can add an eight ounce cup or a 16 ounce glass of water mid-morning and mid-afternoon. You can drink a specific amount of water or drink until it feels right. There are mornings when I drink about 12 ounces of water in the morning, which feels good to me. Sometimes I force the last four ounces to drink 16 ounces, and sometimes I don't. You want to find what works best for you and your body. When you feel thirsty you're already two to 3% dehydrated, so being on a regular schedule does help. Many people have heard of the eight 8 ounce glasses of water rule that was actually eight cups of water. Eight ounces of water equals one cup, which is about half the size of the average glass. If you go into your kitchen and you look at a measuring cup, you'll see that eight ounces equals one cup. It's an actual scientific measurement. So eight 8 ounce cups of water equals four 16 ounce glasses of water, which seems a lot easier to do. Here you can see four 16 ounce glasses and eight 8 ounce Styrofoam cups. One 16 ounce glass equals two 8 ounce cups, so you can drink eight 9 ounce cups of water or four 16 ounce glasses of water to get the same amount of water. You can also do a mixture of cups and glasses. You can also get your fourth glass of water from the fluids in the foods that you eat, as well as the things that you drink. You can also add additional water by sipping on water during the day, adding a mid-morning or midafternoon glass or a cup of water or additional water in the evening.Measuring Your Cups and Glasses One cup equals eight ounces is a measurement. Cups that you drink from come in different sizes. Some cups hold eight ounces, some cups hold 16 ounces or somewhere in between. There are different size glasses as well. You can use a measuring cup to measure out one cup of water which is eight ounces, or two cups of water which is 16 ounces and pour it into the cup or glass you'll be drinking from to see how full it gets with that amount of water. Bottled water and Water bottle If you drink bottled water an average bottle of water is 16.9 ounces so you can drink one of those in the morning, one at noon, and one at night. Bottled water is generally in one time use bottles that are not made for reuse. If you're going to refill a water bottle, you may want to buy a reusable water bottle that's made for being refilled. You may get one that you sip from or one with a straw. One thing I would suggest is avoid sipping soda, sugary drinks or juice during the day. A friend of mine would sip on a soft drink during the day, which kept his mouth in a sugar state and ended up needing over $10,000 of dental work. Instead of a sugary drink, it's better to sip on water. Now I like water just straight up, but some people like to flavor their water so you may look for some healthy flavoring, you can add to your water if that helps you drink water. Drinking too much water, you can lose electrolytes so you may want to add electrolytes to your water as well. Drinking Water for Children Water is important for children as well. How much water has a lot of variables for children, just like it does adults. We're going to give you a general idea that you can use here if you choose to, but we do take no responsibility for its use. You want to adjust water intake for your child's needs. Like I say there are many different variables to consider, but as a general idea I suggest offering a child water during the day and letting them decide whether to drink it. Too much water can be bad for a child, just like it can be bad for an adult. For toddlers two to four years old, you may want to offer them a cup of water twice a day. For four to eight year old children you may want to offer them a cup of water four to five times a day, with morning, noon and night water as well as a possible mid-morning or mid-afternoon water. For nine to 14 year olds, you may want to offer them a glass of water three times a day and a cup of water twice a day. You want to adjust the amount of water that your child is drinking for your child's needs, and talk to your doctor to get their recommendation on how much water your child should be drinking. To help young children want to drink water you may consider getting them a special cup, glass or water bottle and letting them pick it out themselves. It could be a superhero cup, some other character or just a glass that they really like. They may want to get one with a straw or with a flip top that they can drink out of. You may also want to get a water bottle that has an area where you can attach a strap to it so they can carry it with them on walks and outings. There are also water bottle carriers that you can buy as well. Drinking ice water or using ice cubes can make it more special than just plain water. Reserving this cup, class or bottle for only water can make it more special too. For teenagers, you can encourage them to drink water by telling them how drinking water will help their skin have less acne, make their hair look great and help them feel happier. You want to let your children know that while drinking water is good, drinking too much water doesn't get any better results and can be bad for you. You can get water from food you eat and drinks you drink. You can get water from foods like yoghurt, soups and salads. You can also get water from drinks like milk, juice and smoothies. Vegetables like celery, carrots, cauliflower and peppers contain water. Fruits like watermelon, cantaloupes, grapes, apples and oranges contain water as well. These are just a few of the foods that have water in them that can add to your water intake during the day. There can be about a cup of water in an apple. Eating an apple will probably give you more water than a bag of chips, be better for you and cost less.Pee and Pinch Hydration Test The color of your pee and the speed of your skin can help you tell whether you're hydrated or need to drink water. If your pee is clear or light yellow, you are probably good. If it is deep yellow or darker or smells, you probably need to be drinking more water. If you pinch the skin on the back of your hand and release it and it goes flat quickly you are hydrated. If you hold the skin on the back of your hand between your thumb and finger and release it and it takes time to go flat you may be dehydrated. The more dehydrated you are the more damage it does. Being a little bit dehydrated does a little bit of damage. Being really dehydrated can do a lot more damage. If a car's engine needs five quarts of oil, running it with four quarts of oil isn't the best thing, but it won't do that much damage. When your engine needs five quarts of oil if you run it on one quart of oil, it will damage your engine, which may seize up and stop working. If you're a little dehydrated, it isn't the best, but it isn't doing too much damage. If you are really dehydrated, it can damage your organs and over time lead to disease. The longer you run your car's engine low on oil, the more damage it does. The longer you run your body low on water, the more damage it does. Really low fluids for a longer time will cause more damage. I was talking with a mechanic who said people could save thousands of dollars on their car repairs if they would do one thing. He said checking all the fluid levels in your car once a month would let you know when something was going wrong with the car and would help keep your fluid levels up where you needed them. Checking your engine oil, your radiator fluid, your brake fluid and your transmission fluid are the four main areas of your car that you need to check the fluids for. So generally it shouldn't take over five or 10 minutes and is a great way to save on car repair. Your body's fluids are just as important and keeping their level up will help protect you from damage that can cost tens of thousands of dollars in repairs. It can be amazing how much hospitals charge for parts and labor these days, and usually keeping your original equipment in good running shape is better than getting replacement parts. A car needs different fluids for different areas like engine oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid and radiator fluid. With a car being low on brake fluid won't affect the amount of engine oil. Your body needs one fluid which is water. It needs water to create all the fluids in your body and when your body is low on water, it lowers all the fluids for every organ in every part of your body. You want to be careful not to drink too much water. You want to drink the amount of water that your body needs. If you drink a little too much water it is usually just peed out. If you drink too much water, it can flush out the electrolytes and other things in your system that your body needs. If you feel like you've lost too much electrolytes, you may want to add some to your water. If you drink way too much water, it can have some serious consequences and side effects. I talked with a person whose doctor told them they were drinking too much water, which is why they weren't feeling good and suggested they drink a little less and possibly add some electrolytes. Drinking water more than your body needs doesn't get you any more benefits and too much water can be bad for you. If you forget to drink water, don't try to make it up by drinking too much water at one time. Your body can only process 24 to 32 ounces of fluids in an hour which is about a 16 ounce glass and a half of water to two glasses of water. There are some websites that tell you to drink more water than your body may need. I'm going to suggest listening to your body and talking to your doctor. There are some heart conditions and other illnesses where shouldn't drink as much water. So talking to your doctor is a really good idea. Getting people in the habit of drinking water three times a day is a good first step. You wouldn't make a person trying to get in shape, do 100 push-ups on the first day. We want to encourage people to drink water during the day and if they're a little bit low, it's still a lot better than if they were really low. Dehydration is an underlying health issue that can create other underlying health issues. Nobody told me how important drinking water was. I remember hearing that drinking water was good for you, but nobody really told me about the bad things that happen to your body if you don't drink water, and the wonderful great things that happen to your body if you do drink water. Drinking water helps you avoid the bad stuff and get the good stuff. People concentrate on eating healthy which is great, but also need to drink water to keep their body well hydrated throughout the day to stay healthy as well. Getting in the habit of drinking water three times a day and paying attention to your water intake will help you live a healthier, happier life. Share with Family & Friends Drinking water helps fight the COVID-19 virus by helping your body's mucociliary escalator remove COVID-19 virus particles from your throat and lungs. The COVID-19 water challenge is easy. Drink water three times a day. Drinking a glass of water in the morning, at noon, and a glass in the late afternoon or evening will help keep you hydrated and help defeat the COVID-19 virus. This video has information for your consideration. It is still up to you to decide what you want to do. For medical advice about drinking water, you will need to talk with your doctor. One of the problems with washing your hands, wearing a mask and social distancing protocols is getting people to do it. We want to show you all the wonderful benefits of drinking water to help you want to drink water as a fourth protocol to help fight COVID-19. Please share the COVID-19 water challenge with your family and friends and on social media. Challenge and encourage them to drink water three times a day. You can find links to our posts on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms in the about section of the menu on our website, mon where you can also click on contact in the menu to contact us as well. Our goal is to save lives and help people have healthier, happier lives. We also want to help reopen the economy so people can get their jobs back to take care of themselves and their families. It would also be great for kids to be able to go back to school and you know, to see their friends be able to go to a concert or a sporting event or take a vacation. Wouldn't it be great to get life back closer to where it was before this whole thing started? If you're an influencer with a news group, if you're a medical professional, with the government, whoever you might be, if you can help us spread the news about drinking water to help keep the body healthier, and help defeat the COVID-19 virus, drinking water as a fourth protocol, we would love to talk to you, love to supply you with information about the COVID-19 water challenge. A fun way to help spread the word about drinking water is to take photos of you and your water and share them online. Your "me and my water" photo can reflect your life. It could be in your kitchen drinking your first glass of water in the morning, or in the evening relaxing. You might be at work on a walk or some other activity. The photo of you and your water can be fun, humorous, sexy, thoughtful, or whatever you want it to be. You can also challenge family and friends to come up with their most creative photo of themselves with their water. You may also want to create a "me and my water" video. You can post your photo or video on different social media platforms, as well as in the comments here. You can also tweet it at #meandmywater. I want to thank you so much for listening. Stay safe, stay hydrated, and I'll talk with you soon. BEAUTY BENEFITSWATER BEFORE FOOD DIET? The water before food diet is easy to do. Simply drink water before each meal. When you drink a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal it increases your metabolism by 30%, helps fill your stomach and decreases your appetite to help you lose weight. One of the hardest things with weight loss is keeping the weight off. Most diets have food restrictions that are hard to maintain. Drinking water before a meal is an easy way to restrict the amount of food you are eating. The water before food diet can be used by itself with your normal meals. It can also be used with other diet programs. Here you can see two glass containers representing your stomach that hold 32 ounces, which is generally what your stomach holds with food in it. The first container is empty and can hold 32 ounces of food. When we pour a 16 ounce glass of water in the second container, it fills it up halfway leaving room for only 16 ounces of food. Drinking water before a meal will help you feel fuller faster and is an easy way to restrict food intake. It also helps provide your body with the water it needs during the day. So drinking water helps with both weight loss and hydration. Your body can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst. Sometimes when you're hungry, you may actually be thirsty. Try drinking a cup of water first and see if that works. If you're still hungry, you can eat food, but you'll probably eat less food if you drank a cup of water first. Dehydration causes sugar cravings, which can cause you to want sugary foods and drinks. Drinking water helps reduce your sugar cravings which helps with weight loss. Sometimes people drink more calories than they eat. You may want to consider adding a healthy water flavoring to your water to replace soft drinks. Your metabolism is a major factor in weight loss and uses about two thirds of your daily calories to keep your body working. Your heart pumps 2000 gallons of blood a day, which burns calories as well as your other body functions that burn calories too. Drinking a glass of water can increase your metabolism from 10 to 30% for close to an hour. Your body needs water to function and if it doesn't get enough water, it slows down which slows down your metabolism. When your body is dehydrated, it is harder for it to burn fat. Water helps your body break down fat and burn calories. Not drinking enough water affects your muscles ability to burn calories as well. The growth hormone HGH is a great fat burner, but dehydration lowers your body's production of it, which hurts your weight loss. When your body is dehydrated it creates stress on all the organs in the body, which stresses the brain, which you increases production of cortisol. Cortisol hurts weight loss. Dehydration can cause blood sugar to rise, which leads to insulin resistance, which can hurt your weight loss. Water helps fight cellulite. Dehydration contributes to larger lumps of cellulite. Drinking water helps remove toxins that can create fat deposits that gather under your skin. Drinking a glass of water in the morning, at noon and in the late afternoon will help hydrate your body and help you lose weight. Drinking water is an important foundational part of any weight loss program. HEALTHY HAIR How drinking water helps build healthy hair and helps fight COVID-19. Your hair follicles need water, oxygen and nutrients to produce a great strand of hair. If you're well hydrated, your hair follicles get all the building materials they need to create a thick, strong, well hydrated strand of hair. If you're dehydrated, your hair follicles get less water, oxygen and nutrients to build a strand of hair with and can only build a thin weak dry strand of hair. If you're really dehydrated, your hair follicles don't even get enough to build a hair. So when you naturally shed a hair, it can't be replaced and that space on your head is empty. To demonstrate this, here you can see a bunch of water, oxygen and nutrients that help build a strong strand of hair. When there is less of these building materials your hair follicle can only create a thin piece of hair. And when there's no building materials, your hair follicle is empty because it can't even build a strand of hair. When you're dehydrated some hair follicles will be able to build a really thin strand of hair, while others won't even be able to build a hair so you get a combination of thin hair and thinning hair on your head. Your Body's Survival Priorities When you're dehydrated, your body doesn't have enough water to make enough blood and goes into survival mode. Your body prioritizes where to send blood carrying oxygen and nutrients for its survival. Your body's top priority is getting blood, oxygen and nutrients to your brain first, followed by your heart, kidneys, liver and other organs. When you're dehydrated, your hair is very low on your body's survival priority list, so it gets very little of the blood and nutrients and water that the hair follicles need to build great hair. When your hair follicles get a reduced amount of building materials, they barely have enough to create a hair. With less blood, nutrients and water they can only create weak, dry, thin, brittle hair. Drinking water helps your body create enough blood which increases the amount of blood, oxygen, water and nutrients that your hair follicles receive to make new hair. This helps your hair follicles create thick, shiny, well hydrated, strong strands of hair. Drinking Water also helps prevent thinning hair. When you naturally shed hair and it falls out it is normally replaced with a new hair. If you are really dehydrated, when a hair falls out and your hair follicle doesn't have enough blood, oxygen and nutrients to create a new hair, the hair on your head looks and is thinner. Drinking water helps your hair follicles receive all the blood, oxygen, nutrients and water that they need to create a new hair so when you naturally shed a hair, it can replace that hair with a new hair. Lack of water can also cause the skin on your head to be dry and flake causing dandruff as well. You can put conditioners on thin, dry, brittle hair to try to hydrate it but drinking water to build thick, strong, well hydrated, shiny hair should be your first step to get great hair. HEALTHY SKIN How drinking water helps your skin and helps fight COVID-19. Drinking water helps fight ageing and wrinkles. Your skin is 64% water and your body's largest organ. Dehydration can cause your skin to become dry and lose its elasticity. Drinking water helps keep your collagen hydrated and healthy, which helps fight ageing and wrinkles. Dehydration can also cause oily skin on your face and contribute to skin problems like acne, eczema and psoriasis. Drinking water helps create healthy skin and helps you fight these skin problems. If you aren't drinking enough water, your skin can look dry and dull, and it can also cause your skin's appearance to look uneven. Dehydration can also contribute to dark circles under your eyes and your eyes may look sunken. Drinking water helps increase the circulation in the skin around your eyes to make them look better. Dehydration can prevent toxins from being eliminated through your skin. You need to be able to sweat and release these toxins to help your body fight disease as well as keeping your body healthy. Drinking water also helps your skin heal faster and with less scarring. Drinking water helps fight cellulite. Dehydration can make your skin dry and thin because it has very little water in it. The thinner your skin, the more it shows us so you light under it. Water helps hydrate your skin which helps it hide cellulite. Drinking water is an easy way to have better skin. HEALTHY TEETH How drinking water helps your teeth and helps fight COVID-19. Saliva helps prevent cavities. Saliva helps wash away food particles that get stuck in your teeth. Bacteria feed on the food particles that get stuck in your teeth and produce an acid that creates cavities. More food particles give the bacteria more to feed on increasing the problem, so having enough saliva to wash away food particles is very important for your teeth. Saliva is 98% water, so drinking water is important to help your body produce enough saliva. Drinking water helps healthy gums. The acid that the bacteria create that hurts your teeth can also hurt your gums. Over time they can cause gum disease, which can contribute to tooth loss. Drinking water helps teeth enamel. Saliva has calcium and other minerals in it that can help strengthen the enamel in your teeth. Saliva can also help keep your teeth white by washing away food and drink before it can stain your teeth. Saliva helps prevent bad breath. Saliva is needed to wash away the bacteria and food particles which cause bad breath as they decompose in your mouth. Drinking water can also help your kisses taste sweeter. Saliva helps your teeth. Your teeth are important in the digestion process as they break down the food you eat before you swallow it. The stomach can't break down large chunks of unchewed food and they can rot in the stomach causing stomach problems. Swallowing large pieces of unchewed food can also cause choking. In addition to drinking water to help your teeth we do recommend brushing your teeth, flossing them and rinsing after your brush as well. So for the health of your teeth, your gums, your digestive system and your breath drinking water is an easy solution. ................

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